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            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbcdup"></a>Dbc::dup()</h2>
      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
Dbc::dup(Dbc **cursorp, u_int32_t flags);</pre>
         The <code class="methodname">Dbc::dup()</code> method creates a new cursor that uses the same
         transaction and locker ID as the original cursor.  This is useful when
         an application is using locking and requires two or more cursors in
         the same thread of control.
         The <code class="methodname">Dbc::dup()</code> <span>
                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
                failure, and returns 0 on success.
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp819344"></a>Parameters</h3>
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp819832"></a>cursorp</h4>
                  The <code class="methodname">Dbc::dup()</code> method
                  returns the newly created cursor in 
                 <span class="bold"><strong>cursorp</strong></span>.
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp805520"></a>flags</h4>
                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0
                          or the following flag: 
          <div class="itemizedlist">
            <ul type="disc">
                <p><a id="dup_DB_POSITION"></a>
                  <code class="literal">DB_POSITION</code>
                 The newly created cursor is initialized to refer to the same position
                 in the database as the original cursor (if any) and hold the same
                 locks (if any).  If the DB_POSITION flag is not specified, or the
                 original cursor does not hold a database position and locks, the
                 created cursor is uninitialized and will behave like a cursor newly
                 created using the <a class="xref" href="dbcursor.html" title="Db::cursor()">Db::cursor()</a> 
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp826608"></a>Errors</h3>
                         The <code class="methodname">Dbc::dup()</code> <span>
                method may fail and throw a <a class="link" href="dbexception.html" title="Chapter 6. The DbException Class">DbException</a> 
                exception, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one
                of the following non-zero errors:
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp834632"></a> <span>DbRepHandleDeadException or</span> DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</h4>
                When a client synchronizes with the master, it is possible for committed
                transactions to be rolled back. This invalidates all  the database and cursor
                handles opened in the replication environment. Once this occurs, an attempt to use
                such a handle will 
                    throw a <a class="xref" href="dbrephandledead.html" title="DbRepHandleDeadException">DbRepHandleDeadException</a> (if
                    your application is configured to throw exceptions), or 
                return <code class="literal">DB_REP_HANDLE_DEAD</code>.
                The application will need to discard the handle and open a new one in order to
                continue processing.
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp813280"></a><span>DbDeadlockException or </span>DB_REP_LOCKOUT</h4>
                The operation was blocked by client/master synchronization.
                <a class="xref" href="dbdeadlock.html" title="DbDeadlockException">DbDeadlockException</a> is thrown if
                your Berkeley DB API is configured to throw exceptions.
                Otherwise, <code class="literal">DB_REP_LOCKOUT</code> is returned.
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                <h4 class="title"><a id="idp827576"></a>EINVAL</h4>
                An invalid flag value or parameter was specified.
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp829848"></a>Class</h3>
                <a class="link" href="dbc.html" title="Chapter 3.  The Dbc Handle">Dbc</a>  
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              <h3 class="title"><a id="idp827056"></a>See Also</h3>
                     <a class="xref" href="dbc.html#dbclist" title="Database Cursors and Related Methods">Database Cursors and Related Methods</a> 
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