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<title>collectl - Memory Info</title>

<center><h1>Memory Info Monitoring</h1></center>
<br>Collectl reports the <i>standard</i> values with respect to memory which are fully
documented under the <a href="Data.html">data definitions</a>.  Trying to rationalize the
way these values relate to each other can be a frustrating experience because they rarely
add up to what you expect.  Part of the reason for this that every byte is simply not 
accounted for in every category.  This can be further complicated because at boot time, 
some devices will actually grab some memory that the kernel will never even see and so the
total memory will not always equal to the physical amount of installed memory.
If one looks at <i>/proc/meminfo</i>, which shows a lot more types of memory than collectl
reports, it begs the question "why not report it all?" and the simple answer is there is just too
much.  Further, collectl uses a second file <i>/proc/vmstat</i> to gather virtual memory stats
which further adds to the volume of possibly candidates to report.  Again, collectl tries to
report values of most use.
<b>Brief, verbose and detail</b>
<br>Like other data in these 3 categories memory also reports values in this way as well.  However
there are a few important caveats to note:
<li><i>Brief</i> mode combines mapped and anonymous memory into a single value of <i>Map</i>
primarily as a mechanism to try and reduce the width of the memory columns since including too 
many defeats the whole purpose of brief data reporting, which is to allow multiple types of 
data on a single line.</li>
<li>Unlike other subsystems that report summary and detail data, memory summary data is <i>not</i>
the result of collecting detail data and adding it up.  This means that unlike subsystems like
disks or CPUs in which you can record either summary or detail and still be able to play back
either, when playing black memory you will only get values for what you chose to record, otherwise
you will see values of all zeros.</i>
<li>There is no buffer or cache values reported as detail data because that information is not reported</li>
<b>Don't get fooled by <i>cache</i> memory vs <i>used</i> and <i>free</i> memory</b>
<br>One of the most confusing things for people who aren't more familiar with linux memory management
is the interpretation of <i>cache</i> memory and its relationship to used and free memory.
As one might expect, as cache memory increases so does <i>used</i> and as expected <i>free</i> decreases.
What fools people is that the first (or many) times they see low free memory they think their system is 
running out of memory when in fact is it not.  If they reboot, the memory frees up, but then starts to fill again.
So what's going on?  It turns out that whenever you read/write a file, unless you explicitly
tell linux not to, it passes the file through the cache and this will cause an increase in the amount 
of cache memory used and a drop in free memory.  What many people do not realize is, until that file is
deleted or the cache explicitly cleared, all files remain in cache and as a result if the system accesses
a lot of files cache will eventually fill up and reduce the amount of free memory.
Naturally linux can't allow the cache to grow unchecked, and so when it reaches a maximum set by kernel,
older entries will start to age out.  In other words, reading a file will be extremely fast when in cache
but its access slowed to disk speeds when not.
The only real way to tell what is going on is to look
at the disk subsystem while accessing a file.  If a complete or partial file is in cache, read I/O rates will
be much higher than normal.  If a file is written that will completely fit in cache, again the I/O rates will
be very high because the rate at which cache is being filled is what is actually being reported.  It is only
when a file is a lot larger than cache that the I/O rates slow down, operating only as fast as dirty
data in cache can be written to disk and is in fact the only real way to measure how fast your disk subsystem
actually is.

<p><center><b><i>tip: --vmstat</b></i></center>
Some people find the way <i>vmstat</i> reports virtual memory information to be very handy in
some cases.  The only problem with vmstat is it doesn't write its output to a file and so even if
you wrap it in a script to write its output to a file you're now stuck with memory information 
in a specific format and if you do want to plot it that takes a little more effort too.
Collectl's <i>--vmstat</i> switch is actually internally turned into <i>--export vmstat</i> and
so reports data the same way as vmstat does but now you get some added bonuses:
<li>This data is always available when you record memory stats, you don't have to do anything
extra to make this information available.  However note if you haven't recorded CPU stats those
fields will be reported as zero.</li>
<li>You can easily include the timestamp format of your choice, at least the 3 different ones
collectl allows and even include msec it you need that precision</i>
<li>You can playback data in vmstat format and then play it back again in other formats.
<li>You can use this with <a href=colmux.html>colmux</a> which now means you can do a 
cluster-wide vmstat and show the top users sorted by the column of your choice</li>
<li>And of course you can still use any of <a href=colplot.html>colplot's</a> memory plots</li>
<li>This is an excellent example of a very simple export module which can be a guide to help
you write others of your own choosing.

<p><center><b><i>tip: don't forget about --grep</b></i></center>
As previously mentioned, there is a lot more data contained in the memory <i>/proc</i> 
structures than collectl reports.  So does that mean you're out of luck if you want to 
see the value of say <i>Committed_AS</i>?
Absolutely not, at least not during playback.  Since collectl actually records the contents of
<i>/proc</i> data in its original formats in the <i>raw</i> files, you could always use linux's
grep (or zgrep) commands to search them for a particular pattern like this:

<div class=terminal>
zgrep Committed_AS /var/log/collectl/poker-20110928-000000.raw.gz
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   889272 kB
Committed_AS:   891664 kB
Committed_AS:   891664 kB
Committed_AS:   891664 kB
Committed_AS:   891664 kB

But unfortunately this does nothing to tell you what time the values correspond to.  You could
have included the reporting of fields with >>> in them and you'll see the UTC timestamps, but
those aren't easily mapped to conventional time formats.  Now look at this:

<div class=terminal>
collectl -p /var/log/collectl/poker-20110928-000000.raw.gz --grep Committed_AS -oT
00:00:00 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:00:10 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:00:20 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:00:30 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:00:40 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:00:50 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:01:00 Committed_AS:   889272 kB
00:01:10 Committed_AS:   891664 kB
00:01:20 Committed_AS:   891664 kB

Pretty slick!  And since this is collectl/playback, you can use other switches like
<i>from/thru</i> or even change the timestamp format and/or see msec too.  Also remember 
this trick can be applied to any data collectl records, though memory tends to be the most

<p><table width=100%><tr><td align=right><i>updated September 29, 2011</i></td></tr></colgroup></table>
