

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5c89dc689e41ac3524288aaa13705f84 > files > 10


-read the README file for install instructions.
-run  ./configure -help for configure options

For a standard install (e.g. aspell was installed from a deb or rpm or similar)
then as admin (or sudo)
make install
Problems ?
mail <>
or Peter Gossner <>

## USING the tetum dictionary with aspell. ##

If all went well with the install run using the --master option:
You may use tetun or tetum to identify the master wordlist (dictionary).


A plain text file:

$ aspell --master tetum check filename-to-check.txt


$ aspell --master tetum -c filename-to-check.txt

An sgml / html file:

$ aspell --master tetun -H -c filename-to-check.html

The Following is output by running:
$ aspell --help

Aspell 0.50.5 alpha.  Copyright 2000 by Kevin Atkinson.

Usage: aspell [options] <command>

<command> is one of:
  -?|help          display this help message
  -c|check <file>  to check a file
  -a|pipe          "ispell -a" compatibility mode
  -l|list          produce a list of misspelled words from standard input
  [dump] config    dumps the current configuration to stdout
  config <key>     prints the current value of an option
  soundslike       returns the soundslike equivalent for each word entered
  filter           passes standard input through filters
  -v|version       prints a version line
  dump|create|merge master|personal|repl [word list]
    dumps, creates or merges a master, personal, or replacement word list.

[options] is any of the following:

  --conf=<str>                main configuration file
  --conf-dir=<str>            location of main configuration file
  --data-dir=<str>            location of language data files
  --dict-dir=<str>            location of the main word list
  --encoding=<str>            encoding to expect data to be in
  --add|rem-filter=<str>      add or removes a filter
  --mode=<str>                filter mode = none,url,email,sgml,tex
  -e,--mode=email             enter Email mode.
  -H,--mode=sgml              enter Html/Sgml mode.
  -t,--mode=tex               enter TeX mode.
  --add|rem-extra-dicts=<str> extra dictionaries to use
  --home-dir=<str>            location for personal files
  -W,--ignore=<int>           ignore words <= n chars
  --[dont-]ignore-accents     ignore accents when checking words
  --[dont-]ignore-case        ignore case when checking words
  --[dont-]ignore-repl        ignore commands to store replacement pairs
  --jargon=<str>              extra information for the word list
  --keyboard=<str>            keyboard definition to use for typo analysis
  --lang=<str>                language code
  --language-tag=<str>        deprecated, use lang instead
  --local-data-dir=<str>      location of local language data files
  -d,--master=<str>           base name of the main dictionary to use
  --per-conf=<str>            personal configuration file
  -p,--personal=<str>         personal word list file name
  --prefix=<str>              prefix directory
  --repl=<str>                replacements list file name
  -C|-B,--[dont-]run-together consider run-together words legal
  --run-together-limit=<int>  maxium numbers that can be strung together
  --run-together-min=<int>    minimal length of interior words
  --[dont-]save-repl          save replacement pairs on save all
  --[dont-]set-prefix         set the prefix based on executable location
  --size=<str>                size of the word list
  --spelling=<str>            no longer used
  --[dont-]strip-accents      strip accents from word lists
  --sug-mode=<str>            suggestion mode
  --add|rem-word-list-path=<str> Search path for word list information files
  -b|-x,--[dont-]backup       create a backup file by appending ".bak"
  --[dont-]reverse            reverse the order of the suggest list
  --[dont-]time               time load time and suggest time in pipe mode
  --keymapping=<str>          keymapping for check mode, one of aspell ispell
  --add|rem-email-quote=<str> email quote characters
  --email-margin=<int>        num chars that can appear before the quote char
  --add|rem-tex-command=<str> TeX commands
  --[dont-]tex-check-comments check TeX comments
  --add|rem-tex-extension=<str> TeX file extensions
  --add|rem-sgml-check=<str>  sgml attributes to always check.
  --add|rem-sgml-extension=<str> sgml file extensions

For more complete information:
(and explanations)

$ man aspell 

and or

$ info aspell

Finally check /usr/share/doc/aspell-doc for a manual in postscript or html format.
and look at the aspell site for the latest versions.


A final hint:

Add some convenience aliases to your ~/.bashrc 
for example:
##### Tetum Aliases #####
# this runs aspell set for tetum
alias aspelltet='aspell --master tetun'
# the following 2 entries are for using the Tetum translating dictionaries

alias teteng='dict --database tet-eng-dictionary'
alias engtet='dict --database eng-tet-dictionary'

# call a local version of aspell 

alias asl='/usr/local/bin/aspell'
#### End tetum aliases

reload bash:
(just type bash and hit enter)


$ aspelltet -c filename-to-check