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<A HREF="toc.html">Contents</A>
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<H1><A name="compat">Linux FreeS/WAN Compatibility Guide</A></H1>
<P>Much of this document is quoted directly from the Linux FreeS/WAN<A href="mail.html">
 mailing list</A>. Thanks very much to the community of testers,
 patchers and commenters there, especially the ones quoted below but
 also various contributors we haven't quoted.</P>
<H2><A name="spec">Implemented parts of the IPsec Specification</A></H2>
<P>In general, do not expect Linux FreeS/WAN to do everything yet. This
 is a work-in-progress and some parts of the IPsec specification are not
 yet implemented.</P>
<H3><A name="in">In Linux FreeS/WAN</A></H3>
<P>Things we do, as of version 1.96:</P>
<LI>key management methods
<DT>manually keyed</DT>
<DD>using keys stored in /etc/ipsec.conf</DD>
<DT>automatically keyed</DT>
<DD>Automatically negotiating session keys as required. All connections
 are automatically re-keyed periodically. The<A href="glossary.html#Pluto">
 Pluto</A> daemon implements this using the<A href="glossary.html#IKE">
 IKE</A> protocol.</DD>
<LI>Methods of authenticating gateways for IKE
<DT>shared secrets</DT>
<DD>stored in<A href="manpage.d/ipsec.secrets.5.html"> ipsec.secrets(5)</A>
<DT><A href="glossary.html#RSA">RSA</A> signatures</DT>
<DD>For details, see<A href="manpage.d/ipsec_pluto.8.html"> pluto(8)</A>
<DT>looking up RSA authentication keys from<A href="glossary.html#DNS">
<DD>Note that this technique cannot be fully secure until<A href="glossary.html#SDNS">
 secure DNS</A> is widely deployed.</DD>
<LI>groups for<A href="glossary.html#DH"> Diffie-Hellman</A> key
<DT>group 2, modp 1024-bit</DT>
<DT>group 5, modp 1536-bit</DT>
<DD>We implement these two groups.
<P>In negotiating a keying connection (ISAKMP SA, Phase 1) we propose
 both groups when we are the initiator, and accept either when a peer
 proposes them. Once the keying connection is made, we propose only the
 alternative agreed there for data connections (IPsec SA's, Phase 2)
 negotiated over that keying connection.</P>
<LI>encryption transforms
<DT><A href="glossary.html#DES">DES</A></DT>
<DD>DES is in the source code since it is needed to implement 3DES, but
 single DES is not made available to users because<A href="politics.html#desnotsecure">
 DES is insecure</A>.</DD>
<DT><A href="glossary.html#3DES">Triple DES</A></DT>
<DD>implemented, and used as the default encryption in Linux FreeS/WAN.</DD>
<LI>authentication transforms
<DT><A href="glossary.html#HMAC">HMAC</A> using<A href="glossary.html#MD5">
<DD>implemented, may be used in IKE or by by AH or ESP transforms.</DD>
<DT><A href="glossary.html#HMAC">HMAC</A> using<A href="glossary.html#SHA">
<DD>implemented, may be used in IKE or by AH or ESP transforms.</DD>
<P>In negotiations, we propose both of these and accept either.</P>
<LI>compression transforms
<DD>IPComp as described in RFC 2393 was added for FreeS/WAN 1.6. Note
 that Pluto becomes confused if you ask it to do IPComp when the kernel
<P>All combinations of implemented transforms are supported. Note that
 some form of packet-level<STRONG> authentication is required whenever
 encryption is used</STRONG>. Without it, the encryption will not be
<H3><A name="dropped">Deliberately omitted</A></H3>
 We do not implement everything in the RFCs because some of those things
 are insecure. See our discussions of avoiding<A href="politics.html#weak">
 bogus security</A>.
<P>Things we deliberately omit which are required in the RFCs are:</P>
<LI>null encryption (to use ESP as an authentication-only service)</LI>
<LI>single DES</LI>
<LI>DH group 1, a 768-bit modp group</LI>
<P>Since these are the only encryption algorithms and DH group the RFCs
 require, it is possible in theory to have a standards-conforming
 implementation which will not interpoperate with FreeS/WAN. Such an
 implementation would be inherently insecure, so we do not consider this
 a problem.</P>
<P>Anyway, most implementations sensibly include more secure options as
 well, so dropping null encryption, single DES and Group 1 does not
 greatly hinder interoperation in practice.</P>
<P>We also do not implement some optional features allowed by the RFCs:</P>
<LI>aggressive mode for negotiation of the keying channel or ISAKMP SA.
 This mode is a little faster than main mode, but exposes more
 information to an eavesdropper.</LI>
<P>In theory, this should cause no interoperation problems since all
 implementations are required to support the more secure main mode,
 whether or not they also allow aggressive mode.</P>
<P>In practice, it does sometimes produce problems with implementations
 such as Windows 2000 where aggressive mode is the default. Typically,
 these are easily solved with a configuration change that overrides that
<H3><A name="not">Not (yet) in Linux FreeS/WAN</A></H3>
<P>Things we don't yet do, as of version 1.96:</P>
<LI>key management methods
<LI>authenticate key negotiations via local<A href="glossary.html#PKI">
 PKI</A> server, but see links to user<A href="web.html#patch"> patches</A>
<LI>authenticate key negotiations via<A href="glossary.html#SDNS">
 secure DNS</A></LI>
<LI>unauthenticated key management, using<A href="glossary.html#DH">
 Diffie-Hellman</A> key agreement protocol without authentication.
 Arguably, this would be worth doing since it is secure against all
 passive attacks. On the other hand, it is vulnerable to an active<A href="glossary.html#middle">
 man-in-the-middle attack</A>.</LI>
<LI>encryption transforms
<P>Currently<A href="glossary.html#3DES"> Triple DES</A> is the only
 encryption method Pluto will negotiate.</P>
<P>No additional encryption transforms are implemented, though the RFCs
 allow them and some other IPsec implementations support various of
 them. We are not eager to add more. See this<A href="faq.html#other.cipher">
 FAQ question</A>.</P>
<P><A href="glossary.html#AES">AES</A>, the successor to the DES
 standard, is an excellent candidate for inclusion in FreeS/WAN, see
 links to user<A href="web.html#patch"> patches</A>.</P>
<LI>authentication transforms
<P>No optional additional authentication transforms are currently
 implemented. Likely<A href="glossary.html#SHA-256"> SHA-256, SHA-384
 and SHA-512</A> will be added when AES is.</P>
<LI>Policy checking on decrypted packets
<P>To fully comply with the RFCs, it is not enough just to accept only
 packets which survive any firewall rules in place to limit what IPsec
 packets get in, and then pass KLIPS authentication. That is what
 FreeS/WAN currently does.</P>
<P>We should also apply additional tests, for example ensuring that all
 packets emerging from a particular tunnel have source and destination
 addresses that fall within the subnets defined for that tunnel, and
 that packets with those addresses that did not emerge from the
 appropriate tunnel are disallowed.</P>
<P>This will be done as part of a KLIPS rewrite. See these<A href="intro.html#applied">
 links</A> and the<A href="mail.html"> design mailing list</A> for
<H2><A name="pfkey">Our PF-Key implementation</A></H2>
<P>We use PF-key Version Two for communication between the KLIPS kernel
 code and the Pluto Daemon. PF-Key v2 is defined by<A href="">
 RFC 2367</A>.</P>
<P>The &quot;PF&quot; stands for Protocol Family. PF-Inet defines a
 kernel/userspace interface for the TCP/IP Internet protocols (TCP/IP),
 and other members of the PF series handle Netware, Appletalk, etc.
 PF-Key is just a PF for key-related matters.</P>
<H3><A name="pfk.port">PF-Key portability</A></H3>
<P>PF-Key came out of Berkeley Unix work and is used in the various BSD
 IPsec implementations, and in Solaris. This means there is some hope of
 porting our Pluto(8) to one of the BSD distributions, or of running
 their photurisd(8) on Linux if you prefer<A href="glossary.html#photuris">
 Photuris</A> key management over IKE.</P>
<P>It is, however, more complex than that. The PK-Key RFC deliberately
 deals only with keying, not policy management. The three PF-Key
 implementations we have looked at -- ours, OpenBSD and KAME -- all have
 extensions to deal with security policy, and the extensions are
 different. There have been discussions aimed at sorting out the
 differences, perhaps for a version three PF-Key spec. All players are
 in favour of this, but everyone involved is busy and it is not clear
 whether or when these discussions might bear fruit.</P>
<H2><A name="otherk">Kernels other than the latest 2.2.x and 2.4.y</A></H2>
<P>We develop and test on Redhat Linux using the most recent kernel in
 the 2.2 and 2.4 series. In general, we recommend you use the latest
 kernel in one of those series. Complications and caveats are discussed
<H3><A name="kernel.2.0">2.0.x kernels</A></H3>
<P>Consider upgrading to the 2.2 kernel series. If you want to stay with
 the 2.0 series, then we strongly recommend 2.0.39. Some useful security
 patches were added in 2.0.38.</P>
<P>Various versions of the code have run at various times on most 2.0.xx
 kernels, but the current version is only lightly tested on 2.0.39, and
 not at all on older kernels.</P>
<P>Some of our patches for older kernels are shipped in 2.0.37 and
 later, so they are no longer provided in FreeS/WAN. This means recent
 versions of FreeS/WAN will probably not compile on anything earlier
 than 2.0.37.</P>
<H3><A name="kernel.production">2.2 and 2.4 kernels</A></H3>
<DT>FreeS/WAN 1.0</DT>
<DD>ran only on 2.0 kernels</DD>
<DT>FreeS/WAN 1.1 to 1.8</DT>
<DD>ran on 2.0 or 2.2 kernels
<BR> ran on some development kernels, 2.3 or 2.4-test</DD>
<DT>FreeS/WAN 1.9 to 1.96</DT>
<DD>runs on 2.0, 2.2 or 2.4 kernels</DD>
<P>In general,<STRONG> we suggest the latest 2.2 kernel or 2.4 for
 production use</STRONG>.</P>
<P>Of course no release can be guaranteed to run on kernels more recent
 than it is, so quite often there will be no stable FreeS/WAN for the
 absolute latest kernel. See the<A href="faq.html#k.versions"> FAQ</A>
 for discussion.</P>
<H2><A name="otherdist">Intel Linux distributions other than Redhat</A></H2>
<P>We develop and test on Redhat 6.1 for 2.2 kernels, and on Redhat 7.1
 or 7.2 for 2.4, so minor changes may be required for other
<H3><A name="rh7">Redhat 7.0</A></H3>
<P>There are some problems with FreeS/WAN on Redhat 7.0. They are
 soluble, but we recommend you upgrade to a later Redhat instead..</P>
<P>Redhat 7 ships with two compilers.</P>
<LI>Their<VAR> gcc</VAR> is version 2.96. Various people, including the
 GNU compiler developers and Linus, have said fairly emphatically that
 using this was a mistake. 2.96 is a development version, not intended
 for production use. In particular, it will not compile a Linux kernel.</LI>
<LI>Redhat therefore also ship a separate compiler, which they call<VAR>
 kgcc</VAR>, for compiling kernels.</LI>
<P>Kernel Makefiles have<VAR> gcc</VAR> as a default, and must be
 adjusted to use<VAR> kgcc</VAR> before a kernel will compile on 7.0.
 This mailing list message gives details:</P>
<PRE>Subject: Re: AW: Installing IPsec on Redhat 7.0
   Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 14:32:52 -0200 (BRST)
  From: Mads Rasmussen &lt;;
&gt; From

cd to /usr/src/linux and open the Makefile in your favorite editor. You
will need to look for a line similar to this:


This line specifies which C compiler to use to build the kernel. It should
be changed to:


for Red Hat Linux 7. The kgcc compiler is egcs 2.91.66. From here you can
proceed with the typical compiling steps.</PRE>
<P>Check the<A href="mail.html"> mailing list</A> archive for more
 recent news.</P>
<H3><A name="suse">SuSE Linux</A></H3>
<P>SuSE 6.3 and later versions, at least in Europe, ship with FreeS/WAN
<P>FreeS/WAN packages distributed for SuSE 7.0-7.2 were somehow
 miscompiled. You can find fixed packages on<A HREF="">
 Kurt Garloff's page</A>.</P>
<P>Here are some notes for an earlier SuSE version.</P>
<H4>SuSE Linux 5.3</H4>
<PRE>Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998
From: Peter Onion &lt;;

... I got Saturdays snapshot working between my two SUSE5.3 machines at home.

The mods to the install process are quite simple.  From memory and looking at
the files on the SUSE53 machine here at work....

And extra link in each of the /etc/init.d/rc?.d directories called K35ipsec
which SUSE use to shut a service down.

A few mods in /etc/init.d/ipsec  to cope with the different places that SUSE
put config info, and remove the inculsion of /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions and .
/etc/sysconfig/network as they don't exists and 1st one isn't needed anyway.

insert &quot;. /etc/rc.config&quot; to pick up the SUSE config info and use 

  if test -n &quot;$NETCONFIG&quot; -a &quot;$NETCONFIG&quot; != &quot;YAST_ASK&quot; ; then

to replace 

  [ ${NETWORKING} = &quot;no&quot; ] &amp;&amp; exit 0

Create /etc/sysconfig  as SUSE doesn't have one.

I think that was all (but I prob forgot something)....</PRE>
<P>You may also need to fiddle initialisation scripts to ensure that<VAR>
 /var/run/pluto/</VAR> is removed when rebooting. If this file is
 present, Pluto does not come up correctly.</P>
<H3><A name="slack">Slackware</A></H3>
<PRE>Subject: Re: linux-IPsec: Slackware distribution
  Date:  Thu, 15 Apr 1999 12:07:01 -0700
  From:  Evan Brewer &lt;;

&gt; Very shortly, I will be needing to install IPsec on at least gateways that
&gt; are running Slackware. . . .

The only trick to getting it up is that on the slackware dist there is no
init.d directory in /etc/rc.d .. so create one.  Then, what I do is take the
IPsec startup script which normally gets put into the init.d directory, and
put it in /etc/rc.d and name ir rc.ipsec .. then I symlink it to the file
in init.d.  The only file in the dist you need to really edit is the
utils/Makefile, setup4:

Everything else should be just fine.</PRE>
<P>A year or so later:</P>
<PRE>Subject: Re: HTML Docs- Need some cleanup?
   Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001
   From: Jody McIntyre &lt;;

I have successfully installed FreeS/WAN on several Slackware 7.1 machines.
FreeS/WAN installed its rc.ipsec file in /etc/rc.d.  I had to manually call
this script from rc.inet2.  This seems to be an easier method than Evan
<H3><A name="deb">Debian</A></H3>
<P>A recent (Nov 2001) mailing list points to a<A href="">
 web page</A> on setting up several types of tunnel, including IPsec, on
<P>Some older information:</P>
<PRE>Subject: FreeS/WAN 1.0 on Debian 2.1
   Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999
  From:  Tim Miller &lt;;

        Compiled and installed without error on a Debian 2.1 system
with kernel-source-2.0.36 after pointing RCDIR in utils/Makefile to

        /var/lock/subsys/ doesn't exist on Debian boxen, needs to be
created; not a fatal error.

        Finally, IPsec scripts appear to be dependant on GNU awk
(gawk); the default Debian awk (mawk-1.3.3-2) had fatal difficulties.
With gawk installed and /etc/alternatives/awk linked to /usr/bin/gawk
operation appears flawless.</PRE>
<P>The scripts in question have been modified since this was posted. Awk
 versions should no longer be a problem.</P>
<H3><A name="caldera">Caldera</A></H3>
<PRE>Subject: Re: HTML Docs- Need some cleanup?
   Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001
   From: Andy Bradford &lt;;

On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 22:59:05 EST, Sandy Harris wrote:

&gt;     Intel Linux distributions other than Redhat 5.x and 6.x 
&gt;         Redhat 7.0 
&gt;         SuSE Linux 
&gt;             SuSE Linux 5.3 
&gt;         Slackware 
&gt;         Debian 

Can you please include Caldera in this list?  I have tested it since 
FreeS/Wan 1.1 and it works great with our systems---provided one 
follows the FreeS/Wan documentation. :-)

Thank you,
<H2><A name="CPUs">CPUs other than Intel</A></H2>
<P>FreeS/WAN has been run sucessfully on a number of different CPU
 architectures. If you have tried it on one not listed here, please post
 to the<A href="mail.html"> mailing list</A>.</P>
<H3><A name=" strongarm">Corel Netwinder (StrongARM CPU)</A></H3>
<PRE>Subject: linux-ipsec: Netwinder diffs
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999

I had a mistake in my IPsec-auto, so I got things working this morning.

Following are the diffs for my changes.  Probably not the best and cleanest way 
of doing it, but it works. . . . </PRE>
<P>These diffs are in the 0.92 and later distributions, so these should
 work out-of-the-box on Netwinder.</P>
<H3><A name="yellowdog">Yellow Dog Linux on Power PC</A></H3>
<PRE>Subject:  Compiling FreeS/WAN 1.1 on YellowDog Linux (PPC)
   Date:  11 Dec 1999
   From:  Darron Froese &lt;;

I'm summarizing here for the record - because it's taken me many hours to do
this (multiple times) and because I want to see IPsec on more linuxes than
just x86.

Also, I can't remember if I actually did summarize it before... ;-) I'm
working too many late hours.

That said - here goes.

1. Get your linux kernel and unpack into /usr/src/linux/ - I used 2.2.13.

2. Get FreeS/WAN and unpack into /usr/src/freeswan-1.1

3. Get the gmp src rpm from here:

4. Su to root and do this: rpm --rebuild gmp-2.0.2-9a.src.rpm

You will see a lot of text fly by and when you start to see the rpm
recompiling like this:

Executing: %build
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ cd gmp-2.0.2
+ libtoolize --copy --force
Remember to add `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' to `'.
You should add the contents of `/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' to
+ CFLAGS=-O2 -fsigned-char
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr

Hit Control-C to stop the rebuild. NOTE: We're doing this because for some
reason the gmp source provided with FreeS/WAN 1.1 won't build properly on

cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/
cp -ar gmp-2.0.2 /usr/src/freeswan-1.1/
cd /usr/src/freeswan-1.1/
rm -rf gmp
mv gmp-2.0.2 gmp

5. Open the freeswan Makefile and change the line that says:
KERNEL=$(b)zimage (or something like that) to

6. cd ../linux/

7. make menuconfig
Select an option or two and then exit - saving your changes.

8. cd ../freeswan-1.1/ ; make menugo

That will start the whole process going - once that's finished compiling,
you have to install your new kernel and reboot.

That should build FreeS/WAN on ydl (I tried it on 1.1).</PRE>
 And a later message on the same topic:
<PRE>Subject: Re: FreeS/WAN, PGPnet and E-mail
   Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000
   From: Darron Froese &lt;;

on 1/22/00 6:47 PM, Philip Trauring at wrote:

&gt; I have a PowerMac G3 ...

The PowerMac G3 can run YDL 1.1 just fine. It should also be able to run
FreeS/WAN 1.2patch1 with a couple minor modifications:

1. In the Makefile it specifies a bzimage for the kernel compile - you have
to change that to vmlinux for the PPC.

2. The gmp source that comes with FreeS/WAN (for whatever reason) fails to
compile. I have gotten around this by getting the gmp src rpm from here:

If you rip the source out of there - and place it where the gmp source
resides it will compile just fine.</PRE>
<P>FreeS/WAN no longer includes GMP source.</P>
<H3><A name="mklinux">Mklinux</A></H3>
<P>One user reports success on the Mach-based<STRONG> m</STRONG>icro<STRONG>
k</STRONG>ernel Linux.</P>
<PRE>Subject: Smiles on sparc and ppc
   Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000
   From: Jake Hill &lt;;

You may or may not be interested to know that I have successfully built
FreeS/WAN on a number of non intel alpha architectures; namely on ppc
and sparc and also on osfmach3/ppc (MkLinux). I can report that it just
works, mostly, with few changes.</PRE>
<H3><A name="alpha">Alpha 64-bit processors</A></H3>
<PRE>Subject: IT WORKS (again) between intel &amp; alpha :-)))))
   Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999
   From: Peter Onion &lt;;

Well I'm happy to report that I've got an IPsec connection between by intel &amp; alpha machines again :-))

If you look back on this list to 7th of December I wrote...

-On 07-Dec-98 Peter Onion wrote:
-&gt; I've about had enuf of wandering around inside the kernel trying to find out
-&gt; just what is corrupting outgoing packets...
-Its 7:30 in the evening .....
-I FIXED IT  :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
-It was my own fault :-((((((((((((((((((
-If you ask me very nicly I'll tell you where I was a little too over keen to
-change unsigned long int __u32 :-)  OPSE ...
-So tomorrow it will full steam ahead to produce a set of diffs/patches against
-Peter Onion.</PRE>
<P>In general (there have been some glitches), FreeS/WAN has been
 running on Alphas since then.</P>
<H3><A name="SPARC">Sun SPARC processors</A></H3>
<P>Several users have reported success with FreeS/WAN on SPARC Linux.
 Here is one mailing list message:</P>
<PRE>Subject: Smiles on sparc and ppc
   Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000
   From: Jake Hill &lt;;

You may or may not be interested to know that I have successfully built
FreeS/WAN on a number of non intel alpha architectures; namely on ppc
and sparc and also on osfmach3/ppc (MkLinux). I can report that it just
works, mostly, with few changes.

I have a question, before I make up some patches. I need to hack
gmp/mpn/powerpc32/*.s to build them. Is this ok? The changes are
trivial, but could I also use a different version of gmp? Is it vanilla

I guess my only real headache is from ipchains, which appears to stop
running when IPsec has been started for a while. This is with 2.2.14 on
<P>This message, from a different mailing list, may be relevant for
 anyone working with FreeS/WAN on Suns:</P>
<PRE>Subject: UltraSPARC DES assembler
   Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000
   From: (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)

An UltraSPARC assembler version of the LibDES/SSLeay/OpenSSL des_enc.c
file is available at

This brings DES on UltraSPARC from slower than Pentium at the same
clock speed to significantly faster.</PRE>
<H3><A name="mips">MIPS processors</A></H3>
<P>We know FreeS/WAN runs on at least some MIPS processors because<A href="">
 Lasat</A> manufacture an IPsec box based on an embedded MIPS running
 Linux with FreeS/WAN. We have no details.</P>
<H3><A name="crusoe">Transmeta Crusoe</A></H3>
<P>The Merilus<A href="">
 Firecard</A>, a Linux firewall on a PCI card, is based on a Crusoe
 processor and supports FreeS/WAN.</P>
<H3><A name="coldfire">Motorola Coldfire</A></H3>
<PRE>Subject: Re: Crypto hardware support
   Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000
   From: Dan DeVault &lt;;

.... I have been running
uClinux with FreeS/WAN 1.4 on a system built by Moreton Bay  ( )  and it was using a Coldfire processor
and was able to do the Triple DES encryption at just about
1 mbit / sec rate.......  they put a Hi/Fn 7901 hardware encryption
chip on their board and now their system does over 25 mbit of 3DES
encryption........ pretty significant increase if you ask me.</PRE>
<H2><A name="multiprocessor">Multiprocessor machines</A></H2>
<P>FreeS/WAN is designed to work on SMP (symmetric multi-processing)
 Linux machines and is regularly tested on dual processor x86 machines.</P>
<P>We do not know of any testing on multi-processor machines with other
 CPU architectures or with more than two CPUs. Anyone who does test
 this, please report results to the<A href="mail.html"> mailing list</A>
<P>The current design does not make particularly efficient use of
 multiprocessor machines; some of the kernel work is single-threaded.</P>
<H2><A name="hardware">Support for crypto hardware</A></H2>
<P>Supporting hardware cryptography accelerators has not been a high
 priority for the development team because it raises a number of fairly
 complex issues:</P>
<LI>Can you trust the hardware? If it is not Open Source, how do you
 audit its security? Even if it is, how do you check that the design has
 no concealed traps?</LI>
<LI>If an interface is added for such hardware, can that interface be
 subverted or misused?</LI>
<LI>Is hardware acceleration actually a performance win? It clearly is
 in many cases, but on a fast machine it might be better to use the CPU
 for the encryption than to pay the overheads of moving data to and from
 a crypto board.</LI>
<LI>the current KLIPS code does not provide a clean interface for
 hardware accelerators</LI>
<P>That said, we have a<A href="#coldfire"> report</A> of FreeS/WAN
 working with one crypto accelerator and some work is going on to modify
 KLIPS to create a clean generic interface to such products. See this<A href="">
 web page</A> for some of the design discussion.</P>
<P>More recently, a patch to support some hardware accelerators has been
<PRE>Subject: [Design] [PATCH] H/W acceleration patch
   Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001
   From: &quot;Martin Gadbois&quot; &lt;;
Here's a web site with H/W acceleration patch for FreeS/WAN 1.91, including
S/W and Hifn 7901 crypto support.

Martin Gadbois</PRE>
<P>Hardware accelerators could take performance well beyond what
 FreeS/WAN can do in software (discussed<A href="performance.html"> here</A>
). Here is some discussion off the IETF IPsec list, October 2001:</P>
<PRE> ... Currently shipping chips deliver, 600 mbps throughput on a single
 stream of 3DES IPsec traffic.  There are also chips that use multiple
 cores to do 2.4 gbps.  We (Cavium) and others have announced even faster
 chips. ... Mid 2002 versions will handle at line rate (OC48 and OC192)
 IPsec and SSL/TLS traffic not only 3DES CBC but also AES and arc4.</PRE>
<P>The patches to date support chips that have been in production for
 some time, not the state-of-the-art latest-and-greatest devices
 described in that post. However, they may still outperform software and
 they almost certainly reduce CPU overhead.</P>
<H2><A name="ipv6">IP version 6 (IPng)</A></H2>
<P>The Internet currently runs on version four of the IP protocols. IPv4
 is what is in the standard Linux IP stack, and what FreeS/WAN was built
 for. In IPv4, IPsec is an optional feature.</P>
<P>The next version of the IP protocol suite is version six, usually
 abbreviated either as &quot;IPv6&quot; or as &quot;IPng&quot; for &quot;IP: the next
 generation&quot;. For IPv6, IPsec is a required feature. Any machine doing
 IPv6 is required to support IPsec, much as any machine doing (any
 version of) IP is required to support ICMP.</P>
<P>There is a Linux implementation of IPv6 in Linux kernels 2.2 and
 above. For details, see the<A href="">
 FAQ</A>. It does not yet support IPsec. The<A href="">
 USAGI</A> project are also working on IPv6 for Linux.</P>
<P>FreeS/WAN was originally built for the current standard, IPv4, but we
 are interested in seeing it work with IPv6. Some progress has been
 made, and a patched version with IPv6 support is<A href="">
 available</A>. For more recent information, check the<A href="mail.html">
 mailing list</A>.</P>
<H3><A name="v6.back">IPv6 background</A></H3>
<P>IPv6 has been specified by an IETF<A href="">
 working group</A>. The group's page lists over 30 RFCs to date, and
 many Internet Drafts as well. The overview is<A href="">
 RFC 2460</A>. Major features include:</P>
<LI>expansion of the address space from 32 to 128 bits,</LI>
<LI>changes to improve support for
<LI>mobile IP</LI>
<LI>automatic network configuration</LI>
<LI>quality of service routing</LI>
<LI>improved security via IPsec</LI>
<P>A number of projects are working on IPv6 implementation. A prominent
 Open Source effort is<A href=""> KAME</A>, a
 collaboration among several large Japanese companies to implement IPv6
 for Berkeley Unix. Other major players are also working on IPv6. For
 example, see pages at:</P>
<LI><A href="">Sun</A>
<LI><A href="">Cisco</A>
<LI><A href="">
<P>The<A href=""> 6bone</A> (IPv6 backbone) testbed
 network has been up for some time. There is an active<A href="">
 IPv6 user group</A>.</P>
<P>One of the design goals for IPv6 was that it must be possible to
 convert from v4 to v6 via a gradual transition process. Imagine the
 mess if there were a &quot;flag day&quot; after which the entire Internet used
 v6, and all software designed for v4 stopped working. Almost every
 computer on the planet would need major software changes! There would
 be huge costs to replace older equipment. Implementers would be worked
 to death before &quot;the day&quot;, systems administrators and technical support
 would be completely swamped after it. The bugs in every implementation
 would all bite simultaneously. Large chunks of the net would almost
 certainly be down for substantial time periods. ...</P>
<P>Fortunately, the design avoids any &quot;flag day&quot;. It is therefore a
 little tricky to tell how quickly IPv6 will take over. The transition
 has certainly begun. For examples, see announcements from<A href="">
 NTT</A> and<A href=""> Nokia</A>.
 However, it is not yet clear how quickly the process will gain
 momentum, or when it will be completed. Likely large parts of the
 Internet will remain with IPv4 for years to come.</P>
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