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<h1>Special character handling in URLs<a class="headerlink" href="#special-character-handling-in-urls" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<p>Bazaar allows locations to be specified in multiple ways, either:</p>
<div><ul class="simple">
<li>Fully qualified URLs</li>
<li>File system paths, relative or absolute</li>
<p>Internally bzr treats all locations as URLs. For any file system paths
that are specified it will automatically determine the appropriate URL
representation, and escape special characters where necessary.</p>
<p>There are a few characters which have special meaning in URLs and need careful
handling to avoid ambiguities. Characters can be escaped with a % and a hex
value in URLs. Any non-ASCII characters in a file path will automatically be
urlencoded when the path is converted to a URL.</p>
<p>URLs represent non-ASCII characters in an encoding defined by the server, but
usually UTF-8.  The % escapes should be of the UTF-8 bytes.  Bazaar tries to be
generous in what it accepts as a URL and to print them in a way that
will be readable.</p>
<p>For example, if you have a directory named &#8216;/tmp/%2False&#8217; these are all valid
ways of accessing the content (0x2F, or 47, is the ASCII code for forward slash):</p>
<div class="highlight-python"><pre>cd /tmp
bzr log /tmp/%2False
bzr log %2False
bzr log file:///tmp/%252False
bzr log file://localhost/tmp/%252False
bzr log file:%252False</pre>
<p>These are valid but do not refer to the same file:</p>
<div class="highlight-python"><pre>bzr log file:///tmp/%2False (refers to a file called /tmp/\/alse)
bzr log %252False (refers to a file called /tmp/%252False)</pre>
<p>Comma also has special meaning in URLs, because it denotes <a class="reference internal" href="#segment-parameters">segment parameters</a></p>
<p><span class="target" id="segment-parameters">segment parameters</span>: <a class="reference external" href=""></a> (section 3.3)</p>
<p>Comma is also special in any file system paths that are specified. To use a literal
comma in a file system path, specify a URL and URL encode the comma:</p>
<div class="highlight-python"><pre>bzr log foo,branch=bla # path "foo" with the segment parameter "branch" set to "bla"
bzr log file:foo%2Cbranch=bla # path "foo,branch=bla"
bzr log file:foo,branch=bla # path "foo" with segment parameter "branch" set to "bla"</pre>

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