

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 6eb2405dcdf380234a09c5b1c41207e9 > files > 5314


# BUGS.V25 -- Known bugs in the frozen IRAF Version 2.5.  (start 7 July 1987)
# Record Format:
#	NUMBER:		record number, decimal, sequential.
#	MODULE:		package.task or library.procedure or 'unknown' or ...
#	SYSTEM:		versions of iraf in which bug was present
#	DATE:		date bug logged, unix format date string
#	FROM:		user login name
#	BUG:		description of the bug
#	STATUS:		'fixed in V2.X', 'unresolved', etc.
# New records are added to the tail of the bugfile.  Left justify field labels,
# indent text to the first tab stop, one blank line between bug entries.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

MODULE:	images.imheader
SYSTEM:	V2.5, V2.4, V2.3
DATE:	Wed Jul  8 21:10:54 MST 1987
FROM:	tody

BUG:	When listing the header of an image where the pixel file has been
	created in the same directory as the header file using the imdir=HDR$
	syntax, the pixel file status is always given as [NO PIXEL FILE]
	regardless of whether or not the pixel file exists.  This is of course
	due to the HDR$, which is a special syntax significant only to IMIO
	and which does not correspond to an actual FIO logical directory.

STATUS:	This has been known about for some time, but is not serious and was
	overlooked in preparing V2.5.  The workaround for the moment is to
	simply list the directory containing the image header file.  If there
	is a pixel file (extension .pix, same root name as the header file)
	it will appear in the directory listing.

MODULE:	system.deallocate
SYSTEM:	V2.5 Ultrix/IRAF
DATE:	Fri Jul 10 13:21:01 MST 1987
FROM:	rooke

BUG:	In Ultrix/IRAF, if a TK50 tape cartridge on a MicroVAX is physically
	removed from the tape drive before executing DEALLOCATE, and one
	subsequently attempts to execute DEALLOCATE, either from the same or
	another process, that process hangs and has to be killed from outside.
STATUS:	To be investigated when time permits.

DATE:	Fri Jul 31 14:53:14 MST 1987
FROM:	tody

BUG:	This bug affects CL SCRIPTS which access the CL global parameters
	i,j,k, x,y,z, etc.  The bug is more likely to occur the shorter the
	parameter name.  The bug occurs when the CL searches for a parameter
	specified using the simple form of the parmeter name "param" rather
	than "task.param".  When a parameter name is specified in this way,
	and the named parameter is not defined locally to the task being
	executed, then the CL must search all pfiles in the search path for
	the named parameter.

	The problem would occur when the parameter name given was an
	abbreviation for one or more of the local parameters of the task.
	If the parameter name was an ambiguous abbreviation the task would
	abort with the misleading error

		ERROR: task `' has no param file

	If the parameter name given was an unambiguous abbreviation then
	the LOCAL parameter would be referenced rather than the global CL
	parameter, which is probably not what was intended.

	For example, if the task had a local parameter "xmin", the assignment
	statement "x = 1" would assign 1 to "xmin".  If the task had a second
	local parameter "xmax", the same assignment statement would result in
	the above error message.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in V2.6.  The workaround for older versions of
	the CL is to define all local variables locally (this is more sensible
	and more efficient in any case), and always spell out parameter names
	fully.  When referencing a parameter belonging to another task, use the
	unambiguous form of the parameter name, i.e., "task.param".

MODULE:	onedspec - combine, dispcor, rebin
SYSTEM:	V2.2 - V2.5
DATE:	Wed Aug  5 15:11:39 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The specific bug leading to the change was when combining three
	spectra with identical wavelength scales but with some spectra
	having zero values to indicate missing data the zero value data
	was not ignored in the average as intended.  This occured because
	of two factors.  First, COMBINE always rebins the data even if
	all the wavelength scales are the same.  In this process the
	output grid was very slightly different from the input grid
	due to truncation errors.  This allowed the interpolation to
	pull the point with zero value next to a valid nonzero value
	pixel slightly away from zero.  When combining only points
	which are exactly zero are ignored.  Thus, the combined
	point with input values of 9, 9, and 0 had rebinned values of
	9, 9, and 0.0001 and an averaged value of 6 instead of 9.

STATUS:	The fundamental problem is failure to properly propagate the
	missing data value during rebinning.  This problem should be
	thought out careful in a revision of the ONEDSPEC package.  The
	immediate fix made was to 1) ignore the interpolation
	if the output rebinning grid is close to the input grid (within
	0.001 pixels) and 2) to set any interpolated point which uses
	a missing data point (0 value) to 0.  These changes mainly are
	for COMBINE but it also affects DISPCOR and REBIN which use the
	same rebinning routine.  This problem probably occurs very
	infrequently but those without this fix should be aware of this

MODULE:	onedspec.splot
SYSTEM:	V2.5, V2.4, V2.3, V2.2
DATE:	Thu Aug  6 17:14:25 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	In function mode when applying a second spectrum, for example
	adding a second spectrum, which doesn't exist there is no error
	message and the plot is redrawn as if the operation had been performed.

STATUS:	This has been fixed to report the error and not redraw the plot.
	For systems without this fix the only remedy is to be alert and note
	whether the operation has changed the original spectrum.

MODULE:	dataio.reblock
DATE:	Wed Aug 12 13:52:09 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The reblock task was not adding the offset parameter to the physical
	tape number before creating the output file name.

STATUS:	The problem was that the reblock task was not querying for the offset
	parameter which was by default being set to zero. This bug has been
	fixed and the help page updated.

DATE:	Mon Aug 17 09:01:23 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Foreign tasks are supposed to participate in I/O redirections just
	like regular IRAF tasks.  However, appending the output of a foreign
	task to a file (i.e. >>file) does not append but instead overwrites
	the file without any warning or error message.

STATUS:	[placed on TODO list (DCT)].

MODULE:	CL, noao.imred.generic.darksub
DATE:	Thu Aug 20 11:05:33 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Tasks which write values to their parameter files do not do so when
	run in the background.  This means that scripts which rely on this
	feature will fail, or worse yet, give incorrect results!  The
	incorrect results occur because the value in the parameter file
	is not that put by the task when run in the background script but
	that put the last time the script or task ran in the foreground.
	This problem arises in the task imred.generic.darksub which uses
	the task images.imgets to get a image header parameter for the
	exposure time of the dark count image.

STATUS:	This property of background jobs in the CL has not been dealt with yet.
	[The solution is not so simple as merely updating the pfile as if the
	task were run in the foreground, as this could cause subtle runtime
	context dependent errors in concurrent jobs which attempt to access
	the same pfile (DCT)].  Scripts which use images.imgets to get header
	parameters and images.sections to get the number of files or images
	in a template will work only in the foreground.  The DARKSUB task has
	been rewritten in V2.6 to avoid this problem; a bugfix is available
	for the V2.5 release via the IRAF Hotline, if desired.

MODULE:	register, geotran
DATE:	Thu Sep  3 10:08:24 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The register and geotran tasks can sometimes produce output images
	which have the correct geometric transformation but fluxes which
	are the negative of the original image. Two conditions are necessary
	to produce this result: 1) the transformation is of a higher order
	than a simple translation, rotation, magnification and axis flip and
	2) one of the axes has been flipped. The flux correction is computed
	by calculating the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation. When
	an axis flip occurs this coordinate surface turns upside down
	producing a negative Jacobian.

STATUS: The appropriate absolute value statements have been added to the code.
	A temporary solution to the problem is to multiply the output image
	by -1 as the absolute values of the output fluxes are correct.

MODULE:	longslit.extinction
DATE:	Mon Sep 14 09:49:56 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Due to an oversight and infrequent use of this task, debugging output
	consisting of a list of numbers relating to the extinction function
	was not removed and appears when users run this task.
STATUS:	The debugging statement has been removed.  As a workaround users
	may discard all output (since this task does not produce any normal
	output to the terminal) as follows:

		cl> extinction images >& dev$null

	The output is on the standard error stream (STDERR) so the '&'
	is required.

MODULE:	apextract.apnormalize
DATE:	Tue Sep 22 16:51:19 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	For reasons of memory managment the task APNORMALIZE breaks
	up its work into groups of apertures.  The number of apertures
	is a defined constant in the source and is set to 20.  The
	bug occurs when there are more than this number of apertures.
	The task first sets all output pixels to unity and then fills in
	the normalized apertures.  This makes all points outside the
	apertures have a value of 1.  The bug arises because it does
	this for each set of apertures rather than only once.  The
	effect is then to output an image with only the last set
	of apertures.  For example with 28 apertures only the last
	eight will have the normalized aperture data.

STATUS:	The reported bug is now fixed by only setting the points
	outside the apertures to 1 once.  The work around is to do the
	the normalization in groups of 20 (there are no problems if
	there are 20 or less apertures).  The resulting flat field
	images may then be multiplied together (since the missing
	apertures are set to 1) or applied to the data to be flattened
	successively.  If this is a serious problem contact us for a
	bug fix.

MODULE:	apextract.apnormalize
DATE:	Tue Sep 22 16:53:05 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	APNORMALIZE does not work when DISPAXIS=1.  Since it is rare to
	have this orientation the task was never tested with this dispersion

STATUS:	It has been fixed.  The work around is to transpose the flat
	field data, normalize, and transpose the normalized flat field.
	You must also change or set DISPAXIS whenever you transpose an

MODULE:	ki_gnode
SYSTEM:	V2.5, V2.3
DATE:	Wed Sep 30 16:55:27 MST 1987
FROM:	rooke

BUG:	In the Kernel Interface, code in ki_gnode() checks to see if
	a requested node is the same as the local node.  However, it
	does so by comparing the first n chars of the requested node
	against those of the local node (strncmp()).  If both nodes
	have the same first n chars, but differ beyond that, ki_gnode
	thinks it is on the local node.  (UCSD, nodes "cass05" and "cass").

STATUS:	The workaround is to simply use a different node name (alias) until
	the bug is fixed.

MODULE:	sgi2vqms
DATE:	Mon Oct 12 14:01:11 MST 1987
FROM:	sjacoby

BUG: 	Line 230 of the source file $iraf/vms/gdev/sgidev/sgi2vqms.f is 
	missing the character 'x'.  As a result, the x coordinate of an 
	SGI_MOVE instruction is not being output.  This character must 
	have been accidentally deleted by someone browsing through the file.  
	Any VMS site with a QMS will be affected; all such sites will recompile
	the executable because we don't supply it on our distribution tapes.  
	A second bug in the translator, reported earlier today by Zoltan Levay,
	is also being investigated.  He reports the Y window limits supplied by
	dev$graphcap are not being used in the translator.

STATUS:	The workaround for the first problem is to add the missing character
	to line 230 and recompile.  The second problem is still under
	investigation.  The best solution is to obtain the latest version of
	this source file from us before setting up the SGI/QMS interface.

MODULE:	onedspec: dispcor, combine, rebin
DATE:	Fri Oct 16 16:54:28 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The reported bug was that applying DISPCOR to spectra which ran
	from red to blue using SPLINE3 interpolation produced a spectrum
	of all zeros.  Further investigation showed that anything which
	which rebinned spectra with the wavlength sense reversed using
	either the SUMS or SPLINE3 interpolation mode had the same
	effect.  This includes DISPCOR, REBIN, and COMBINE.  An additional
	bug was that SPLINE3 interpolation was mapped into SUMS mode
	so that SPLINE3 interpolation was never possible.

	There were two errors involved:
	    1.  SPLINE3 interpolation mode was mapped into SUMS mode.
	    2.  SUMS mode only worked when the rebinning was in the same
		wavelength sense as the data.  Otherwise an all zero
		spectrum was produced.

STATUS:	These bugs have been fixed on V2.6.  This code badly needs to be

	1.  The work around is to rebin or dispersion correct in the
	    same sense as the data and later flip the spectrum if needed.
	    Note that DISPCOR defaults to wavelength increasing when the
	    original spectra has wavelength decreasing with pixel.  In this
	    case the user must explicitly reverse the default starting
	    wavelength and change the sign of the wavelength per pixel.
	    Automatic mode will fail since it uses the defaults.
	2.  Users using SPLINE3 interpolation must be aware that actually
	    SUMS mode interpolation is used.  Some users may be unaware
	    of this since the data is still correct.

MODULE:	onedspec.splot
DATE:	Thu Oct 22 19:03:00 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Deblending in SPLOT is unstable when the data is in FNU and
	FLAMBDA units.  In fact, a user demonstrated that it crashes
	almost every time on VMS with either divide by zero or floating
	overflows.  It was also found that the 'e' key was not returning
	a center.  The results of deblending are not consistent and depend
	on the prior deblending history;  it is recommended in the
	documenation that one start by fitting an isolated line to get
	a first guess at the width of the lines.

STATUS:	These problems are due to the very small numbers when spectra are
	in FLAMBDA (~10E-14) and FNU (~10E-27).  In this regime it is very
	important to be careful with powers and operations which may

	A workaround in V2.5 is to multiply the spectrum either externally or
	with the SPLOT arithmetic function to values near unity.

	These bugs were fixed in the development V2.6.  The input to
	the complex, imported Fortran math routine used for the
	deblending is now first scaled to a maximum value of 1.  For
	the 'e' equivalent width the same scaling is done when
	computing the sum of values to the 1.5 power for determining
	the centroid of the marked region.  I also made the deblending
	more consistent by iterating the fit three times; it is no
	longer necessary to fit an unblended line first.  This can be
	done manually by the user as a workaround in V2.5 to achieve
	the same result.

	The long term solution requires more careful consideration of
	intensity units in all the ONEDSPEC tasks (such as by keeping a
	scale factor in the header and leaving the pixel values near
	unity) plus a more careful study of deblending routines (the
	current one is considered a prototype).

MODULE:	images.imsurfit
DATE:	Mon Nov  2 13:48:52 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	A bug exists in the regions fitting code of the task IMSURFIT.
	If the user sets the regions parameter to "sections" and specifies
	sections which overlap the program will crash with a segmentation
	violation. The modified ranges package used by IMSURFIT was not
	handling the overlap condition correctly and sometimes computed
	a number of points to be added to the fit that was incorrect.

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed in Version 2.6. Version 2.5 users should be
	careful when specifying the regions to be fit that the columns and
	rows do not overlap.

MODULE:	longslit.fluxcalib
SYSTEM:	V2.5 & V2.3
DATE:	Thu Nov  5 18:16:27 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	FLUXCALIB behaves incorrectly when the input and output images
	are the same; i.e. in place correction.  A error message about
	a bad file descriptor is given and the task aborts.  However,
	the image has been correctly calibrated!  Multiple images are
	not done because the error terminates the task after the first
	image is calibrated.

STATUS:	The error occurs when an attempt is made to close the nonexistent
	second image though the input image has been corrected in place.
	This error is not trapped and terminates the task.  For one image
	at a time simply ignore the error.  For multiple images you
	must either do them one at a time or generate new output images.
	It is a little surprising that this bug has never been reported
	since it has been present since the task was written two years ago.
	I apparently never tested this feature myself.  People must rarely
	flux calibrate 2D images and when they do they are cautious and
	create new calibrated images.  This bug has been fixed in V2.6.

MODULE:	astutil.galactic
SYSTEM:	V2.5 & V2.3
DATE:	Fri Nov  6 16:15:13 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The task GALACTIC prints incorrect galactic coordinates on
	SUN/IRAF (probably also AOS/IRAF).

STATUS:	The galactic coordinates are computed in double precision.  The
	bug occurs because it is printed assuming it is single
	precision; PARGR instead of PARGD.  This does not affect the
	answers on VAXs but it does on the SUNs and others with the
	same byte order.  There is no work around but the code fix is
	trivial for those able to edit and recompile the procedure.
	Contact us for details.

MODULE:	dataio$rfits
DATE:	Sun Nov  8 12:25:30 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	A serious bug in the way that rfits handles negative declinations
	was found by the MIT site when trying to read their CTIO tapes.
	Decs of the form -20:35:46 were being transformed to -20:05:06.
	The reason for this problem is historical. First it should be
	noted that NOAO does not follow the FITS standard in encoding
	RAs and DECs on the mountain. These number should technically
	be encoded as floating point numbers but for obvious reasons
	astronomers are not enthousiastic about seeing dec = -23.6281
	etc. The way IRAF distinguishes between legal and NOAO decs
	is to search for the presence of the colon character. In
	addition at some time not far back the mountain was producing
	things like dec= -20: 3:5 and even -20:-3:-5. which other
	iraf programs were not able to interpret or modify. RFITS
	tried to clean up these old formats. Apparently NOAO mountain
	formats have been fixed and IRAF RFITS did not handle the fix

STATUS:	The problem has been fixed in version 2.6. There is no work
	around at present. Users should compare the output of rfits
	with the make_image parameter turned off to the results of
	actually reading in the data. The results in the header listing
	which do not alter the data should be correct. If this problem
	seriously affects their data reduction then contact the IRAF
	group on how to get the fix installed.

MODULE:	apextract.apsum, apextract.apstrip
DATE:	Mon Nov  9 08:55:17 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The variance weighted extraction assumes variances of the

			V = V0 + V1 * (S + B)
	where S are the counts due to the spectrum and B are the counts of
	the background.  For very weak spectra with negligible background
	(such as when the detector sensitivity is very low) it is possible
	that the variance approaches zero or becomes negative; especially
	if the zero level variance or readout noise is small or zero such
	as in photon counting detectors.  Since the weights are the
	inverse of the variance this may result in spikes in the extracted

STATUS:	There is no workaround other than to ignore the extracted data
	that is nearly nonexistant.  The fix is to replace the variance
	formula by a suitable positive definite quantity.  My solution

	    1. If V0 is 0 (such as with photon counting detectors)

			V = V1 * max (1, S + B))

	    2. If V0 is not 0

			V = V0 + V1 * max (0, S + B)

	where max is the maximum function.  Thus, if V0=0 then the
	minimum variance is V1 and otherwise the minimum variance is
	V0.  Case 2 makes no assumptions about the data while case 1
	assumes that the spectra is actually in counts and has not been
	normalized in such a way as to have significant intensity
	values less than 1.  If you wish to change the source code and
	recompile contact us for details.

MODULE:	apextract.apsum
DATE:	Mon Nov  9 17:15:18 MST 1987
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When running APSUM the incorrect error message "apio package not found"
	is printed when the dispersion axis has not been set.  Continuing with
	a list of images causes other problems.

STATUS:	This bug is the result of not having the dispersion axis set.  Since
	the message is incorrect one must be aware that this message means
	you have forgotten to run SETDISP to set the dispersion axis.
	The source of this bug is that the task is failing to take appropriate
	action when it finds the dispersion axis parameter is missing
	and actually triggers another more fatal error.  This screws up the
	error reporting and causes further errors when processing a list of
	images.  This has been fixed so that the error is caught and the task
	gracefully reports the correct error.

MODULE:	imdelete
DATE:	Fri Nov 13 08:59:58 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The imdelete task crashes the CL on Lyra in the following situtation:
	a set of images out10a.imh, out10b.imh, ... exists on disk
	an erroneous image template of the form out10[a-g].imh is
	given to the imdelete task and the verify switch is set to yes.

STATUS: This bug was traced to the VOS routine imio.imaccess which is called
	to see if the named image exists before attempting to delete it.
	The workaround is to avoid the use of the erroneous image template
	when calling tasks such as IMDELETE.  Like all tasks which process
	a list of images, IMDELETE uses the image template facilities to
	specify the list of images to be deleted.  Character classes such as
	[a-g] are not supported in image templates since the [] are reserved
	for image sections.  The syntax "out10![a-g]" is a valid way to
	specify a character class in an image template.  (dct)

MODULE:	imlintran
DATE:	Wed Nov 25 11:18:33 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	A bug was found in the boundary extension = wrap option of the
	IMLINTRAN task. The task was computing very large pixels values
	for the output image which then caused subsequent tasks such
	as imstat to fail. Out of bounds pixel values in the range
	0.0 < x < 1.0, ncols < x < ncols + 1.0, 0.0 < y < 1.0 and
	nlines < y < nlines + 1.0 were falling off the ends of the 
	interpolation array producing erroneous output values.

STATUS:	The problem has been fixed for version 2.6. For the time being
	users should avoid the boundary = wrap extension. Note
	that the tasks ROTATE, REGISTER and GEOTRAN are also affected
	by this bug as they all use the same code.

MODULE:	rfits
DATE:	Fri Dec 11 09:13:31 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	A bug was found in the rfits disk file list handling code. If the
	user successfully  read a single disk file, for example fitsdat,
	and then tried to execute rfits with a file name template which
	did not match any disk files the program would try to reread

STATUS:	The problem arose because the program was not checking correctly
	for a zero length file list in the case of disk files. The bug
	has been fixed in Version 2.6.

MODULE:	mtlocal.rcamera
DATE:	Thu Dec 17 15:28:41 MST 1987
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Rcamera was giving bus errors when run on our Sun 4 machine. The
	problem was traced the routine bitpak being called with a short
	integer argument when it was expecting an integer argument.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed and the Lyra version has been updated. 

MODULE:	dataio.t2d
DATE:	Thu Dec 17 16:14:00 MST 1987
FROM:	lytle

BUG:	T2D has a bug in the code for interpreting the input file name.
	If the user enters an input name of the form `mta[7]' the program
	would die with a `segmentation violation' message.

STATUS:	This has ben corrected in V2.6.  The workaround is never to use
	this form of input filename, the user can just enter `mta' for
	the input name and then enter `7' when asked for the list of files.

MODULE:	all iraf tasks (networking bug)
SYSTEM:	V2.5 UNIX/IRAF, V2.5-V2.6 Sun/IRAF and Ultrix/IRAF
DATE:	Sat Dec 19 15:59:03 MST 1987
FROM:	tody

BUG:	A bug in the network driver for UNIX/IRAF was causing a host file
	descriptor to be opened on every call but never used nor closed.
	This could eventually cause the client process to run out of file

STATUS:	The bug is harmless unless the process runs out of file descriptors.
	This is unlikely since once a server node is connected to a process
	it tends to stay connected for the lifetime of the process, and a
	client process is unlikely to connect to very many server nodes.
	Nonetheless we found one case where the bug was serious.  On our
	diskless Sun nodes, images were being read from tape to disk on the
	server node and then accessed from a diskless client node.  The user
	did not have a .irafhosts file, hence every image access would result
	in a failed attempt to connect to the remote node, consuming a file
	descriptor in each attempt.  The workaround is to minimize network
	connections, e.g., by using a valid .irafhosts file, or by reading
	the images to disk on the client node.

	The bug is fixed in V2.6 UNIX/IRAF.  In addition, the network driver
	and default host login file dev$hostlogin were modified to make it
	unnecessary for the user to have a .irafhosts file.

MODULE:	all image tasks involving image rename or in-place image operations
DATE:	Sat Dec 19 17:39:27 MST 1987
FROM:	tody

BUG:	The imio.imrename image renaming operator was not working properly
	for OIF format images (the default) when renaming an image to a new
	directory and the imdir=HDR$ option is in effect (pixel file stored
	in header file directory or subdirectory).  This would affect not only
	obvious image rename operations such as the IMRENAME task, but also
	most in-place image operations when run on an image not in the current
	directory while imdir=HDR$ is in effect, since such in-place operations
	are implemented by creating a temporary output image in the current
	directory and then renaming it to replace the old image upon successful
	completion of the operation.

STATUS:	The workaround is to avoid in-place operations on images not in the
	current directory, and avoid using IMRENAME to move OIF format images
	to a new directory.  An installable bug fix is available from IRAF
	site support if desired (update file imio$iki/oif/oifrename.x).

MODULE:	imfort.imps3r
DATE:	Sun Dec 20 11:57:39 MST 1987
FROM:	tody

BUG:	This IMFORT routine will appear to work but does not output the data
	properly.  The line pointer into the input buffer was being incremented
	in the K loop (outer loop over Z) rather than the J loop (inner loop
	over Y), causing each input line to be replicated to fill each output

STATUS:	Fixed in V2.6.  Do not use this routine to output a section for which
	J2-J1 > 1 (Y-size of section greater than one line) or it will fail.
	The best workaround is to avoid use of the routine entirely.  None of
	the other routines, e.g, imps3s, imgs3r, etc., contain the bug (all
	were checked).

MODULE:	KI (iraf networking)
DATE:	Mon Dec 21 22:52:02 MST 1987
FROM:	tody

BUG:	If 20 or more nodes are entered in to the network table dev$hosts,
	and iraf networking is enabled (the table contains an alias matching
	the name of the local node), the network tables are corrupted during
	process startup, and no IRAF process can be started, preventing even
	logging into the CL!

STATUS:	As far as I know, NOAO is the first site to enounter this bug, since
	[1] few sites use the iraf networking facilties presently, and [2] few
	sites have more than 20 nodes in the local network.  Sites with V2.5
	which wish to use the IRAF networking facilities should not place the
	names of more than 19 nodes in the dev$hosts file.  The bugs are fixed
	in V2.6, and the default size of the network tables are increased to
	a maximum of 64 nodes.

MODULE:	mtlocal.widstape
DATE:	Tue Dec 22 14:47:43 MST 1987
FROM:	sjacoby

BUG:	Task widstape (in the x_onedutil.e executable but mtlocal package) 
	writes incorrect data values to the output file on non byte swapped
	machines such as a Sun.  The pixel array is passed to procedure
	dtoc3 as type real, where dtoc3 expects a double precision input

STATUS:	This has been fixed in version 2.6.  There is no workaround;
	contact us for the bug fix.

MODULE:	mtlocal.ridsout
DATE:	Tue Dec 29 10:45:59 MST 1987
FROM:	sjacoby

BUG:	These two bugs exist in V2.5 of task ridsout:  [1] The values of
	airmass, starting lambda and delta lambda are written to stdout
	during the execution of ridsout as single precision reals, not
	double precision.  [2] Negative pixels and the pixel that follows
	them are not read correctly, as ridsout requires whitespace 
	separated fields, and the minus sign causes the fixed field width
	to be completely filled.

STATUS:	Both bugs have been repaired in V2.6.  The workaround for [1] is
	simply to ignore those three printed values when running ridsout.
	The discrepancy is noticed only on non byte swapped machines, and
	the values are written to the image header correctly.  Use slist
	or imhead to verify this.  No workaround exists for [2].  Negative
	pixels should be rare; contact us if you require the fix.

MODULE:	images.fit1d, generic.background, longslit.background
DATE:	Mon Jan  4 10:26:01 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When a nonexistent input images is specified (usually the result of
	a typo in the input specification) the task hangs up instead of
	reporting a warning about failure to find the requested image.
STATUS:	This bug is caused by a missing error check on the procedure which
	opens the images, which means the task continues as if the
	image was successfully opened and leads to reported behavior.  The
	source code fix is to add an ERRCHK declaration.  The work
	around is to kill the task and fix the input image specification.

MODULE:	apextract.apsum
DATE:	Tue Jan  5 11:05:52 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	1. When extracting apertures which go off the edge using PROFILE
	WEIGHTING the part of the extracted spectrum off the edge is garbage
	rather than set to zero as intended.
	2.  When extracting apertures which go off the edge using PROFILE
	WEIGHTING and BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION the task may crash if the
	background regions also go entirely off the edge.

STATUS:	1. This is only an esthetic problem which has now been fixed to set the
	extracted spectrum to zero when it is off the image.  Just ignore the
	meaningless part of the extracted spectrum.
	2. There is no direct work-around for this problem other than to avoid
	extracting spectra WITH BACKGROUND SUBTRACTION where the
	background regions also go entirely off the edge.  One
	possiblity is to extract a background region as a separate
	aperture and then subtract it later with IMARITH.  The code fix
	is simple; contact us if you really need this capability.

MODULE:	all tasks using floating point
DATE:	Tue Feb  2 14:59:30 MST 1988
FROM:	tody

BUG:	In V2.5 Sun/IRAF the default configuration of the IEEE hardware
	floating point unit is used.  A floating divide by zero, floating
	overflow, etc., does NOT produce an exception, but instead produces
	one of the special numbers NaN or Inf (not a number or infinity),
	which do not behave like ordinary floating point numbers, and which
	IRAF does not know how to deal with.  In particular, if one attempts
	to print the value of such a number, an infinite loop results.  This
	can occur when attempting to write an image to tape with WFITS, when
	attempting to update the min and max pixel values in an image, and
	in many other places where formatted output occurs.  An easy way to
	test if your system has this bug is to enter the following command:

		cl> = 1.0 / 0.0

	If this hangs in a loop, the bug is present in your system and tasks
	may hang if they encounter data containing NaN or Inf values.

STATUS:	Fixed in V2.6 Sun/IRAF (by enabling the divide by zero and other
	exceptions in the hardware floating point unit).  If an image is
	somehow generated which contains NaN or Inf pixels, it may be possible
	to use the REPLACE task to fix up the bad pixel values.  Alternatively,
	the data must be reprocessed in such a way that the bad pixels are not
	generated, e.g., in a way which does not lead to a divide by zero.

MODULE:	proto.toonedspec
DATE:	Fri Feb 12 17:03:09 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When extracting spectra with no summing (i.e. one line or column at
	a time) and when the last extracted line or column from one image is
	the same and that of the first line or column of the next image
	garbage results are obtained.  The specific example was extracting
	the first line from a set of 2D spectra.

STATUS:	The bug only occurs under the conditions described above.  The source
	of the bug is that if the line or column is unchange from one call to
	the next the task believed that the data it used the previous time
	was still valid even though the data pointer had been freed and
	and reallocated for the new image.  This bug has been fixed as of
	this date.  The workaround is to flush the process between each image
	or extract more than one line.  For example if lines 1 and 2 are
	extracted from image1 and image2 then the output sequence will be
	image1.0001, image1.0002, image2.0001, image2.0002 and the line for
	each extraction always differs from the previous extraction.

MODULE:	identify
DATE:	Thu Feb 18 15:46:47 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The 't' key fails on the SUNs.

STATUS:	This bug has been present since IDENTIFY was converted to double
	precision.  This little used key was passing the cursor position
	to a procedure as a real value when the procedure was expecting
	a double value.  This bug is benign on the VAXes but is, presumably,
	also present on the MVs.  There is no workaround though the code
	fix is simple.

MODULE:	images.imsurfit
DATE:	Mon Feb 29 10:19:04 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	If the regions parameter has been set to any of "columns", "circle"
	"border" or "sections" and the type type_output parameter is "residual"
	"response", imsurfit may produce an erroneous output image.
	The the imio input buffer was being altered if the
	regions parameter was set to anything other than all or rows,
	and was not being flushed when the input image was reread.
	The problem would only occur for small images and depends on
	the relationship between the size of the fileio buffers and
	the image size and has been present since the task was

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in version 2.6. The workaround is to always
	compute the fit if the regions parameter is set to anything
	but all or rows and use imarith to compute the residual, or 
	response images.

MODULE:	dtoi.hdtoi
SYSTEM:	V2.5, Sun/IRAF V2.6
DATE:	Thu Mar 10 14:21:32 MST 1988
FROM:	sjacoby

BUG:	An error exists in the equations used to generate the look up table
	used in task hdtoi for the 'k75' and 'k50' transformations.  

            ind_var[i] = density[i] * .50 * log10(1. - 10. ** (-density[i]))
            ind_var[i] = density[i] * .75 * log10(1. - 10. ** (-density[i]))

            ind_var[i] = density[i] + .50 * log10(1. - 10. ** (-density[i]))
            ind_var[i] = density[i] + .75 * log10(1. - 10. ** (-density[i]))

STATUS:	The fix is to edit file hdtoi.x and replace the incorrect equations 
	(lines 319 and 323).  Then type 'mkpkg update'.  These transformation
	types are accurately calculated in task hdfit; only task hdtoi shows 
	the error.

MODULE:	longslit.extinction
SYSTEM:	V2.5 & V2.3
DATE:	Thu Mar 24 09:06:53 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	EXTINCTION behaves incorrectly when the input and output images
	are the same; i.e. in place correction.  A error message about
	a bad file descriptor is given and the task aborts.  However,
	the image has been correctly calibrated!  Multiple images are
	not done because the error terminates the task after the first
	image is calibrated.

STATUS:	The error occurs when an attempt is made to close the nonexistent
	second image though the input image has been corrected in place.
	This error is not trapped and terminates the task.  For one image
	at a time simply ignore the error.  For multiple images you
	must either do them one at a time or generate new output images.
	It is a little surprising that this bug has never been reported
	since it has been present since the task was written three years
	ago.  This bug has been fixed in V2.6.  See also Bug #18.

MODULE:	geotran
DATE:	Thu May  5 11:43:33 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	A bug was found in the coordinate subsampling code in geotran. If
	xsample or ysample were greater than 1 and the output image was
	greater than nxblock and nyblock then the program would quit with
	an access violation. The problem was that in the code revision
	the calling sequence of the subroutine had been changed but the
	arguments to the call had not. I also found and fixed another
	bug in the coordinate subsampling code that had not so far been

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed. The workaround is to leave xsample and
	ysample = 1 and live with the increase in execution time for
	high order distortion corrections.

SYSTEM:	V2.5, V2.6 Sun/IRAF
DATE:	Mon May 16 13:58:08 MST 1988
FROM:	tody

BUG:	If one submits a background job from the CL running in a terminal
	window under SunView, and then selects "Exit Suntools" in the root
	menu with the foreground CL still running, the background CL job is

STATUS:	The workaround is to logout of the foreground CL before exiting
	suntools.  The solution, implemented in versions 2.7 and greater,
	is to put the background CL in its own process group (an even better
	solution, not yet implemented, might be to open a new terminal window
	for the background job to run in).

MODULE:	proto$bscale
DATE:	Fri Jun 10 16:06:20 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The bscale task was going into an infinite loop during the mode
	computation, if the computed sigma was less than or equal to zero.
	This can occur can occur due to finite machine precision in the
	situation where the rms is much less than the mean of the

STATUS:	A check for a negative or zero valued sigma has been added in V2.7.

MODULE:	images$minmax
DATE:	Fri Jun 10 16:56:43 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Minmax was not printing the position of the minimum and maximum
	pixel if the input image contained a section specification 
	and update was set to yes. 

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed in version 2.7. The work around is to
	turn off the update switch since minmax will not allow the user
	to update the image header based on image sections in any case.

MODULE:	blkavg
DATE:	Wed Jul 13 15:34:53 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Blkavg would not work on 1D images. The header file was being created
	correctly but no pixels were written to the pixel file. For 1D images
	the number of output image lines was being incorrectly set to 0.
STATUS:	The bug has been fixed. There is no direct workaround but users can
	use proto.imstack to create an n by 1 image and run blkavg on that.

MODULE:	curfit
DATE:	Thu Jul 14 10:51:30 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The errors of the computed coefficients returned by curfit were
	incorrect when points were rejected from the fit by setting the
	weights to zero. The problem was in the math package curfit
	routine cverrors. The code to compute the variance and the reduced
	chi-square was not checking for 0 valued weights. Cverrors saw that
	the variance and reduced chi square were  different, concluded
	that the fit was weighted, not uniform and did not scale the
	coefficient errors by the variance. The solution was to add a check
	for 0 weights and a new argument npts to the calling sequence for

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed. There is no workaround except to delete
        points manually before entering curfit. Affected code in imred$dtoi,
	utilities$curfit and xtools$icfit has been updated.

MODULE:	proto$irmosaic
DATE:	Sat Jul 23 12:10:00 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Irmosaic was not computing the column and row spacing between
	adjacent subrasters of the output image if the parameters
	nxoverlap and nyoverlap were < -1. The problem showed up in the
	alignment stage in the forms of horizontal and vertical
	streaks in the output image.

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed. The workaround is to leave nxoverlap and
	nyoverlap at their default values.

MODULE:	local$apphot/polyphot
DATE:	Fri Jul 29 13:18:12 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The polyphot task was going into an infinite loop when supplied
	with a polygons file containing comment lines preceeded by the
	character # such as those generated by imtool.

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed. The work around is to remove the
	comment lines manually before running polyphot. The other apphot
	tasks are not affected by this problem.

MODULE:	utilities.curfit
DATE:	Fri Aug  5 13:51:57 MST 1988
FROM:	sjacoby

BUG:	The curfit task requires input data sorted in x and gives no
	indication if this is not the case.  Sorted data is required by
	the rg_ranges procedure (even in the default case of sample=*)
	or else data points will be ommitted from the fit.  The only
	indication in curfit that all data points are not being used is
	that the value of 'total' doesn't equal 'sample' in the plot header.

STATUS:	Repaired in V2.7, such that for list input only, curfit will sort
	the input array before fitting.

DATE:	Thu Aug 11 11:45:54 MST 1988
FROM:	sjacoby

BUG:	When directory is called with sort=no, long=no and an extension
	matching template like "*.tab", the task fails.  On VMS/IRAF, 
	"no files found" is reported; on SUN/IRAF a segmentation violation 
	is seen.

STATUS:	The bug has been traced to a single line of code and will be
	fixed in IRAF V2.7.  A workaround would be to use directory
	with "sort=yes", which is the default.

MODULE:	images.imcombine, ccdred.combine
DATE:	Tue Aug 16 13:05:26 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The median option of the combine routines is incorrect when the number
	of images is odd. Instead of selecting the (N+1)/2 value, where N is the
	number of images, it was selecting the N/2 value.  It was also reported
	as a bug that for N even it was not selecting the average of the 
	middle two values.  This is not a bug but the intended behavior when
	N is even.
STATUS:	The bug was fixed as of this date.  There is no work around.  Though
	the image produced is not the true median it will still be a useful
	statistic.  The help pages have been clarified to define the behavior
	when the number of images is even.

MODULE:	binfil
DATE:	Mon Sep 19 13:53:04 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The short optional header was being incorrectly written to the
	output file on the sun machines. The integer parameters ncols,
	nrows and datatype were being passsed to short integer fields.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in version 2.7. The work around is to
	avoid use of the header=yes option if possible.

MODULE:	longslit$transform
DATE:	Wed Sep 21 13:47:34 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The longslit package task transform was writing the keyword "W0"
	in wavelength units when log10 (wavelength) units were requested.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in 2.7. The work around is to be aware of
	the problem and use hedit to edit in the correct value.

MODULE:	galactic
DATE:	Thu Sep 22 16:25:35 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The galactic task was not precessing the ra and dec to 1950
	coordinates before converting to galactic coordinates. Therefore
	all computations were only valid for epoch 1950 input. This bug
	is only present in v2.6.

	In addition the new code was using the ra and dec of the galactic
	pole and the ra and dec of the galactic center to compute the
	transformation. The IAU definition specifies the ra and dec of the
	galactic pole and the galactic longitude of the north celestial
	pole introducing a small error. This bug is only present in v2.6.

STATUS:	Both bugs have been fixed in version 2.7. The only work around is
	to be aware of the problem and only use 1950.0 ras and decs. The
	error introduced by problem 2 is very small.

MODULE:	median, fmedian
DATE:	Tue Oct  4 13:50:34 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	If an error occurred during the execution of fmedian or median
	and the input image name was the same as the output image name
	the input image was deleted during the error recovery. The most
	common source of error is insufficient disk space for the scratch
	pixel file.

STATUS:	The bug in the error handling code has been fixed. The work around
	is to avoid using inplace operation if disk space is known to
	be limited. 

MODULE:	astutil.rvcorrect
SYSTEM:	V2.6- (From Oct87)
DATE:	Wed Oct  5 14:25:15 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The radial velocity component due to the Earth's rotation was in
	error by 0.5% (too small).  This bug appears in DOPSET from which
	parts of RVCORRECT were transcribed.
STATUS:	Bug and documentation fixed.

MODULE:	astutil.rvcorrect
DATE:	Tue Oct 18 09:17:12 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Some of the radial velocity correction components are grossly in error
	on Sun and other IEEE byte ordered systems (Alliant, DG).  This is not
	a problem on Vaxes.
STATUS:	A constant was being used as an argument to a subroutine expecting a
	double precision value.  By default constants without the D exponent
	notation are real numbers and so an argument type mismatch occured.
	For Vaxes this is not critical since the most significant part is
	correctly interpreted.  There is no work around short of checking and
	changing all the calls to ast_coords and recompiling.

MODULE:	ccdred.mkskyflat
DATE:	Thu Oct 20 10:15:34 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	This task produced the error "Cannot open image".
STATUS:	The task correctly produced the sky illumination image but failed
	when it attempted to multply this by the flat field image,
	given in the CCDPROC parameters, to create the sky flat.   The
	message concerned not being able to open the flat field image.
	Instead of the sky flat the resultant output image was a sky
	correction image. One could make the sky flat using IMARITH
	"imarith flat * skyflat skyflat" where flat and skyflat are
	the appropriate images.  The bug has now been fixed.

MODULE:	ccdred.mkillumcor, ccdred.mkillumflat
DATE:	Thu Oct 20 10:27:25 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If the flat field image which is smoothed to produce a large scale
	illumination has negative or zero values (something which should not
	be the case for reasonable data) it is possible to obtain an arithmetic
	divide by zero exception.  Even worse if in some cases where the
	mechanics of trapping this error have not been solved (in the latest
	Sun systems) infinite loops may result.
STATUS:	The arithmetic error, while clear that it is a division by zero, may
	not be obvious to the user that the data is suspect.  The user must be
	aware of this.  As a solution the tasks have been modified to count the
	number of divisions by zero and print a warning summary at the end.
	New task parameters specify what value to use as the result of
	division by zero.  A work around is to use IMREPLACE to put a
	floor in the flat field data.  Note that zero division checking
	is not done in CCDPROC for efficiency but in these tasks efficiency
	is not a problem since they are used at most a few times per
	data set.

MODULE:	onedspec.bswitch
SYSTEM:	V2.3-2.5
DATE:	Tue Nov  1 14:34:50 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The task aborts if it cannot determine the airmass even if it does not
	actually need this quantity.
STATUS:	The airmass is now required only if the extinction correction is
	requested.  The work around is to use HEDIT to add a dummy airmass
	under the keyword AIRMASS.

MODULE:	images.geotran
DATE:	Wed Nov  9 08:00:00 MST 1988
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Geotran quits with the error message "GSRESTORE: Invalid x or y order"
	if one of the x or y coordinate surfaces is linear (xorder = 2
	yorder = 2) and the other is higher order (xorder > 2 or yorder > 2).
	The gsrestore command was not being error checked in the case
	where one of the higher order surfaces was null.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in 2.7. There is no work around except to
	make sure that both higher order surfaces are null or both are non
	null. Contact the iraf group for a bug fix.

MODULE:	onedspec.dispcor
DATE:	Thu Dec  8 13:32:02 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The new DISPCOR of V2.7 produces incorrect results (noticable high
	frequency component) in very high resolution data (lambda /
	delta lambda > 10E6).
STATUS:	The bug was the result of a calculation using real arithmetic which
	requires double precision for high resolution data.  For lower
	dispersions there is no problem.  For high dispersion one must
	either not use flux conservation or use wavelengths with the
	large offset subtracted (for example use 76.321 instead of 4876.321
	where 4800 is subtracted from all wavelengths).  This bug is fixed
	in V2.8.

MODULE:	apextract.apnormalize
SYSTEM:	V2.5-V2.7
DATE:	Thu Dec 15 17:31:22 MST 1988
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Deleted points during interactive fitting of the normalization spectrum
	remain deleted in later apertures.
STATUS:	This has been fixed.  Generally this would not cause any problems
	since only a few points would be missing and the fit is over the
	relatively smooth quartz spectrum.

MODULE:	reblock
DATE:	Sat Jan 28 12:56:27 MST 1989
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The copyn parameter was being ignored for tape to tape copies where
	the physical block size was not being altered.

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed in 2.8.

MODULE:	apphot.polyphot
DATE:	Sat Feb  4 11:15:56 MST 1989
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Polyphot can return an incorrect result if the user inputs a polygonal
	aperture which is not convex and if an image line happens to
	intersect the polygon exactly on a vertex.

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed in IRAF 2.8. The work around is to use only
	convex polygonal apertures.

MODULE:	bscale
DATE:	Tue Feb  7 17:55:08 MST 1989
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Bscale would sometimes crash with a memory corruption error when
	the image section to be used for computing the image statistics
	was specified with the sections parameter instead of using
	image section notation. The problem was caused by the task
	overflowing the data buffer by attempting to read beyond the
	limits of the section.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in 2.8.

MODULE:	apphot.apselect
DATE:	Mon Apr  3 11:44:27 MST 1989
FROM:	davis

BUG:	If a none of fields selected by the user with the fields parameter
	actually existed in the apphot database file, the task would
	terminate with a segmentation violation.

	The task was not cleaning up dynamically allocated menory in the
	case that none of user selected fields were valid.

STATUS:	This bug has been fixed in V2.8 The work around is to retype the
	command with the correct field name. 

MODULE:	noao.proto.irafil
DATE:	Fri Apr 28 16:33:34 MST 1989
FROM:	rooke

BUG:	A user reported a segmentation violation running IRAFIL with
	a large header area to skip.

STATUS:	Fixed in V2.8.  After allocating dynamic storage for the header,
	the code was mistakenly reading the header into pixel storage
	instead, so if the header was longer than a row of pixels, it
	would abort.

MODULE:	images.imcombine, ccdred.combine
DATE:	Fri May  5 16:47:34 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	1.  When scaling or weighting the sigma image is a factor of the
	square root of the number of images too small.  This does not occur
	when not scaling or weighting.
	2.  The sigma image is incorrectly computed by image.imcombine
	when the input images are of integer datatype.
STATUS:	Fixed in V2.8.

MODULE:	images.imarith
DATE:	Fri May  5 16:53:20 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	A command of the form

		cl> imarith test[20:30] * 1.2 test[20:30]

	where the output is a section of an existing image does not work as
	might be expected and instead clobbers the original image by the
	smaller output image.
STATUS:	Operations into a subsection of an output image is not allowed by
	the task and it was a bug that output image could be clobbered.
	This was due to the fact that in place operations (i.e. replacing
	an existing image by the result) are allowed.  The current fix
	is to print a warning and skip the operation if the output image
	name contains an image section.

MODULE:	images.imsurfit
DATE:	Thu Jun  1 11:41:24 MST 1989
FROM:	davis

BUG:	Imsurfit would go into an infinite loop if regions = "sections"
	and the sections file was nonexistent.

STATUS:	The problem was a missing errchk on the open statement. The
	bug has been fixed in V2.8.

MODULE:	specplot
DATE:	Tue Jun  6 08:54:50 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Task SPECPLOT had wavelengths off by one pixel.
STATUS:	This was due to an uninitialized CRPIX1 variable.  The wavelength
	variables refer to pixel 1 but pixel 0 was being used instead.
	This only occurs if the W0 and WPC keywords are used instead of
	the FITS keywords.  The workaround is to change W0 by subtracting
	WPC.  Fixed for V2.8.

MODULE:	ccdred
DATE:	Fri Jun 16 11:03:00 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If the backup prefix is a nonexistent directory ccdproc hangs
	on Suns and possibly on other systems.
STATUS:	The workaround is to change the backup prefix or make the directory
	with mkdir.  A fix has been made to print an error and abort.
	The original image will be unchanged and the processed temporary
	image is deleted.

MODULE:	splot
DATE:	Fri Jun 16 15:29:14 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If the wavelength per pixel is negative the options 'd' deblend,
	'e' equivalent width, 'm' signal-to-noise, and 'x' fudge extended
	over a line give incorrect results.
STATUS:	This has been fixed in V2.8.  The workaround is to only use positive
	wavelength per channel (WPC or CRDELT1).  REBIN or SFLIP
	can be used to change the dispersion direction.

MODULE:	dispcor/ecdispcor/msdispcor
DATE:	Mon Jul 10 13:26:08 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The task DISPCOR does not produce the result one expects at the
	endpoints of the input data.

STATUS: The IRAF convention is that the pixel value refers to the center
	of the pixel.  When considered as an aperture the pixel extends
	between -0.5 and +0.5 of the pixel center.  The way the task is
	written in V2.8, an interpolation function is fit to the values
	at the pixel centers and the function is not defined beyond the
	center of the first and last pixels.  When using the flux
	conservation option (integration of the interpolation function
	across the extent of the output pixel) the part of the output
	pixel corresponding to the half pixel beyond the center of the
	first and last pixel is not used.  For the simple case of an
	output dispersion such that the size of an input and output
	pixel are nearly the same and the endpoints are the same this
	gives about a factor of 0.5 for the endpoint pixels.  When not
	using flux conservation the interpolation function is evaluated
	directly.  However, it is often the case that the center of the
	last output pixel is computed to be just slightly beyond the
	center of the last input pixel (due to rounding) and so the
	last output pixel is often zero.

	The task has been revised to extrapolate the interpolation function
	by a half a pixel on either end of the input data.  The workarounds
	are to avoid the endpoints when specifying the wavelength scale
	during dispcor or by eliminating the endpoints after dispersion
	correction using onedspec.sextract.

MODULE:	dispcor/ecdispcor/msdispcor
SYSTEM:	V2.8 (Sun4)
DATE:	Mon Jul 10 13:46:09 MST 1989
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	Using a dispersion table with INDEF values for the number of pixels
	causes a floating operand error.
STATUS:	An attempt is made to convert the magic value for INDEF internally
	in such a way that the floating operand exception is encountered.
	Note that this is only a problem when the value is read from the
	dispersion table file.  INDEF is fine as a task parameter.
	There is no workaround for the INDEF feature though one can put
	the number of pixels in explicitly in the dispersion table.