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		<author>Stephan Schmidt</author>

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        I am a PHP processing instruction.
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	<page label="PHP Application Tools" sublabel="Current News">
			<introtitle>Welcome to PHP Application Tools!</introtitle>
				If you're new to pat, and would like to know what we do here, take a look at <link url="/about/project.xml">"About Pat"</link> 
				or check out the <link url="/about/projectsOverview.xml">"projects overview"</link>. Otherwise, you probably know your way 
				around the site already <smiley type="smile"/>
				<section title="Current breaking news">
					<news type="newversion" title="patUser v2.2.3" date="19.08.2003" author="By gERD Schaufelberger">
							Again, patUser has improved. Download the new package for additional support of 
							authentication handler and some minor fixes.
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/download.xml">patUser v2.2.3 download</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/changelog.xml">Changelog</ref>
					<news type="release" title="PEAR::Stream_Var" date="16.08.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
                            Stream_Var is a wrapper for PHP's filesystem functions that allows access to PHP variables.
							It allows you to read and write from variables as if the were files.
						<ref type="external" url="">Go to PEAR::Stream_Var</ref>
					<news type="community" title="PHP Architect August issue released" date="10.08.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							Today the new issue of PHP Architect has been released. This issue features an article
							by Stephan Schmidt (with a little help from gERD) that focusses on the generation of
							PDF documents with XML as a source. 
							This is the first of our articles that has been published in PHP Architect. The magazine
							is available in a print edition as well as a digital PDF version.
						<ref type="internal" url="/about/publications.xml">All our publications</ref>
						<ref type="external" url="">Visit PHP Architect website</ref>
					<news type="newversion" title="patUser v2.2.2" date="08.08.2003" author="By gERD Schaufelberger">
							Yet another patUser release. Besides some minor bugfixes the class now includes some changes
							send to us by Paul Baraonowski. 
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/download.xml">patUser v2.2.2 download</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/changelog.xml">Changelog</ref>
					<news type="release" title="PEAR::XML_Serializer released" date="03.08.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
                            XML_Serializer serializes complex data structures like arrays or object as XML documents. This class helps you generating any XML document you require without the need for DOM.
                            That means it can be used to create an RDF document from an PHP array and does not require you
                            to know anything about XML or PHP's string functions.
						<ref type="external" url="">Go to PEAR::XML_Serializer</ref>
					<news type="release" title="PEAR::XML_Util released" date="01.08.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
                            Today, we released a new PEAR package, called XML_Util. The class provides several often
                            needed methods for the creation of XML documents.
                            Functionality includes creating of attribute lists from arrays, creation of tags, validation of XML names and more.
						<ref type="external" url="">Go to PEAR::XML_Util</ref>
					<news type="newversion" title="patSpiderizer v2.0.8 released" date="30.07.2003" author="By Sebastian 'The Argh' Mordziol">
							This new version fixes all the little bugs that were reported since the release of v2.0.7, as well as
							the "Altavista" bug in the statistics - if you already use patSpiderizer, I strongly recommend you 
							install the update package.
							Also in this release, one (small) new feature: add several links or text blocks at once to a spider	page in a breeze
							with the new link/block lists on the spider page overview page in the administration interface.
						<ref type="internal" url="/patSpiderizer/changelog.xml">What's changed?</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patSpiderizer/download.xml">Download patSpiderizer v2.0.8</ref>

					<news type="newversion" title="patUser v2.1.3 and patUser v2.2.1" date="26.07.2003" author="By gERD Schaufelberger">
							Once again, there is a new (minor) version of patUser. Even if versions 2.1.2 and 2.2.0 are only four days old, 
							the new versions include some important improves. Some bugs were fixed, the download-package was enhanced and some 
							more notices were removed. Also the new versions passed some more tests <smiley type="smile"/>
							BTW, thank you for your help testing and improving patUser!
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/download.xml">patUser v2.1.3 / v2.2.1 download</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/changelog.xml">Changelog</ref>
					<news type="newversion" title="patUser v2.1.2 and patUser v2.2.0 BETA" date="22.07.2003" author="By Sebastian Mordziol">
							New in this version: bugs, notices and warnings removed (see the changelog for full details). Warning: this is 
							the last version of patUser supporting patDbc, as we are switching to PEAR::DB.	Version 2.2.0 is the new branch	
							supporting PEAR:DB - but keep in mind that it is still BETA! If you are willing to test it, feel free to send 
							your bug reports to gERD directly.
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/download.xml">patUser v2.1.2 / v2.2.0 BETA download</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patUser/changelog.xml">Changelog</ref>
					<news type="release" title="PEAR::HTTP_Server released" date="22.07.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							Today the first beta version of HTTP_Server has been released through PEAR.
							This class allows you to create your own HTTP servers without worrying about HTTP itself.
							The class is based on my other PEAR class, Net_Server, but it can be easily ported to patServer if
							you do not want to use PEAR.
						<ref type="external" url="">Go to PEAR::HTTP_Server</ref>
					<news type="community" title="pat meets PEAR" date="21.07.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							One of our projects, patServer, is now also available through PEAR. The pearified
							version of patServer is called Net_Server and can easily be installed using the PEAR installer.
							In the future, I'll maintain both versions, so that you may either use the original class
							or the pearified one.
						<ref type="external" url="">Go to PEAR::Net_Server</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patServer/overview.xml">Learn more about patServer</ref>
					<news type="internal" title="Two new publications" date="15.07.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							The book "PHP im Einsatz 2.0" has been finally released. It features 25 articles 
							on sessions at the International PHP Conference 2002. We have contributed two articles
							to the book, one on IPC and one on ext/sockets.
						<ref type="internal" url="/about/publications.xml">Go to publications (scroll down)</ref>
					<news type="newversion" title="patTemplate v2.5 beta released" date="13.07.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							Today, we released the beta version of patTemplate 2.5.
							This marks the last minor version change, before we work on the release process of patTemplate 3.
							Please help us by testing patTemplate 2.5 beta.
						<ref type="internal" url="/patTemplate/download.xml">Download new version</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patTemplate/changelog.xml">Read the changelog</ref>

					<news type="newversion" title="patConfiguration v1.6 released" date="06.07.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							Today a new version of patConfiguration has been released. Its new features
							include defining custom tags, xinc, xml:space support and PHP 5 compatibilty as well as extensive
							documentation and examples.
						<ref type="internal" url="/patConfiguration/download.xml">Download new version</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patConfiguration/changelog.xml">Read the changelog</ref>

					<news type="internal" title="patSite revamped!" date="30.06.2003" author="By the pat Team">
							Maybe you are the first to set foot (mouse?) in the new generation PHP Application Tools. And right on time
							for pat's second birthday <smiley type="smile"/> We have been working on the
							new, improved version of our site for quite some time now, and we are quite proud to give you the following
							new features and enhancements:
								<uli>Sidebar with site navigation features (for easier documentation navigation, for ex.)</uli>
								<uli>We have enabled Mozilla Site navigation bar functionality (enable via "View - Show/Hide - Site Navigation Bar")</uli>
								<uli>Lightweight HTML code and lighter DHTML code (rip, Netscape 4...)</uli>
								<uli>RSS Newsfeed on the news page</uli>
								<uli>New, highly improved PHP and XML syntax highlighting with code output, and function insight</uli>
								<uli>Overall improved page design for easier readability</uli>
								<uli>Completely overhauled file structure</uli>
								<uli>New member listed on the authors page</uli>
								<uli>Yet lighter background for better readability</uli>
								<uli>New, Beta patXMLRenderer version engine for the site (for testing purposes for the next release)</uli>
							And we cannot be stopped - following right in the tracks of perpetual change, we 
							are planning the following new features:
							<uli>Generate Microsoft Word from any page of our site</uli>
							<uli>Generate PDF documentation with complete chapters of our site for easy documentation download</uli>

					<news type="internal" title="Submit your patTemplate wishes!" date="25.05.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							We are currently planning the next major version of patTemplate, which will be completely recoded from scratch.
							So now's the perfect time to send in your wishes for patTemplate 3.0.
						<ref type="external" url=";xenaaction=displayArticle&amp;xenaboard=1&amp;xenathread=165&amp;xenaarticleid=----">Submit your wishes in the forum</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="contact/contact.xml">contact us by mail</ref>
					<news type="download" title="Slides from International PHP Conference 2003 Spring Edition available" date="11.05.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							The slides from our presentations at the International PHP Conference 2003 - Spring Edition
							in Amsterdam are now available for download. Gerd Schaufelberger did a presentation about
							the use of Design Patterns to ease your life as a PHP programmer and Stephan Schmidt
							introcuced LaTeX as a possibilty to transform XML to PDF Documents. Click on the links below to
							get to the session material.
						<ref type="internal" url="/about/presentations.xml#phpconf2003spring_patterns">Design Patterns and the Real World</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/about/presentations.xml#phpconf2003spring_xml2pdf">Dynamic transformations from XML to PDF Documents with the use of LaTeX</ref>
					<news type="download" title="Slides from PHPCon 2003 East available" date="04.05.2003" author="By Stephan Schmidt">
							The slides and handout from my presentation "XML transformations with PHP" are available for
							download. The session covered XSLT basics as well as an in-depth look at patXMLRenderer and a comparison
							with PEAR's XML_Transformer.
						<ref type="internal" url="/about/presentations.xml#phpcon2003east_xml">Go to session material</ref>
					<news type="internal" title="patSpiderizer call to feature requests" date="29.04.2003" author="By Sebastian Mordziol">
							Long awaited, the next patSpiderizer version is in the works, and now is the time to make
							your wishes be heard! I have started a thread in the patSpiderizer forum where you can
							contribute all your feature requests:
						<ref type="external" url="">Make your feature request in the forum</ref>
					<news type="community" title="PHP Con East" date="18.02.2003" author="By Sebastian Mordziol">
							<img src="graphics/phpconeast2003.gif" width="136" height="70" vspace="0" hspace="10" border="0" align="right"/>
							Stephan Schmidt will hold a session at this spring's PHP Con East, which will take place from
							april 23rd to 25th in New York. Stephan's talk is about "XML-based web applications" and will present 
							our XML transformer class patXMLRenderer.
						<ref type="external" url="">PHP Con East</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patXMLRenderer/overview.xml">More about patXMLRenderer</ref>
					<news type="community" title="PHP conference spring edition" date="18.02.2003" author="By Sebastian Mordziol">
							Stephan Schmidt and gERD Schaufelberger will hold two sessions together at this springs's International PHP
							conference in Amsterdam which will take place on may 8 and 9. Our two sessions are called
							"Design patterns and the real world" and "Dynamical transformations from XML to PDF-Documents with use of LaTeX". We will be
							happy to see you there!
						<ref type="external" url="">International PHP Conference website</ref>
					<news type="misc" title="patConfiguration Tutorial on" date="18.02.2003" author="By Sebastian Mordziol">
							Vikram Vaswani, author of the book <link type="external" url="">"PHP and XML"</link> 
							has published a tutorial on patConfiguration, our XML configuration reader class. The tutorial will give you
							in-depth knowledge of patConfiguration's features in 11 steps.
						<ref type="external" url="">Read the tutorial on devshed</ref>
						<ref type="internal" url="/patConfiguration/overview.xml">More about patConfiguration</ref>
					<news type="internal" title="new pat publications" date="29.01.2003" author="By Sebastian Mordziol">
							The new issue of the german magazine "PHP Magazin" is now out in stores, with two 
							articles from the pat team. Make sure to grab yours now! Here's a short overview of the articles:
								"Integration": case study of the german portal by Stephan Schmidt
								 and Sebastian Mordziol.
								"Auf Gutenbergs Spuren": generate PDF files from XML with LaTeX and PHP by 
								gERD Schaufelberger.
						<ref type="internal" url="/about/publications.xml">More in our publications page...</ref>
				<section title="Archived news">
						If you are interested in reading the news of times past, you should take a look at our news archive.
						<uli><link type="internal" url="news/archive2002.xml">News from 2002</link></uli>
						<uli><link type="internal" url="news/archive2001.xml">News from 2001</link></uli>
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