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NDData overview


An `~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` object can be instantiated by passing it an
n-dimensional Numpy array::

    >>> from astropy.nddata import NDData
    >>> array = np.random.random((12, 12, 12))  # a random 3-dimensional array
    >>> ndd = NDData(array)

or by passing it an `~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` object:

    >>> ndd1 = NDData(array)
    >>> ndd2 = NDData(ndd1)

This object has a few attributes in common with Numpy:

    >>> ndd.ndim
    >>> ndd.shape
    (12, 12, 12)
    >>> ndd.dtype

The underlying Numpy array can be accessed via the `data` attribute::

    array([[[ 0.05621944,  0.85569765,  0.71609697, ...,  0.76049288,


Values can be masked using the `mask` attribute, which should be a boolean
Numpy array with the same dimensions as the data, e.g.::

     >>> ndd.mask = > 0.9

A mask value of `True` indicates a value that should be ignored, while a mask
value of `False` indicates a valid value.


Values can be assigned one or more flags. The `flags` attribute is used to
store either a single Numpy array (of any type) with dimensions matching that
of the data, or a `~astropy.nddata.flag_collection.FlagCollection`, which is
essentially a dictionary of Numpy arrays (of any type) with the same shape as
the data. The following example demonstrates setting a single set of integer

    >>> ndd.flags = np.zeros(ndd.shape)
    >>> ndd.flags[ < 0.1] = 1
    >>> ndd.flags[ < 0.01] = 2

but one can also have multiple flag layers with different types::

    >>> from astropy.nddata import FlagCollection
    >>> ndd.flags = FlagCollection(shape=(12, 12, 12))
    >>> ndd.flags['photometry'] = np.zeros(ndd.shape, dtype=str)
    >>> ndd.flags['photometry'][ > 0.9] = 's'
    >>> ndd.flags['cosmic_rays'] = np.zeros(ndd.shape, dtype=int)
    >>> ndd.flags['cosmic_rays'][ > 0.99] = 99

and flags can easily be used to set the mask::

    >>> ndd.mask = ndd.flags['cosmic_rays'] == 99


`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` objects have an `uncertainty` attribute that can be
used to set the uncertainty on the data values. This is done by using classes
to represent the uncertainties of a given type. For example, to set standard
deviation uncertainties on the pixel values, you can do::

    >>> from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
    >>> ndd.uncertainty = StdDevUncertainty(np.ones((12, 12, 12)) * 0.1)

.. note:: For information on creating your own uncertainty classes,
          see :doc:`subclassing`.


Provided that the world coordinate system (WCS), units, and shape match, two
:class:`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` instances can be added or subtracted
from each other, with uncertainty propagation, creating a new
:class:`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` object::

    ndd3 = ndd1.add(ndd2)
    ndd4 = ndd1.subtract(ndd2)

The purpose of the :meth:`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.add` and
:meth:`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData.subtract` methods is to allow the
combination of two data objects that have common WCS, units, and shape, with
consistent behavior for masks and flags, and with a framework to propagate
uncertainties. These methods are intended for use by sub-classes and functions
that deal with more complex combinations.

.. warning:: Uncertainty propagation is still experimental, and does not take into
             account correlated uncertainties.


The :class:`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` class includes a ``meta`` attribute
that defaults to an empty dictionary, and can be used to set overall meta-data
for the dataset::

    ndd.meta['exposure_time'] = 340.
    ndd.meta['filter'] = 'J'

Elements of the meta-data dictionary can be set to any valid Python object::

    ndd.meta['history'] = ['calibrated', 'aligned', 'flat-fielded']

Converting to Numpy arrays

`~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` objects can also be easily converted to
numpy arrays::

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> arr = np.array(ndd)
    >>> np.all(arr == mydataarray)

If a `mask` is defined, this will result in a ``, so
in all cases a useable `numpy.ndarray` or subclass will result. This allows
straightforward plotting of `~astropy.nddata.nddata.NDData` objects with 1-
and 2-dimensional datasets using `matplotlib`::

    >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    >>> plt.plot(ndd)

This works because the `matplotlib` plotting functions automatically convert
their inputs using `numpy.array`.