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.ps +2
\fBIRAF Version 2.8 Revisions Summary\fP
June 30, 1989
.sp 2
This revisions notice coincides with the release of version 2.8 of
IRAF.  The V2.8 release is a general release for all supported IRAF hosts.
The following is a brief description of some of the new features available
in IRAF Version 2.8.  This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but
rather a brief summary of the major changes since the last
major release of IRAF Version 2.5 in July 1987 and subsequent intermediate
releases primarily to support Sun/IRAF: IRAF Version 2.6 (February 1988),
IRAF Version 2.6+ (March 1988), and IRAF Version 2.7 (December 1988).
More detailed revisions notes are available in the system notes files in
the \f(CWiraf$doc\fP and \f(CWiraf$local\fP directories, as well as in the
online revisions notes for the various packages.

IRAF System Revisions
This document highlights the most notable revisions made to the IRAF core
system software for Version 2.8.  This is only a revisions summary;
no attempt is made to provide detailed technical documentation for each
revision, nor is there any attempt to exhaustively summarize all revisions.
A complete record of all core system revisions will be found in the
\fISystem Notes\fP for V2.8.  Additional information on some of the topics 
covered below will be found in the various \fIInstallation Guides\fP
and \fISite Manager's Guides\fP,
and in the \fIIRAF User and Technical Documentation\fP manual sets.

.NH 2
Copyright notice
Subject to AURA and NSF approval, the IRAF software will be copyrighted
sometime during 1989.  As a first step in this process, a copyright notice
has been added to all core system source files.  The notice reads as follows:
"Copyright(c) 1986 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc".
We will also be adding a file called COPYRIGHT to the distribution stating
the terms of the copyright and associated licensing agreement for the software.
The intent of this action is solely to protect the software from unauthorized
commercial exploitation, and the copyright grants, or will grant, the right to
copy, modify, and redistribute the IRAF software provided the original
copyright notice remains intact, the software is made available in source form,
and the rights we grant are passed on with the software.  We wish to prevent
others, especially commercial firms, from copyrighting IRAF software in their
own name and possibly taking away the rights we grant with the software.
Granting the right to modify and redistribute IRAF software does not mean
we want to encourage people to do so, we merely want them to have the legal
right to do so if they feel they need to.  

.NH 2
Major system enhancements
The information in this section is provided primarily for the benefit of
IRAF site managers and programmers.  The reader interested primarily in
science applications may wish to skip ahead.  Some systems level familiarity
with the current IRAF system is assumed.
.NH 3
Layered software enhancements
A given IRAF installation consists of the core IRAF system, and any number
of \fBlayered software products\fP or \fBexternal packages\fP.  The goal
of the layered software enhancements introduced in V2.8 is to make layered
software products self contained and hence independent of the core system
and of other layered software.  Examples of layered software products are
the NOAO packages, LOCAL, STSDAS, PROS, and so on.
The layered software enhancements make it possible to install or deinstall
a layered product by modifying only a single file in the core IRAF system.
The core system may be updated without affecting layered software, and vice
versa.  Since layered products are independent and are simple to install,
IRAF can easily be configured with only those packages needed at a particular
site.  Software developers benefit from the layered software enhancements
because the facilities provided for development and maintenance of layered
software are equivalent to those provided for development of the core IRAF
system and the NOAO packages.  User sites benefit because it is easy to
extend the system with LOCAL packages of their own making.
Each layered product (usually this refers to a tree of packages) is a system
in itself, similar in structure to the core IRAF system.  Hence, there is a
LIB (global system library), one or more BINs (binary file directories),
a Help database, a set of global environment definitions, and all the sources
and runtime files, all contained within the same directory tree.  Layered
software products, in their source only form, are portable without change
to any computer which runs IRAF.
.NH 4
The hlib$extern.pkg file
This is the file which is modified to install or deinstall layered software
products.  To install a layered product, one creates a directory to hold
the software, restores the files to disk, and edits the \f(CWextern.pkg\fP file
to tell IRAF the name of the root package of the layered product, and where
the root directory is located.  If the layered software is distributed in
source only form it will also be necessary to recompile the software, but
this is a completely automated process.
.NH 4
NOAO and LOCAL packages reorganized
As part of the project to better support layered software, the NOAO and
LOCAL packages have been reorganized as layered products.  These packages
are now structurally equivalent to third party (non-NOAO) packages,
except that the directory trees are rooted in IRAF.  Both packages are
now self contained, with their own LIB, BINs, Help database, etc.,
and with an entry in \f(CWextern.pkg\fP, like other layered products.
The NOAO package serves as a working example of how to configure a
layered package.  The reorganization of these packages should be
transparent to anyone merely using the system.
.NH 4
The template LOCAL
The LOCAL package included with the distributed system has been stripped of
all NOAO site-local tasks and restructured as a layered product,
the \fItemplate local\fP.  The template local contains only two sample
tasks and is not intended as an end-user package, but rather as a template
to be copied and modified by sites to construct their own site dependent
LOCAL package.  The desire to be able to easily develop and maintain
locally added packages was one of the major motivations for the layered
software enhancements project, and we hope that sites will realize the
significance of this new capability and take advantage of it.
.NH 4
CL now supports package level BIN directories
Rather than assuming a global BIN directory for all tasks and packages,
the CL now permits multiple BIN directories, each BIN directory being
associated with the package of definition and all subpackages of that
package (unless they have their own BIN).  A new BIN directory is declared
with the optional argument \f(CWbindir=\fIpath\fR in the \f(CWpackage\fP
statement, e.g., in a package script task.
.NH 4
MKPKG support for package environments
Layered packages now have their own private LIB, including an environment
definitions file (\f(CWzzsetenv.def\fP), mkpkg global include file
(\f(\fP), and, optionally, a mkpkg special file list file for
each supported host system, listing files requiring special compilation
to work around host compiler bugs or whatever.  The full mkpkg environment
is formed by reading the IRAF core system environment and mkpkg definitions
and include files, followed by the package definitions and include files.
Reading of the package environment occurs \fIonly\fP if mkpkg is called
with the "\fB-p\fR" flag, or if the variable \f(CWPKGENV\fP is defined in
the user's environment.
Another way of expressing this is, when using mkpkg within a layered package,
one must now specify the name of the layered package in order to pick up the
package environment definitions.  For example, to update the MTLOCAL package
in NOAO, one would type "\f(CWmkpkg -p noao update\fP" in the \f(CWmtlocal\fP
directory.  If this is not done compilation errors may result, or the
exectable may not be successfully installed in the package BIN directory.
.NH 3
Multiple architecture support
A single IRAF system (or layered package) can now simultaneously support any
number of machine architectures using multiple BIN directories sharing a
single machine independent copy of IRAF.  Each BIN directory contains all
the object modules, object libraries, and executables for a particular
architecture.  An architecture can represent either a type of hardware,
e.g., sparc, mc68020+f68881, mc68020+ffpa, vax, etc., or a software
distinction, e.g., systems compiled with different sets of compiler flags,
or different versions of a system.  Multiple architectures are now supported
both for IRAF execution, and for IRAF based software development, e.g.,
a single version of IRAF can now be used to develop and run IMFORT programs
on both Sun-3 and Sun-4 nodes.
The only case where multiple architecture support is used at the present
time is in Sun/IRAF, which is often installed on a heterogeneous network of
workstations, e.g., Sun-3s with various hardware floating point options,
and Sun-4s.  A single copy of IRAF will be configured with several BIN
directories, one for each supported architecture, and NFS mounted on all
the network nodes which will be using IRAF.  There is no reason that this
feature need be restricted to use with Sun/IRAF, however.
.NH 4
Starting with IRAF V2.8, the old environment variable \f(CWIRAFBIN\fP has been
obsoleted and replaced by \f(CWIRAFARCH\fP.  On machines which support
multiple architectures, the latter defines the architecture to be used for
both IRAF execution and software development.  If only IRAF execution is
needed the variable is optional, with the best architecture being selected
automatically when the CL is started.  If one will be doing software
development (including IMFORT) it is best to define the variable in the
host environment before starting IRAF or doing any host level software
development.  Typical values of \f(CWIRAFARCH\fP for a Sun workstation are
"sparc", "i386", "f68881", and "ffpa".
.NH 4
System libraries moved to the BIN directory
As part of the revisions required for multiple architecture support for
software development, all object libraries have been moved from the global,
architecture independent LIB to the architecture dependent BIN, with the
LIB entries being replaced by symbolic links (in the case of Sun/IRAF).
This should be transparent to both end users and programmers.
.NH 4
New bin.generic architecture
On Sun/IRAF systems, which are distributed configured for multiple
architecture support, the system architecture is set to \f(CWgeneric\fP
in the distributed system.  What this means is that all architecture
dependent files (objects and object libraries) have been removed from
the system directories and archived in the file \f(CWOBJS.arc\fP in the
BIN directory for each architecture.  Rebuilding any of the packages in
a system would require restoring the binaries for a particular architecture,
e.g., typing "\f(CWmkpkg sparc\fP" at the IRAF root would restore the
sparc binaries for the core system on a Sun/IRAF installation.  Note that
this \fIonly\fP affects software development for the system in question;
software development for external packages or private user software is
not affected.
.NH 3
Shared library facility
IRAF version 2.8 adds support for a general shared library facility for
UNIX based systems.  Although currently only used with Sun/IRAF,
this facility is potentially useful for other UNIX based IRAF systems
as well (VMS/IRAF already has its own shared library facility).
What the shared library facility does is take most of the IRAF system
software (currently the contents of the \f(CWex\fP, \f(CWsys\fP, \f(CWvops\fP,
and \f(CWos\fP libraries) and link it together into a special sharable
image, the file \f(CWS.e\fP in each core system BIN directory.  This file
is mapped into the virtual memory of each IRAF process at process startup
time.  Since the shared image is shared by all IRAF processes, each process
uses less physical memory, and the process pagein time is reduced, speeding
process execution.  Likewise, since the subroutines forming the shared image
are no longer linked into each individual process executable, substantial
disk space is saved for the BIN directories.  Link time is correspondingly
reduced, speeding software development.
With the introduction of the shared library facility, the disk space
required for Sun/IRAF is substantially reduced.  Due to the increased memory
sharing and reduced process pagein times performance is substantially
improved, especially on systems like the Sun/386i which has a relatively
slow SCSI disk and often limited memory.  The disk size of small programs
is reduced by up to a factor of ten in some cases, e.g., an executable
for a small program that was formerly 250 Kb in size might be as small as
25 Kb if the shared library is used and the shared image symbols are omitted
at link time.

.NH 2
User interface changes
.NH 3
Calling IRAF tasks from the host environment
The IRAF main and zmain were modified to make it easier to call IRAF tasks
as host level tasks, i.e., without having to set up a command file and
run the process with the standard input redirected.  In the new scheme,
any extra arguments given on the process command line are passed into
the IRAF main as a command buffer containing the IRAF command or
commands to be run.  For example,
\f(CWcl> x_system.e netstatus\fP
would run the command \f(CWnetstatus\fP in process \f(CWx_system.e\fP.
\f(CWcl> x_system.e count "files=*.x"\fP
would run the \f(CWcount\fP task, counting all ".x" files in the current
\f(CWcl> x_system.e count "files=*.x 4>_o"\fP
would do the same, redirecting the output at the IRAF main level to
the file \f(CW_o\fP.
\f(CWcl> x_system.e 'directory @pars $nargs=0'\fP
would run the \f(CWdirectory\fP task with the given parameter set, with
\f(CW$nargs\fP set to 0.  If any of the parameters to a task are omitted
the task will query the terminal for them in the usual way, so for example
\f(CWcl> alias count "$iraf/bin/x_system.e count files="\fP
would make the IRAF task \f(CWcount\fP available in UNIX, allowing the
IRAF template specifying the files to be counted to be either given
on the UNIX command line, or prompted for if omitted.  Given the
above alias, one could enter a UNIX command such as
\f(CWcl> count 'cl$*.h'\fP
This feature is available in all UNIX based versions of IRAF V2.8,
but did not make it into VMS/IRAF version 2.8.
.NH 3
Image packing density control (impkden)
Some users have complained about images taking up more disk space than they
have to, due to the IMIO feature which conditionally blocks image lines to
fill an integral number of disk blocks.  This can result in more efficient
image i/o but can also make a significant difference in the amount of disk
space consumed by an image in some cases.
IMIO can actually support both block-aligned and fully packed images.
The decision is made at image creation time and is based on the \fBimage
packing density\fP if image lines are block aligned.  If the packing
density is too low for a block-aligned image, a fully packed image is created
to avoid wasting disk space.  The default minimum packing density is 0.6,
i.e., up to 40% wasted space before IMIO switches to full packing (no
wasted space).
For finer control over the packing density, the user can now specify the
optional environment variable \f(CWimpkden\fP, the numeric value being the
mininum packing density.  For example,
\f(CWcl> set impkden = 1.0\fP
would completely disable block-alignment of image lines in IMIO.
.NH 3
User libraries (IRAFULIB)
It is now possible for the programmer (SPP or IMFORT) to specify a private
directory to be searched at compile or link time when developing IRAF or IMFORT
programs.  This is done by defining the path to the directory in the user
environment as the variable \f(CWIRAFULIB\fP.  When locating a particular file,
this directory will be searched \fIbefore\fP the IRAF system libraries are
searched, hence this feature may be used to substitute custom versions of
files in the IRAF system libraries, e.g., for debugging purposes.
.NH 3
New logical printer device LPR
A new logical line printer or plotter device \f(CWlpr\fP is now supported on
all UNIX/IRAF systems.  This treats the UNIX task \fIlpr\fP as a kind of
pseudo-device, leaving it up to UNIX to decide what physical device to dispose
of the output to.  This default is system dependent, but on some systems can
be controlled by defining the variable \f(CWPRINTER\fP in the user environment.
.NH 3
Machine independent help database
The IRAF \f(CWhelp\fP task uses a precompiled binary database to speed help
keyword searching.  This file is now machine independent, allowing it to be
generated on one system and included in software distributions without
having to be recompiled.  In addition, as part of the layered software
support, \f(CWhelp\fP now allows each external package to have its own
private help database.  The first time \f(CWhelp\fP is run, all such databases
are read and linked to produce a database containing entries for all
help modules in the core system and all installed external packages.
The help database file is the file \f(CWhelpdb.mip\fP in the LIB directory
of the core system and each external package.
.NH 3
Set terminal type will no longer hangup
On systems, e.g., workstations, which provide virtual terminal windows which
can change in size, IRAF may query the terminal at run time to determine
the screen size.  This query is performed, for example, at login time if
the terminal type is set to \f(CWgterm\fP or \f(CWsun\fP.  Formerly this
could cause the login process to hang indefinitely (i.e., until the user
typed return or interrupt) if the terminal did not respond to the size query,
as would happen when the terminal type was set improperly and the actual
terminal ignored the query.  Thanks to the addition of non-blocking raw
terminal i/o in V2.8 IRAF, the terminal screen size query will now time out
with a warning message to reset the terminal type, if the terminal does
not respond to the query within several seconds.
.NH 3
Installing a new version of IRAF obsoletes old user parameter files
The problem of old, obsolete user (\f(CWuparm\fP) parameter files being
used with a newly installed version of IRAF, which could lead to "parameter
not found" error aborts, has been fixed.  The CL now checks the date of
the file \f(CWutime\fP in HLIB, and refuses to use the user pfile if it
is older than either \f(CWutime\fP or the package pfile provided with the
new system.  The contents of old user pfiles are merged into the new system
pfile, as before, preserving learned parameter values even when the user
pfile is obsolete.
.NH 3
@file list bug fixed
The problem of the "@file" (at-file-list) syntax not working when the file
in question was not in the current directory has been fixed.

.NH 2
Programming interface changes
.NH 3
IMFORT pixel directory control
IMFORT has been modified to permit specification of the pixel file
directory by the calling program.  The modifications are completely
upwards compatible, i.e., existing programs linked with the new
interface will still create pixel files in the same directory as
the header file, with "HDR$" in the image header.
The Fortran programmer may set or query the pixel file directory
using the following routines:
\f(CWimsdir (dir)            # set pixel directory pathname
imgdir (dir)            # get pixel directory pathname\fP
where \fIdir\fP is a Fortran character variable.  The value should
be either "HDR$" (the default) or a concatenatable host directory
pathname (i.e., trailing / required for unix).  Once set, the
pixel directory will be used for all subsequent image create or
rename operations by the calling process.
For example,
\f(CWcall imsdir ("/tmp3/pixels/")
call imcrea (image1, axlen, naxis, dtype, ier)
call imcrea (image2, axlen, naxis, dtype, ier)\fP
If desired the default pixel directory may be specified in the
host environment as \f(CWimdir\fP or \f(CWIMDIR\fP before running the program.
IMFORT will check the host environment for this environment variable
then use "HDR$" as the default if no host definition is found.
Note that although this is similar to setting the value of \f(CWimdir\fP
in the IRAF environment, IMFORT programs are not part of the IRAF
environment and are not affected by changes to the IRAF \f(CWimdir\fP.
Also, since IMFORT is a host level facility and IRAF networking is
not supported, the network prefix (e.g., "node!") is omitted from the
pixelfile pathname, and since IMFORT programs are not necessarily used
in conjunction with IRAF, the "\f(CW..\fP" (hidden file protection) files
are not used to protect against image deletion.
.NH 3
Image display interface: IMD
A new interface IMD has been added to provide a rudimentary facility for
interactive image display device control.  This is an interim prototype
interface which will be replaced by the new display interfaces when the
latter become available.
The IMD interface operates by mapping an image display device frame buffer
onto an IMIO image descriptor.  The display frame buffer may then be randomly
edited by normal image i/o operations, e.g., to modify subrasters of the
displayed image, or overlay the image with color graphics.  The image pixel
to display frame buffer coordinate transformation is supported, allowing
applications to work in image pixel coordinates if desired.  This interim
interface is what is used by the new display oriented tasks \f(CWimexamine\fP,
\f(CWimedit\fP, and \f(CWtvmark\fP.
.NH 3
Image masks: PLIO, PMIO, MIO
The following new VOS interfaces have been added in V2.8 to provide a
general boolean or integer image mask facility.
PLIO	pixel list i/o
PMIO	pixel (image) mask i/o
MIO	masked image i/o (image i/o through a mask)
PLIO is a general interface for storing and manipulating
multidimensional integer valued rasters containing regions of
constant value (i.e., masks).  The masks are stored in a highly
compressed form, the size of the compressed mask being a function
of the information content of the mask.  Both pixel array and
range list i/o facilities are provided, as well as a set of general
boolean raster operators, e.g., to extract or insert subrasters,
AND or OR a source with a destination, do the same through a stencil,
draw regions of various kinds (point, line, box, circle, polygon),
and so on.  See the \f(CWPLIO.hlp\fP file in the PLIO source directory
for further information.
An interactive debug program (\f(CWplio$zzdebug.x\fP) is provided for
experimenting with masks.  Note that PLIO is a stand alone interface
and is not tied in any way to IMIO, even though the data structure
operated upon is similar to an image matrix.
PMIO is very similar to PLIO except that it is used to associate a
masks with an IMIO maintained reference image.  Currently, the PMIO
mask must be the same resolution as the physical reference image.
All coordinates input to PMIO are in the \fIimage section coordinates\fP
of the reference image.  Hence, given a physical image and associated
mask, one can operate upon both through a user specified image section
transparently to the applications program.  This includes all PLIO 
style boolean rasterop operations, as well as mask pixel and range
list i/o.  The PMIO interface is layered upon PLIO and IMIO, and the
calling sequences are identical with PLIO except for the package
prefix, and the addition of several new PMIO specific routines.
MIO is essentially an extension of image i/o for pixel i/o through a
mask.  The central routines are the following:
\f(CW                mio_setrange (mp, vs, ve, ndim)
n|EOF = mio_[gp]lseg[silrdx] (mp, ptr, mval, v, npix)\fP
One defines a rectangular region of the image with mio_setrange,
and then sequentially reads or writes line segments until all pixels
visible through the mask have been accessed.  This type of i/o should
be ideal for most image processing applications which need to operate
upon only those pixels visible through a region mask (e.g., a surface
fitting task), upon all pixels except those on a bad pixel mask (e.g.,
any analysis program), and so on.
PLIO (or PMIO) masks may be stored in binary files on disk, the files
having the extension "\f(\fP".  The V2.8 version of IMIO has the
capability to treat such masks as if they were images, allowing masks
to be easily displayed, used in image expressions, converted to
image matrices and vice versa, etc.  Applications may do either pixel
or \fIrange list i/o\fP to a mask image via IMIO, if MIO is not suitable
for some reason.
.NH 3
Photon images: QPOE, QPIO, QPEX
A new set of VOS interfaces supporting photon or \fBevent list data\fP
are now available.  The QPOE interface implements the Position Ordered Event
list object, which consists of a general header mechanism plus an
event list, wherein the events are little data structures, e.g.,
the attributes required to describe a photon detection (position,
energy, time, etc.).  QPOE is designed to efficiently access very large
event lists, e.g., several hundred thousand or several million events in size.
Builtin event attribute filtering and region filtering capabilities are
provided for selecting photons from the event list.  These filtering
capabilities may be combined with the sampling capability to produce
filtered, block averaged image matrices from event lists.
The QPOE interfaces are the following:
QPOE	header and file access and management facilities
QPIO	raw and filtered event i/o
QPEX	event attribute filter mechanism
QPF	IMIO/IKI kernel for image interface to QPOE files
QPOE and QPF add a new image type to the system, with \f(CW.qp\fP file
extension.  Hence, event list data can be used as input to any of the image
processing tasks in standard IRAF, in addition to being analyzed by tasks
which deal with the individual photon events.  A QPOE image is contained in
a single file.  When a QPOE file is accessed as an image the interface
filters and samples the event list in real time, using a user defined filter,
block averaging factor, region mask, and so on, producing the image matrix
seen by applications at the IMIO level.  The QPOE object may be repeatedly
examined with different event filters to view the data in different ways.
The QPOE interface, in addition to providing an event list capability for
IRAF, serves as a prototype for the "flex-header" portion of the new image
structures project.  Many of the capabilities to be provided for image
storage under the new image structures are already present in QPOE.
Further information is given in the \f(CWQPOE.hlp\fP file in the QPOE
source directory.
.NH 3
File manager: FMIO
A new VOS library FMIO has been installed.  FMIO is "File Manager I/O",
and is used to implement a simple binary file manager which maintains the
file data of so-called "lfiles" (lightweight files) inside a single
host binary file.  The system overhead for accessing lfiles is much
less than that of host files, and many lfiles can be used to store
a complex data structure without cluttering a host directory or
incurring the inefficiency of accessing host files.  FMIO is part of
the DFIO project and will serve as the lowest level interface within
DFIO; it is also used currently in the QPOE interface.  Additional
information is given in the README file in the source directory for
the interface.
.NH 3
IMIO changes
IMIO is the image i/o interface, the standard IRAF VOS interface for managing
all varieties of image data.
.NH 4
Mask image support
IMIO now supports a new type of image, the \fBmask image\fP, stored as a
highly compressed binary (PLIO) file with the extension "\f(\fP".
Image masks are most commonly used to store information describing selected
pixels in an associated data image.  An image mask is logically a boolean
or integer image, up to 28 bits deep, containing information only on selected
pixels or regions of pixels.  Masks are stored in highly compressed format,
e.g., a simple mask may be stored in only a few hundred bytes of space.
Mask images are readable, writable, and randomly modifiable, like ordinary
raster images.  See \(sc2.4.3 for more information.
.NH 4
Photon image support
Support has also been added to IMIO for \fBevent list images\fP, stored
as position ordered event list datafiles using the QPOE interfaces.
This new image type has the extension "\f(CW.qp\fP".  QPOE images are
read-only under IMIO.  Subject to that restriction, they may be accessed
like any other image by any IRAF image analysis program.  Accessing an
event list image as a raster image necessarily involves a runtime sampling
operation, wherein the events in the region of interest are accumulated
into an initially zero image matrix; in the process the event list may
optionally be filtered by event attribute or event position, e.g.,
\f(CWcl> display "xray.qp[t=(30:40),pha=10,block=4]"\fP
would display the QPOE image \f(CWxray.qp\fP with a blocking factor of 4,
selecting only those events with \f(CWt\fP (time) in the range 30 to 40 and
for which \f(CWpha\fP (energy) has the value 10.  The event attributes and
their names are user definable and may vary for different types of data.
See \(sc2.4.4 for more information.
.NH 4
A new procedure \f(CWimputh\fP has been added to the IMIO header access
library.  The new procedure is used to append FITS like HISTORY or COMMENT
cards to the image header.
.NH 4
The calling sequence of the internal IMIO procedure \f(CWimparse\fP has
changed.  Although this procedure is internal to the IMIO interface and is
not supposed to be used within applications, there may be applications which
make use of this procedure.  Any such applications must be modified to
reflect the new procedure calling sequence or runtime problems are guaranteed.
.NH 3
Null string environment variables
The semantics of the VOS procedures \f(CWenvgets\fP and \f(CWenvfind\fP
have changed.  This could affect existing programs and any programs which
use these functions should be checked to make certain they will still work
These procedures, used to fetch the string values of environment variables,
return the length of the output string as the function value.
Formerly, a value of zero would be returned
both when the named variable existed but had a null string value, and when
the variable was not found.  This made it impossible to discriminate between
the case of a variable not being defined, and one which is defined but has
a null value.  The routines have been changed to return the value ERR (a
negative integer) if the variable is not defined.  Programs which do not
wish to make the distinction between undefined and null-valued should check
for a function value less than or equal to zero.  Programs which check for
a function value equal to zero will fail if the named variable is not defined.
.NH 3
Environment substitution in filenames
The VOS filename mapping code has been modified to add support a powerful new
environment substitution syntax.  Previously the only environment substitution
mechanism available was the logical directory facility, which could only be
used to parameterize the directory field.  The new facility may be used to
perform environment substitution anywhere in a filename.  This is used in
IRAF version 2.8 to implement multiple architecture support, e.g.,
\f(CWcl> set bin = "iraf$bin(arch)/"\fP
is how the core system BIN is defined in V2.8 IRAF.
The syntax "\f(CW(arch)\fP" tells the filename mapping code to substitute
the string value of the environment variable \f(CWarch\fP, if defined.
If the variable is not defined the null string is substituted.  Hence,
if the host system does not implement multiple architecture support and
\f(CWarch\fP is not defined, BIN is defined as "\f(CWiraf$bin/\fP",
which is the backwards compatible definition.  If \f(CWarch\fP is defined
as, e.g., "\f(CW.vax\fP", then BIN is defined as "\f(CWiraf$bin.vax/\fP".
The new feature allows use of a single environment variable to define
the architecture, not only to form filenames, but for other purposes as
well, e.g., to generate compiler switches or to control library searching
in \f(CWmkpkg\fP.
.NH 3
Nonblocking raw terminal i/o
The VOS file i/o interfaces have been modified to add support for nonblocking
terminal i/o.  This facility makes it possible to, in effect, "poll" the
terminal to see if there is any input waiting to be read, to allow interaction
without having a program block if the user has not typed anything.
The immediate application of this in version 2.8 was the modification
of the \f(CWstty\fP (set-terminal) facility to implement a time out for
the terminal size query.  Formerly, \f(CWstty\fP would hang up indefinitely
when the terminal type was set to "gterm" but the actual terminal was
something different, causing the screen size query to be ignored.
In the more general case, nonblocking terminal i/o makes possible a new
class of user interface, which is not only interactive, but \fBevent driven\fP.
Nonblocking i/o makes it possible for an application to be continually
processing, while checking the terminal occasionally to see if the user
has input any commands.
At present, nonblocking i/o is always used in conjunction with raw mode
input from a terminal.  A new flag \f(CWF_NDELAY\fP,
defined in \f(CW<fset.h>\fP, is used to enable or disable nonblocking i/o.
For example,
\f(CWcall fseti (fd, F_RAW, YES)\fP
enables conventional blocking, single character raw mode reads, and
\f(CWcall fseti (fd, F_RAW, YES + F_NDELAY)\fP
enables nonblocking raw mode input (\f(CWYES\fP, \f(CWNO\fP,
and \f(CWF_NDELAY\fP are bit flags).  These modes are mutually exclusive,
e.g., the first call may be issued while nonblocking raw mode is in effect
to make the reads block, and vice versa.  A call to \f(CWfset(fd,F_RAW,NO)\fP
disables both raw mode and nonblocking mode.  Once nonblocking raw mode is
in effect one merely reads characters from the terminal in the usual way,
using \f(CWgetc\fP.  EOF is returned if a read is performed when no data
is available for input, otherwise the next character is returned from the
input queue.  Further information on nonblocking i/o is given in the system
notes file.
.NH 3
Function call tables (ZFUNC)
IRAF has always had the ability to compute the integer valued address of a
procedure, store that address in a table, and later use the address as an
argument to one of the \f(CWzcall\fP kernel primitives to call the addressed
procedure.  This facility has been extended by the addition of a set of
\f(CWzfunc\fP primitives, used to call integer valued \fIfunctions\fP.
Only integer valued functions are supported (in order to simplify the kernel
support required), but in the systems oriented applications where procedure
call tables are used, this is unlikely to be a serious limitation.

.NH 2
Sun/IRAF specific revisions
.NH 3
IEEE exception handling
By default the IEEE hardware is now configured, on all Sun systems,
with the invalid, overflow, and divide by zero IEEE exceptions enabled,
and with the default rounding direction and precision modes (nearest,
extended) in effect.  This configuration should ensure that all
questionable floating point operations are detected, and that no IEEE
"funny numbers" (NaN, Inf, etc.) get into the data.  These values,
since they don't behave like ordinary numbers, can cause programs
to misbehave, e.g., go into an infinite loop.  In Sun/IRAF V2.8,
if a computation results in an IEEE funny number being generated,
an exception abort will result.  The most common example is divide by zero.
The IRAF/IEEE interface offers a special debug feature that may be of
interest to programmers developing numerically sensitive software.
If desired, one can change the default rounding direction and
precision (e.g., to test the numerical stability of applications)
by using the debugger to set a nonzero value of the variable
\f(CWdebug_ieee\fP before running an executable.  The procedure for
doing this is documented in the system notes file.
.NH 3
IMTOOL enhancements
A number of enhancements and bug fixes have been made for V2.8 to the SunView
based IMTOOL image display server.  The most notable changes are summarized
here; refer to the IMTOOL manual page for a more complete description of the
new features.
.NH 4
Software ZOOM added
IMTOOL, which has had for some time the ability to pan about on a large
image, now has the ability to zoom as well.  Both pan and zoom are controlled
very conveniently by the middle mouse button: place the mouse on an object
and tape the middle button once to pan the object to the center of the
display window; tap it again and the image will be zoomed.  Zoom, currently
implemented by writing directly into the hardware frame buffer, is very fast,
almost as fast as a normal unzoomed window refresh.  The default set of zoom
factors is 1,2,4,8 after which the sequence wraps around to 1.  The zoom
factors are user configurable via the IMTOOL setup panel; very large zoom
factors, e.g., x64, are possible.  Dezoom (making a large image smaller)
is not currently supported.
.NH 4
WCSDIR eliminated
The host level \f(CWWCSDIR\fP environment variable, and the text file used
to communicate image coordinate (WCS) information between the display task
and the display server, have been eliminated.  All WCS information is now
passed via the datastream used to pass commands and data between the client
and the display server.  This eliminates the need for users to have to
remember to define \f(CWWCSDIR\fP in order to get coordinates in image units,
and some subtle process synchronization problems are eliminated as well.
In a related change, the frame buffer configuration index is no longer
passed in during a frame erase, hence it is no longer necessary to erase a
frame before displaying an image to ensure that a frame buffer configuration
change is passed to the server.  The configuration index is now passed when
the WCS information for a frame is set.
.NH 4
Graphics colors
IMTOOL now allocates a range of pixel values for use as graphics overlay
colors.  Setting a frame buffer pixel to one of these values causes it to
always be displayed with the assigned color.  The graphics color values are
not affected by windowing the display.  The most common use of graphics
colors with V2.8 IRAF is for drawing graphics into a displayed frame with
the new \f(CWtvmark\fP task, available in PROTO.  See the IMTOOL manpage
for a table listing the color index assignments.
.NH 4
New imtoolrc entries
Several new predefined frame buffer configurations have been added to the
default \f(CWimtoolrc\fP.  These include an 128 pixel square frame buffer 
(\f(CWimt128\fP), a 256 pixel square frame buffer (\f(CWimt256\fP),
and a full screen display with the same aspect ratio as a 35 mm slide
.NH 4
System crash (FIFO) bug fixed
Versions of SunOS through at least 4.0.1 have a bug in the FIFO driver code
which can cause the internal kernel FIFO data buffer to be deallocated while
it is still in use.  This will result in a bad kernel which will eventually
panic and reboot the system.  This is the cause of the IMTOOL crash problem
which some sites may have experienced.  IMTOOL has been modified to avoid
the circumstances (repeated 4096 byte transfers) which cause the bug to
surface.  So far as we know, the real bug (in SunOS) has not yet been fixed,
but at least on the NOAO systems, the frequency of occurrence of the system
crashes is greatly reduced with the new version of IMTOOL which incorporates
the workaround for the SunOS bug.
.NH 4
Cursor marking now disabled by default
When the interactive image cursor read facility was first added to IMTOOL,
the default response to each cursor read was to draw a small white dot at
the position of the cursor.  This is convenient when marking a series of
objects to make a list, but with the increasing number of IRAF programs
making user of the interactive image cursor, it has been necessary to change
the default to disable automatic marking of each cursor read.  The cursor
mark feature is still available as an option and can be enabled via the
setup panel.
.NH 4
Ctrl/b may be used for manual blinking
In addition to the list of blink frames and the timed blink feature IMTOOL
has provided for some time, it is now possible to manually cycle through
the blink frames with the <ctrl/b> key.  Typing <ctrl/b> while the mouse
is in the image window will cause the display to display the next blink
frame in sequence.
.NH 4
F4 key will now toggle setup panel
The F4 function key on the Sun keyboard may now be used to toggle whether
or not the setup panel is displayed.  This provides a single keystroke
alternative to calling up the setup panel with the frame menu.

.NH 2
VMS/IRAF specific revisions
.NH 3
Nigel Sharp's \f(CWNEWUISDISP\fP display program, used for image display
under UIS on microvaxes with bitmapped displays, is now available in the
standard VMS/IRAF release, in the directory \f(CW[IRAF.VMS.UIS]\fP.
.NH 3
New INSTALL.COM script
A new \f(CWINSTALL.COM\fP script (also written by Nigel Sharp) has been
added to VMS/IRAF.  This script, run by the system manager to install
selected IRAF executable images, will now automatically check for and
deinstall any old versions of the executables before installing the new ones.
.NH 3
VMS 4.7/5.0
Testing of the standard V2.8 VMS/IRAF release, which was prepared on VMS 4.7,
on a VMS 5.0 system has thus far not revealed any problems (NOAO is still
running VMS 4.7 as our standard system).  Hence it appears that the standard
V2.8 VMS/IRAF will \fIrun\fP under VMS 5.  It is likely, however, that any
attempt to \fIrecompile\fP VMS/IRAF under VMS 5 would cause problems,
since we have not yet tried to rebuild IRAF under VMS 5, and such a major
operating system upgrade will often require changes to the IRAF code.
The system may be relinked under VMS 5 if desired, and this does not appear
to cause any problems, but neither does there appear to be any benefit to
be gained from doing so.

.NH 2
Summary of IRAF System Packages Revisions
.IP \(bu
The tasks RFITS and WFITS in the DATAIO package now support the
reading and writing of arbitrary sized data blocks (IRAF version 2.7
and later).
.IP \(bu
Several new tasks were added to the IMAGES package.  IMCOMBINE (IRAF
version 2.6 and later) provides for the combining of images by a number
of algorithms.  The new task CHPIXTYPE (IRAF version 2.7 and later)
changes the pixel types of a list of input images.  The task IMSLICE
slices images into images of one less dimension (IRAF version 2.8).
The task IMSTACK has been moved into the IMAGES package (although it
still resides in PROTO as well).
The IMSTATISTICS task has been rewritten and now allows the user to select
which statistical parameters to compute and print (IRAF version 2.8).
The IMRENAME task has been modified to allow "in place" image renames,
used chiefly for moving the pixel files to a new IMDIR.
Several other tasks in the IMAGES package were modified (IRAF
version 2.8).  IMSHIFT was modified to accept a list of shifts from
a file.  REGISTER and GEOTRAN were modified to accept a list of
transforms instead of only a single one.  IMHISTOGRAM has undergone
extensive revision including support for "box" type plots, support
for linear or log scaling in the y coordinate, as well as support
for antialiasing of the histogram bins.
.IP \(bu
All the tasks in the IMAGES.TV package were modified (IRAF version 2.8)
so that if a task
is used with an unsupported display device a message is printed
to that effect.
.IP \(bu
The STTY task in the LANGUAGE package has been improved (IRAF version 2.6
and later) to better
facilitate its "playback" feature. These changes have been documented
in the online help for the task.  This feature is little used by
external sites but can be a very useful instructional aid if users
are aware of its capability.
.IP \(bu
A new task PVECTOR was added to the PLOT package that allows one to 
plot an arbitrary vector in a two dimensional image (IRAF version 2.6
and later).
The task STDPLOT was modified (IRAF version 2.8)
so that it uses the more popular SGI kernel 
rather than the NSPP (NCAR) kernel (STDPLOT is now
equivalent to the SGIKERN task).
A new task NSPPKERN was added that uses the NSPP kernel.
.IP \(bu
Two new tasks were added to the SYSTEM package (IRAF version 2.8). 
The task DEVICES simply prints the \f(CWdev$devices.hlp\fP file as edited
by the site manager listing available devices on the local host or 
network.  The REFERENCES task is used to search the help database
for all tasks or other help modules pertaining to a given topic,
e.g., \f(CWreferences vector\fR will list all tasks that have the string
"vector" in their one line description. 
.NH 2
Glossary of New Tasks in the IRAF System Packages
c c c c c
l c l c lw(4i).
Task		Package		Description

chpixtype	-	images	-	Change the pixel type of a list of images
devices	-	system	-	Print information on the locally available devices
imcombine	-	images	-	Combine images pixel-by-pixel using various algorithms
imslice	-	images	-	Slice images into images of lower dimension
imstack	-	images	-	Stack images into a single image of higher dimension
nsppkern	-	plot	-	Plot metacode on a NSPP (NCAR) plotter device
pvector	-	plot	-	Plot an arbitrary vector in a 2D image
references	-	system	-	Find all help database references for a given topic
In addition, there are new image display oriented tasks \f(CWimexamine\fP,
\f(CWimedit\fP, and \f(CWtvmark\fP in the PROTO package in NOAO (used to
interactively examine and edit images, or draw graphics into image display
frames).  These really belong in the core system but have been placed in
\f(CWnoao.proto\fP since they are prototype tasks.

NOAO Package Revisions
Some of the major revisions to the NOAO packages are listed below.
.NH 2
Summary of NOAO Packages Revisions
.NH 3
New NOAO Packages
Several new packages have been added to the NOAO suite of packages.
.IP \(bu
The APPHOT package is a set of tasks for performing aperture photometry
on uncrowded or moderately crowded stellar fields in either interactive
or batch mode.
This package is now installed in the DIGIPHOT package (IRAF
version 2.7 and later).  The APPHOT package was available as an add-on
package to IRAF version 2.5 and later while it was undergoing alpha
testing.  Many new features have been added to the package
since it first became available including
the new task QPHOT (quick aperture photometry) and interaction with
the image display cursor for supported image displays
(Sun workstation, IIS model 70).
.IP \(bu
The CCDRED package provides tools for the easy and efficient reduction
of CCD images.
This package has been installed in the IMRED package (IRAF version
2.6 and later).  The CCDRED package was also available as an add-on to
IRAF version 2.5.
A short demonstration of many of the tasks in the CCDRED package is
provided with the DEMO task in the CCDRED.CCDTEST package.
.IP \(bu
The IMRED.ECHELLE package has been replaced with a more
sophisticated collection of tasks for reducing echelle type data (IRAF
version 2.7 and later). The new ECHELLE package recognizes a new
image format in which each extracted echelle order
becomes a line in a two dimensional image rather than having a separate one
dimensional spectrum for each order, although this old output format is still
available as an option.
new tasks exist for computing and applying a wavelength calibration
to the data using the echelle relationship between the orders
as for manipulating the new echelle format (ECSELECT,
.IP \(bu
The IRRED package has been added to the IMRED package.  The IRRED
package collects together in one place those tasks used most frequently
by users reducing IR data such as that taken with the IR imager at KPNO. 
The IRMOSAIC and IRALIGN tasks were available
with IRAF version 2.6 and later.
IRMOSAIC takes an ordered list of input images and places them on a grid
in an output image.  IRALIGN uses this grid and a coordinate list of 
overlapping objects from the individual subrasters to produce an
aligned output image.  The tasks IRMATCH1D and IRMATCH2D were available
with IRAF version 2.7 and later.  These tasks are similar to IRALIGN
expect that the intensities of adjacent subrasters can be matched as well.
A script called MOSPROC (IRAF version 2.8) has also been
added that prepares a list of images for a quick look mosaic.
.IP \(bu
The MSRED package has been added to the IMRED package.  The MSRED
package is a collection of tasks used for reducing multispectral types
of data, e.g. fiber arrays, where the individual spectra are for different
objects.  Like the ECHELLE package, it also has its
own multispectral image format (a two dimensional image in which each line
is an extracted spectrum).  Several new tasks have been added to the 
package for wavelength calibration of multispectral data.
.NH 3
Modifications to Existing NOAO Packages
.IP \(bu
The ASTUTIL package was reorganized (IRAF version 2.6 and later - see
IRAF Newsletter No. 3 for details) and several tasks were added and/or 
modified.  A new task ASTTIMES computes and prints astronomical dates
and times given a local date and time.  A new task RVCORRECT computes
and prints radial velocity corrections for an observation.  The
tasks PRECESS and GALACTIC were modified slightly using different but
more accurate algorithms.
The new task SETAIRMASS (IRAF version 2.8)
computes the effective airmass and middle UT of an exposure.
This task was also made available in the TWODSPEC and IMRED
.IP \(bu
The two tasks in the IMRED.BIAS package, COLBIAS and LINEBIAS,
were modified slightly (IRAF version 2.7 and later) so that
the fitting parameters for the overscan region can be set by the user
as hidden parameters to the tasks.
.IP \(bu
The task COSMICRAYS (from the CCDRED package) was made available in the
IMRED.GENERIC package (IRAF version 2.6 and later).
.IP \(bu
A new task called SYNDICO has been added to the IMRED.VTEL
package (IRAF version 2.6 and later). SYNDICO makes glossy prints on the
NOAO Dicomed printer of the synoptic, full disk, magnetograms and
spectroheliograms taken at the vacuum telescope at Kitt Peak.
.IP \(bu
Modifications were made to the IMRED.DTOI package.  These changes
have been documented in IRAF Newsletter No. 4.
.IP \(bu
Three new tasks in the ONEDSPEC package, REFSPECTRA, SEXTRACT, 
and SPECPLOT, were
.IP \(bu
Many new tasks and features have been added to the ONEDSPEC package.
The SENSFUNC task was completely rewritten (IRAF version 2.6 and later)
to allow determination of extinction, display of flux calibrated spectra,
and many new features for displaying and manipulating the data.
IDENTIFY, REIDENTIFY and DISPCOR were modified (IRAF version 2.6 and later)
so that a dispersion solution from IDENTIFY could be shifted without
changing the original shape of the coordinate function (see IRAF
Newsletter No. 3 for details).
A new deblending algorithm was added to SPLOT (IRAF version 2.7 and later).
See the online help for SPLOT as well as the article in IRAF Newsletter
No. 4.
The tasks in the ONEDSPEC.ONEDUTIL package were absorbed into
the ONEDSPEC package (IRAF version 2.7 and later).
The EXTINCT task disappeared with its
functionality being taken over by a rewritten CALIBRATE (IRAF version 2.7
and later).
task was moved to the IMRED.IIDS and IMRED.IRS packages since this is
a very instrument specific task (IRAF version 2.7 and later).  
Three new tasks were added to the package.  SEXTRACT (IRAF version 2.6
and later) extracts subspectra from one dimensional input spectra.
REFSPECTRA (IRAF version 2.7 and later) takes over part of the functionality
of the old DISPCOR task and allows the user to define which arc spectra
are to be used in the calculation of the dispersion solution of object
spectra.  SPECPLOT (IRAF version 2.8) is a new plotting task that allows
the compression of many spectra to a page (see IRAF Newsletter No. 6).
.IP \(bu
Several new tasks have been added to the PROTO package.
Four tasks were added to IRAF version 2.6 and later.  BSCALE is a task that
can be used to linearly scale images by the mean, average, or mode of the
image.  IRMOSAIC and IRALIGN can be used to combine many frames into one
large image.  These three tasks are also available in the IMRED.IRRED package.
MKHISTOGRAM calculates the histogram of the data in a text file.
Three new tasks were added to IRAF version 2.7 and later.  IMSLICE is a 
task that slices an image into images of lower dimension. IRMATCH1D
and IRMATCH2D are two tasks that allow combining of many overlapping images
while matching the background intensities in two different ways.
Three new tasks have been added to IRAF version 2.8 that allow the user
to interact with the image display (for supported display devices, ie
Sun workstation, IIS model 70).  IMEXAMINE allows the user to interactively
examine portions of the displayed image.  TVMARK allows the user to 
mark objects on the image display.  IMEDIT allows the user to interactively
edit an image.
.IP \(bu
The APEXTRACT package in the TWODSPEC package has ungone several rounds
of modifications, as discussed in the IRAF Newsletters, No. 3 and 4.
These changes included improved techniques and additional options
for the extraction of data.
A new task, APSCATTER, has been added to the package (IRAF version 2.8).
This task determines and subtracts scattered light from two dimensional
aperture or echelle spectra.  The task was also made available
from within the ECHELLE package.  This task was discussed in 
IRAF Newsletter No. 6.
.NH 2
Modifications and Additions to Calibration Data
The calibration data used by some of the tasks in the TWODSPEC,
ONEDSPEC, and many of the IMRED packages are kept in a directory
called ONEDSTDS in \f(CWnoao$lib\fP.  The current contents of this directory
are best summarized by paging through its README file, e.g.,
\f(CWcl> page noao$lib/onedstds/README\fP
Two additional line lists (used by IDENTIFY) have been added to this directory
(IRAF version 2.8).
These lists, \f(CWvacidhenear.dat\fP and \f(CWvacthorium.dat\fP,
are simply the standard \f(CW.dat\fP files in air wavelengths
converted to vacuum wavelengths.  The equation used for the 
conversion as well as the appropriate reference in the literature
are contained in the README file.
The \f(CWthorium.dat\fP file has been updated to contain thorium
lines from 3180 Angstroms
to 9540 Angstroms (IRAF version 2.6 and later).  Please see the README
file for the source.
Two new directories have been added containing flux information for 
standard stars (IRAF version 2.6 and later): SPECHAYESCAL and SPEC50CAL.
Both of these lists are from Massey et al., 1988, Ap. J., Vol. 328, p. 315.
.NH 2
Glossary of New Tasks in the NOAO Packages
c c c c c c
l c l c lw(3.5i) n.
Task		Package		Description	Note

apscatter	-	apextract	-	Fit and subtract scattered light	1
apselect 	-	apphot	-	Extract select fields from apphot output files	
asttimes	-	astutil	-	Compute UT, Julian day, epoch, and sidereal time	

badpiximage	-	ccdred	-	Create a bad pixel mask image from a bad pixel file	
bscale	-	proto	-	Brightness scale images:  new = (old-bzero) / bscale	3

ccdgeometry	-	ccdred	-	Discussion of CCD coordinate/geometry keywords	
ccdgroups	-	ccdred	-	Group CCD images into image lists	
ccdhedit	-	ccdred	-	CCD image header editor	
ccdlist	-	ccdred	-	List CCD processing information	
ccdproc	-	ccdred	-	Process CCD images	
ccdred	-	ccdred	-	CCD image reduction package	
ccdtypes	-	ccdred	-	Description of the CCD image types	
center	-	apphot	-	Compute accurate centers for a list of objects	3
centerpars	-	apphot	-	Edit the centering parameters	3
combine	-	ccdred	-	Combine CCD images	
cosmicrays	-	ccdred	-	Detect and replace cosmic rays	4

daofind	-	apphot	-	Find stars in an image using the DAO algorithm	
darkcombine	-	ccdred	-	Combine and process dark count images	
datapars	-	apphot	-	Edit the data dependent parameters	3
demo	-	ccdtest	-	Run a demonstration of the CCD reduction package	  

ecbplot	-	echelle	-	Batch plots of echelle spectra	
eccontinuum	-	echelle	-	Fit the continuum of echelle spectra	
ecdispcor	-	echelle	-	Dispersion correct spectra	
ecidentify	-	echelle	-	Identify features in spectrum for dispersion solution	
ecreidentify	-	echelle	-	Automatically reidentify features in spectra	
ecselect	-	echelle	-	Select and extract apertures from echelle spectra	

fitpsf	-	apphot	-	Model the stellar psf with an analytic function	
fitsky	-	apphot	-	Compute sky values in a list of annular or circular regions	
fitskypars	-	apphot	-	Edit the sky fitting parameters	
flatcombine	-	ccdred	-	Combine and process flat field images	
flatfields	-	ccdred	-	Discussion of CCD flat field calibrations	

guide	-	ccdred	-	Introductory guide to using the CCDRED package	

imedit	-	proto	-	Examine and edit pixels in images	
imexamine	-	proto	-	Examine images using image display, graphics, and text	
imslice	-	proto	-	Slice images into images of lower dimension	
instruments	-	ccdred	-	Instrument specific data files	
iralign	-	proto	-	Align the mosaiced image produced by irmosaic	3
irmatch1d	-	proto	-	Align and intensity match image produced by irmosaic (1D)	3
irmatch2d	-	proto	-	Align and intensity match image produced by irmosaic (2D)	3
irmosaic	-	proto	-	Mosaic an ordered list of images onto a grid	3

mkfringecor	-	ccdred	-	Make fringe correction images from sky images	
mkhistogram	-	proto	-	List or plot the histogram of a data stream	
mkillumcor	-	ccdred	-	Make flat field illumination correction images	
mkillumflat	-	ccdred	-	Make illumination corrected flat fields	
mkimage	-	ccdtest	-	Make or modify an image with simple values	
mkskycor	-	ccdred	-	Make sky illumination correction images	
mkskyflat	-	ccdred	-	Make sky corrected flat field images	
mosproc	-	irred	-	Prepare images for quick look mosaicing	
msdispcor	-	msred	-	Dispersion correct spectra	
msreidentify	-	msred	-	Reidentify features from one multispec image to another	
msselect	-	msred	-	Select and extract apertures from spectra	

observe	-	ccdtest	-	Create an artificial CCD observation	

phot	-	apphot	-	Measure magnitudes for a list of stars	
photpars	-	apphot	-	Edit the photometry parameters	
polymark	-	apphot	-	Create polygon lists for polyphot	
polypars	-	apphot	-	Edit the polyphot parameters	
polyphot	-	apphot	-	Measure magnitudes inside a list of polygonal regions	

qphot	-	apphot	-	Measure quick magnitudes for a list of stars	

radprof	-	apphot	-	Compute the stellar radial profile of a list of stars	
refspectra	-	onedspec	-	Assign wavelength reference spectra to other spectra	5
rvcorrect	-	astutil	-	Compute radial velocity corrections	

setairmass	-	astutil	-	Compute effective airmass and middle UT for an exposure	6
setinstrument	-	ccdred	-	Set instrument parameters	
sextract	-	onedspec	-	Extract subspectra from dispersion corrected spectra	2
specplot	-	onedspec	-	Stack and plot multiple spectra	5
subsection	-	ccdtest	-	Create an artificial subsection CCD observation	
subsets	-	ccdred	-	Description of CCD subsets	
syndico	-	vtel	-	Make dicomed print of daily grams 18 cm across	

tvmark	-	proto	-	Mark objects on the image display	

wphot	-	apphot	-	Measure magnitudes for a list of stars with weighting	

zerocombine	-	ccdred	-	Combine and process zero level images	
.IP (1)
Tasks also in echelle and  msred packages.
.IP (2)
Tasks also in coude, iids, irs, and specphot packages.
.IP (3)
Tasks also in irred package.
.IP (4)
Tasks also in generic package.
.IP (5)
Tasks also in coude, echelle, iids, irs, msred, and specphot packages.
.IP (6)
Tasks also in imred and twodspec packages.