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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Error Handling and Recovery</title>

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<h2><a name="_bb1"></a><a name="lexicalanalysis">Error
    Handling and Recovery</a></h2>
    <p>All syntactic and semantic errors cause parser exceptions to be thrown. In particular,
    the methods used to match tokens in the parser base class (match et al) throw
    MismatchedTokenException. If the lookahead predicts no alternative of a production in
    either the parser or lexer, then a NoViableAltException is thrown. The methods in the
    lexer base class used to match characters (match et al) throw analogous exceptions.</p>
    <p>ANTLR will generate default error-handling code, or you may specify your own exception
    handlers. Either case results (where supported by the language) in the creation of a <tt>try/catch</tt>
    block. Such <tt>try{}</tt> blocks surround the generated code for the grammar element of
    interest (rule, alternate, token reference, or rule reference). If no exception handlers
    (default or otherwise) are specified, then the exception will propagate all the way out of
    the parser to the calling program. </p>
    <p>ANTLR's default exception handling is good to get something working, but you will have
    more control over error-reporting and resynchronization if you write your own exception
    handlers. </p>
    <p>Note that the '@' exception specification of PCCTS 1.33 does not apply to ANTLR.</p>
    <h3><a name="ANTLR Exception Hierarchy">ANTLR Exception Hierarchy</a></h3>
    <p>ANTLR-generated parsers throw exceptions to signal recognition errors or other stream
    problems.&nbsp; All exceptions derive from <font face="Courier New">ANTLRException</font>.
    &nbsp; The following diagram shows the hierarchy:</p>
    <p><img src="ANTLRException.gif" width="646" height="263"
    alt="ANTLRException.gif (14504 bytes)"></p>
    <table border="0" width="100%">
        <th width="50%">Exception</th>
        <th width="50%">Description</th>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">ANTLRException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Root of the exception hiearchy.&nbsp; You can directly subclass this if
        you want to define your own exceptions unless they live more properly under one of the
        specific exceptions below.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"></td>
        <td width="50%"></td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">CharStreamException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Something bad that happens on the character input stream.&nbsp; Most of
        the time it will be an IO problem, but you could define an exception for input coming from
        a dialog box or whatever.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">CharStreamIOException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">The character input stream had an IO exception (e.g., <font
        face="Courier New">CharBuffer.fill()</font> can throw this).&nbsp; If <font
        face="Courier New">nextToken()</font> sees this, it will convert it to a <font
        face="Courier New">TokenStreamIOException</font>.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"></td>
        <td width="50%"></td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">RecognitionException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">A generic recognition problem with the input.&nbsp; Use this as your
        &quot;catch all&quot; exception in your main() or other method that invokes a parser,
        lexer, or treeparser.&nbsp; All parser rules throw this exception.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">MismatchedCharException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Thrown by CharScanner.match() when it is looking for a character, but
        finds a different one on the input stream.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">MismatchedTokenException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Thrown by Parser.match() when it is looking for a token, but finds a
        different one on the input stream.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">NoViableAltException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">The parser finds an unexpected token; that is, it finds a token that does
        not begin any alternative in the current decision.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">NoViableAltForCharException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">The lexer finds an unexpected character; that is, it finds a character
        that does not begin any alternative in the current decision.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">SemanticException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Used to indicate syntactically valid, but nonsensical or otherwise bogus
        input was found on the input stream.&nbsp; This exception is thrown automatically by
        failed, validating semantic predicates such as:<pre>a : A {false}? B ;</pre>
        <p>ANTLR generates:</p>
if (!(false)) throw new
        <p>You can throw this exception yourself during the parse if one of your actions
        determines that the input is wacked.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"></td>
        <td width="50%"></td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">TokenStreamException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Indicates that something went wrong while generating a stream of tokens.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">TokenStreamIOException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Wraps an IOException in a <font face="Courier New">TokenStreamException</font></td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">TokenStreamRecognitionException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Wraps a <font face="Courier New">RecognitionException</font> in a <font
        face="Courier New">TokenStreamException</font> so you can pass it along on a stream.</td>
        <td width="50%" align="left" valign="top"><small><font face="Courier New">TokenStreamRetryException</font></small></td>
        <td width="50%">Signals aborted recognition of current token. Try to get one again. Used
        by <small><font face="Courier New">TokenStreamSelector.retry()</font></small> to force <font
        face="Courier New">nextToken()</font> of stream to re-enter and retry.&nbsp; See the
        examples/java/includeFile directory.<p>This a great way to handle nested include files and
        so on or to try out multiple grammars to see which appears to fit the data.&nbsp; You can
        have something listen on a socket for multiple input types without knowing which type will
        show up when.</td>
    <p><a name="_bb2"></a>The typical main or parser invoker has try-catch around the
    <pre>    try {
    catch(TokenStreamException e) {
      System.err.println(&quot;problem with stream: &quot;+e);
    catch(RecognitionException re) {
      System.err.println(&quot;bad input: &quot;+re);
    <p>Lexer rules throw <font face="Courier New">RecognitionException</font>, <font
    face="Courier New">CharStreamException</font>, and <font face="Courier New">TokenStreamException</font>.</p>
    <p>Parser rules throw <font face="Courier New">RecognitionException</font> and <font
    face="Courier New">TokenStreamException</font>.</p>
    <h3><a name="Modifying Default Error Messages With Paraphrases">Modifying Default Error
    Messages With Paraphrases</a></h3>
    <p>The name or definition of a token in your lexer is rarely meaningful to the user of
    your recognizer or translator.&nbsp; For example, instead of seeing</p>
    <pre> expecting ID, found ';'</pre>
    <p>you can have the parser generate:</p>
    <pre> expecting an identifier, found ';'</pre>
    <p>ANTLR provides an easy way to specify a string to use in place of the token name.&nbsp;
    In the definition for ID, use the paraphrase option:</p>
options {
  paraphrase = &quot;an identifier&quot;;
  : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_')
    <p>Note that this paraphrase goes into the token types text file (ANTLR's persistence
    file).&nbsp; In other words, a grammar that uses this vocabulary will also use the
    paraphrase. </p>
    <h3><a name="ParserExceptionHandling">Parser Exception Handling</a></h3>
    <p>ANTLR generates recursive-descent recognizers. Since recursive-descent recognizers
    operate by recursively calling the rule-matching methods, this results in a call stack
    that is populated by the contexts of the recursive-descent methods. Parser exception
    handling for grammar rules is a lot like exception handling in a language like C++ or
    Java. Namely, when an exception is thrown, the normal thread of execution is stopped, and
    functions on the call stack are exited sequentially until one is encountered that wants to
    catch the exception. When an exception is caught, execution resumes at that point. </p>
    <p>In ANTLR, parser exceptions are thrown when (a) there is a syntax error, (b) there
    is a failed validating semantic predicate, or (c) you throw a parser exception from an
    action. </p>
    <p>In all cases, the recursive-descent functions on the call stack are exited until an
    exception handler is encountered for that exception type or one of its base classes (in
    non-object-oriented languages, the hierarchy of execption types is not implemented by a
    class hierarchy). Exception handlers arise in one of two ways. First, if you do nothing,
    ANTLR will generate a default exception handler for every parser rule. The default
    exception handler will report an error, sync to the follow set of the rule, and return
    from that rule. Second, you may specify your own exception handlers in a variety of ways,
    as described later. </p>
    <p>If you specify an exception handler for a rule, then the default exception handler is
    not generated for that rule. In addition, you may control the generation of default
    exception handlers with a <a href="options.html#defaultErrorHandler">per-grammar or
    per-rule option</a>. </p>
    <h3><a name="SpecifyingParserException-Handlers">Specifying Parser Exception-Handlers</a></h3>
    <p>You may attach exception handlers to a rule, an alternative, or a labeled element. The
    general form for specifying an exception handler is:</p>
exception [label]
catch [exceptionType exceptionVariable]
  { action }
catch ...
catch ...
    <p>where the label is only used for attaching exceptions to labeled elements. The <tt>exceptionType</tt>
    is the exception (or class of exceptions) to catch, and the <tt>exceptionVariable</tt> is
    the variable name of the caught exception, so that the action can process the exception if
    desired. Here is an example that catches an exception for the rule, for an alternate and
    for a labeled element: </p>
rule:   a:A B C
    |   D E
        exception // for alternate
          catch [RecognitionException ex] {
    exception // for rule
    catch [RecognitionException ex] {
    exception[a] // for a:A
    catch [RecognitionException ex] {
</tt>  </pre>
    <p>Note that exceptions attached to alternates and labeled elements <b>do not</b> cause
    the rule to exit. Matching and control flow continues as if the error had not occurred.
    Because of this, you must be careful not to use any variables that would have been set by
    a successful match when an exception is caught. </p>
    <h3><a name="Default Exception Handling in the Lexer">Default Exception Handling in the
    <p>Normally you want the lexer to keep trying to get a valid token upon lexical error.
    &nbsp; That way, the parser doesn't have to deal with lexical errors and ask for another
    token.&nbsp; Sometimes you want exceptions to pop out of the lexer--usually when you want
    to abort the entire parsing process upon syntax error.&nbsp; To get ANTLR to generate
    lexers that pass on <font face="Courier New">RecognitionException</font>'s to the parser
    as <font face="Courier New">TokenStreamException</font>'s, use the <font
    face="Courier New">defaultErrorHandler=false</font> grammar option.&nbsp; Note that IO
    exceptions are passed back as <font face="Courier New">TokenStreamIOException</font>'s
    regardless of this option.</p>
    <p>Here is an example that uses a bogus semantic exception (which is a subclass of <font
    face="Courier New">RecognitionException</font>) to demonstrate blasting out of the lexer:</p>
    <pre>class P extends Parser;
public static void main(String[] args) {
        L lexer = new L(;
        P parser = new P(lexer);
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {

start : &quot;int&quot; ID (COMMA ID)* SEMI ;

class L extends Lexer;
options {

{int x=1;}

ID  : ('a'..'z')+ ;

SEMI: ';'
      {if ( <em>expr</em> )
       throw new
                            getLine());} ;

COMMA:',' ;

WS  : (' '|'\n'{newline();})+
    <p>When you type in, say, &quot;<font face="Courier New">int b;</font>&quot; you get the
    following as output:</p>
    <pre>antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException: test</pre>
    <pre><font face="Arial" size="2">Version: $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.7/doc/err.html#2 $</font></pre>