

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 8d36891d97a147191b29e78a26405701 > files > 8


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<fieldset><h1>Compiling HDF-JAVA Source on Windows</h1></fieldset>

Source Files</h2>

After you download and extract the source package, you will have the HDF Java
native C code and the Java source code for JNI, HDF-Object package and HDFView.
You need to compile the C source and Java source separately. The following
instructions tell you how to build the C source in Visual C++ and the Java
source from batch file.

<table WIDTH=100% BORDER COLS=2>
<caption><b>HDF Java Product Source</b></caption>
<th> Source directory</th>
<th> Description</th>

<td> hdf-java/native/hdflib/</td>
<td> C header files and C source files for HDF4 Java Native Interface</td>

<td> hdf-java/native/hdf5lib/</td>
<td> C header files and C source files for HDF5 Java Native Interface</td>

<td> hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/hdflib/</td>
<td> Java source files for HDF4 Java Native Interface</td>

<td> hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/hdf5lib/</td>
<td> Java source files for HDF5 Java Native Interface</td>

<td> hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/object/</td>
<td> Java source files for HDF-Object package</td>

<td> hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/view/</td>
<td> Java source files for HDFView</td>

You need the following libraries in order to compile the HDF Java products.
  <LI>The Pre-Compiled HDF4 Binaries: obtain from
    <a href="/release4/obtain.html">/release4/obtain.html</a>
  <LI>The Pre-Compiled HDF5 Binaries: obtain from
    <a href="/HDF5/release/obtain5.html">/HDF5/release/obtain5.html</a>
    <LI> JPEG Library: obtain from
    <a href=""></a>
    <LI> GZIP Library: obtain from
    <a href=""></a>
    <LI> SZIP Library: obtain from
    <a href=""></a>
    <LI> JDK 1.5.0 or above
Compile the HDF Java Native C</h3>
To compile the HDF Java Native C code, you need to have <b>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008</b>
installed on your machine. Under the windows\proj\all folder is the solution file.
  <DT><a href="..\windows\proj\jhdf\jhdf.vcproj">jhdf.vcproj</a>
    <DD>Project to compile HDF4 Java Native C, native/hdflib/*.c files<br>
    <b>Winsock functions, Ws2_32.lib, must be included, i.e. LINK32_FLAGS=... ws2_32.lib ...</b></DD></DT>
  <DT><a href="..\windows\proj\jhdf5\jhdf5.vcproj">jhdf5.vcproj</a>
    <DD>Project to compile HDF5 Java Native C, native/hdf5lib/*.c files</DD></DT>

To use the batch files the <b>JAVAHOME</b> environment variable must be set. Using the 
VS2008 command line, change into the hdf-java\windows folder and run copy_hdf.bat.

Compile the HDF native Source Code</h3>
To compile the HDF native Source Code, you run the jnibuild.bat batch file within the 
hdf-java root folder. You must pass the compiler version (currently only VS9) as a parameter.
  <DT><a href="..\windows\jnibuild.bat">jnibuild.bat</a>
    <DD>Batch to compile HDF native source</DD></DT>
Compile the HDF Java Source Code</h3>
To compile the HDF Java Source Code, you need to have jdk1.5.0 or above
installed on your machine. You run the javabuild.bat batch file within the 
hdf-java root folder. You must pass the hdf-java source folder (C:\hdf-java) as a parameter.
  <DT><a href="..\windows\javabuild.bat">javabuild.bat</a>
    <DD>Batch to compile HDF Java source</DD></DT>
Test the HDF Java Build</h3>
To test the HDF Java Build, you need to have jdk1.5.0 or above
installed on your machine. You run the javacheck.bat batch file within the 
hdf-java root folder. You must pass the hdf-java source folder (C:\hdf-java) as a parameter.
  <DT><a href="..\windows\javacheck.bat">javacheck.bat</a>
    <DD>Batch to test HDF Java</DD></DT>
Install the HDF Java Build</h3>
To install the HDF Java Build, you need to have jdk1.5.0 or above
installed on your machine. You run the javainstall.bat batch file within the 
hdf-java root folder. You must pass the destination folder (C:\programs\hdf-java) as a parameter.
  <DT><a href="..\windows\javainstall.bat">javainstall.bat</a>
    <DD>Batch to install HDF Java</DD></DT>

Running the HDF Java code</h3>
After successfully run the batch files, the binaries of the HDF Java
products are packed and put at destination folder.

<table BORDER COLS=2 >

<th width=25% BGCOLOR="#CCDFF">Binary file</th>

<th width=75% BGCOLOR="#CCDDFF" colspan="2">Description</th>


<td colspan="2">The Java HDF Interface, accesses the native HDF4 library</td>


<td colspan="2">The Java HDF5 Interface, accesses the native HDF5 library</td>


<td colspan="2">The common HDF object package, ncsa.hdf.object</td>


<td colspan="2">The HDF4 object package, ncsa.hdf.object.h4</td>


<td colspan="2">The HDF5 object package, ncsa.hdf.object.h5</td>


<td colspan="2">The ncsa.hdf.view package, for HDFView only.</td>

<td colspan="2" >lib/win/</td>
<td> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; jhdf.dll</td>

<td colspan="2">The native HDF4 library and JNI implementation (called by jhdf.jar)</td>

<td> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; jhdf5.dll</td>

<td colspan="2">The native HDF5 library and JNI implementation (called by jhdf5.jar)</td>


Using nt_makefile</h3>
You may also use native/hdf5lib/nt_makfile and native/hdflib/nt_makefile to build HDF5
JNI and HDF4 JNI respectively. 
<p />
To comiple the source code, run 'nmake -f nt_makefile'
You have to add your VS studio bin path to your system path, e.g.<br />
set path=%path";"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin"
<p />
We do not provide any support for nt_makefile. If you encounter any problems for
using nt_makefile, you should be able to find solutions online.
<p /> 

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