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.. _sgr-example:

Example: Defining a new spherical coordinate system

This document describes in detail how to subclass and define a custom spherical
coordinate system, as mentioned in :doc:`designing` and the docstring for
`~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`. In this example,
we will define a coordinate system defined by the plane of orbit of the
Sagitarrius Dwarf Galaxy (hereafter Sgr; as defined in Majewski et al. 2003). 
The Sgr coordinate system is often referred to in terms of two angular 
coordinates, :math:`\Lambda,B`.

We'll start by using a template to generate a descriptive docstring for our 
subclass. Then we'll add some glue to the default initializer to recognize that 
we want to call the coordinates `Lambda` and `Beta`. Then we have to define the 
transformation from this coordinate system to some other built-in system, in 
this case we will use spherical Galactic Coordinates as defined in 

The first step is to create a new class for our coordinates, let's call it
`SgrCoordinates` and make it a subclass of 
    import astropy.coordinates as coord
    class SgrCoordinates(coord.SphericalCoordinatesBase):
        """ A spherical coordinate system defined by the orbit of the 
            Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, as described in
            and further explained in 


We can use some convenience variables defined at the superclass level to 
generate a descriptive docstring for our subclass::

    __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=coord.SphericalCoordinatesBase.
                                    format(lonnm='Lambda', latnm='Beta'))

This may look scary, but let's break down what it is doing. `__doc__` is a class
attribute defined in the superclass, 
`~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`, and is just a 
string with a placeholder for a docstring specific to this subclass. We specify 
that extra, descriptive text by using `format()` with the `params` keyword. 
`params` expects a string describing the variable names of our current 
coordinate system. We can generate this from a template as well by formatting 
another class attribute and telling it what we want to name our coordinates (in 
this case, Lambda and Beta). The template string is defined as a class attribute
and expects the name of the longitude-equivalent (Lambda) and 
latitude-equivalent (Beta) coordinates::

                                  .format(lonnm='Lambda', latnm='Beta')
If this looks strange or complicated, just remember that we're just doing this 
to help the user (this will provide them with a nice docstring if they look at 
the help for this class). **The bottom line:** if you want to define a custom 
spherical coordinate system with two angular coordinates, copy and paste the 
below line into the class definition and change `'Lambda'` to the name of your 
longitude coordinate, and `'Beta'` to the name of your latitude coordinate.::

    __doc__ = __doc__.format(params=coord.SphericalCoordinatesBase.
                                    format(lonnm='Lambda', latnm='Beta'))

Next we can define our subclass' initializer, `__init__()`. We start by calling 
`__init__()` on the superclass. Then, we add a catch to see if the user passed 
in another `~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase` object 
in. If so, we can just transform those coordinates to `SgrCoordinates` and copy 
the attributes directly. Otherwise, we have to tell our subclass how to parse 
the arguments and keyword arguments that the user passed in. We do this with the
`_initialize_latlon()` classmethod. This convenience function accepts the name 
of the longitude coordinate, the name of the latitude coordinate, a boolean 
parameter to specify whether to use `RA` and `Dec` objects to store the angles 
internally, or to use `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` objects instead (we 
want to use `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Angle` s so we set it to False), the 
arguments and keyword arguments passed to this initializer, and finally an 
optional parameter to specify the bounds of the coordinate system. This function
will handle parsing the args and kwargs to validate and sanitize the input from 
the user.::
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SgrCoordinates, self).__init__()

        if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and 
            isinstance(args[0], coord.SphericalCoordinatesBase):
            newcoord = args[0].transform_to(self.__class__)
            self.Lambda = newcoord.Lambda
            self.Beta = newcoord.Beta
            self._distance = newcoord._distance
            super(SgrCoordinates, self).
                _initialize_latlon('Lambda', 'Beta', False, args, kwargs, 
                                   anglebounds=((0, 360), (-90,90)))

Next we have to tell the class what to use for the longitude and latitude when 
doing coordinate transformations with other coordinate systems. Calling 
`_initialize_latlon()` will define attributes for the names of our coordinates, 
in this case `Lambda` and `Beta`, so we just have to create two properties 
`lonangle` and `latangle` that reference the others::

    def lonangle(self):
        return self.Lambda

    def latangle(self):
        return self.Beta
Now our coordinate system is set up! You can now create `SgrCoordinates` objects
by passing any valid specifiers accepted by 
`~astropy.coordinates.coordsystems.SphericalCoordinatesBase`, but you won't be 
able to transform to and from any other coordinate systems because we haven't 
yet defined how to do that.

We will define the coordinate transformation as a function that accepts a 
`~astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.GalacticCoordinates` object and returns an
`SgrCoordinates` object. We could alternatively define the transformation by 
specifying a transformation matrix (
`~astropy.coordinates.transformations.static_transform_matrix`), but in this 
case the transformation is from a left-handed coordinate system to a right-
handed system, so we need more control over the transformation. We'll start by 
constructing the rotation matrix, using the helper function 
`astropy.coordinates.angles.rotation_matrix` ::

    # Define the Euler angles (from Law & Majewski 2010)
    phi = radians(180+3.75)
    theta = radians(90-13.46)
    psi = radians(180+14.111534)
    # Generate the rotation matrix using the x-convention (see Goldstein)
    D = rotation_matrix(phi, "z", degrees=False)
    C = rotation_matrix(theta, "x", degrees=False)
    B = rotation_matrix(psi, "z", degrees=False)
    sgr_matrix = np.array(

This is done at the module level, since it will be used by both the 
transformation from Sgr to Galactic as well as the inverse from Galactic to Sgr.
Now we can define our first transformation function::

    def galactic_to_sgr(galactic_coord):
        """ Compute the transformation from Galactic spherical to Sgr 

        l = galactic_coord.l.radians
        b = galactic_coord.b.radians
        X = cos(b)*cos(l)
        Y = cos(b)*sin(l)
        Z = sin(b)
        # Calculate X,Y,Z,distance in the Sgr system
        Xs, Ys, Zs =[X, Y, Z]))    
        Zs = -Zs # left-handed to right-handed
        # Calculate the angular coordinates lambda,beta
        Lambda = degrees(np.arctan2(Ys,Xs))
        if Lambda < 0:
            Lambda += 360
        Beta = degrees(np.arcsin(Zs/np.sqrt(Xs*Xs+Ys*Ys+Zs*Zs)))
        return SgrCoordinates(Lambda, Beta, distance=galactic_coord.distance, 
The decorator 
`@transformations.transform_function(coord.GalacticCoordinates, SgrCoordinates)` 
registers this function with the `Coordinates` subpackage as a transformation. 
Inside the function, we simply follow the same procedure as detailed by David 
`transformation code <>`. Note
that in this case, both coordinate systems are heliocentric, so we can simply 
copy any distance from the 
`~astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.GalacticCoordinates` object. 

We then register the inverse transformation by using the Transpose of the 
rotation matrix::

    def sgr_to_galactic(sgr_coord):
        L = sgr_coord.Lambda.radians
        B = sgr_coord.Beta.radians
        Xs = cos(B)*cos(L)
        Ys = cos(B)*sin(L)
        Zs = sin(B)
        Zs = -Zs
        X, Y, Z =[Xs, Ys, Zs]))
        l = degrees(np.arctan2(Y,X))
        b = degrees(np.arcsin(Z/np.sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z)))
        if l<0:
            l += 360
        return coord.GalacticCoordinates(l, b, distance=sgr_coord.distance, 

Now that we've registered these transformations between `SgrCoordinates` and 
`~astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.GalacticCoordinates`, we can transform 
between *any* coordinate system and `SgrCoordinates` (as long as the other 
system has a path to transform to 
`~astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems.GalacticCoordinates`). For example, to 
transform from ICRS coordinates to `SgrCoordinates`, we simply::

    >>> import astropy.coordinates as coord
    >>> icrs = coord.ICRSCoordinates(280.161732, 11.91934, unit=(,
    >>> icrs.transform_to(SgrCoordinates)
    <SgrCoordinates Lambda=346.81827 deg, Beta=-39.28367 deg>

The complete code for the above example is included below for reference.

See Also

* Majewski et al. 2003, "A Two Micron All Sky Survey View of the Sagittarius 
  Dwarf Galaxy. I. Morphology of the Sagittarius Core and Tidal Arms",
* Law & Majewski 2010, "The Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: A Model for Evolution in a
  Triaxial Milky Way Halo",
* David Law's Sgr info page

Complete Code for Example
.. literalinclude::
    :language: python