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<link title="5.3. Applet Module" rel="Subsection" href="#2_53">
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<link title="5.15. Metainformation Module" rel="Subsection" href="#2_515">
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<link title="5.17. Style Sheet Module" rel="Subsection" href="#2_517">
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<link title="5.21. Name Identification Module" rel="Subsection" href="#2_521">
<link title="5.22. Legacy Module" rel="Subsection" href="#2_522">
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<h1>Module <a href="type_XHTML.M.html">XHTML.M</a></h1>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> M: <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html">T</a></code><code class="type"> </code></pre><hr width="100%">
The elements, attributes, attribute types and data types are given names
    that match the names in the W3C recommendation as closely as allowed by
    a strict typing discipline and the lexical conventions of O'Caml:
<li><em>elements</em> are implemented as O'Caml constructors with the same name as
         in the W3C recommendation.  The domain and codomain are specified as <code class="code">'a elt</code>,
         where <code class="code">'a</code> is a concrete phantom type build out of polymorphic variants.</li>
<li><em>attributes</em> are implemented as O'Caml constructors with <code class="code">a_</code> prefixed to the
         name.  The name is the same as in the W3C recommendation, unless an additional
         prefix is required to disambiguate:
<li><code class="code">a_fs_rows</code> and <code class="code">a_fs_cols</code> instead of <code class="code">a_rows</code> and <code class="code">a_cols</code> for framesets,
              because of the different argument types.</li>
<li><em>attribute types</em> are implemented as O'Caml types that all have the same names
         as in the W3C recommendation, but are all lowercase.</li>
<li><em>data types</em> are also implemented as O'Caml types that all have the same names
         as in the W3C recommendation and are again all lowercase.</li>


    Finite sets of alternatives are mapped to polymorphic variants.

    The phantom type is always the <em>most general</em> required by any (supported)
    version of the standard.  Type discipline is enforced by exporting or not-exporting
    the corresponding constructor.<br>
<h1 id="1_AttributeTypes">Attribute Types</h1><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcdata"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>cdata</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Character data<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEid"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>id</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A document-unique identifier<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEidref"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>idref</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A reference to a document-unique identifier<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEidrefs"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>idrefs</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEidref">idref</a> list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A space-separated list of references to document-unique identifiers<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEname"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>name</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A name with the same character constraints as ID above<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEnmtoken"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>nmtoken</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A name composed of only name tokens as defined in XML 1.0<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">XML 1.0</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEnmtokens"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>nmtokens</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnmtoken">nmtoken</a> list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
One or more white space separated NMTOKEN values<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEpcdata"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>pcdata</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Processed character data<br>

<h2 id="2_DataTypes">Data Types</h2><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcharacter"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>character</span> = <code class="type">char</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A single character from ISO 10646.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcharset"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>charset</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A character encoding, as per RFC2045 (MIME).<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC2045</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcharsets"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>charsets</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcharset">charset</a> list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A space-separated list of character encodings, as per RFC2045 (MIME).<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC2045</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcolor"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>color</span> = <code class="type">[ `Aqua<br>       | `Black<br>       | `Blue<br>       | `Fuchsia<br>       | `Gray<br>       | `Green<br>       | `Hex of string<br>       | `Lime<br>       | `Maroon<br>       | `Navy<br>       | `Olive<br>       | `Purple<br>       | `RGB of int * int * int<br>       | `Red<br>       | `Silver<br>       | `Teal<br>       | `White<br>       | `Yellow ]</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
The attribute value type <code class="code">color</code> refers to color definitions as specified in
    SRGB.  A color value may either be a hexadecimal number (prefixed by a hash mark)
    or one of the following sixteen color names. The color names are case-insensitive.<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet.</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcontenttype"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>contenttype</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A media type, as per RFC2045 (MIME).<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC2045</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcontenttypes"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>contenttypes</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcontenttype">contenttype</a> list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A comma-separated list of media types, as per RFC2045 (MIME).<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC2045</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcoords"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>coords</span> = <code class="type">string list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Comma- separated list of coordinates to use in defining areas.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEdatetime"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>datetime</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Date and time information.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEfpi"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>fpi</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A character string representing an SGML Formal Public Identifier.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEframetarget"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>frametarget</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Frame name used as destination for results of certain actions.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPElanguagecode"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>languagecode</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A language code, as per RFC3066.<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC3066</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPElength"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>length</span> = <code class="type">[ `Percent of int | `Pixels of int ]</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
The value may be either in pixels or a percentage of the available
    horizontal or vertical space. Thus, the value <code class="code">`Percent 50</code> means half of
    the available space.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPElinktypes"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>linktypes</span> = <code class="type">[ `Alternate<br>       | `Appendix<br>       | `Bookmark<br>       | `Chapter<br>       | `Contents<br>       | `Copyright<br>       | `Glossary<br>       | `Help<br>       | `Index<br>       | `Next<br>       | `Prev<br>       | `Section<br>       | `Start<br>       | `Stylesheet<br>       | `Subsection ] list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Authors may use the following recognized link types, listed here with
    their conventional interpretations. A LinkTypes value refers to a
    space-separated list of link types. White space characters are not
    permitted within link types.  These link types are case-insensitive, i.e.,
    <code class="code">"Alternate"</code> has the same meaning as <code class="code">"alternate"</code>. 

    User agents, search engines, etc. may interpret these link types in a
    variety of ways. For example, user agents may provide access to linked
    documents through a navigation bar.

<li><code class="code">`Alternate</code>:
         Designates substitute versions for the document in which the link occurs.
         When used together with the hreflang attribute, it implies a translated
         version of the document. When used together with the media attribute,
         it implies a version designed for a different medium (or media).</li>
<li><code class="code">`Stylesheet</code>:
         Refers to an external style sheet. See the Style Module for details.
         This is used together with the link type <code class="code">"Alternate"</code> for user-selectable
         alternate style sheets.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Start</code>:
         Refers to the first document in a collection of documents.
         This link type tells search engines which document is considered
         by the author to be the starting point of the collection.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Next</code>:
         Refers to the next document in a linear sequence of documents.
         User agents may choose to pre-load the "next" document, to reduce
         the perceived load time.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Prev</code>:
         Refers to the previous document in an ordered series of documents.
         Some user agents also support the synonym "Previous".</li>
<li><code class="code">`Contents</code>:
         Refers to a document serving as a table of contents. Some user
         agents also support the synonym ToC (from "Table of Contents").</li>
<li><code class="code">`Index</code>:
         Refers to a document providing an index for the current document.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Glossary</code>:
         Refers to a document providing a glossary of terms that pertain to
         the current document.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Copyright</code>:
         Refers to a copyright statement for the current document.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Chapter</code>:
         Refers to a document serving as a chapter in a collection of documents.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Section</code>:
         Refers to a document serving as a section in a collection of documents.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Subsection</code>:
         Refers to a document serving as a subsection in a collection of documents.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Appendix</code>:
         Refers to a document serving as an appendix in a collection of documents.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Help</code>:
         Refers to a document offering help (more information, links to other
         sources information, etc.)</li>
<li><code class="code">`Bookmark</code>:
         Refers to a bookmark. A bookmark is a link to a key entry point within
         an extended document. The title attribute may be used, for example, to
         label the bookmark. Note that several bookmarks may be defined in each

<pre><span id="TYPEmediadesc"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>mediadesc</span> = <code class="type">[ `All<br>       | `Aural<br>       | `Braille<br>       | `Handheld<br>       | `Print<br>       | `Projection<br>       | `Screen<br>       | `TTY<br>       | `TV ] list</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
The MediaDesc attribute is a comma-separated list of media descriptors.
    The following is a list of recognized media descriptors:
<li><code class="code">`Screen</code>:
         Intended for non-paged computer screens.</li>
<li><code class="code">`TTY</code>:
         Intended for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, such as
         teletypes, terminals, or portable devices with limited display
<li><code class="code">`TV</code>:
         Intended for television-type devices (low resolution, color,
         limited scrollability).</li>
<li><code class="code">`Projection</code>:
         Intended for projectors.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Handheld</code>:
         Intended for handheld devices (small screen, monochrome,
         bitmapped graphics, limited bandwidth).</li>
<li><code class="code">`Print</code>:
         Intended for paged, opaque material and for documents viewed
         on screen in print preview mode.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Braille</code>:
         Intended for braille tactile feedback devices.</li>
<li><code class="code">`Aural</code>:
         Intended for speech synthesizers.</li>
<li><code class="code">`All</code>:
         Suitable for all devices.</li>


    Future versions of XHTML may introduce new values and may allow
    parameterized values. To facilitate the introduction of these
    extensions, conforming user agents must be able to parse the media
    attribute value as follows:
<li>The value is a comma-separated list of entries. For example,
         <code class="code">media="screen, 3d-glasses, print and resolution &gt; 90dpi"</code>
         is mapped to: <code class="code">"screen"</code>, <code class="code">"3d-glasses"</code>,
         <code class="code">"print and resolution &gt; 90dpi"</code>.</li>
<li>Each entry is truncated just before the first character that
         isn't a US ASCII letter <code class="code">[a-zA-Z]</code> (ISO 10646 hex 41-5a,
         61-7a), digit <code class="code">[0-9]</code> (hex 30-39), or hyphen-minus (hex 2d).
         In the example, this gives: <code class="code">"screen"</code>, <code class="code">"3d-glasses"</code>, <code class="code">"print"</code>.</li>
<li>A case-insensitive match is then made with the set of media
         types defined above. User agents may ignore entries that
         don't match.  In the example we are left with <code class="code">"screen"</code> and
         <code class="code">"print"</code>.</li>


    Note. Style sheets may include media-dependent variations within them
    (e.g., the <code class="code">CSS @media</code> construct). In such cases it may be appropriate
    to use <code class="code">"media=all"</code>.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEmultilength"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>multilength</span> = <code class="type">[ `Percent of int | `Pixels of int | `Relative of int ]</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
The value may be a Length or a relative length. A relative length
    has the form <code class="code">"i*"</code>, where <code class="code">"i"</code> is an integer. When allotting space
    among elements competing for that space, user agents allot pixel
    and percentage lengths first, then divide up remaining available
    space among relative lengths. Each relative length receives a
    portion of the available space that is proportional to the integer
    preceding the <code class="code">"*"</code>. The value <code class="code">"*"</code> is equivalent to <code class="code">"1*"</code>. Thus, if
    60 pixels of space are available after the user agent allots pixel
    and percentage space, and the competing relative lengths are <code class="code">"1*"</code>,
    <code class="code">"2*"</code>, and <code class="code">"3*"</code>, the <code class="code">"1*"</code> will be allotted 10 pixels, the <code class="code">"2*"</code> will be
    allotted 20 pixels, and the <code class="code">"3*"</code> will be allotted 30 pixels.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEmultilengths"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>multilengths</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEmultilength">multilength</a> list</code> </pre>

A comma separated list of items of type MultiLength.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEnumber"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>number</span> = <code class="type">int</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
One or more digits.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEpixels"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>pixels</span> = <code class="type">int</code> </pre>

The value is an integer that represents the number of pixels of
    the canvas (screen, paper). Thus, the value <code class="code">"50"</code> means fifty
    pixels. For normative information about the definition of a pixel,
    please consult CSS2.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEscript"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>script</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Script data can be the content of the <code class="code">"script"</code> element and the
    value of intrinsic event attributes. User agents must not evaluate
    script data as HTML markup but instead must pass it on as data to a
    script engine.

    The case-sensitivity of script data depends on the scripting

    Please note that script data that is element content may not
    contain character references, but script data that is the value of
    an attribute may contain them.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEshape"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>shape</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
The shape of a region.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEtext"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>text</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Arbitrary textual data, likely meant to be human-readable.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEuri"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>uri</span> = <code class="type">string</code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A Uniform Resource Identifier, as per RFC2396.<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC2396</a><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEuris"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>uris</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a></code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
A space-separated list of Uniform Resource Identifiers, as per RFC2396.<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">RFC2396</a><br>

<h1 id="1_CommonAttributes">Common Attributes</h1><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEattrib"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">'a</code> attrib</span> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEattribs"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">'a</code> attribs</span> </pre>
<div class="info ">
<code class="code">'a</code> is known as a <i>phantom type</i>.  The implementation is
       actually monomorphic (the different element types are distinguished
       by a homogeneous variable, such as their textual representation)
       and the type variable <code class="code">`a</code> is just used by the type checker.

       NB: It might be possible to use polymorphic variants directly, without
       phantom types, but the implementation is likely to be more involved.<br>

<h2 id="2_Core">Core</h2><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEcore"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>core</span> = <code class="type">[ `Class | `Id | `Title ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="VALa_class"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_class</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnmtokens">nmtokens</a> -> [> `Class ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an
    element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class
    name or names.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_id"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_id</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEid">id</a> -> [> `Id ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute assigns a name to an element. This name must be
    unique in a document.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_title"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_title</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Title ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute offers advisory information about the element for
    which it is set.<br>
Values of the title attribute may be rendered by user agents in a
    variety of ways. For instance, visual browsers frequently display
    the title as a <i>tool tip</i> (a short message that appears when the
    pointing device pauses over an object). Audio user agents may
    speak the title information in a similar context.<br>
The title attribute has an additional role when used with the <code class="code">link</code>
    element to designate an external style sheet. Please consult the
    section on links and style sheets for details.<br>
<h2 id="2_I18N">I18N</h2><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEi18n"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>i18n</span> = <code class="type">[ `XML_lang ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="VALa_xml_lang"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_xml_lang</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnmtoken">nmtoken</a> -> [> `XML_lang ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Style">Style</h2>
    The Style collection is deprecated, because the Style Attribute Module is

<pre><span id="TYPEcommon"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>common</span> = <code class="type">[ `Class | `Id | `Title | `XML_lang ]</code> </pre>

<h1 id="1_ModulesElementSetsandAttributes">Modules, Element Sets and Attributes </h1><br>
<h2 id="2_52">5.2. Core Modules</h2><br>
<h3 id="3_521">5.2.1. Structure Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.STRUCTURE.html">STRUCTURE</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.STRUCTURE.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_profile"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_profile</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> [> `Profile ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_version"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_version</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Version ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_xmlns"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_xmlns</span> : <code class="type">[< `W3_org_1999_xhtml ] -> [> `XMLns ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h3 id="3_522">5.2.2. Text Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.TEXT.html">TEXT</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.TEXT.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_cite"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_cite</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> [> `Cite ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_xml_space"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_xml_space</span> : <code class="type">[< `Preserve ] -> [> `XML_space ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h3 id="3_523">5.2.3. Hypertext Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.HYPERTEXT.html">HYPERTEXT</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.HYPERTEXT.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_accesskey"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_accesskey</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcharacter">character</a> -> [> `Accesskey ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute assigns an access key to an element. An access key
    is a single character from the document character
    set. NB: authors should consider the input method of the
    expected reader when specifying an accesskey.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_charset"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_charset</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcharset">charset</a> -> [> `Charset ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the character encoding of the resource
    designated by the link. Please consult the section on character
    encodings for more details.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_href"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_href</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> [> `Href ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the location of a Web resource, thus
    defining a link between the current element (the source anchor)
    and the destination anchor defined by this attribute.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_hreflang"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_hreflang</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElanguagecode">languagecode</a> -> [> `Hreflang ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the base language of the resource
    designated by href and may only be used when href is specified.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_rel"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_rel</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElinktypes">linktypes</a> -> [> `Rel ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute describes the relationship from the current document
    to the anchor specified by the href attribute. The value of this attribute
    is a space-separated list of link types.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_rev"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_rev</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElinktypes">linktypes</a> -> [> `Rev ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute is used to describe a reverse link from the anchor specified
    by the href attribute to the current document. The value of this attribute
    is a space-separated list of link types.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_tabindex"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_tabindex</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Tabindex ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the position of the current element in
    the tabbing order for the current document. This value must be a
    number between 0 and 32767. User agents should ignore leading

<pre><span id="VALa_type"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_type</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcontenttype">contenttype</a> -> [> `Type ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute gives an advisory hint as to the content type of
    the content available at the link target address. It allows user
    agents to opt to use a fallback mechanism rather than fetch the
    content if they are advised that they will get content in a
    content type they do not support.Authors who use this attribute
    take responsibility to manage the risk that it may become
    inconsistent with the content available at the link target
<h3 id="3_523">5.2.3. List Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.LIST.html">LIST</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.LIST.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_53">5.3. Applet Module</h2>
    This module is deprecated. Similar functionality
    can be found in the Object Module.<br>
<h2 id="2_54">5.4. Text Extension Modules</h2><br>
<h3 id="3_541">5.4.1. Presentation Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.PRESENTATION.html">PRESENTATION</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.PRESENTATION.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>
<h3 id="3_542">5.4.2. Edit Module</h3><br>
<h3 id="3_543">5.4.3. Bi-directional Text Module</h3><br>
<h2 id="2_55">5.5. Forms Modules</h2><br>
<h3 id="3_551">5.5.1. Basic Forms Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.FORMS.html">FORMS</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.FORMS.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_action"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_action</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> [> `Action ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies a form processing agent. User agent
    behavior for a value other than an HTTP URI is undefined.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_checked"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_checked</span> : <code class="type">[< `Checked ] -> [> `Checked ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
When the <code class="code">type</code> attribute has the value <code class="code">"radio"</code> or <code class="code">"checkbox"</code>,
    this boolean attribute specifies that the button is on. User
    agents must ignore this attribute for other control types.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_cols"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_cols</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Cols ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the visible width in average character
    widths. Users should be able to enter longer lines than this, so
    user agents should provide some means to scroll through the
    contents of the control when the contents extend beyond the
    visible area. User agents may wrap visible text lines to keep long
    lines visible without the need for scrolling.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_enctype"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_enctype</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcontenttype">contenttype</a> -> [> `Enctype ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_for"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_for</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEidref">idref</a> -> [> `For ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_maxlength"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_maxlength</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Maxlength ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_method"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_method</span> : <code class="type">[< `Get | `Post ] -> [> `Method ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_multiple"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_multiple</span> : <code class="type">[< `Multiple ] -> [> `Multiple ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_name"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_name</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Name ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute assigns the control name.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_rows"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_rows</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Rows ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the number of visible text lines. Users
    should be able to enter more lines than this, so user agents
    should provide some means to scroll through the contents of the
    control when the contents extend beyond the visible area.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_selected"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_selected</span> : <code class="type">[< `Selected ] -> [> `Selected ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
When set, this boolean attribute specifies that this option is pre-selected.<br>

<pre><span id="VALa_size"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_size</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Size ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_src"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_src</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> [> `Src ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_input_type"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_input_type</span> : <code class="type">[< `Checkbox | `Hidden | `Password | `Radio | `Reset | `Submit | `Text ] -><br>       [> `Input_Type ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_value"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_value</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Value ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
This attribute specifies the initial value of the control. If this
    attribute is not set, the initial value is set to the contents of
    the <code class="code">option</code> element.<br>
<h3 id="3_552">5.5.2. Forms Module</h3><br>
<h2 id="2_56">5.6. Table Modules</h2><br>
<h3 id="3_561">5.6.1. Basic Tables Module</h3><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.TABLES.html">TABLES</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.TABLES.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_abbr"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_abbr</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEtext">text</a> -> [> `Abbr ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_align"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_align</span> : <code class="type">[< `Center | `Char | `Justify | `Left | `Right ] -><br>       [> `Align ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_axis"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_axis</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Axis ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_colspan"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_colspan</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Colspan ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_headers"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_headers</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEidrefs">idrefs</a> -> [> `Headers ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_rowspan"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_rowspan</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnumber">number</a> -> [> `Rowspan ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_scope"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_scope</span> : <code class="type">[< `Col | `Colgroup | `Row | `Rowgroup ] -> [> `Scope ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_summary"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_summary</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEtext">text</a> -> [> `Summary ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_valign"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_valign</span> : <code class="type">[< `Baseline | `Bottom | `Middle | `Top ] -> [> `Valign ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h3 id="3_562">5.6.2. Tables Module</h3><br>

<pre><span id="VALa_border"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_border</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEpixels">pixels</a> -> [> `Border ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_cellpadding"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_cellpadding</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElength">length</a> -> [> `Cellpadding ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_cellspacing"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_cellspacing</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElength">length</a> -> [> `Cellspacing ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_datapagesize"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_datapagesize</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Datapagesize ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_frame"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_frame</span> : <code class="type">[< `Above | `Below | `Border | `Box | `Hsides | `LHS | `RHS | `Void | `Vsides ] -><br>       [> `Frame ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_rules"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_rules</span> : <code class="type">[< `All | `Cols | `Groups | `None | `Rows ] -> [> `Rules ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_char"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_char</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcharacter">character</a> -> [> `Char ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_charoff"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_charoff</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElength">length</a> -> [> `Charoff ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_57">5.7. Image Module</h2><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.IMAGE.html">IMAGE</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.IMAGE.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_alt"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_alt</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEtext">text</a> -> [> `Alt ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_height"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_height</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElength">length</a> -> [> `Height ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_longdesc"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_longdesc</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> [> `Longdesc ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_width"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_width</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPElength">length</a> -> [> `Width ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_58">5.8. Client-side Image Map Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_59">5.9. Server-side Image Map Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_510">5.10. Object Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_511">5.11. Frames Module</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALa_fs_rows"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_fs_rows</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEmultilengths">multilengths</a> -> [> `FS_Rows ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_fs_cols"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_fs_cols</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEmultilengths">multilengths</a> -> [> `FS_Cols ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_frameborder"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_frameborder</span> : <code class="type">[< `One | `Zero ] -> [> `Frameborder ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_marginheight"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_marginheight</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEpixels">pixels</a> -> [> `Marginheight ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_marginwidth"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_marginwidth</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEpixels">pixels</a> -> [> `Marginwidth ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_noresize"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_noresize</span> : <code class="type">[< `Noresize ] -> [> `Noresize ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_scrolling"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_scrolling</span> : <code class="type">[< `Auto | `No | `Yes ] -> [> `Scrolling ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_512">5.12. Target Module</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALa_target"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_target</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEframetarget">frametarget</a> -> [> `Target ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_513">5.13. Iframe Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_514">5.14. Intrinsic Events Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_515">5.15. Metainformation Module</h2><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.METAINFORMATION.html">METAINFORMATION</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.METAINFORMATION.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_content"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_content</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Content ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_http_equiv"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_http_equiv</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnmtoken">nmtoken</a> -> [> `Http_equiv ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_scheme"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_scheme</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -> [> `Scheme ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_516">5.16. Scripting Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_517">5.17. Style Sheet Module</h2><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.STYLE_SHEET.html">STYLE_SHEET</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.STYLE_SHEET.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALa_media"><span class="keyword">val</span> a_media</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEmediadesc">mediadesc</a> -> [> `Media ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_518">5.18. Style Attribute Module</h2><br>
<h2 id="2_519">5.19. Link Module</h2><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.LINK.html">LINK</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.LINK.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_520">5.20. Base Module</h2><br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.BASE.html">BASE</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.BASE.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_521">5.21. Name Identification Module</h2>
    This module is deprecated in XHTML 1.1, but supported for XHTML 1.0
    using <code class="code">`Name_01_00</code> .<br>
<h2 id="2_522">5.22. Legacy Module</h2><br>
<h1 id="1_CombinedElementSets">Combined Element Sets:</h1><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEblock"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>block</span> = <code class="type">[ `Address | `Blockquote | `Div | `Form | `Hr | `P | `Pre | `Table ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEblock_sans_form"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>block_sans_form</span> = <code class="type">[ `Address | `Blockquote | `Div | `Hr | `P | `Pre | `Table ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEflow"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>flow</span> = <code class="type">[ `A<br>       | `Abbr<br>       | `Acronym<br>       | `Address<br>       | `Blockquote<br>       | `Br<br>       | `Cite<br>       | `Code<br>       | `Dfn<br>       | `Div<br>       | `Dl<br>       | `Em<br>       | `Form<br>       | `H1<br>       | `H2<br>       | `H3<br>       | `H4<br>       | `H5<br>       | `H6<br>       | `Input<br>       | `Kbd<br>       | `Label<br>       | `Ol<br>       | `P<br>       | `Pre<br>       | `Q<br>       | `Samp<br>       | `Select<br>       | `Span<br>       | `Strong<br>       | `Table<br>       | `Textarea<br>       | `Ul<br>       | `Var ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEflow_sans_table"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>flow_sans_table</span> = <code class="type">[ `A<br>       | `Abbr<br>       | `Acronym<br>       | `Address<br>       | `Blockquote<br>       | `Br<br>       | `Cite<br>       | `Code<br>       | `Dfn<br>       | `Div<br>       | `Dl<br>       | `Em<br>       | `Form<br>       | `H1<br>       | `H2<br>       | `H3<br>       | `H4<br>       | `H5<br>       | `H6<br>       | `Input<br>       | `Kbd<br>       | `Label<br>       | `Ol<br>       | `P<br>       | `Pre<br>       | `Q<br>       | `Samp<br>       | `Select<br>       | `Span<br>       | `Strong<br>       | `Textarea<br>       | `Ul<br>       | `Var ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEinline"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>inline</span> = <code class="type">[ `A<br>       | `Abbr<br>       | `Acronym<br>       | `B<br>       | `Big<br>       | `Br<br>       | `Cite<br>       | `Code<br>       | `Dfn<br>       | `Em<br>       | `I<br>       | `Img<br>       | `Input<br>       | `Kbd<br>       | `Label<br>       | `Q<br>       | `Samp<br>       | `Select<br>       | `Small<br>       | `Span<br>       | `Strong<br>       | `Sub<br>       | `Sup<br>       | `Textarea<br>       | `Tt<br>       | `Var ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEinline_sans_a"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>inline_sans_a</span> = <code class="type">[ `Abbr<br>       | `Acronym<br>       | `B<br>       | `Big<br>       | `Br<br>       | `Cite<br>       | `Code<br>       | `Dfn<br>       | `Em<br>       | `I<br>       | `Img<br>       | `Input<br>       | `Kbd<br>       | `Label<br>       | `Q<br>       | `Samp<br>       | `Select<br>       | `Small<br>       | `Span<br>       | `Strong<br>       | `Sub<br>       | `Sup<br>       | `Textarea<br>       | `Tt<br>       | `Var ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEinline_sans_label"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>inline_sans_label</span> = <code class="type">[ `A<br>       | `Abbr<br>       | `Acronym<br>       | `B<br>       | `Big<br>       | `Br<br>       | `Cite<br>       | `Code<br>       | `Dfn<br>       | `Em<br>       | `I<br>       | `Img<br>       | `Input<br>       | `Kbd<br>       | `Q<br>       | `Samp<br>       | `Select<br>       | `Small<br>       | `Span<br>       | `Strong<br>       | `Sub<br>       | `Sup<br>       | `Textarea<br>       | `Tt<br>       | `Var ]</code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEheading"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>heading</span> = <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.TEXT.html#TYPEheading">TEXT.heading</a></code> </pre>

<h1 id="1_Elements">Elements</h1><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEelt"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">'a</code> elt</span> </pre>

<h2 id="2_ElementConstructorTypes">Element Constructor Types</h2><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEnullary"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">('a, 'b)</code> nullary</span> = <code class="type">?a:'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a> list -> unit -> 'b <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEunary"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">('a, 'b, 'c)</code> unary</span> = <code class="type">?a:'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a> list -> 'b <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'c <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEbinary"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">('a, 'b, 'c, 'd)</code> binary</span> = <code class="type">?a:'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a> list -><br>       'b <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'c <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'd <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code> </pre>

<pre><span id="TYPEstar"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">('a, 'b, 'c)</code> star</span> = <code class="type">?a:'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a> list -> 'b <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> list -> 'c <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Star '*' denotes any number of children, uncluding zero.<br>

<pre><span id="TYPEplus"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type">('a, 'b, 'c)</code> plus</span> = <code class="type">?a:'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a> list -><br>       'b <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'b <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> list -> 'c <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code> </pre>
<div class="info ">
Plus '+' requires at least one child.<br>

<h2 id="2_Structure">Structure</h2><br>

<pre><span id="TYPEhtml"><span class="keyword">type</span> <code class="type"></code>html</span> = <code class="type">[ `Html ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code> </pre>

<pre><span id="VALhtml"><span class="keyword">val</span> html</span> : <code class="type">?a:[< `Version | `XML_lang | `XMLns ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEattrib">attrib</a> list -><br>       [< `Head ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> [< `Body | `Frameset ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEhtml">html</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALhead"><span class="keyword">val</span> head</span> : <code class="type">([< `Profile | `XML_lang ], [< `Base | `Link | `Meta | `Style | `Title ],<br>        [> `Head ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtitle"><span class="keyword">val</span> title</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEi18n">i18n</a> ], [< `PCDATA ], [> `Title ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEunary">unary</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALbody"><span class="keyword">val</span> body</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Hr<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Ul ],<br>        [> `Body ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Data">Data</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALpcdata"><span class="keyword">val</span> pcdata</span> : <code class="type">string -> [> `PCDATA ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALentity"><span class="keyword">val</span> entity</span> : <code class="type">string -> [> `PCDATA ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALspace"><span class="keyword">val</span> space</span> : <code class="type">unit -> [> `PCDATA ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Text">Text</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALh1"><span class="keyword">val</span> h1</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `H1 ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALh2"><span class="keyword">val</span> h2</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `H2 ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALh3"><span class="keyword">val</span> h3</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `H3 ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALh4"><span class="keyword">val</span> h4</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `H4 ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALh5"><span class="keyword">val</span> h5</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `H5 ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALh6"><span class="keyword">val</span> h6</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `H6 ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALaddress"><span class="keyword">val</span> address</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Address ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALblockquote"><span class="keyword">val</span> blockquote</span> : <code class="type">([< `Cite | `Class | `Id | `Title | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Hr<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Ul ],<br>        [> `Blockquote ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALdiv"><span class="keyword">val</span> div</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Em<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Ul<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Div ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALp"><span class="keyword">val</span> p</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `P ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALpre"><span class="keyword">val</span> pre</span> : <code class="type">([< `Class | `Id | `Title | `XML_lang | `XML_space ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Pre ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALabbr"><span class="keyword">val</span> abbr</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Abbr ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALacronym"><span class="keyword">val</span> acronym</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Acronym ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALbr"><span class="keyword">val</span> br</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcore">core</a> ], [> `Br ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALcite"><span class="keyword">val</span> cite</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Cite ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALcode"><span class="keyword">val</span> code</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Code ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALdfn"><span class="keyword">val</span> dfn</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Dfn ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALem"><span class="keyword">val</span> em</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Em ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALkbd"><span class="keyword">val</span> kbd</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Kbd ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALq"><span class="keyword">val</span> q</span> : <code class="type">([< `Cite | `Class | `Id | `Title | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Q ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALsamp"><span class="keyword">val</span> samp</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Samp ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALspan"><span class="keyword">val</span> span</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Span ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALstrong"><span class="keyword">val</span> strong</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Strong ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Hypertext">Hypertext</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALa"><span class="keyword">val</span> a</span> : <code class="type">([< `Accesskey<br>         | `Charset<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Href<br>         | `Hreflang<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Name_01_00<br>         | `Rel<br>         | `Rev<br>         | `Tabindex<br>         | `Target<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Type<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `A ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_List">List</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALdl"><span class="keyword">val</span> dl</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ], [< `Dd | `Dt ], [> `Dl ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALol"><span class="keyword">val</span> ol</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ], [< `Li ], [> `Ol ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALul"><span class="keyword">val</span> ul</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ], [< `Li ], [> `Ul ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALdd"><span class="keyword">val</span> dd</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Em<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Ul<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Dd ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALdt"><span class="keyword">val</span> dt</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Dt ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALli"><span class="keyword">val</span> li</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Em<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Ul<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Li ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Presentation">Presentation</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALhr"><span class="keyword">val</span> hr</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ], [> `Hr ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALb"><span class="keyword">val</span> b</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `B ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALbig"><span class="keyword">val</span> big</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Big ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALi"><span class="keyword">val</span> i</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `I ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALsmall"><span class="keyword">val</span> small</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Small ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALsub"><span class="keyword">val</span> sub</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Sub ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALsup"><span class="keyword">val</span> sup</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Sup ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtt"><span class="keyword">val</span> tt</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Tt ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Forms">Forms</h2><br>
<h3 id="3_BasicForms">Basic Forms</h3><br>
One can use <code class="code">open Basic_Forms</code> to enable basic forms.<br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.Basic_Forms.html">Basic_Forms</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.Basic_Forms.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>
<h3 id="3_Forms">Forms</h3><br>
General forms are not implemented yet, but one can use <code class="code">open Basic_Forms</code>
    to enable basic forms.<br>
<h2 id="2_Tables">Tables</h2><br>
<h3 id="3_BasicTables">Basic Tables</h3><br>
One can use <code class="code">open Basic_Tables</code> to switch globally to basic tables.<br>

<pre><span class="keyword">module</span> <a href="XHTML.T.Basic_Tables.html">Basic_Tables</a>: <code class="code">sig</code> <a href="XHTML.T.Basic_Tables.html">..</a> <code class="code">end</code></pre><br>
<h3 id="3_Tables">Tables</h3><br>

<pre><span id="VALcaption"><span class="keyword">val</span> caption</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `B<br>         | `Big<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Em<br>         | `I<br>         | `Img<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Small<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Sub<br>         | `Sup<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Tt<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Caption ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtable"><span class="keyword">val</span> table</span> : <code class="type">?caption:[< `Caption ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -><br>       ?columns:[< `Colgroups of [< `Colgroup ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> list<br>                 | `Cols of [< `Col ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> list ] -><br>       ([< `Border<br>         | `Cellpadding<br>         | `Cellspacing<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Datapagesize<br>         | `Frame<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Rules<br>         | `Summary<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Width<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Tr ], [> `Table ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtablex"><span class="keyword">val</span> tablex</span> : <code class="type">?caption:[< `Caption ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -><br>       ?columns:[< `Colgroups of [< `Colgroup ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> list<br>                 | `Cols of [< `Col ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> list ] -><br>       ?thead:[< `Thead ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -><br>       ?tfoot:[< `Tfoot ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -><br>       ([< `Border<br>         | `Cellpadding<br>         | `Cellspacing<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Datapagesize<br>         | `Frame<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Rules<br>         | `Summary<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Width<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Tbody ], [> `Table ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtd"><span class="keyword">val</span> td</span> : <code class="type">([< `Abbr<br>         | `Align<br>         | `Axis<br>         | `Char<br>         | `Charoff<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Colspan<br>         | `Headers<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Rowspan<br>         | `Scope<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Valign<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Em<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Ul<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Td ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALth"><span class="keyword">val</span> th</span> : <code class="type">([< `Abbr<br>         | `Align<br>         | `Axis<br>         | `Char<br>         | `Charoff<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Colspan<br>         | `Headers<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Rowspan<br>         | `Scope<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Valign<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `A<br>         | `Abbr<br>         | `Acronym<br>         | `Address<br>         | `Blockquote<br>         | `Br<br>         | `Cite<br>         | `Code<br>         | `Dfn<br>         | `Div<br>         | `Dl<br>         | `Em<br>         | `Form<br>         | `H1<br>         | `H2<br>         | `H3<br>         | `H4<br>         | `H5<br>         | `H6<br>         | `Input<br>         | `Kbd<br>         | `Label<br>         | `Ol<br>         | `P<br>         | `PCDATA<br>         | `Pre<br>         | `Q<br>         | `Samp<br>         | `Select<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Strong<br>         | `Table<br>         | `Textarea<br>         | `Ul<br>         | `Var ],<br>        [> `Th ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtr"><span class="keyword">val</span> tr</span> : <code class="type">([< `Align | `Char | `Charoff | `Class | `Id | `Title | `Valign | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Td | `Th ], [> `Tr ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALcol"><span class="keyword">val</span> col</span> : <code class="type">([< `Align<br>         | `Char<br>         | `Charoff<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Valign<br>         | `Width<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [> `Col ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALcolgroup"><span class="keyword">val</span> colgroup</span> : <code class="type">([< `Align<br>         | `Char<br>         | `Charoff<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Span<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Valign<br>         | `Width<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Col ], [> `Colgroup ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALthead"><span class="keyword">val</span> thead</span> : <code class="type">([< `Align | `Char | `Charoff | `Class | `Id | `Title | `Valign | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Tr ], [> `Thead ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtbody"><span class="keyword">val</span> tbody</span> : <code class="type">([< `Align | `Char | `Charoff | `Class | `Id | `Title | `Valign | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Tr ], [> `Tbody ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALtfoot"><span class="keyword">val</span> tfoot</span> : <code class="type">([< `Align | `Char | `Charoff | `Class | `Id | `Title | `Valign | `XML_lang ],<br>        [< `Tr ], [> `Tfoot ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Image">Image</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALimg"><span class="keyword">val</span> img</span> : <code class="type">src:<a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -><br>       alt:<a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEtext">text</a> -><br>       ([< `Class<br>         | `Height<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Longdesc<br>         | `Name_01_00<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Width<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [> `Img ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Frames">Frames</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALframeset"><span class="keyword">val</span> frameset</span> : <code class="type">?noframes:[< `Noframes ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -><br>       ([< `Class | `FS_Cols | `FS_Rows | `Id | `Title ], [< `Frame | `Frameset ],<br>        [> `Frameset ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEplus">plus</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALframe"><span class="keyword">val</span> frame</span> : <code class="type">src:<a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -><br>       ([< `Class<br>         | `Frameborder<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Longdesc<br>         | `Marginheight<br>         | `Marginwidth<br>         | `Name_01_00<br>         | `Noresize<br>         | `Scrolling<br>         | `Title ],<br>        [> `Frame ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALnoframes"><span class="keyword">val</span> noframes</span> : <code class="type">([< <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcommon">common</a> ], [< `Body ], [> `Noframes ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEunary">unary</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Meta">Meta</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALmeta"><span class="keyword">val</span> meta</span> : <code class="type">content:<a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcdata">cdata</a> -><br>       ([< `Http_equiv | `Name | `Scheme | `XML_lang ], [> `Meta ]) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_StyleSheets">Style Sheets</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALstyle"><span class="keyword">val</span> style</span> : <code class="type">contenttype:<a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEcontenttype">contenttype</a> -><br>       ([< `Media | `Title | `XML_lang | `XML_space ], [< `PCDATA ], [> `Style ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEstar">star</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Link">Link</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALlink"><span class="keyword">val</span> link</span> : <code class="type">([< `Charset<br>         | `Class<br>         | `Href<br>         | `Hreflang<br>         | `Id<br>         | `Media<br>         | `Rel<br>         | `Rev<br>         | `Target<br>         | `Title<br>         | `Type<br>         | `XML_lang ],<br>        [> `Link ])<br>       <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEnullary">nullary</a></code></pre><br>
<h2 id="2_Base">Base</h2><br>

<pre><span id="VALbase"><span class="keyword">val</span> base</span> : <code class="type">href:<a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> -> unit -> [> `Base ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre><br>
<h1 id="1_Output">Output</h1><br>
<code class="code">?encode</code> maps strings to HTML and <em>must</em> encode the unsafe characters
    <code class="code">'&lt;'</code>, <code class="code">'&gt;'</code>, <code class="code">'"'</code>, <code class="code">'&amp;'</code> and the control characters 0-8, 11-12, 14-31, 127
    to HTML entities.  <code class="code">XML.encode_unsafe</code> is the default for <code class="code">?encode</code> in <code class="code">output</code>
    and <code class="code">pretty_print</code> below.  Other implementations are provided by the module
    <code class="code">Netencoding</code> in the
    <a href="">OcamlNet</a> library, e.g.:
    <code class="code">let encode = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_iso88591 ~out_enc:`Enc_usascii ()</code>,
    Where national characters are replaced by HTML entities.
    The user is of course free to write her own implementation.<br>
<code class="code">~encoding</code> is the official name of the external character set encoding that
    is used by <code class="code">outs : string -&gt; unit</code>.<br>

<pre><span id="VALoutput"><span class="keyword">val</span> output</span> : <code class="type">?encode:(string -> string) -><br>       ?encoding:string -> (string -> unit) -> <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEhtml">html</a> -> unit</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALpretty_print"><span class="keyword">val</span> pretty_print</span> : <code class="type">?width:int -><br>       ?encode:(string -> string) -><br>       ?encoding:string -> (string -> unit) -> <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEhtml">html</a> -> unit</code></pre><br>
<h1 id="1_Tools">Tools</h1><br>

<pre><span id="VALversion"><span class="keyword">val</span> version</span> : <code class="type">string</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALstandard"><span class="keyword">val</span> standard</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALvalidator"><span class="keyword">val</span> validator</span> : <code class="type"><a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALvalidator_icon"><span class="keyword">val</span> validator_icon</span> : <code class="type">unit -> [> `A ] <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
A hyperlink to the W3C validator, including the logo.<br>
<b>See also</b> <a href="">Validator</a><br>

<pre><span id="VALaddto_class"><span class="keyword">val</span> addto_class</span> : <code class="type">string -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
Add the element and all its subelements to a class.  Note that this
   is only almost typesafe, because a few elements from the structure class
   do not support the class attribute.   On the other hand, listing all
   allowed elements would be too tedious right now.<br>

<pre><span id="VALaddto_class1"><span class="keyword">val</span> addto_class1</span> : <code class="type">string -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
Add the element to a class.<br>

<pre><span id="VALset_rowspan"><span class="keyword">val</span> set_rowspan</span> : <code class="type">int -> ([< `Td | `Th ] as 'a) <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre><div class="info ">
Set the rowspan attribute for the element.<br>

<pre><span id="VALrewrite_hrefs"><span class="keyword">val</span> rewrite_hrefs</span> : <code class="type">(string -> string) -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> 'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a></code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALall_hrefs"><span class="keyword">val</span> all_hrefs</span> : <code class="type">'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEuri">uri</a> list</code></pre>
<pre><span id="VALall_anchors"><span class="keyword">val</span> all_anchors</span> : <code class="type">'a <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEelt">elt</a> -> <a href="XHTML.T.html#TYPEid">id</a> list</code></pre></body></html>