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<h2>Windows Compatibility API</h2>

	<p />Mono implements a small subset of the Win32 API for some
	file system interaction, I/O, thread and process operations.

	<p />On Windows, Mono uses directly the services provided by the
	operating system.   On other operating system it uses its own
	implementation (referred to as the &quot;io-layer&quot; or &quot;wapi&quot;). 

<h3>Windows Compatibility API</h3>

 <a name="api:BindIoCompletionCallback"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">BindIoCompletionCallback</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: BindIoCompletionCallback</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:CloseHandle"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CloseHandle</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean CloseHandle(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The handle to release</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Closes and invalidates <i>handle</i>, releasing any resources it
	 consumes.  When the last handle to a temporary or non-persistent
	 object is closed, that object can be deleted.  Closing the same
	 handle twice is an error.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:closesocket"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">closesocket</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: closesocket</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:CopyFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CopyFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean CopyFile (const gunichar2 *name, const gunichar2 *dest_name,
		   gboolean fail_if_exists)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that names</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 the file to be copied. 
	 <i>dest_name</i>: a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that is the
	 new name for the file.
	 <i>fail_if_exists</i>: if TRUE and dest_name exists, the copy will fail.
	 Copies file <i>name</i> to <i>dest_name</i>
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:CreateDirectory"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateDirectory</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean CreateDirectory (const gunichar2 *name,
			  WapiSecurityAttributes *security)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that names</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 the directory to be created. 
	 <i>security</i>: ignored for now
	 Creates directory <i>name</i>
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:CreateEvent"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateEvent</div>

    <div class="prototype">gpointer CreateEvent(WapiSecurityAttributes *security G_GNUC_UNUSED,
		     gboolean manual, gboolean initial,
		     const gunichar2 *name G_GNUC_UNUSED)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>security:</i></dt><dd> Ignored for now.</dd><dt><i>manual:</i></dt><dd> Specifies whether the new event handle has manual or auto</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 reset behaviour. 
	 <i>initial</i>: Specifies whether the new event handle is initially
	 signalled or not.
	 <i>name</i>:Pointer to a string specifying the name of this name, or
	 %NULL.  Currently ignored.
	 Creates a new event handle.
	 An event handle is signalled with SetEvent().  If the new handle is
	 a manual reset event handle, it remains signalled until it is reset
	 with ResetEvent().  An auto reset event remains signalled until a
	 single thread has waited for it, at which time the event handle is
	 automatically reset to unsignalled.
	 Return value: A new handle, or %NULL on error.

</div> <a name="api:CreateFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gpointer CreateFile(const gunichar2 *name, guint32 fileaccess,
		    guint32 sharemode, WapiSecurityAttributes *security,
		    guint32 createmode, guint32 attrs,
		    gpointer template G_GNUC_UNUSED)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that names</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 the file or other object to create. 
	 <i>fileaccess</i>: specifies the file access mode
	 <i>sharemode</i>: whether the file should be shared.  This parameter is
	 currently ignored.
	 <i>security</i>: Ignored for now.
	 <i>createmode</i>: specifies whether to create a new file, whether to
	 overwrite an existing file, whether to truncate the file, etc.
	 <i>attrs</i>: specifies file attributes and flags.  On win32 attributes
	 are characteristics of the file, not the handle, and are ignored
	 when an existing file is opened.  Flags give the library hints on
	 how to process a file to optimise performance.
	 <i>template</i>: the handle of an open %GENERIC_READ file that specifies
	 attributes to apply to a newly created file, ignoring <i>attrs</i>.
	 Normally this parameter is NULL.  This parameter is ignored when an
	 existing file is opened.
	 Creates a new file handle.  This only applies to normal files:
	 pipes are handled by CreatePipe(), and console handles are created
	 with GetStdHandle().
	 Return value: the new handle, or %INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error.

</div> <a name="api:CreateMutex"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateMutex</div>

    <div class="prototype">gpointer CreateMutex(WapiSecurityAttributes *security G_GNUC_UNUSED, gboolean owned,
			const gunichar2 *name)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>security:</i></dt><dd> Ignored for now.</dd><dt><i>owned:</i></dt><dd> If %TRUE, the mutex is created with the calling thread</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 already owning the mutex. 
	 <i>name</i>:Pointer to a string specifying the name of this mutex, or
	 Creates a new mutex handle.  A mutex is signalled when no thread
	 owns it.  A thread acquires ownership of the mutex by waiting for
	 it with WaitForSingleObject() or WaitForMultipleObjects().  A
	 thread relinquishes ownership with ReleaseMutex().
	 A thread that owns a mutex can specify the same mutex in repeated
	 wait function calls without blocking.  The thread must call
	 ReleaseMutex() an equal number of times to release the mutex.
	 Return value: A new handle, or %NULL on error.

</div> <a name="api:CreatePipe"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreatePipe</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: CreatePipe</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:CreateProcess"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateProcess</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: CreateProcess</div>
<p />

</div><h4><a name="api:CreateProcessWithLogonW">CreateProcessWithLogonW</a>
 <a name="api:CreateSemaphore"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateSemaphore</div>

    <div class="prototype">gpointer CreateSemaphore(WapiSecurityAttributes *security G_GNUC_UNUSED, gint32 initial, gint32 max, const gunichar2 *name)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>security:</i></dt><dd> Ignored for now.</dd><dt><i>initial:</i></dt><dd> The initial count for the semaphore.  The value must be</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to <i>max</i>. 
	 <i>max</i>: The maximum count for this semaphore.  The value must be
	 greater than zero.
	 <i>name</i>: Pointer to a string specifying the name of this semaphore,
	 or %NULL.  Currently ignored.
	 Creates a new semaphore handle.  A semaphore is signalled when its
	 count is greater than zero, and unsignalled otherwise.  The count
	 is decreased by one whenever a wait function releases a thread that
	 was waiting for the semaphore.  The count is increased by calling
	 Return value: a new handle, or NULL

</div> <a name="api:CreateThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">CreateThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">gpointer CreateThread(WapiSecurityAttributes *security G_GNUC_UNUSED, guint32 stacksize,
		      WapiThreadStart start, gpointer param, guint32 create,
		      gsize *tid) 

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>security:</i></dt><dd> Ignored for now.</dd><dt><i>stacksize:</i></dt><dd> the size in bytes of the new thread's stack. Use 0 to</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 default to the normal stack size. (Ignored for now). 
	 <i>start</i>: The function that the new thread should start with
	 <i>param</i>: The parameter to give to <i>start</i>.
	 <i>create</i>: If 0, the new thread is ready to run immediately.  If
	 %CREATE_SUSPENDED, the new thread will be in the suspended state,
	 requiring a ResumeThread() call to continue running.
	 <i>tid</i>: If non-NULL, the ID of the new thread is stored here.  NB
	 this is defined as a DWORD (ie 32bit) in the MS API, but we need to
	 cope with 64 bit IDs for s390x and amd64.
	 Creates a new threading handle.
	 Return value: a new handle, or NULL

</div> <a name="api:DeleteCriticalSection"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">DeleteCriticalSection</div>

    <div class="prototype">void DeleteCriticalSection(WapiCriticalSection *section)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>section:</i></dt><dd> The critical section to delete.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Releases all resources owned by critical section <i>section</i>.

</div> <a name="api:DeleteFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">DeleteFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean DeleteFile(const gunichar2 *name)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that names</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 the file to be deleted. 
	 Deletes file <i>name</i>.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div><h4><a name="api:DuplicateHandle">DuplicateHandle</a>
 <a name="api:EnterCriticalSection"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">EnterCriticalSection</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: EnterCriticalSection</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:EnumProcesses"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">EnumProcesses</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: EnumProcesses</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:EnumProcessModules"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">EnumProcessModules</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: EnumProcessModules</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:errno_to_WSA"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">errno_to_WSA</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: errno_to_WSA</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:ExitThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ExitThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">void ExitThread(guint32 exitcode)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>exitcode:</i></dt><dd> Sets the thread's exit code, which can be read from</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 another thread with GetExitCodeThread(). 
	 Terminates the calling thread.  A thread can also exit by returning
	 from its start function. When the last thread in a process
	 terminates, the process itself terminates.

</div> <a name="api:FileTimeToSystemTime"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">FileTimeToSystemTime</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean FileTimeToSystemTime(const WapiFileTime *file_time,
			      WapiSystemTime *system_time)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>file_time:</i></dt><dd> Points to a %WapiFileTime structure that contains the</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 number of ticks to convert. 
	 <i>system_time</i>: Points to a %WapiSystemTime structure to receive the
	 broken-out time.
	 Converts a tick count into broken-out time values.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:FindClose"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">FindClose</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean FindClose (gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>wapi_handle:</i></dt><dd> the find handle to close.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Closes find handle <i>wapi_handle</i>
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:FindFirstFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">FindFirstFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: FindFirstFile</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:FindNextFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">FindNextFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: FindNextFile</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:FlushFileBuffers"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">FlushFileBuffers</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean FlushFileBuffers(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> Handle to open file.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_WRITE access. 
	 Flushes buffers of the file and causes all unwritten data to
	 be written.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div><h4><a name="api:FormatMessage">FormatMessage</a>
 <a name="api:GetCurrentDirectory"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetCurrentDirectory</div>

    <div class="prototype">extern guint32 GetCurrentDirectory (guint32 length, gunichar2 *buffer)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>length:</i></dt><dd> size of the buffer</dd><dt><i>buffer:</i></dt><dd> pointer to buffer that recieves path</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Retrieves the current directory for the current process.
	 Return value: number of characters in buffer on success, zero on failure

</div> <a name="api:GetCurrentProcess"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetCurrentProcess</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetCurrentProcess</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetCurrentProcessId"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetCurrentProcessId</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetCurrentProcessId</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetCurrentThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetCurrentThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">gpointer GetCurrentThread(void)

<p />
<p />	 
	 Looks up the handle associated with the current thread.  Under
	 Windows this is a pseudohandle, and must be duplicated with
	 DuplicateHandle() for some operations.
	 Return value: The current thread handle, or %NULL on failure.
	 (Unknown whether Windows has a possible failure here.  It may be
	 necessary to implement the pseudohandle-constant behaviour).

</div> <a name="api:GetCurrentThreadId"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetCurrentThreadId</div>

    <div class="prototype">gsize GetCurrentThreadId(void)

<p />
<p />	 
	 Looks up the thread ID of the current thread.  This ID can be
	 passed to OpenThread() to create a new handle on this thread.
	 Return value: the thread ID.  NB this is defined as DWORD (ie 32
	 bit) in the MS API, but we need to cope with 64 bit IDs for s390x
	 and amd64.  This doesn't really break the API, it just embraces and
	 extends it on 64bit platforms :)

</div><h4><a name="api:GetDiskFreeSpaceEx">GetDiskFreeSpaceEx</a>
<h4><a name="api:GetDriveType">GetDriveType</a>
 <a name="api:GetExitCodeProcess"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetExitCodeProcess</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetExitCodeProcess</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetExitCodeThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetExitCodeThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean GetExitCodeThread(gpointer handle, guint32 *exitcode)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The thread handle to query</dd><dt><i>exitcode:</i></dt><dd> The thread <i>handle</i> exit code is stored here</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Finds the exit code of <i>handle</i>, and stores it in <i>exitcode</i>.  If the
	 thread <i>handle</i> is still running, the value stored is %STILL_ACTIVE.
	 Return value: %TRUE, or %FALSE on error.

</div> <a name="api:GetFileAttributesEx"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetFileAttributesEx</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean GetFileAttributesEx (const gunichar2 *name, WapiGetFileExInfoLevels level, gpointer info)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode filename.</dd><dt><i>level:</i></dt><dd> must be GetFileExInfoStandard</dd><dt><i>info:</i></dt><dd> pointer to a WapiFileAttributesData structure</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Gets attributes, size and filetimes for <i>name</i>;
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure

</div> <a name="api:GetFileAttributes"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetFileAttributes</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 GetFileAttributes (const gunichar2 *name)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode filename.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Gets the attributes for <i>name</i>;
	 Return value: %INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES on failure

</div> <a name="api:GetFileSize"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetFileSize</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 GetFileSize(gpointer handle, guint32 *highsize)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to query.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_READ or %GENERIC_WRITE access. 
	 <i>highsize</i>: If non-%NULL, the high 32 bits of the file size are
	 stored here.
	 Retrieves the size of the file <i>handle</i>.
	 If the library is compiled without large file support, <i>highsize</i>
	 has its value set to zero on a successful return.
	 Return value: On success, the low 32 bits of the file size.  If
	 <i>highsize</i> is non-%NULL then the high 32 bits of the file size are
	 stored here.  On failure %INVALID_FILE_SIZE is returned.

</div> <a name="api:GetFileTime"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetFileTime</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean GetFileTime(gpointer handle, WapiFileTime *create_time,
		     WapiFileTime *last_access, WapiFileTime *last_write)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to query.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_READ access. 
	 <i>create_time</i>: Points to a %WapiFileTime structure to receive the
	 number of ticks since the epoch that file was created.  May be
	 <i>last_access</i>: Points to a %WapiFileTime structure to receive the
	 number of ticks since the epoch when file was last accessed.  May be
	 <i>last_write</i>: Points to a %WapiFileTime structure to receive the
	 number of ticks since the epoch when file was last written to.  May
	 be %NULL.
	 Finds the number of ticks since the epoch that the file referenced
	 by <i>handle</i> was created, last accessed and last modified.  A tick is
	 a 100 nanosecond interval.  The epoch is Midnight, January 1 1601
	 Create time isn't recorded on POSIX file systems or reported by
	 stat(2), so that time is guessed by returning the oldest of the
	 other times.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:GetFileType"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetFileType</div>

    <div class="prototype">WapiFileType GetFileType(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to test.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Finds the type of file <i>handle</i>.
	 Return value: %FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN - the type of the file <i>handle</i> is
	 unknown.  %FILE_TYPE_DISK - <i>handle</i> is a disk file.
	 %FILE_TYPE_CHAR - <i>handle</i> is a character device, such as a console.
	 %FILE_TYPE_PIPE - <i>handle</i> is a named or anonymous pipe.

</div><h4><a name="api:GetFileVersionInfo">GetFileVersionInfo</a>
<h4><a name="api:GetFileVersionInfoSize">GetFileVersionInfoSize</a>
 <a name="api:GetLastError"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetLastError</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 GetLastError(void)

<p />
<p />	 
	 Retrieves the last error that occurred in the calling thread.
	 Return value: The error code for the last error that happened on
	 the calling thread.

</div> <a name="api:GetLogicalDriveStrings"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetLogicalDriveStrings</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetLogicalDriveStrings</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetModuleBaseName"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetModuleBaseName</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetModuleBaseName</div>
<p />

</div><h4><a name="api:GetModuleFileNameEx">GetModuleFileNameEx</a>
<h4><a name="api:GetModuleInformation">GetModuleInformation</a>
<h4><a name="api:GetPriorityClass">GetPriorityClass</a>
 <a name="api:GetProcessId"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetProcessId</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetProcessId</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetProcessTimes"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetProcessTimes</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetProcessTimes</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetProcessWorkingSetSize"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetProcessWorkingSetSize</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetProcessWorkingSetSize</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetStdHandle"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetStdHandle</div>

    <div class="prototype">
static mono_mutex_t stdhandle_mutex;

gpointer GetStdHandle(WapiStdHandle stdhandle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>stdhandle:</i></dt><dd> specifies the file descriptor</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Returns a handle for stdin, stdout, or stderr.  Always returns the
	 same handle for the same <i>stdhandle</i>.
	 Return value: the handle, or %INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE on error

</div> <a name="api:GetSystemInfo"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetSystemInfo</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetSystemInfo</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetTempPath"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetTempPath</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetTempPath</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetThreadContext"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetThreadContext</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetThreadContext</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:GetTickCount"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">GetTickCount</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: GetTickCount</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:ImpersonateLoggedOnUser"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ImpersonateLoggedOnUser</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: ImpersonateLoggedOnUser</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(WapiCriticalSection *section,
					       guint32 spincount G_GNUC_UNUSED)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>section:</i></dt><dd> The critical section to initialise.</dd><dt><i>spincount:</i></dt><dd> The spin count for this critical section.  Not</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 currently used. 
	 Initialises a critical section and sets the spin count.  This
	 implementation just calls InitializeCriticalSection().
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.  (%FALSE never

</div> <a name="api:InitializeCriticalSection"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">InitializeCriticalSection</div>

    <div class="prototype">void InitializeCriticalSection(WapiCriticalSection *section)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>section:</i></dt><dd> The critical section to initialise</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Initialises a critical section.

</div> <a name="api:ioctlsocket"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ioctlsocket</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: ioctlsocket</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:LeaveCriticalSection"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">LeaveCriticalSection</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: LeaveCriticalSection</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:LockFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">LockFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: LockFile</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:MoveFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">MoveFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean MoveFile (const gunichar2 *name, const gunichar2 *dest_name)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that names</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 the file to be moved. 
	 <i>dest_name</i>: a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that is the
	 new name for the file.
	 Renames file <i>name</i> to <i>dest_name</i>.
	 MoveFile sets ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the destination exists, except
	 when it is the same file as the source.  In that case it silently succeeds.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:OpenEvent"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">OpenEvent</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: OpenEvent</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:OpenMutex"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">OpenMutex</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: OpenMutex</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:OpenProcess"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">OpenProcess</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: OpenProcess</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:OpenSemaphore"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">OpenSemaphore</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: OpenSemaphore</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:OpenThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">OpenThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: OpenThread</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:PulseEvent"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">PulseEvent</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean PulseEvent(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The event handle.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Sets the event handle <i>handle</i> to the signalled state, and then
	 resets it to unsignalled after informing any waiting threads.
	 If <i>handle</i> is a manual reset event, all waiting threads that can be
	 released immediately are released.  <i>handle</i> is then reset.  If
	 <i>handle</i> is an auto reset event, one waiting thread is released even
	 if multiple threads are waiting.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.  (Currently only
	 ever returns %TRUE).

</div> <a name="api:QueryPerformanceCounter"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">QueryPerformanceCounter</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: QueryPerformanceCounter</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:QueryPerformanceFrequency"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">QueryPerformanceFrequency</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: QueryPerformanceFrequency</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:QueueUserAPC"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">QueueUserAPC</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: QueueUserAPC</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:ReadFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ReadFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean ReadFile(gpointer handle, gpointer buffer, guint32 numbytes,
		  guint32 *bytesread, WapiOverlapped *overlapped)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to read from.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_READ access. 
	 <i>buffer</i>: The buffer to store read data in
	 <i>numbytes</i>: The maximum number of bytes to read
	 <i>bytesread</i>: The actual number of bytes read is stored here.  This
	 value can be zero if the handle is positioned at the end of the
	 <i>overlapped</i>: points to a required %WapiOverlapped structure if
	 <i>handle</i> has the %FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option set, should be NULL
	 If <i>handle</i> does not have the %FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option set, this
	 function reads up to <i>numbytes</i> bytes from the file from the current
	 file position, and stores them in <i>buffer</i>.  If there are not enough
	 bytes left in the file, just the amount available will be read.
	 The actual number of bytes read is stored in <i>bytesread</i>.
	 If <i>handle</i> has the %FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option set, the current
	 file position is ignored and the read position is taken from data
	 in the <i>overlapped</i> structure.
	 Return value: %TRUE if the read succeeds (even if no bytes were
	 read due to an attempt to read past the end of the file), %FALSE on

</div> <a name="api:ReleaseMutex"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ReleaseMutex</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean ReleaseMutex(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The mutex handle.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Releases ownership if the mutex handle <i>handle</i>.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.  This function
	 fails if the calling thread does not own the mutex <i>handle</i>.

</div> <a name="api:ReleaseSemaphore"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ReleaseSemaphore</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean ReleaseSemaphore(gpointer handle, gint32 count, gint32 *prevcount)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The semaphore handle to release.</dd><dt><i>count:</i></dt><dd> The amount by which the semaphore's count should be</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 increased. 
	 <i>prevcount</i>: Pointer to a location to store the previous count of
	 the semaphore, or %NULL.
	 Increases the count of semaphore <i>handle</i> by <i>count</i>.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:RemoveDirectory"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">RemoveDirectory</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean RemoveDirectory (const gunichar2 *name)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> a pointer to a NULL-terminated unicode string, that names</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 the directory to be removed. 
	 Removes directory <i>name</i>
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div><h4><a name="api:ReplaceFile">ReplaceFile</a>
 <a name="api:ResetEvent"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ResetEvent</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean ResetEvent(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The event handle.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Resets the event handle <i>handle</i> to the unsignalled state.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.  (Currently only
	 ever returns %TRUE).

</div> <a name="api:ResumeThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ResumeThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 ResumeThread(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> the thread handle to resume</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Decrements the suspend count of thread <i>handle</i>. A thread can only
	 run if its suspend count is zero.
	 Return value: the previous suspend count, or 0xFFFFFFFF on error.

</div> <a name="api:RevertToSelf"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">RevertToSelf</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: RevertToSelf</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetCriticalSectionSpinCount</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(WapiCriticalSection *section G_GNUC_UNUSED, guint32 spincount G_GNUC_UNUSED)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>section:</i></dt><dd> The critical section to set</dd><dt><i>spincount:</i></dt><dd> The new spin count for this critical section.  Not</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 currently used. 
	 Sets the spin count for the critical section <i>section</i>.  The spin
	 count is currently ignored, and set to zero.
	 Return value: The previous spin count.  (Currently always zero).

</div> <a name="api:SetCurrentDirectory"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetCurrentDirectory</div>

    <div class="prototype">extern gboolean SetCurrentDirectory (const gunichar2 *path)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>path:</i></dt><dd> path to new directory</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Changes the directory path for the current process.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure.

</div> <a name="api:SetEndOfFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetEndOfFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean SetEndOfFile(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to set.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_WRITE access. 
	 Moves the end-of-file position to the current position of the file
	 pointer.  This function is used to truncate or extend a file.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:SetEvent"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetEvent</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean SetEvent(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The event handle</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Sets the event handle <i>handle</i> to the signalled state.
	 If <i>handle</i> is a manual reset event, it remains signalled until it
	 is reset with ResetEvent().  An auto reset event remains signalled
	 until a single thread has waited for it, at which time <i>handle</i> is
	 automatically reset to unsignalled.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.  (Currently only
	 ever returns %TRUE).

</div> <a name="api:SetFileAttributes"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetFileAttributes</div>

    <div class="prototype">extern gboolean SetFileAttributes (const gunichar2 *name, guint32 attrs)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>name:</i></dt><dd> name of file</dd><dt><i>attrs:</i></dt><dd> attributes to set</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Changes the attributes on a named file.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE on failure.

</div> <a name="api:SetFilePointer"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetFilePointer</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 SetFilePointer(gpointer handle, gint32 movedistance,
		       gint32 *highmovedistance, WapiSeekMethod method)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to set.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_READ or %GENERIC_WRITE access. 
	 <i>movedistance</i>: Low 32 bits of a signed value that specifies the
	 number of bytes to move the file pointer.
	 <i>highmovedistance</i>: Pointer to the high 32 bits of a signed value
	 that specifies the number of bytes to move the file pointer, or
	 <i>method</i>: The starting point for the file pointer move.
	 Sets the file pointer of an open file.
	 The distance to move the file pointer is calculated from
	 <i>movedistance</i> and <i>highmovedistance</i>: If <i>highmovedistance</i> is %NULL,
	 <i>movedistance</i> is the 32-bit signed value; otherwise, <i>movedistance</i>
	 is the low 32 bits and <i>highmovedistance</i> a pointer to the high 32
	 bits of a 64 bit signed value.  A positive distance moves the file
	 pointer forward from the position specified by <i>method</i>; a negative
	 distance moves the file pointer backward.
	 If the library is compiled without large file support,
	 <i>highmovedistance</i> is ignored and its value is set to zero on a
	 successful return.
	 Return value: On success, the low 32 bits of the new file pointer.
	 If <i>highmovedistance</i> is not %NULL, the high 32 bits of the new file
	 pointer are stored there.  On failure, %INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER.

</div> <a name="api:SetFileTime"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetFileTime</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean SetFileTime(gpointer handle, const WapiFileTime *create_time,
		     const WapiFileTime *last_access,
		     const WapiFileTime *last_write)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to set.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_WRITE access. 
	 <i>create_time</i>: Points to a %WapiFileTime structure that contains the
	 number of ticks since the epoch that the file was created.  May be
	 <i>last_access</i>: Points to a %WapiFileTime structure that contains the
	 number of ticks since the epoch when the file was last accessed.
	 May be %NULL.
	 <i>last_write</i>: Points to a %WapiFileTime structure that contains the
	 number of ticks since the epoch when the file was last written to.
	 May be %NULL.
	 Sets the number of ticks since the epoch that the file referenced
	 by <i>handle</i> was created, last accessed or last modified.  A tick is
	 a 100 nanosecond interval.  The epoch is Midnight, January 1 1601
	 Create time isn't recorded on POSIX file systems, and is ignored.
	 Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:SetLastError"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetLastError</div>

    <div class="prototype">void SetLastError(guint32 code)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>code:</i></dt><dd> The error code.</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Sets the error code in the calling thread.

</div><h4><a name="api:SetPriorityClass">SetPriorityClass</a>
 <a name="api:SetProcessWorkingSetSize"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SetProcessWorkingSetSize</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: SetProcessWorkingSetSize</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:ShellExecuteEx"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">ShellExecuteEx</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: ShellExecuteEx</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:SignalObjectAndWait"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SignalObjectAndWait</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 SignalObjectAndWait(gpointer signal_handle, gpointer wait,
			    guint32 timeout, gboolean alertable)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>signal_handle:</i></dt><dd> An object to signal</dd><dt><i>wait:</i></dt><dd> An object to wait for</dd><dt><i>timeout:</i></dt><dd> The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for</dd><dt><i>alertable:</i></dt><dd> Specifies whether the function returnes when the system</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 queues an I/O completion routine or an APC for the calling thread. 
	 Atomically signals <i>signal</i> and waits for <i>wait</i> to become signalled,
	 or <i>timeout</i> ms elapses.  If <i>timeout</i> is zero, the object's state is
	 tested and the function returns immediately.  If <i>timeout</i> is
	 %INFINITE, the function waits forever.
	 <i>signal</i> can be a semaphore, mutex or event object.
	 If <i>alertable</i> is %TRUE and the system queues an I/O completion
	 routine or an APC for the calling thread, the function returns and
	 the thread calls the completion routine or APC function.  If
	 %FALSE, the function does not return, and the thread does not call
	 the completion routine or APC function.  A completion routine is
	 queued when the ReadFileEx() or WriteFileEx() function in which it
	 was specified has completed.  The calling thread is the thread that
	 initiated the read or write operation.  An APC is queued when
	 QueueUserAPC() is called.  Currently completion routines and APC
	 functions are not supported.
	 Return value: %WAIT_ABANDONED - <i>wait</i> is a mutex that was not
	 released by the owning thread when it exited.  Ownershop of the
	 mutex object is granted to the calling thread and the mutex is set
	 to nonsignalled.  %WAIT_IO_COMPLETION - the wait was ended by one
	 or more user-mode asynchronous procedure calls queued to the
	 thread.  %WAIT_OBJECT_0 - The state of <i>wait</i> is signalled.
	 %WAIT_TIMEOUT - The <i>timeout</i> interval elapsed and <i>wait</i>'s state is
	 still not signalled.  %WAIT_FAILED - an error occurred.

</div> <a name="api:SleepEx"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SleepEx</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 SleepEx(guint32 ms, gboolean alertable)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>ms:</i></dt><dd> The time in milliseconds to suspend for</dd><dt><i>alertable:</i></dt><dd> if TRUE, the wait can be interrupted by an APC call</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Suspends execution of the current thread for <i>ms</i> milliseconds.  A
	 value of zero causes the thread to relinquish its time slice.  A
	 value of %INFINITE causes an infinite delay.

</div> <a name="api:Sleep"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">Sleep</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: Sleep</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:SuspendThread"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">SuspendThread</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 SuspendThread(gpointer handle)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> the thread handle to suspend</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Increments the suspend count of thread <i>handle</i>. A thread can only
	 run if its suspend count is zero.
	 Return value: the previous suspend count, or 0xFFFFFFFF on error.

</div> <a name="api:TerminateProcess"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">TerminateProcess</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: TerminateProcess</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:TlsAlloc"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">TlsAlloc</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: TlsAlloc</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:TlsFree"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">TlsFree</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: TlsFree</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:TlsGetValue"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">TlsGetValue</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: TlsGetValue</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:TlsSetValue"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">TlsSetValue</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: TlsSetValue</div>
<p />

</div><h4><a name="api:TransmitFile">TransmitFile</a>
 <a name="api:TryEnterCriticalSection"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">TryEnterCriticalSection</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean TryEnterCriticalSection(WapiCriticalSection *section)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>section:</i></dt><dd> The critical section to try and enter</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 Attempts to enter a critical section without blocking.  If
	 successful the calling thread takes ownership of the critical
	 A thread can recursively call EnterCriticalSection() and
	 TryEnterCriticalSection(), but must call LeaveCriticalSection() an
	 equal number of times.
	 Return value: %TRUE if the thread successfully locked the critical
	 section, %FALSE otherwise.

</div> <a name="api:UnlockFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">UnlockFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: UnlockFile</div>
<p />

</div><h4><a name="api:VerLanguageName">VerLanguageName</a>
<h4><a name="api:VerQueryValue">VerQueryValue</a>
<h4><a name="api:WaitForInputIdle">WaitForInputIdle</a>
 <a name="api:WaitForMultipleObjectsEx"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WaitForMultipleObjectsEx</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(guint32 numobjects, gpointer *handles,
				 gboolean waitall, guint32 timeout,
				 gboolean alertable)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>numobjects:</i></dt><dd> The number of objects in <i>handles</i>. The maximum allowed</dd></blockquote>
	 <i>handles</i>: An array of object handles.  Duplicates are not allowed.
	 <i>waitall</i>: If %TRUE, this function waits until all of the handles
	 are signalled.  If %FALSE, this function returns when any object is
	 <i>timeout</i>: The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for.
	 <i>alertable</i>: if TRUE, the wait can be interrupted by an APC call
<p />
	 This function returns when either one or more of <i>handles</i> is
	 signalled, or <i>timeout</i> ms elapses.  If <i>timeout</i> is zero, the state
	 of each item of <i>handles</i> is tested and the function returns
	 immediately.  If <i>timeout</i> is %INFINITE, the function waits forever.
	 Return value: %WAIT_OBJECT_0 to %WAIT_OBJECT_0 + <i>numobjects</i> - 1 -
	 if <i>waitall</i> is %TRUE, indicates that all objects are signalled.  If
	 <i>waitall</i> is %FALSE, the return value minus %WAIT_OBJECT_0 indicates
	 the first index into <i>handles</i> of the objects that are signalled.
	 %WAIT_ABANDONED_0 to %WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + <i>numobjects</i> - 1 - if
	 <i>waitall</i> is %TRUE, indicates that all objects are signalled, and at
	 least one object is an abandoned mutex object (See
	 WaitForSingleObject() for a description of abandoned mutexes.)  If
	 <i>waitall</i> is %FALSE, the return value minus %WAIT_ABANDONED_0
	 indicates the first index into <i>handles</i> of an abandoned mutex.
	 %WAIT_TIMEOUT - The <i>timeout</i> interval elapsed and no objects in
	 <i>handles</i> are signalled.  %WAIT_FAILED - an error occurred.
	 %WAIT_IO_COMPLETION - the wait was ended by an APC.

</div> <a name="api:WaitForMultipleObjects"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WaitForMultipleObjects</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WaitForMultipleObjects</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WaitForSingleObjectEx"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WaitForSingleObjectEx</div>

    <div class="prototype">guint32 WaitForSingleObjectEx(gpointer handle, guint32 timeout,
			      gboolean alertable)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> an object to wait for</dd><dt><i>timeout:</i></dt><dd> the maximum time in milliseconds to wait for</dd><dt><i>alertable:</i></dt><dd> if TRUE, the wait can be interrupted by an APC call</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 
	 This function returns when either <i>handle</i> is signalled, or <i>timeout</i>
	 ms elapses.  If <i>timeout</i> is zero, the object's state is tested and
	 the function returns immediately.  If <i>timeout</i> is %INFINITE, the
	 function waits forever.
	 Return value: %WAIT_ABANDONED - <i>handle</i> is a mutex that was not
	 released by the owning thread when it exited.  Ownership of the
	 mutex object is granted to the calling thread and the mutex is set
	 to nonsignalled.  %WAIT_OBJECT_0 - The state of <i>handle</i> is
	 signalled.  %WAIT_TIMEOUT - The <i>timeout</i> interval elapsed and
	 <i>handle</i>'s state is still not signalled.  %WAIT_FAILED - an error
	 occurred. %WAIT_IO_COMPLETION - the wait was ended by an APC.

</div> <a name="api:WaitForSingleObject"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WaitForSingleObject</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WaitForSingleObject</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WriteFile"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WriteFile</div>

    <div class="prototype">gboolean WriteFile(gpointer handle, gconstpointer buffer, guint32 numbytes,
		   guint32 *byteswritten, WapiOverlapped *overlapped)

<p />
<blockquote><dt><i>handle:</i></dt><dd> The file handle to write to.  The handle must have</dd></blockquote>
<p />	 %GENERIC_WRITE access. 
	 <i>buffer</i>: The buffer to read data from.
	 <i>numbytes</i>: The maximum number of bytes to write.
	 <i>byteswritten</i>: The actual number of bytes written is stored here.
	 If the handle is positioned at the file end, the length of the file
	 is extended.  This parameter may be %NULL.
	 <i>overlapped</i>: points to a required %WapiOverlapped structure if
	 <i>handle</i> has the %FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option set, should be NULL
	 If <i>handle</i> does not have the %FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option set, this
	 function writes up to <i>numbytes</i> bytes from <i>buffer</i> to the file at
	 the current file position.  If <i>handle</i> is positioned at the end of
	 the file, the file is extended.  The actual number of bytes written
	 is stored in <i>byteswritten</i>.
	 If <i>handle</i> has the %FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option set, the current
	 file position is ignored and the write position is taken from data
	 in the <i>overlapped</i> structure.
	 Return value: %TRUE if the write succeeds, %FALSE on error.

</div> <a name="api:WSACleanup"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSACleanup</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSACleanup</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WSAGetLastError"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSAGetLastError</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSAGetLastError</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WSAIoctl"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSAIoctl</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSAIoctl</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WSARecv"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSARecv</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSARecv</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WSASend"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSASend</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSASend</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WSASetLastError"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSASetLastError</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSASetLastError</div>
<p />

</div> <a name="api:WSAStartup"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">WSAStartup</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: WSAStartup</div>
<p />

</div><h3>Extended APIs</h3>

	<p />The extended APIs provide access to a few internals of the
	WAPI stack that are not exposed through the standard Win32
 <a name="api:mono_once"></a>
 <div class="api">
    <div class="api-entry">mono_once</div>

    <div class="prototype">Prototype: mono_once</div>
<p />

</div><h4><a name="api:wapi_clear_interruption">wapi_clear_interruption</a>
<h4><a name="api:wapi_current_thread_desc">wapi_current_thread_desc</a>
<h4><a name="api:wapi_interrupt_thread">wapi_interrupt_thread</a>
<h4><a name="api:wapi_self_interrupt">wapi_self_interrupt</a>
<h4><a name="api:wapi_thread_clear_wait_handle">wapi_thread_clear_wait_handle</a>