

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 8b237d4a5d5380975fdce1bb02693850 > files > 5


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<book lang="&language;">

<title>The &konvertible; Handbook</title>


<holder> Mayibongwe S.Nkambule</holder>



<abstract><para>Konvertible is an application to convert audio files into
a different audio format. It only works if you have installed ffmpeg.</para></abstract>



<chapter id="introduction">

<para>Konvertible allows you to easily convert audio files into other
formats via ffmpeg. You are able to set the codec, bit rate and frequency.
You can stick with the defaults if you are not familiar with these.</para>

<para>The author personally uses Konvertible to convert FLAC files and podcasts into MP3s
so that he can listen to them on his mobile phone.</para>


<chapter id="working-with-konvertible">
<title>Working with Konvertible</title>

<sect1 id="starting-konvertible">
<title>Starting Konvertible</title>
<para>You can start Konvertible from the menu <guilabel>Multimedia</guilabel>-><guilabel>Konvertible</guilabel></para>
<para>or from the command line by typing its name
This is what will be displayed:

<screeninfo>The Konvertible Window</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="launch.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>The Konvertible Window</phrase></textobject>

<sect1 id="usage">
<para>Konvertible usage is straightforward. The most important things to do are:
add files, choose output folder and the codec of the output files.

<screeninfo>Konvertible Main Window</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>Konvertible Main Window</phrase></textobject>


<member><guilabel>Add Files</guilabel>: Click this button to add files you want to convert.</member>
<member><guilabel>Destination</guilabel>: Holds the name of the folder where output
	files are to be stored. Use the button on the right to select the folder,
	or just type its name. It should be existing.</member>
<member><guilabel>Codec</guilabel>: The codec determines the format of the output files.
	Please note that the codecs are those those that can be encoded by your installed ffmpeg.
	For example, to get MP3s, select the MP3 codec (libmp3lame). </member>
<member><guilabel>Extension</guilabel>: File extension of output files. Most
	of the time you will not need to type in the extension as it may be determined
	from the selected codec. If not add it.</member>
<member><guilabel>Channels</guilabel>: Mono is 1 and the default is Stereo(2).</member>
<member><guilabel>Frequency</guilabel>: Select the frequency you want your files
	to have. If a frequency you want to use is not listed, select <guilabel>Other</guilabel> from the
	drop down list and then type the frequency in the dialog that will be displayed. Low frequencies
	produce small size files of low quality and higher frequencies produce larger size files of a higher
	quality. You can stick with 44100 Hz as audio CDs also use it.</member>
<member><guilabel>Bitrate</guilabel>:  Select the bitrate you want your files
	to have. If a bitrate you want to use is not listed, select <guilabel>Other</guilabel> from the
	drop down list and then type the bitrate in the dialog that will be displayed. Low bitrates
	produce small size files of low quality and higher bitrates produce larger size files of a higher
	quality. So choose a high bitrate to get quality sound in lossy codecs.</member>

<sect1 id="rename-FAT">
<title>Renaming, Removing files and FAT safe files</title>
<para>It is possible to give the output files filenames of your choice. You can
	also make the names FAT safe when you will be transferring them to memory
	cards and USB keys which are FAT formatted.

<screeninfo>Konvertible  Window</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="menu.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>Konvertible context menu</phrase></textobject>

<sect2 id="rename">
<para>Right click on top of the name you want to change then select <guilabel>Rename</guilabel>
	from the menu. Type in new name and press return when you are done.

<sect2 id="fat-safe">
<title>FAT safe filenames</title>
<para>This option removes some characters in the output filename that are not
	allowed in FAT filesystems. Such filesystems are found in memory cards, memory
	sticks and other devices. Copying a file to FAT devices fails if disallowed
	characters have not been removed.</para>
<para>To remove the characters: Right click on
	top of the name you want to make FAT safe then select
	<guilabel>Conform Name to FAT</guilabel>	from the menu.

<sect2 id="remove">
<title>Removing from conversion list</title>
<para>Right click on top of the file you want to  remove from the list then select
	<guilabel>Remove</guilabel>	from the menu.



<chapter id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>


<listitem><para>Copyright 2009 Mayibongwe S. Nkambule <email></email></para></listitem>


