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<h1>Module <a href="type_Rdf_misc.html">Rdf_misc</a></h1>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> Rdf_misc: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="Rdf_misc.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><div class="info module top">
Misc functions.<br>
<hr width="100%">

<pre><span id="VALstring_of_opt"><span class="keyword">val</span> string_of_opt</span> : <code class="type">string option -> string</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALopt_of_string"><span class="keyword">val</span> opt_of_string</span> : <code class="type">string -> string option</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALmap_opt"><span class="keyword">val</span> map_opt</span> : <code class="type">('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALopt_compare"><span class="keyword">val</span> opt_compare</span> : <code class="type">('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a option -> 'a option -> int</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALcreate_log_fun"><span class="keyword">val</span> create_log_fun</span> : <code class="type">?prefix:string -><br>       ?print:(string -> unit) -><br>       string -> ?loc:string -> ?level:int -> (unit -> string) -> unit</code></pre><div class="info ">
Creating a log function.
  <code class="code">create_log_fun env_var</code> get the log level (an integer) from the given
  environment variable, and returns a function to print messages.
  This function takes a level (default is 1) and a function returning
  the message do print. The function is called only if the log level is
  higher than or equal to the given level.
  The <code class="code">loc</code> parameter of the returned function can be used to indicate
  an additional string to print before the log message.
  If the environment variable is empty or does not contain an integer,
  then the log level is set to 0.<br>
<div class="param_info"><code class="code">prefix</code> : can be used to indicate a string prefixing every message</div>
<div class="param_info"><code class="code">print</code> : can be given to the function build the log function, to
  indicate an alternative way to display the message; default is to call
  <code class="code">prerr_endline</code>.</div>

<pre><span id="VALcreate_log_fun_with_set"><span class="keyword">val</span> create_log_fun_with_set</span> : <code class="type">?prefix:string -><br>       ?print:(string -> unit) -><br>       string -><br>       (?loc:string -> ?level:int -> (unit -> string) -> unit) * (int -> unit)</code></pre><div class="info ">
Same as <code class="code">create_log_fun</code> but also return a function to change
       the log level.<br>

<pre><span id="VALcompare_list"><span class="keyword">val</span> compare_list</span> : <code class="type">('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALstring_of_file"><span class="keyword">val</span> string_of_file</span> : <code class="type">string -> string</code></pre><div class="info ">
<code class="code">string_of_file filename</code> returns the content of <code class="code">filename</code>
   in the form of one string.<br>
<b>Author(s):</b> Maxence Guesdon<br>
<b>Version:</b> 1.0<br>
<b>Raises</b> <code>Sys_error</code> if the file could not be opened.<br>