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Network Working Group                                          D. Nelson
Request for Comments: 4668                            Enterasys Networks
Obsoletes: 2618                                              August 2006
Category: Standards Track

               RADIUS Authentication Client MIB for IPv6

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).


   This memo defines a set of extensions that instrument RADIUS
   authentication client functions.  These extensions represent a
   portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network
   management protocols in the Internet community.  Using these
   extensions, IP-based management stations can manage RADIUS
   authentication clients.

   This memo obsoletes RFC 2618 by deprecating the MIB table containing
   IPv4-only address formats and defining a new table to add support for
   version-neutral IP address formats.  The remaining MIB objects from
   RFC 2618 are carried forward into this document.  The memo also adds
   UNITS and REFERENCE clauses to selected objects.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ....................................................3
   2. Terminology .....................................................3
   3. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ......................3
   4. Scope of Changes ................................................3
   5. Structure of the MIB Module .....................................4
   6. Deprecated Objects ..............................................5
   7. Definitions .....................................................5
   8. Security Considerations ........................................20
   9. References .....................................................22
      9.1. Normative References ......................................22
      9.2. Informative References ....................................22
   Appendix A. Acknowledgements ......................................23

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RFC 4668             RADIUS Auth Client MIB (IPv6)           August 2006

1.  Introduction

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   The objects defined within this memo relate to the Remote
   Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Authentication Client as
   defined in RFC 2865 [RFC2865].

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   This document uses terminology from RFC 2865 [RFC2865].

   This document uses the word "malformed" with respect to RADIUS
   packets, particularly in the context of counters of "malformed
   packets".  While RFC 2865 does not provide an explicit definition of
   "malformed", malformed generally means that the implementation has
   determined the packet does not match the format defined in RFC 2865.
   Some implementations may determine that packets are malformed when
   the Vendor Specific Attribute (VSA) format does not follow the RFC
   2865 recommendations for VSAs.  Those implementations are used in
   deployments today, and thus set the de facto definition of

3.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a MIB
   module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58,
   RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580

4.  Scope of Changes

   This document obsoletes RFC 2618 [RFC2618], RADIUS Authentication
   Client MIB, by deprecating the radiusAuthServerTable table and adding
   a new table, radiusAuthServerExtTable, containing
   radiusAuthServerInetAddressType, radiusAuthServerInetAddress, and

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RFC 4668             RADIUS Auth Client MIB (IPv6)           August 2006

   radiusAuthClientServerInetPortNumber.  The purpose of these added MIB
   objects is to support version-neutral IP addressing formats.  The
   existing table containing radiusAuthServerAddress and
   radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber is deprecated.  The remaining MIB
   objects are carried forward from RFC 2618 into this document.  This
   memo also adds UNITS and REFERENCE clauses to selected objects.

   RFC 4001 [RFC4001], which defines the SMI Textual Conventions for
   IPv6 addresses, contains the following recommendation.

   'In particular, when revising a MIB module that contains IPv4
   specific tables, it is suggested to define new tables using the
   textual conventions defined in this memo [RFC4001] that support all
   versions of IP.  The status of the new tables SHOULD be "current",
   whereas the status of the old IP version specific tables SHOULD be
   changed to "deprecated".  The other approach, of having multiple
   similar tables for different IP versions, is strongly discouraged.'

5.  Structure of the MIB Module

   The RADIUS authentication protocol, described in RFC 2865 [RFC2865],
   distinguishes between the client function and the server function.
   In RADIUS authentication, clients send Access-Requests, and servers
   reply with Access-Accepts, Access-Rejects, and Access-Challenges.
   Typically, Network Access Server (NAS) devices implement the client
   function, and thus would be expected to implement the RADIUS
   authentication client MIB, while RADIUS authentication servers
   implement the server function, and thus would be expected to
   implement the RADIUS authentication server MIB.

   However, it is possible for a RADIUS authentication entity to perform
   both client and server functions.  For example, a RADIUS proxy may
   act as a server to one or more RADIUS authentication clients, while
   simultaneously acting as an authentication client to one or more
   authentication servers.  In such situations, it is expected that
   RADIUS entities combining client and server functionality will
   support both the client and server MIBs.  The client MIB is defined
   in this document, and the server MIB is defined in [RFC4669].

   This MIB module contains two scalars as well as a single table, the
   RADIUS Authentication Server Table, which contains one row for each
   RADIUS authentication server with which the client shares a secret.
   Each entry in the RADIUS Authentication Server Table includes sixteen
   columns presenting a view of the activity of the RADIUS
   authentication client.

   This MIB imports from [RFC2578], [RFC2580], [RFC3411], and [RFC4001].

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RFC 4668             RADIUS Auth Client MIB (IPv6)           August 2006

6.  Deprecated Objects

   The deprecated table in this MIB is carried forward from RFC 2618
   [RFC2618].  There are two conditions under which it MAY be desirable
   for managed entities to continue to support the deprecated table:

   1.  The managed entity only supports IPv4 address formats.

   2.  The managed entity supports both IPv4 and IPv6 address formats,
       and the deprecated table is supported for backwards compatibility
       with older management stations.  This option SHOULD only be used
       when the IP addresses in the new table are in IPv4 format and can
       accurately be represented in both the new table and the
       deprecated table.

   Managed entities SHOULD NOT instantiate row entries in the deprecated
   table, containing IPv4-only address objects, when the RADIUS server
   address represented in such a table row is not an IPv4 address.
   Managed entities SHOULD NOT return inaccurate values of IP address or
   SNMP object access errors for IPv4-only address objects in otherwise
   populated tables.  When row entries exist in both the deprecated
   IPv4-only table and the new IP-version-neutral table that describe
   the same RADIUS server, the row indexes SHOULD be the same for the
   corresponding rows in each table, to facilitate correlation of these
   related rows by management applications.

7.  Definitions


          Counter32, Integer32, Gauge32,
          IpAddress, TimeTicks, mib-2      FROM SNMPv2-SMI
          SnmpAdminString                  FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB
          InetAddressType, InetAddress,
          InetPortNumber                   FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB

   radiusAuthClientMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
          LAST-UPDATED "200608210000Z" -- 21 August 2006
          ORGANIZATION "IETF RADIUS Extensions Working Group."
                 " Bernard Aboba
                   One Microsoft Way
                   Redmond, WA  98052

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RFC 4668             RADIUS Auth Client MIB (IPv6)           August 2006

                   Phone: +1 425 936 6605
                "The MIB module for entities implementing the client
                 side of the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
                 (RADIUS) authentication protocol.  Copyright (C) The
                 Internet Society (2006).  This version of this MIB
                 module is part of RFC 4668; see the RFC itself for
                 full legal notices."
          REVISION "200608210000Z"  --  21 August 2006
                 "Revised version as published in RFC 4668.  This
                  version obsoletes that of RFC 2618 by deprecating
                  the MIB table containing IPv4-only address formats
                  and defining a new table to add support for version
                  neutral IP address formats.  The remaining MIB objects
                  from RFC 2618 are carried forward into this version."
          REVISION "199906110000Z"    -- 11 Jun 1999
          DESCRIPTION "Initial version as published in RFC 2618."
          ::= { radiusAuthentication 2 }

          STATUS  current
                "The OID assigned to RADIUS MIB work by the IANA."
           ::= { mib-2 67 }

   radiusAuthentication  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {radiusMIB 1}

   radiusAuthClientMIBObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
           ::= { radiusAuthClientMIB 1 }

   radiusAuthClient  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
           ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBObjects 1 }

   radiusAuthClientInvalidServerAddresses OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Response packets
                received from unknown addresses."
         ::= { radiusAuthClient 1 }

   radiusAuthClientIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX SnmpAdminString

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         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
                "The NAS-Identifier of the RADIUS authentication client.
                 This is not necessarily the same as sysName in MIB II."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 5.32"
         ::= { radiusAuthClient 2 }

   radiusAuthServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF RadiusAuthServerEntry
         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
         STATUS     deprecated
               "The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS authentication
                servers with which the client shares a secret."
         ::= { radiusAuthClient 3 }

   radiusAuthServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     RadiusAuthServerEntry
         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
         STATUS     deprecated
               "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS
                authentication server with which the client shares
                a secret."
         INDEX      { radiusAuthServerIndex }
         ::= { radiusAuthServerTable 1 }

   RadiusAuthServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         radiusAuthServerIndex                           Integer32,
         radiusAuthServerAddress                         IpAddress,
         radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber                Integer32,
         radiusAuthClientRoundTripTime                   TimeTicks,
         radiusAuthClientAccessRequests                  Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientAccessRetransmissions           Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientAccessAccepts                   Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientAccessRejects                   Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientAccessChallenges                Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientMalformedAccessResponses        Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientBadAuthenticators               Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientPendingRequests                   Gauge32,
         radiusAuthClientTimeouts                        Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientUnknownTypes                    Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientPacketsDropped                  Counter32

   radiusAuthServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)

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         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
         STATUS     deprecated
                "A number uniquely identifying each RADIUS
                Authentication server with which this client
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 1 }

   radiusAuthServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     IpAddress
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS     deprecated
               "The IP address of the RADIUS authentication server
                referred to in this table entry."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 2 }

   radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535)
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to
                this server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 3"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 3 }

   radiusAuthClientRoundTripTime  OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX TimeTicks
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The time interval (in hundredths of a second) between
                the most recent Access-Reply/Access-Challenge and the
                Access-Request that matched it from this RADIUS
                authentication server."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 4 }

   -- Request/Response statistics
   -- TotalIncomingPackets = Accepts + Rejects + Challenges +
   -- UnknownTypes
   -- TotalIncomingPackets - MalformedResponses -
   -- BadAuthenticators - UnknownTypes - PacketsDropped =
   -- Successfully received
   -- AccessRequests + PendingRequests + ClientTimeouts =

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   -- Successfully received

   radiusAuthClientAccessRequests OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets sent
                to this server.  This does not include retransmissions."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.1"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 5 }

   radiusAuthClientAccessRetransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets
                retransmitted to this RADIUS authentication server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 sections 2.5, 4.1"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 6 }

   radiusAuthClientAccessAccepts OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Accept packets
                (valid or invalid) received from this server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.2"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 7 }

   radiusAuthClientAccessRejects OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Reject packets
                (valid or invalid) received from this server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.3"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry  8 }

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   radiusAuthClientAccessChallenges OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Challenge packets
                (valid or invalid) received from this server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.4"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 9 }

   -- "Access-Response" includes an Access-Accept, Access-Challenge
   -- or Access-Reject

   radiusAuthClientMalformedAccessResponses OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of malformed RADIUS Access-Response
                packets received from this server.
                Malformed packets include packets with
                an invalid length.  Bad authenticators or
                Message Authenticator attributes or unknown types
                are not included as malformed access responses."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 10 }

   radiusAuthClientBadAuthenticators OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Response packets
                containing invalid authenticators or Message
                Authenticator attributes received from this server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 3, RFC 2869 section 5.14"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 11 }

   radiusAuthClientPendingRequests OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Gauge32
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets
                destined for this server that have not yet timed out
                or received a response.  This variable is incremented

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                when an Access-Request is sent and decremented due to
                receipt of an Access-Accept, Access-Reject,
                Access-Challenge, timeout, or retransmission."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 2"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry 12 }

   radiusAuthClientTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Counter32
        UNITS "timeouts"
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS deprecated
               "The number of authentication timeouts to this server.
                After a timeout, the client may retry to the same
                server, send to a different server, or
                give up.  A retry to the same server is counted as a
                retransmit as well as a timeout.  A send to a different
                server is counted as a Request as well as a timeout."
                REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 2, RFC 2869 section 2.3.2"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry  13 }

   radiusAuthClientUnknownTypes OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS packets of unknown type that
                were received from this server on the authentication
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry  14 }

   radiusAuthClientPacketsDropped OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS deprecated
               "The number of RADIUS packets that were
                received from this server on the authentication port
                and dropped for some other reason."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerEntry  15 }

   -- New MIB Objects in this revision

   radiusAuthServerExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF RadiusAuthServerExtEntry

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         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
         STATUS     current
               "The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS authentication
                servers with which the client shares a secret."
         ::= { radiusAuthClient 4 }

   radiusAuthServerExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     RadiusAuthServerExtEntry
         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
         STATUS     current
               "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS
                authentication server with which the client shares
                a secret."
         INDEX      { radiusAuthServerExtIndex }
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtTable 1 }

   RadiusAuthServerExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
         radiusAuthServerExtIndex                     Integer32,
         radiusAuthServerInetAddressType              InetAddressType,
         radiusAuthServerInetAddress                  InetAddress,
         radiusAuthClientServerInetPortNumber         InetPortNumber,
         radiusAuthClientExtRoundTripTime             TimeTicks,
         radiusAuthClientExtAccessRequests            Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtAccessRetransmissions     Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtAccessAccepts             Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtAccessRejects             Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtAccessChallenges          Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtMalformedAccessResponses  Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtBadAuthenticators         Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtPendingRequests           Gauge32,
         radiusAuthClientExtTimeouts                  Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtUnknownTypes              Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientExtPacketsDropped            Counter32,
         radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity         TimeTicks

   radiusAuthServerExtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
         STATUS     current
                "A number uniquely identifying each RADIUS
                Authentication server with which this client
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 1 }

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   radiusAuthServerInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     InetAddressType
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS     current
               "The type of address format used for the
                radiusAuthServerInetAddress object."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 2 }

   radiusAuthServerInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX     InetAddress
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS     current
               "The IP address of the RADIUS authentication
                server referred to in this table entry, using
                the version-neutral IP address format."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 3 }

   radiusAuthClientServerInetPortNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX InetPortNumber ( 1..65535 )
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The UDP port the client is using to send requests
                to this server.  The value of zero (0) is invalid."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 3"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 4 }

   radiusAuthClientExtRoundTripTime  OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX TimeTicks
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The time interval (in hundredths of a second) between
                the most recent Access-Reply/Access-Challenge and the
                Access-Request that matched it from this RADIUS
                authentication server."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 2"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 5 }

   -- Request/Response statistics
   -- TotalIncomingPackets = Accepts + Rejects + Challenges +
   -- UnknownTypes
   -- TotalIncomingPackets - MalformedResponses -
   -- BadAuthenticators - UnknownTypes - PacketsDropped =

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   -- Successfully received
   -- AccessRequests + PendingRequests + ClientTimeouts =
   -- Successfully received

   radiusAuthClientExtAccessRequests OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets sent
                to this server.  This does not include retransmissions.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when the
                RADIUS Client module within the managed entity is
                reinitialized, as indicated by the current value of
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.1"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 6 }

   radiusAuthClientExtAccessRetransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets
                retransmitted to this RADIUS authentication server.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                the RADIUS Client module within the managed entity
                is reinitialized, as indicated by the current value
                of radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 sections 2.5, 4.1"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 7 }

   radiusAuthClientExtAccessAccepts OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Accept packets
                (valid or invalid) received from this server.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                the RADIUS Client module within the managed entity
                is reinitialized, as indicated by the current value

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                of radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.2"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 8 }

   radiusAuthClientExtAccessRejects OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Reject packets
                (valid or invalid) received from this server.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                the RADIUS Client module within the managed
                entity is reinitialized, as indicated by the
                current value of
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.3"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry  9 }

   radiusAuthClientExtAccessChallenges OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Challenge packets
                (valid or invalid) received from this server.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                the RADIUS Client module within the managed
                entity is reinitialized, as indicated by the
                current value of
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4.4"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 10 }

   -- "Access-Response" includes an Access-Accept, Access-Challenge,
   -- or Access-Reject

   radiusAuthClientExtMalformedAccessResponses OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of malformed RADIUS Access-Response
                packets received from this server.
                Malformed packets include packets with

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                an invalid length.  Bad authenticators or
                Message Authenticator attributes or unknown types
                are not included as malformed access responses.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                the RADIUS Client module within the managed entity
                is reinitialized, as indicated by the current value
                of radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 sections 3, 4"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 11 }

   radiusAuthClientExtBadAuthenticators OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Response packets
                containing invalid authenticators or Message
                Authenticator attributes received from this server.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when
                the RADIUS Client module within the managed entity
                is reinitialized, as indicated by the current value
                of radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 3"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 12 }

   radiusAuthClientExtPendingRequests OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Gauge32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS Access-Request packets
                destined for this server that have not yet timed out
                or received a response.  This variable is incremented
                when an Access-Request is sent and decremented due to
                receipt of an Access-Accept, Access-Reject,
                Access-Challenge, timeout, or retransmission."
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 2"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 13 }

   radiusAuthClientExtTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Counter32
        UNITS "timeouts"
        MAX-ACCESS read-only
        STATUS current
               "The number of authentication timeouts to this server.

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                After a timeout, the client may retry to the same
                server, send to a different server, or
                give up.  A retry to the same server is counted as a
                retransmit as well as a timeout.  A send to a different
                server is counted as a Request as well as a timeout.
                This counter may experience a discontinuity when the
                RADIUS Client module within the managed entity is
                reinitialized, as indicated by the current value of
         REFERENCE "RFC 2865 sections 2.5, 4.1"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry  14 }

   radiusAuthClientExtUnknownTypes OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS packets of unknown type that
                were received from this server on the authentication
                port.  This counter may experience a discontinuity
                when the RADIUS Client module within the managed
                entity is reinitialized, as indicated by the current
                value of radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity."
                REFERENCE "RFC 2865 section 4"
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry  15 }

   radiusAuthClientExtPacketsDropped OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX Counter32
         UNITS "packets"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current
               "The number of RADIUS packets that were
                received from this server on the authentication port
                and dropped for some other reason.  This counter may
                experience a discontinuity when the RADIUS Client
                module within the managed entity is reinitialized,
                as indicated by the current value of
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry  16 }

   radiusAuthClientCounterDiscontinuity OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX TimeTicks
         UNITS "centiseconds"
         MAX-ACCESS read-only
         STATUS current

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               "The number of centiseconds since the last discontinuity
                in the RADIUS Client counters.  A discontinuity may
                be the result of a reinitialization of the RADIUS
                Client module within the managed entity."
         ::= { radiusAuthServerExtEntry 17 }

   -- conformance information

   radiusAuthClientMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER
           ::= { radiusAuthClientMIB 2 }

   radiusAuthClientMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
           ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBConformance 1 }

   radiusAuthClientMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER
           ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBConformance 2 }

   -- compliance statements

   radiusAuthClientMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  deprecated
              "The compliance statement for authentication clients
               implementing the RADIUS Authentication Client MIB.
               Implementation of this module is for IPv4-only
               entities, or for backwards compatibility use with
               entities that support both IPv4 and IPv6."
        MODULE  -- this module
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { radiusAuthClientMIBGroup }

        ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBCompliances 1 }

   radiusAuthClientExtMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS  current
              "The compliance statement for authentication
               clients implementing the RADIUS Authentication
               Client IPv6 Extensions MIB.  Implementation of
               this module is for entities that support IPv6,
               or support IPv4 and IPv6."
        MODULE  -- this module
               MANDATORY-GROUPS { radiusAuthClientExtMIBGroup }

        OBJECT radiusAuthServerInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }

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              "An implementation is only required to support
               IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."

        OBJECT radiusAuthServerInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress ( SIZE (4|16) )
              "An implementation is only required to support
               IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
        ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBCompliances 2 }

   -- units of conformance

   radiusAuthClientMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { radiusAuthClientIdentifier,
        STATUS  deprecated
              "The basic collection of objects providing management of
               RADIUS Authentication Clients."
        ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBGroups 1 }

   radiusAuthClientExtMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
        OBJECTS { radiusAuthClientIdentifier,

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        STATUS  current
              "The collection of extended objects providing
               management of RADIUS Authentication Clients
               using version-neutral IP address format."
        ::= { radiusAuthClientMIBGroups 2 }


8.  Security Considerations

   There are no management objects defined in this MIB that have a MAX-
   ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  So, if this MIB is
   implemented correctly, then there is no risk that an intruder can
   alter or create any management objects of this MIB via direct SNMP
   SET operations.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their

      This can be used to determine the address of the RADIUS
      authentication server with which the client is communicating.
      This information could be useful in mounting an attack on the
      authentication server.

      This can be used to determine the port number on which the RADIUS
      authentication client is sending.  This information could be
      useful in impersonating the client in order to send data to the
      authentication server.

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RFC 4668             RADIUS Auth Client MIB (IPv6)           August 2006

      This can be used to determine the address of the RADIUS
      authentication server with which the client is communicating.
      This information could be useful in mounting an attack on the
      authentication server.

      This can be used to determine the port number on which the RADIUS
      authentication client is sending.  This information could be
      useful in impersonating the client in order to send data to the
      authentication server.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as
   provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8),
   including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for
   authentication and privacy).

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an
   instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to
   the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

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9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
              "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
              April 1999.

   [RFC2865]  Rigney, C., Willens, S., Rubens, A., and W. Simpson,
              "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)",
              RFC 2865, June 2000.

   [RFC3411]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              December 2002.

   [RFC4001]  Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
              Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

9.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2618]  Aboba, B. and G. Zorn, "RADIUS Authentication Client MIB",
              RFC 2618, June 1999.

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

   [RFC4669]  Nelson, D., "RADIUS Authentication Server MIB for IPv6",
              RFC 4669, August 2006.

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Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

   The authors of the original MIB are Bernard Aboba and Glen Zorn.

   Many thanks to all reviewers, especially to Dave Harrington, Dan
   Romascanu, C.M. Heard, Bruno Pape, Greg Weber, and Bert Wijnen.

Author's Address

   David B. Nelson
   Enterasys Networks
   50 Minuteman Road
   Andover, MA  01810


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Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is provided by the IETF
   Administrative Support Activity (IASA).

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