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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="envtxn_applied"></a>DB_ENV-&gt;txn_applied()</h2>
      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;

DB_ENV-&gt;txn_applied(DB_ENV *env, DB_TXN_TOKEN *token, 
                    db_timeout_t timeout, u_int32_t flags);  </pre>
        The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_applied()</code> method checks to
        see if a specified transaction has been replicated from the master
        of a replication group. It may be called by applications using
        either the Base API or the Replication Manager.
        If the transaction has not yet arrived, this method will block for
        the amount of time specified on the <code class="literal">timeout</code>
        parameter while it waits for the result to be determined.  For more
        information, please refer to the
        <a href="../../programmer_reference/rep_ryw.html" class="olink">Read your writes consistency</a>
        section in the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em>.
        The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_applied()</code> method may not be
        called before the <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;open()">DB_ENV-&gt;open()</a>
        The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_applied()</code> method returns a
        non-zero error on failure and 0 to indicate that the specified
        transaction has been applied at the local site. It may also return
        one of the following non-zero return codes:
      <div class="itemizedlist">
        <ul type="disc">
                <code class="literal">DB_TIMEOUT</code>
                 Returned if the specified transaction has not yet arrived
                 at the calling site, but can be expected to arrive soon.
                 If a non-zero timeout parameter is given, the this method
                 always waits for the specified amount of time before
                 returning <code class="literal">DB_TIMEOUT</code>.
                <code class="literal">DB_NOTFOUND</code>
                Returned if the transaction is expected to never arrive.
                This occurs if the transaction has not been applied at the
                local site because the transaction has been rolled back due
                to a master takeover.
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp62475912"></a>Parameters</h3>
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp62467032"></a>flags</h4>
                 The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter is
                 currently unused, and must be set to 0.
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
          <div class="titlepage">
                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp62496144"></a>token</h4>
                 A pointer to a buffer containing a copy of a commit token
                 previously generated at the replication group's master 
                 environment. Commit tokens are created using the 
                 <a class="xref" href="txnset_commit_token.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;set_commit_token()">DB_TXN-&gt;set_commit_token()</a>
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp62500800"></a>timeout</h4>
                 Specifies the maximum time to wait for the transaction to
                 arrive by replication, expressed in microseconds.  
                 To check the status of the transaction
                 without waiting, provide a timeout value of 0.
      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <div class="titlepage">
              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp62480184"></a>Errors</h3>
             The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_applied()</code> <span>
                 method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp62460400"></a>DB_KEYEMPTY</h4>
                The specified token was generated by a transaction that did
                not modify the database environment (for example, a read-only
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp62510008"></a> DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</h4>
                While waiting for the result to be determined, the API
                became locked out due to replication role change and/or
                master/client synchronization.  The application should
                abort in-flight transactions, pause briefly, and then
        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp62510656"></a>EINVAL</h4>
                If the specified token was generated from a non-replicated
                database environment.
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp62502960"></a>Class</h3>
                 <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a> 
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp62494344"></a>See Also</h3>
                    <a class="xref" href="txn.html#txnlist" title="Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods">Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods</a>,
                    <a class="xref" href="rep.html#replist" title="Replication and Related Methods">Replication and Related Methods</a>
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