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  Visual and Computer Graphics Library

  MeshLab                         o o
  An extendible mesh processor                                    o     o   
                                                                 _   O  _   
  Copyright(C) 2005, 2007                                          \/)\/    
  Visual Computing Lab                                            /\/|      
  ISTI - Italian National Research Council                           |      
  All rights reserved.                                                      
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify      
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or         
  (at your option) any later version.                                       
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            
  GNU General Public License (          
  for more details.                                                         
  All rights reserved.                                                    
- Meshlab v1.0.0 04/03/2007
= New features =
* Painting plugin:  color, selection and smoothing directly interactively onto the mesh (thanks to gfrei)
* Simplification of textured Mesh with preservation of texture coords (thanks to pirosu)
* Automatic vertex unification when loading stl files
* More user-definable parameters in quadric simplification and in hole filling
* Improved filtering and support for compressed depthimage in the Epoch import tool
* New generic dialog mechanism, easier for developer add/change/document filter parameters
* Selection handling improved in many filters
* Added wiki based online help
* Restored on screen help
* Added online bug submission using Sourceforge tracking system
* Reformatted info bar (Added number of selected faces and fixed size fonts)

= Corrected Bugs = 
* Snapshots do not crash MeshLab any more.
* Improved OpenGL shader compatibilities.
* Corrected bug in quadrics simplification about target number of selected faces
* Corrected bug of wrong loading ply with per face color (was save a 3ds and reload as a ply)
* Corrected bug on trackball hanging (if you released a modifier before mouse)

- Meshlab v0.9 12/12/2006
** New features **
Support of WRL and SMF file format (write only)
Support of PTX file format (read only)
Automatic checking of new version
Non manifold vertex coloring
Improved quality and robustness of Hole Filling filter 
  (now large and non manifold holes can be handled)

** Corrected Bugs **
nasty bug that affected the saving and loading various 3d format (3ds, obj and off)

- Meshlab v0.8 10/11/2006
** New features **
New High Quality Quadric Based Simplification filter
Support of Collada file format (read and write)
Support for 3d models reconstructed by the Epoch 3d Web Service
Support for point based models
- Computation of implicit surface normals
- Surface reconstruction (a ball pivoting variant)
First command line version
Filter history recording

** Corrected Bugs **
No more sticky trackball
Better OBJ and OFF loading/saving
Better control of lighting in Shaders and debugged/improved most of shaders.

** Known Bugs **
- Collada support for non triangulated meshes is missing
- Surface reconstruction from points lacks of robustness... 
- Quadric simplification does not optimize texture coords during simplification
- Filter recording and re-playing still buggy.

- Meshlab v0.7 22/06/06


Selection and Editing of large meshes is now possible!
Recording and replaying of history of filters 
Filter classes restructured (now filters are assigned to different submenus)
Rewrote of  Clustering simplification algorithms
Shaders debugged
Better choice of initial modes
Automatic Installer for windows
No more intrusive progress bars

- Meshlab v0.6 12/3/06


* General issues
  - Slight code restyling in order to reduce the lines of code
  - Command line execution now works correctly
  - Better managing of optional mesh datas
  - Better color initialization
* Plugin System
  - Decoration:
      Thicked axes with arrows and axes names
      Quoted Box
      Normals restyled
  - Filters:
      Sub-division surface
      Remove triangles above threshold
      Apply Transformation
      Color non-manifold
  - Colorize:
      Curvature code restyled
      RMS curvature
      Absolute curvature
      By Quality
      Added restore color function
  - Shaders:
      Import code restyled and optimized
      Runtime dynamic dialog created to change shader properties
  - Import/Export:
      .3DS Import/Export full supported (via lib3ds)

* User Interface
  - Reimplemented double-sided lighting
  - Added some new shortcuts
  - Optimizations in ChangeFOV (Vertigo)
  - Solved OpenGL bugs on FLAT_LINES
  - Solved bug in trackball visualization
  - Light direction can be rotated
  - Better scalable fonts
  - Quick help on screen (Press F1)
  - About plugin restyled

  ** KNOWN BUGS **

* User Interface
  None reported

* Plugin System
  None reported

- Meshlab v0.5 13/1/06


* General issues
  - Corrected Trackball panning
  - Safer initialization of color data
  - Better memory management (removed HUGE memory leaks...)
  - Meshlab icon and logo
  - About plugin Dialog

* Plugin System
  - Filters:
      Invert Faces
  - Colorize:
      Logging mesh curvature info
      Rewritten code to follow coding conventions
      Mean Curvature
      Color non Manifold (now sets colorPerVert)
      Moved mean and gaussian curvature functions into color_curvature.h 
  - Normals restyled
  - Import/Export:
      Managing error messages if saving fails
      .3DS Imporer first rough implementation
      .3DS Export Standardization, saves vertexes and faces + color per face
      .3DS Export introduced materials managing
      .OBJ Import solved some bugs during file import
      .OBJ Export higly improved speed

* User Interface
  - Clipping planes now can be moved via CTRL+SHIFT+mouse wheel
  - Vertigo FOV with CTRL+mouse wheel
  - Icons restyled (transparent)
  - Changed snapshot toolbar icon
  - Reapply last filter command
  - Reload command
  - About dialog restyled
  - CTRL+Tab switch to next opened window
  - CTRL+F4 close current file
  - Fonts ok


* Plugin System
  - Import/Export 3DS not working properly (textures not supported yet)
  - Missing edit commands
  - Shaders have to be scaled to work well

* User Interface
  - Font resizing ?
  - About plugin dialog to be restyled

- Meshlab v0.4


This is a maintenance version. No feature were added but improved existing ones.

* Plugin System
  - Improved PluginSystem
  - Improved shaders support (based on Typhoon Labs shaders)
  - Filtering: Customizable filters thru dialogs
  - Filters:
      Laplacian smooth
      MidPoint Subdivision
  - Editing (No editing tools available)
  - Colorize:
      Self intersection
  - Import/Export:
      obj File Format (Customizable export thru dialog)
      off File Format
      stl File Format
      3ds File Format
  - Decoration:
      Show Axis
      Show Box Corners

* User Interface
  - Bugless progress bar
  - About Plugin dialog
  - Logging


* Plugin:
  - No texture support in shaders
  - No Editing tools
  - Info in shader Plugin
* User Interface
  - Font resizing
  - Clipping issues
  - CTRL + Shortcuts doesn't work properly

- Meshlab v0.3


* Plugin System
  - Complete restyling of plugin architecture
  - Color: None, Per Vertex, Per Face
  - Color: Support for shaders (wow!). Provided toon shader sample.
  - Filtering: Remove Null Faces
  - Filtering: Butterfly & Loop optimized
  - Decorize: New plugin class
  - Import/Export: Obj file format integrated on standard user interface

* User Interface
  - Info Panel:
      Showing some mesh info (numTri&numFaces)
      Showing fps
  - Shortcut for some frequently used actions
  - Trackball hidable
  - Option dialog:
      Background colors (Top&Bottom)
      Log Area color
  - Progress bar
  - RenderModes: Textures
  - Fullscreen
  - Cycle thru opened windows with Next button
  - About dialog


* Plugin:
  - Loop & Butterfly don't work for every file
  - ProgressBar synchronization

* User Interface
  - Improve logging features
  - Font resizing
  - No action under menu Render->Texture
  - Clipping issues
  - About Plugins Dialog still working on
  - Buggy proggressbar and trackball
  - OpenGL bugs on Flat Lines render mode

- Meshlab v0.2


* Added Plugin Support
  - Rendering: Normals
  - Color: Gaussian Curvature
  - Filtering: Butterfly and Loop Subdivision surface
  - Filtering: Remove duplicate and unreferenced vertexes
  - Import/Export: Obj file format

* User Interface
  - Logging
  - MRU File List
  - Toolbars & Menus
  - Availables renderModes:
      Hidden lines
      Lines + Flat shading
      Flat shading
      Smooth shading
  - Lighting Modes:
      One/Double Side
      Fancy Lights


* Plugin:
  - Gaussian Curvature color mode not showed at all
  - Import/Export Obj doesn't work as well

* User interface
  - Logging still rough
  - Fancy Lighting not work properly
  - No texture mode under menu Render->Texture
  - Clipping issues
  - Messy trackball 
  - About Dialog contains trash infos!!
  - About Plugins Dialog still working on

- Meshlab v0.1

* 2005/11/15 First draft