

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 6c481c4757b7419db92fbf7fb73a7e30 > files > 5


2.9.8 (Beta)
* Updates/Enhancements
- Fix for tail sorting on facility fields:
 if (!$table) { $table = DEFAULTLOGTABLE; }
 to line 80 of tailresult.php
- Added 'addslashes' function to sql query cache inserts in common_funcs.php
  // Ref:
- Added Web Basic Auth to login for mod_auth_krb5 users
  // Ref:
- Removed search page option: Collapse Identical Messages (it never worked and is replaced by the squeezeDB functionality)
- Added search page option for "Duplicates" - only shows up if 'SQZ_ENABLED = TRUE' in confg.php
  This option allows you to search for any duplicate lines created by the SqueezeDB feature.
- Removed CALLHOME, it was fairly useless :-)
- Modified distribution tar in response to
- Removed INSTALL_STEPS file and replaced with Wiki Page @

- Re-write SqueezeDB in PERL for faster processing and scalability.
- Need testers for SqueezeDB to verify that we aren't generating false-positives.

* Updates/Enhancements
!!! IMPLEMENTED SqueezeDB.php file in scripts/ !!!
- Be sure you add this to your CRON!
NOTE: If you have a very large database (more than 10k rows in 5 minutes), it WILL NOT scale. 
Next release I hope to have a more scalable solution in place.
More info on this is at
  Cron Entry for SqueezeDB:
 */5 * * * * php /www/php-syslog-ng/scripts/SqueezeDB-v2.0.php >> /var/log/php-syslog-ng/squeezedb.log 

   NOTE: Versions of php-syslog-ng 2.9.5d and below will need to alter the database to use this script
   ALTER TABLE logs ADD fo datetime default NULL;
   ALTER TABLE logs ADD lo datetime default NULL;

- Added LDAP Auth section for Microsoft AD
- Added 'DEMO' to config.php to change login page notification of demo site
- Added FO, LO, and Count fields for squeezdb implementation
- Added config.php variable for calculating hostcount on search page
- Fixed a bug in login.php that wasn't notifying you of a failed password auth (it just put you back to the login screen)
- Fixed bug for missing TAIL_REFRESH_SECONDS from config.php on new installation (
- Added a small "callhome" feature includes/callhome.php to help me get an idea of demographics - enable or disable in config.php (CALLHOME) setting.
- Fixed FO, LO and COUNT Sort fields (added logic for sorting) in regularresult.php
- Split Program and MSG into two columns in both regularresult and tail
- Fixed issue 20: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in" (
- Fixed issue 27: "Tab stops on login screen" (
- Fixed issue 28: "Back to search does not remember search criteria" (
- Implemented issue 31: Regex Enhancements (
- Fixed issue 33: "custom title for tail queries" (
- Fixed issue 35: "save post variables through login procedure" (
- Fixed issue 49: Path settings in some files (
- Fixed issue 51: "Tail reloads page many times in a second" (
- Fixed issue 52: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in" (
- Fixed issue 53: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in" (
- Fixed issue 54: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in" (
- Fixed issue 55: "Input validation error for Program" (
- Fixed issue 56: "Search Option SYSLOG PRIORITY - HTML failure" (
- Fixed issue 57: Error check for "tail" operation on anything other than the default log table (

* Enhancements
- Changed "DEFINE("TTF_DIR","/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/");" in includes/jpgraph/
- Modified logrotate.php to allow for better error handling of duplicate tables 
- Also removed myisamchk since it was causing table crashes for people.
- Added new performance testing tools to scripts/tests/ (see README in that directory for info)
- Modified reloadcache to remove caching based off of MERGELOGTABLE only, it was redundant.
- MODIFIED DATABASE TABLE "search_cache", please update your tables to this:
------------------- BEGIN SQL MODIFICATION---------------------
mysql> drop table search_cache;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> CREATE TABLE `search_cache` (`tablename` varchar(32) default NULL,`type` enum('HOST','FACILITY','PROGRAM') default NULL, `value` varchar(128) default NULL, `updatetime` datetime default NULL,   INDEX `type_name` (`type`,`tablename`) ) ENGINE=MEMORY;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
------------------- END SQL MODIFICATION---------------------
- Note that I added a 'PROGRAM' field to the enum and changed the database engine to MEMORY.

- Fixed broken links for Common Graphs (line wrap was breaking the url)
- Fixed search criteria for "Today" graph (it was searching the MERGELOGTABLE instead of DEFAULTLOGTABLE which take a *long* time on large systems
- Fixed small cosmetic bug in graph output (it was showing a count of total hosts, instead of a sum of total rows found for TopX)
- Fixed minor cosmetic issues with graph results (displaying total rows in results_subheader, displaying topx on graph)
- Implemented Regex search capabilities provided by bpkroth (Big thanks!)
 Changes as noted by bpkroth:
 - Added a program list similar to hosts.
 - Optional RegExp matching of hosts, programs, and messages
 - If RegExp matching is not used, the host/program "like" fields will
   accept comma or semicolon delimited lists of hosts to match
 - A slight cosmetic change to the message input area so they line up.
 - Results pages display the facility, program and host, as links for one click filtering.
 - Results page headers allow you to adjust the results ordering via a link.
 - Removed popups from messages that aren't found in CEMDB
 - Date is only displayed if it's different from today
 - Previously if $row['count'] > 1, CEMDB messages were never shown. This is fixed.
 - Search page now uses $_SESSION variables to remember what you last entered into the form
   so you can easily adjust the query rather than having to start over from scratch
 - Added the ability to define the refresh rate of the tail page in config.php.
   Make sure you configure your server to Allow overrides (AllowOverride Options)

* Minor fixes
- Small bug fix

* Minor fixes
- Fixed Issue 36 (logrotate errors)
  note that you need to re-grant priveleges (GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on syslog.* to syslogadmin@'%';) to fix this.
- Removed include from common_funcs for config.php and moved it to login.php
  it was messing up the reloadcache.php
- Fixed issue #45 (unable to use "ACL = FALSE" in config.php)

* Minor fixes
- Added a .htaccess file to check for proper php global settings 
- note that you must set "AllowOverride All" in your apache config to allow .htaccess to work.
- Modified the regex match for cemdb stuff in tailresult and 
  regularresult on incoming syslog messages to make it look better
- removed a couple of old files

* Lots of code changes
- upgrade for this one...I screwed up and used 2.9.3l as the base :-)
  However, there are no database changes, so you *should* be able to just copy over your current html/ directory
- Modified UMS to include LDAP Authentication
- New login/logout screen and procedures
- Fixed user ACL check (it only allowed the "admin" user to modify acl's before)
- Fixed php short_open_tag issue:
- Added fix for issue #36 (logrotate failures)
- Applied patch for issue #43 (addcslashes)
- Removed top information bar showing fairly useless information such as user's IP address.
  per request from
- Added a new favicon.ico and png under images/
- Fixed installer to import CEMDB better and faster
- Reduced install size by quite a bit since the cemdb is now gzipped.
- Did a whole bunch of other things I'm probably forggetting :-0
- Added a paypal link :-)

* New and improved CEMDB (yay!)
- Added note in troubleshooting doc about setting magic quotes to "on"
- Updated CEMDB with new data (about twice as many messages now!)
- Note that this required a change to the CEMDB.class.php file!
- added the "upgrades/" directory so folks could just patch to new versions. 
  (note that you will need to manually install the new CEMDB if you use this method,
  it's located in html/install/sql/cemdb.sql)
  To manually install the new CEMDB:
  1. Backup old sql:
  mysqldump syslog cemdb > cemdb.old.sql
  2. Delete old data from database:
  echo "delete from cemdb" | mysql -usyslogadmin -psyslogadmin syslog
  3. Import new data:
  mysql syslog < html/install/sql/cemdb.sql
  4. Apply upgrade patch:
  patch -p0 < upgrades/2.9.3l_to_2.9.4.patch
  # That should do it, if not, you may need to just re-run the install by zeroing out your config.php file
- Made changes to the way syslog-ng stores its data into mysql (changing the syslog-ng.conf file)
- Thanks go to Michael Baeker for this one!
- Reference:
- These changes no longer require the use of pipes so you'll want to remove:
  "@reboot /www/php-syslog-ng/scripts/ >> /var/log/php-syslog-ng/mysql.log 2>&1"
  From your crontab file (crontab -e to edit the file) after making the changes to syslog-ng.conf.
  Be sure to replace the username and password in the new syslog-ng.conf with the proper credentials.

* Various fixes
- Added chk_config to index.php to redirect to install screen if config.php is missing settings
- Added check to common_funcs for proper PHP settings 
- Changed function perform_query to do better error handling - added mysql_error() 
- Changed JS to 'JS' in login.php (:%s/JS/'JS'/g)
- fixed missing $add variable in common_funcs.php
- Added .htaccess to make sure register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc were enabled for this site (not necessary globally in php.ini)
- Added somewhat better login handling to login.php

- Fixed improper check for $username in login.php (removed pointless code)

* Various Updates/fixes
- Applied cosmetic fix for JS definition missing from g_redirect function (
- Included configure.php fix for issue 1 (
- Changed all php shorthand echo's (in the includes directory) to longhand (
- Applied fix for logrotate.php (
- Added check for magic quotes to resolve issue 16 (
- Moved version information from the html_header to about.php
- Cleaned up about.php and appended CHANGELOG info.

* Ugh
- The patch supplied for CEMDB (
  display threw an error on my test server, so I changed:
//if (preg_match("/%[:alpha:].*:/", $row['msg']) == 0) {
if (preg_match("/%[[:alpha:]]+$/", $row['msg']) == 0) {
in regularresult.php

* Minor updates
- Applied CEMDB display patch from Sergio Guzman (
- Applied speed increase posted by patrickdk77 (
- Applied PHP Notices patch from emmanuel.crespy (

* Applied some fixes posted on the Google Code site
- Created INSTALL-STEPS for step-by-step installation instructions

* Minor update
- Removed reference to Google Analytics (which I use on my server)
- If you want to use it, just create a file called "includes/google-analytics.html" and add:
	<script src="" type="text/javascript">
	<script type="text/javascript">
	_uacct = "ACCTNUMBER";
(Replace ACCTNUMBER with your analytics account number)

* Minor fix to my previous minor fix :-)
- After converting the eol characters to carriage returns, it had placed an extra ^M at the bottom of common_funcs.php
  (after the last ?>) which causes headers to get messed up in php and throw a "headers already sent" error.
* Minor Fix
- It appears that includes/common_funcs.php was missing eol characters...

* Minor fixes
- Changed path to config.php in scripts/drop-old-tables.php
- Restored config.php.dist (it was empty)
- Made some minor changes to scripts/

* Minor fixes
- zero'd out config.php to allow the installer to run
- Added memory fix to the TROUBLESHOOTING-INSTALL doc:

* Minor fixes to 2.9.3
- Increased minimum memory requirements from 64M to 128M
- Removed duplicate table creation of the cemdb table from the install gui 
  (2.9.3 made a change to it and I mistakenly created the table twice instead of replacing it)
- Had to replace cemdb.sql from Daniel Berlin <> with the old one. 
  The new one was preventing the installer from working properly...not sure why.
  The new one from him has been renamed to "cemdb.dberlin" in the install/sql directory
  Once the web install completes, you can load the newer format by doing the following:
  # echo "delete from cemdb;" | mysql syslog
  # mysql -u<user> -p syslog < cemdb.dberlin 
  replace "<user>" and "syslog" accordingly.
  I don't know why his imports fine from the command line but fails during the install. 
  Anyone wanna take a crack at it?
- Added "" into the scripts directory. This script will 
  DELETE ALL USERS and add the username/passwords for "admin/admin" and "demo/demo"

* Minor fixes included from Daniel Berlin <>
- Issue # 8 patched (
- Fixed missing field in (Cisco Error Message Database)
  Notes from Daniel:
  The current version fails to extract the 'message' field
  (3rd field, see below):
 Generated by old >>>
  message indicates that the GCP protocol stack has received a packet of
  an unexpected type. This is a transient error condition; the protocol
  might recover automatically on the next discovery cycle.','This is an
  informational message only. No action is required.','2006-07-03 15:53:41')
 Generated by new >>>
  (3006, '%C4K_POWERSHELF-3-INVALIDPACKETRECEIVED', 'We got an invalid
  packet', 'This message indicates that the GCP protocol stack has
  received a packet of an unexpected type. This is a transient error
  condition; the protocol might recover automatically on the next
  discovery cycle.', 'This is an informational message only. No action is
  required.', '2007-02-14 14:56:17')
- Daniel added a new Class for CEMDB lookups (CEMDB.class.php)
  It caches entries already looked up in the cem database
  and results in much less database load.
  E.g. If there are 10 messages like this one:
  %AAA-3-IPILLEGALMSG: Fan 1 had a rotation error reported.
  %AAA-3-IPILLEGALMSG: Fan 2 had a rotation error reported. 
- Removed the jpgraph docs and examples (which saves ~6MB 
  and does not change jpgraph's behavior)

* Minor fixes included from Tom Cort <>
- php-syslog-ng-2.9.2a-r13-check-exec-mem-limits.patch - when I was
  using the installer with the load cemdb and load sample data options I
  was getting maximum execution time exceeded and allowed memory size
  exhausted errors. This patch adds those checks to the first page of
  the installer.

- php-syslog-ng-2.9.2a-r13-install-index-html.patch - an HTML tag wasn't
  closed properly, this fixes it.

- php-syslog-ng-2.9.2a-r13-suppress-warnings.patch - php-syslog-ng
  prints a warning when there are database problems. mysql_pconnect and
  mysql_connect print warnings too. The patch suppresses the warnings
  that mysql_pconnect and mysql_connect spit out.

**** IMPORTANT (really all of this is, it's why it's here...)***
- Moved the html/scripts directory to ../ (so that it would not be web accessible)
- Added in scripts/ which resolves a bug in Net::MySql and MySql 5.x

* Minor bugfixes
- Fixed Logrotate.php bug
- F. Leimbach - Add logic to remember the requested query throughout a login
  Made a few changes to this (including allowing the same for the Tail function)
- Added user guide (Word Doc)
- Added check to see if config.php was filled in and redirect to install if not.
- Enhancements made to so that I could use it with cron.

* Minor bugfixes
- added htmlentities filter to $info in regularresult and tailresult since some messages contained odd characters in the CEMDB.
- Changed setcookie function - it was doing some weird timeout stuff

* Uh, lot's of changes...I really should have updated this file and didn't -- shame on me.
- I did add a lot of info to the readme though --- please be sure to read that.

* Fixed a bug in logrotate.php (

* Fixed some more issues with undeclared variables 
- Fixed problem when passing arrays through POST or GET requests and running PHP without 
  having magic quotes enabled (
- Fixed a bug in the page counter at the bottom of the regularresult.php 
  page. The count was incorrect when you moved past page five.
- Changed the CREATE statement for the merge table in logrotate.php because it failed 
  on some systems (it should now work on any version of MySQL 4.0.18 or later).
- Changed logrotate.php to drop the temp table if it exists (it could 
  possibly be created during a failed run and then the script would fail on all subsequent runs).

* More code clean-up and commenting.
- Added an error message on failed login.
- Did some work towards supporting other databases.
- Option to reset other users' passwords.
- Cache function for the search page.
- Access controls. The access controls currently only affects various configuration specific items (add/deleting users, changing the access control settings etc).
- Changed the database field on the search page so that you only have to pick a table if you have more than one table.
- Fixed bug in get_logtables() (
- Fixed issue with persistent MySQL connections. db_connect_syslog() now only uses mysql_pconnect() if it is available.
- Fixed issue with undeclared variables. Some versions of PHP produce 
  lots of errors/warnings/notices when variables are not declared before they are used.

* More code clean-up and commenting.
- Added authentication. It can be enabled by setting REQUIRE_AUTH in config.php. 
  Authentication also requires a new table and a create statement was added to the 
  dbsetup.sql script. For authentication to work you also need to run the new GRANT 
  statement for the regular user (GRANT UPDATE ON syslog.users TO sysloguser@localhost;). 
  You should also add a user so that you are able to log in (you can add more users once you are logged in). 
  INSERT INTO users (username, pwhash) VALUES('admin', 'd033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997'); 
  will add a user 'admin' with password 'admin'.
- Added a new field to the search page. If you have multiple tables with log data then 
  you will get a dropdown where you can select what table to search. Unless you only 
  have one table or have a merge table that covers all tables then you have to pick a 
  table to work with before the rest of the form is displayed.
- Changed the logrotate.php script to handle merge tables. This feature can be turned 
  on and off using MERGELOGTABLE in config.php. When active then the logrotate.php will 
  create a merge table covering all log tables whenever it's run. In order for this change 
  to work you need to allow the admin user to have RELOAD priviliges. 
  GRANT RELOAD ON *.* TO syslogadmin@localhost; will take care of that. 
  You should not attempt to run the logrotate script more than once per day.
- Changed the logrotate.php script to enable deleting outdated tables. This 
  feature can be turned on and off using LOGROTATERETENTION in config.php. 
  LOGROTATERETENTION specifies the number of days to keep old logs. Log tables with a 
  datestamp older than today minus LOGROTATERETENTION will be deleted whenever logrotate.php is run.
- Fixed a bug that caused the exclude option for PRIORITY to malfunction 
- Fixed a bug that could result in collapsing identical messages from different hosts into one message.
- Included a help page. If the database is unavailable then this page is the default page.
- A few cosmetic changes to the user interface.
- Implemented input validation for almost all input.

* Complete top-to-bottom clean-up of the code including large parts that were re-written.
- Simplified much of the HTML ... but tried to stay true to the original look.
- Changed the way the total number of results is calculated. My approach requires 
  MySQL 4.0 or later. This way you can use a LIMIT statement and still get the total 
  number of potential results if you had not used LIMIT. Also implemented an option to 
  turn off this feature if using older versions of MySQL (no count will be displayed on 
  older versions of MySQL).
- Changed the list of result pages. It lists links to the 11 closest pages and adds 
  FIRST, PREV, NEXT and LAST links. This only works correct when you have a total row 
  count but limited functionality is offered for MySQL 3.x users (First, Prev and Next links).
- The max-limit input variable is probably mostly useless now so it was removed.
- Added sorting by column (seq, facility, severity, datetime).
- Changed the way to and from times/dates are handled. A blank date field indicates any date. 
  And if a date is entered and no time is specified then 00:00:00 is used for the FROM 
  time and 23:59:59 is used for the TO time. Entering a time without a date results in 
  the time being ignored.
- 'now', 'today' and 'yesterday' are valid values for the date inputs on the search page (now and today are the same).
- 'now' is valid value for the time inputs on the search page.
- Did some prep work to allow an arbitrary number of inputs when searching for specific messages.
- The hostname link on the result page (for both the regular result and the 
  tail result) narrows down the search to only include that particular host.
- The results in the tail script can be narrowed down using many of the same variables as the regular search result.
- MySQL functions that include basic database error handling.
- Added a button on the search page to go straight to the tail result page.
- Added an option to collapse consecutive lines with identical messages into one line.
- Included some sample scripts for setup etc (create database and database users, 
  logrotate, syslog to mysql).