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    <title>Map editing: Entities</title>
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                AssaultCube: Map editing: Entities</h1>
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                <a href="mapediting1.html#sparkles" shape="rect">Entities</a> are shown as blue
                sparkly dots when in edit mode (the nearest one will show as orange). They are used for adding non-geometry/texture items,
                such as:
                <li><a href="#light" shape="rect">Lights</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#pickup" shape="rect">Item pickups</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#spawn" shape="rect">Spawn points</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#models" shape="rect">Mapmodels</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#ctf" shape="rect">CTF flags</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#clips" shape="rect">Clips</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#ladders" shape="rect">Ladders</a> </li>
                <li><a href="#sounds" shape="rect">Map sounds</a> </li>
                Each of these entities will be explained soon. All entities are added by the <b>/newent</b>
                command (or through the editing menu). When adding entities, they are always added
                to the red dot on the corner of the cube that you selected and at the height of
                which you are currently hovering (note: the physical entity created will always
                drop down to the ground).
                Some useful commands to use with entities:
                <li><b><a href="reference.xml#identifier_delent" shape="rect">/delent</a> </b>- Typing
                    <i>/delent</i> (you can also press "backspace") will delete the nearest entity.
                    The nearest entity can be found by reading the white text along the bottom of your
                    screen which tells you the type of entity that you are nearest to and the properties
                    of that entity. </li>
                <li><b><a href="reference.xml#identifier_entset" shape="rect">/entset</a></b> - Pressing
		the <b>;</b> button will bring up the command <i>/entset</i> plus all the values of the
		entity closest to you. This allows you to easily change a value of the nearest entity to 
		what you want it to be.
                <li><b><a href="reference.xml#identifier_clearents" shape="rect">/clearents</a> </b>
            <h2 id="light">
                When lighting up a map, make sure to allow for contrast, as contrast is what makes
                a map look atmospheric. Things that are naturally bright, should become naturally
                bright (for example: outside areas, lights, lamps, etc). Places that are naturally
                dark, should be a bit dim (for example: A room with no windows or lights).
                <li>To temporarally light up a map so you can edit it easily, type: <b>/fullbright 1</b>.
                    To remove fullbright, type: <b>/recalc</b>. </li>
                <li>Make sure gamma is turned back to the defaults when you're editing so you can properly
                    judge how a lighting will look to an average user. </li>
                Lights can be added typing "<b>/newent light</b>" and then a number between 1 and
                32 to define the size of the light (the radius) and then a number between 1 and
                255 to define the brightness.
                Coloured lighting can be added typing "<b>/newent light</b>" and then a number between
                1 and 32 to define the size of the light (the radius) and then a number between
                1 and 255 to define the amount of red light and then a number between 1 and 255
                to define the amount of green light and then a number between 1 and 255 to define
                the amount of blue light.
                <b>Note:</b> The radius and all 3 colour values must be defined for a coloured light
                to be created correctly. You can't omit a value as it will not create the light
                correctly. If you don't want any colour from a specific value, simply use the value
                "1" as a place holder.
                There is also a new handy menu that you can use to create lights by pressing L or
                accessing it through the editing menu.
                <b>Tip:</b> If you accidentally light a map too brightly (for example, you didn't
                reset your gamma levels before editing), instead of deleting lights and starting
                again, you could utilize the <b><a href="reference.xml#identifier_scalelights" shape="rect">
                    /scalelights</a> </b>command.
            <h2 id="pickup">
                Item pickups</h2>
                Pickups must be placed strategically through maps and do take some time to position
                correctly. Powerful pickups should be few and not be too close to each other (unless
                there is a good risk involved) and pickups should be well spread and not be too
                high in number. Try to keep powerful pickups away from the spawn area so players
                are encouraged to leave their bases. Strategy is key! A good idea to keep in mind
                when mapping is "<i>what would I need here to help me pwn?</i>"
                To place pickups, use the pickups menu inside the editing menu, otherwise type one
                of the below...
                <li><b>/newent health</b> - To place a health pack. </li>
                <li><b>/newent armour</b> - To place armour. </li>
                <li><b>/newent helmet</b> - To place a helmet. </li>
                <li><b>/newent akimbo</b> - To place akimbo. </li>
                <li><b>/newent grenades</b> - To place grenades. </li>
                <li><b>/newent clips</b> - To place a pistol magazine. </li>
                <li><b>/newent ammobox</b> - To place an ammunition box. </li>
                If needed, you can apply height to the model by adding a figure after the command
                indicating the vertical position of the pickup. This figure is allowed to be a negative
                number if needed (for example: if you use a pickup on a heightfield and want the
                pickup to appear at the correct height) to move it downwards instead of upwards.
            <h2 id="spawn">
                Spawn points</h2>
                In AssaultCube, there are three types of spawn points: RVSF spawn points, CLA spawn
                points and FFA spawn points (free-for-all).
                As a general rule, you should place as many spawn points as possible in a spawn
                area so that players aren't spawning from the same point too often. However, don't
                over-do it. Make sure that spawn points are not too close to each other.
                Also make sure that spawns are not too close to any walls and mapmodels so players
                don't get stuck inside them. Take care when placing spawn points to make sure you
                face the direction you would like the player to face when they spawn, so that they
                spawn looking in that direction, rather than facing a wall!
                RVSF and CLA spawn points should be placed in their respective bases. FFA spawns
                should be placed all over the map in various places (FFA spawns are for non-team
                type games, such as Deathmatch or One-shot, one-kill).
                If spawn points are not created, players will just spawn in the middle of the map,
                all next to each other, so please remember to add spawn points.
                You can add spawn points through the editing menu, or you can type:
                <li><b>/newent playerstart 1</b> - To add an RVSF spawn point. </li>
                <li><b>/newent playerstart 0</b> - To add a CLA spawn point. </li>
                <li><b>/newent playerstart 100</b> - To add an FFA spawn point. </li>
            <h2 id="models">
                AssaultCube is packaged with many mapmodels to begin with, so there's a large choice
                available. You can add your own custom models if you want through <a href="mapediting5.html"
                    shape="rect">config files</a>. When adding mapmodels to your map, use them sparingly,
                as mapmodels slow down gamespeed and too many in one place just looks plain ugly.
                To add a mapmodel to a map, type: <b>/newent mapmodel X Y Z</b>.<br clear="none" />
                Alternatively, you can use the very handy mapmodel menu inside the editing menu.
                Replace <b>X</b> with the mapmodels number (you can find this out by opening <a href="../config/default_map_settings.cfg"
                    shape="rect">/config/default_map_settings.cfg</a> - The mapmodels number is
                written in a comment to the right of the mapmodel).
                Replace <b>Y</b> with the height you would like the mapmodel to appear above the
                cube that it is placed upon.
                If you want a different texture to appear on the mapmodel, you can use <b>Z</b>
                to define a texture number to apply to that mapmodel. Using this is unrecommended
                as it's better to use the models default texture.
                <b>Note:</b> Some mapmodels in the mapmodels menu do not appear instantly. Instead,
                they bring up the text needed to place that mapmodel, giving you a chance to define
                a height for that mapmodel if needed.
                Mapmodel platforms</h3>
                Due to the AssaultCube engines limitations... you can't use geometry to create a
                second level. But, you can use a mapmodel platform or bridge. Look in the editing
                menu under "<i>Platforms/Clips</i>". Apply some height to these to create a second
                floor. Using too many of these is unrecommended.
            <h2 id="ctf">
                CTF flags</h2>
                If you want to enable CTF mode on your map, place a CTF flag in each respective
                base using the menus or by typing:
                <li><b>/newent ctf-flag 0</b> - Adds the CLA flag. </li>
                <li><b>/newent ctf-flag 1</b> - Adds the RVSF flag. </li>
            <h2 id="clips">
                Clips can be used to block players from accessing
                areas that they shouldn't be able to access (for example: over a fence). You can use clips through 
		the editing menu through <b>Entities -> Clips</b>. <br clear="none" />You can also simply use the command by picking 
		where you want the clips and typing:
		<p><b>/newent clips W X Y Z</b></p>
		Replace <b>W</b> with the elevation from the ground of the clip.<br clear="none" />
		Replace <b>X</b> with the length of the clip<br clear="none" />
		Replace <b>Y</b> with the width of the clip<br clear="none" />
		Replace <b>Z</b> with the height of the clip.
		<b>Note:</b> Some older maps, created prior to v1.0 may use a different technique of clipping that 
		you can't visibly see in editmode, as the current way of using clips did not exist at the time.
            <h2 id="ladders">
                Ladders are comprised of <b>TWO</b> pieces. One part is the ladder mapmodel which
                gives the ladder an appearance. The other part is the "entity" which is an invisible
                force that let's you climb the mapmodel like a ladder.
                To place the mapmodel</h3>
                Choose the appropriate place for the model, then, pick the appropriate sized mapmodel
                from the <i>Editing &gt; Mapmodels &gt; Ladders/stairs</i> menu. To place the model
                with the <b>correct</b> orientation, turn 90 degrees to the left before placing
                it.<br clear="none" />
                There is a single ladder rung model that you can use to make different sized ladders
                if needed (by applying height to the model, see <a href="#models" shape="rect">mapmodels</a>).
                To place the entity</h3>
                On the same cube that you placed the mapmodel, type: <b>/newent ladder X</b>. Replace
                "X" with the amount of cubes that the player will need to climb.
            <h2 id="sounds">
                Ambient sounds</h2>
                So long as the sound is defined in the <a href="mapediting5.html" shape="rect">config
                    files</a> you can use ambient sounds in a map. When using ambient sounds, sound
                will be played to all players within the radius defined, from the source of the
                To use an ambient sound, type: <b>/newent sound W X Y Z</b>
                Replace <b>W</b> with the number for the sound (as defined by your custom <a href="mapediting5.html"
                    shape="rect">config files</a>).<br clear="none" />
                Replace <b>X</b> with the radius you want the sound to play for.<br clear="none" />
                Replace <b>Y</b> with the amount of distance inside the radius you would like before
                the sound starts to fade.<br clear="none" />
                Replace <b>Z</b> with the volume of the sound (from 1-255).
                For more information, see: <a href="reference.xml#identifier_newent_sound" shape="rect">
                    newent sound</a>.
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            Rabid Viper Productions