

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5894cb0a1dec568cd6c68ba094fc4628 > files > 69


(* $Id:,v 1.2 2004/01/26 13:29:06 ohl Exp $ *)

module type T =
    module X : XHTML.T
    type t
    val empty : string -> t
    val append : string ->
      [ X.heading | X.block | X.LIST.list ] X.elt list -> t -> t
    val add_style_internal : ?title:string -> string list -> t -> t
    val add_style_external : X.uri -> t -> t
    val to_file : ?multi:string -> string -> t -> unit
    val to_files : ?single:string -> string -> t -> unit

let rec concat_elts joint = function
  | [] -> []
  | [head] -> [head]
  | head :: tail -> head :: joint :: concat_elts joint tail
let rec concat_lists joint = function
  | [] -> []
  | [head] -> head
  | head :: tail -> head @ joint @ concat_lists joint tail

let fold2_rev f l1 l2 acc =
  List.fold_left (fun acc1 x1 ->
    List.fold_left (fun acc2 x2 -> f x1 x2 acc2) acc1 l2) acc l1

let fold2 f l1 l2 acc =
  fold2_rev f (List.rev l1) (List.rev l2) acc


module type URL =
    type t
    val create : ?base:string -> ?name:string -> ?anchor:string -> unit -> t
    val to_string : t -> string
    val file_name : t -> string
    val append_to_name : string -> t -> t
    val add_anchor : string -> t -> t

module URL : URL =

    type t =
        { base : string option;
          name : string option;
          anchor : string option }

    let create ?base ?name ?anchor () =
      { base = base;
        name = name;
        anchor = anchor }

    let to_string url =
      (match url.base with None -> "" | Some b -> b ^ "/") ^
      (match with None -> "" | Some n -> n ^ ".html") ^
      (match url.anchor with None -> "" | Some i -> "#" ^ i)

    let file_name url =
      (match url.base with None -> "" | Some b -> b ^ "/") ^
      (match with None -> "" | Some n -> n ^ ".html")

    let append_to_name suffix url =
      let name =
        (match with
         | None -> ""
         | Some n -> n) ^ "_" ^ suffix in
      { url with name = Some name }

    let add_anchor anchor url =
      { url with anchor = Some anchor }


module Make (X : XHTML.T) : T with module X = X =

    module X = X
    open X

    let href url elts =
      a ~a:[a_href (URL.to_string url)] elts

    let href_email adr =
      a ~a:[a_href ("email:" ^ adr)] [pcdata ("<" ^ adr ^ ">")]
    let href_person ?url name =
      match url with
      | Some url -> a ~a:[a_href url] [pcdata name]
      | None -> pcdata name

    type section =
        { (* A human readable description, used for the link text.  *)
          label : string;
          (* A unique identifier, must be suitable as part of a file name and
             as a in-page link. *)
          anchor : string;
          (* The content proper. *)
          content : [ heading | block | LIST.list ] elt list }

    type style =
      | External of uri
      | Internal of string option * string list

    type t =
        { title : string;
          rev_sections : section list;
          style : style list }
    let empty title =
      { title = title;
        rev_sections = [];
        style = [] }

    module CSet = Set.Make (struct type t = char let compare = compare end)
    let unsafe_chars = List.fold_right CSet.add [' '; '/'] CSet.empty
    let is_unsafe c = CSet.mem c unsafe_chars

    let anchor_of_label label =
      let anchor = String.lowercase label in
      for i = 0 to String.length anchor - 1 do
        if is_unsafe anchor.[i] then
          anchor.[i] <- '_'

    let append label content d =
      { d with rev_sections = { label = label;
                                anchor = anchor_of_label label;
                                content = content } :: d.rev_sections }

    let add_style_internal ?title css d =
      { d with style = Internal (title, css) :: }
    let add_style_external uri d =
      { d with style = External uri :: }
    let style_elt = function
      | External name ->
          link ~a:[a_href name; a_rel [`Stylesheet]; a_type "text/css"] ()
      | Internal (None, css) ->
          style ~contenttype:"text/css"
            ( (fun s -> pcdata (s ^ " ")) css)
      | Internal (Some title, css) ->
          style ~contenttype:"text/css" ~a:[a_title title]
            ( (fun s -> pcdata (s ^ " ")) css)

    module Id_Set = Set.Make (struct type t = id let compare = compare end)
    let id_set_of_list ids =
      List.fold_right Id_Set.add ids Id_Set.empty
    type page =
        { section : section;
          file_name : URL.t option;
          anchors : Id_Set.t }

    module Href_Map = Map.Make (struct type t = id let compare = compare end)

    let add_to_href_map name anchor map =
      let from_url = URL.create ~anchor ()
      and to_url = URL.add_anchor anchor name in
      (* Printf.eprintf "%s -> %s\n" (URL.to_string from_url) (URL.to_string to_url); *)
      Href_Map.add (URL.to_string from_url) to_url  map
    let grow_href_map to_page map =
      match to_page.file_name with
      | None -> map
      | Some name -> Id_Set.fold (add_to_href_map name) to_page.anchors map

    let href_map pages =
      List.fold_right grow_href_map pages Href_Map.empty

    type rel_link =
      | Active_Relative of page
      | Inactive_Relative

    type abs_link =
      | Active of page
      | Inactive of page

    let url_of_page page =
      match page.file_name with
      | None -> URL.create ~anchor:page.section.anchor ()
      | Some name -> URL.add_anchor page.section.anchor name

    let elt_of_rel_link label = function
      | Active_Relative page -> href (url_of_page page) [pcdata label]
      | Inactive_Relative -> pcdata label

    let link_of_rel_link rel = function
      | Active_Relative page ->
          [link ~a:[a_href (URL.to_string (url_of_page page));
                    a_rel [rel]] ()]
      | Inactive_Relative -> []

    let elt_of_abs_link = function
      | Active page -> href (url_of_page page) [pcdata page.section.label]
      | Inactive page -> pcdata page.section.label

    type xref =
        { first : rel_link;
          prev : rel_link;
          next : rel_link;
          last : rel_link;
          sections : abs_link list;
          self : page }

    let xref section backward self forward =
      let rel_link_of_list = function
        | [] -> Inactive_Relative
        | head :: _ -> Active_Relative head in
      { first = rel_link_of_list (List.rev backward);
        prev = rel_link_of_list backward;
        next = rel_link_of_list forward;
        last = rel_link_of_list (List.rev forward);
        sections =
        List.rev_map (fun p -> Active p) backward @
        [Inactive self] @ (fun p -> Active p) forward;
        self = self }

    let rec xrefs_of_sections' links = function
      | [] -> invalid_arg "xrefs_of_sections' _ []"
      | [section] ->
          [xref section (Zipper.rev_left links) ( links) []]
      | section1 :: sections ->
          xref section1 (Zipper.rev_left links) ( links) (Zipper.right links) ::
          xrefs_of_sections' (Zipper.step_right links) sections

    let xrefs_of_sections mk_link = function
      | [] -> []
      | [section] ->
          [xref section [] (mk_link section) []]
      | section1 :: sections2 as sections ->
          let links = Zipper.of_list ( mk_link sections) in
          xref section1 [] ( links) (Zipper.right links) ::
          xrefs_of_sections' (Zipper.step_right links) sections2

    let p_of_xref ?single ?multi x =
      p ~a:[a_class ["navigation"]]
        ([pcdata "Navigation: ";
          elt_of_rel_link "First" x.first;
          pcdata ", ";
          elt_of_rel_link "Previous" x.prev;
          pcdata ", ";
          elt_of_rel_link "Next";
          pcdata ", ";
          elt_of_rel_link "Last" x.last;
          pcdata ". Pages: "] @
         concat_elts (pcdata ", ") ( elt_of_abs_link x.sections) @
         [pcdata ". "] @
         (match single with
         | None -> []
         | Some s -> [href s [pcdata "(single file version)"]]) @
         (match multi with
         | None -> []
         | Some m -> [href m [pcdata "(multi file version)"]]))

    let table_of_xref ?single ?multi x =
      table ~a:[a_class ["navigation"]; a_width (`Percent 100)]
        (tr ~a:[a_class ["absolute"]]
           (td ~a:[a_colspan 5; a_align `Center]
              ((concat_elts (pcdata ", ") ( elt_of_abs_link x.sections)) @
               [pcdata ". "]))
        [tr ~a:[a_class ["relative"]]
           (td ~a:[a_align `Left] [elt_of_rel_link "First" x.first])
           [td ~a:[a_align `Left] [elt_of_rel_link "Previous" x.prev];
            td ~a:[a_align `Center]
              ([space ()] @
               (match single with
                | None -> []
                | Some s -> [href s [pcdata "(single file version)"]]) @
               (match multi with
                | None -> []
                | Some m -> [href m [pcdata "(multi file version)"]]) @
               [space ()]);
            td ~a:[a_align `Right] [elt_of_rel_link "Next"];
            td ~a:[a_align `Right] [elt_of_rel_link "Last" x.last]]]

    let ul_of_xref ?single ?multi x =
      ul ~a:[a_class ["navigation"]]
           ([pcdata "Navigation: ";
             elt_of_rel_link "First" x.first;
             pcdata ", ";
             elt_of_rel_link "Previous" x.prev;
             pcdata ", ";
             elt_of_rel_link "Next";
             pcdata ", ";
             elt_of_rel_link "Last" x.last;
             pcdata ". "] @
            (match single with
            | None -> []
            | Some s -> [href s [pcdata "(single file version)"]]) @
            (match multi with
            | None -> []
            | Some m -> [href m [pcdata "(multi file version)"]])))
           ([pcdata "Pages: "] @
            concat_elts (pcdata ", ") ( elt_of_abs_link x.sections) @
            [pcdata ". "])]

    let format_xref = ul_of_xref
    let format_xref = table_of_xref

    let valid_xhtml ?url ~name ~email () =
      table ~a:[a_width (`Percent 100)]
           (td [pcdata "This WWW page is brought to you by ";
                href_person ?url name;
                pcdata " ";
                href_email email;
                pcdata ".  It is valid ";
                a ~a:[a_href standard] [pcdata version];
                pcdata ", as can be verified online by going to the ";
                a ~a:[a_href ""] [pcdata "W3C"];
                pcdata " ";
                a ~a:[a_href validator] [pcdata "MarkUp Validation Service"];
                pcdata "."])
           [td [validator_icon ()]])

    let address =
      [valid_xhtml ~url:""
         ~name:"Thorsten Ohl" ~email:"" ()]

    let page_to_file name page =
      let oc = open_out name in
      pretty_print ~width:72 ~encode:XML.encode_unsafe_and_at (output_string oc) page;
      close_out oc

    let body_to_file name ~title:t
        ?style:(s = []) ?links:(l = []) body_elts =
      let page =
        html ~a:[a_xmlns `W3_org_1999_xhtml; a_xml_lang "en"]
          (head (title (pcdata t)) (l @ style_elt s))
          (body (body_elts @ (hr () :: address))) in
      page_to_file name page

    let single_page section =
      { section = section;
        file_name = None;
        anchors = id_set_of_list (List.flatten ( all_anchors section.content)) }

    let multi_page prefix section =
      let name = URL.create ~name:(prefix ^ "_" ^ section.anchor) () in
      { section = section;
        file_name = Some name;
        anchors = id_set_of_list (List.flatten ( all_anchors section.content)) }

    let flatten ?multi d =
      let xrefs = xrefs_of_sections single_page (List.rev d.rev_sections) in
           (fun x ->
             hr () ::
             p [a ~a:[a_id x.self.section.anchor] []] ::
             (match multi with
             | None -> format_xref x
             | Some m ->
                 let multi = URL.append_to_name x.self.section.anchor m in
                 format_xref ~multi x) ::

    let to_file ?multi name d =
      let flat_d =
        match multi with
        | None -> flatten d
        | Some name -> flatten ~multi:(URL.create ~name ()) d in
      body_to_file (URL.file_name (URL.create ~name ()))
        ~title:d.title flat_d

    let require_file_name p =
      match p.file_name with
      | None -> invalid_arg "require_file_name"
      | Some url -> URL.file_name url

    let to_files ?single prefix d =
      let xrefs = xrefs_of_sections (multi_page prefix) (List.rev d.rev_sections) in
      let rewrite_map = href_map ( (fun x -> x.self) xrefs) in
      let rewrite id =
        try URL.to_string (Href_Map.find id rewrite_map) with Not_found -> id in
      List.iter (fun x ->
        body_to_file (require_file_name x.self)

          ~links:(link_of_rel_link `Start x.first @
                  link_of_rel_link `Prev x.prev @
                  link_of_rel_link `Next
          ((match single with
            | None -> format_xref x
            | Some s -> format_xref ~single:(URL.create ~name:s ()) x) :: hr () ::
  (rewrite_hrefs rewrite) x.self.section.content)) xrefs

   let frameset_section =
   html ~a:[a_xmlns `W3_org_1999_xhtml; a_xml_lang "en"]
   (head (title main_title) [main_style ()])
   ~a:[a_fs_rows [`Pixels 150; `Relative 1]]
   ~noframes:(noframes (main_body ~standalone:false))
   (frame ~a:[a_scrolling `No] ~src:nav_url ())
   [frame ~a:[a_frame_id "main"] ~src:main_url ()])

