

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a7d7f39b4789b7542950e2d605a71cd7 > files > 499


(* The OUnit library                                                      *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Maas-Maarten Zeeman.                           *)
(* Copyright (C) 2010 OCamlCore SARL                                      *)
(* Copyright (C) 2013 Sylvain Le Gall                                     *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* The package OUnit is copyright by Maas-Maarten Zeeman, OCamlCore SARL  *)
(* and Sylvain Le Gall.                                                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining  *)
(* a copy of this document and the OUnit software ("the Software"), to    *)
(* deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *)
(* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,           *)
(* sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons  *)
(* to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following   *)
(* conditions:                                                            *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be         *)
(* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.        *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* The Software is provided ``as is'', without warranty of any kind,      *)
(* express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of     *)
(* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. *)
(* In no event shall Maas-Maarten Zeeman be liable for any claim, damages *)
(* or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or          *)
(* otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Software or  *)
(* the use or other dealings in the software.                             *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* See LICENSE.txt for details.                                           *)

open OUnitTest
open TestCommon
open OUnit2

let test_case = TestCase (Short, fun ctxt -> ())
let labeled_test_case = TestLabel ("label", test_case)
let suite_a = TestLabel ("suite_a", TestList [test_case])
let suite_b = TestLabel ("suite_b", TestList [labeled_test_case])
let suite_c = TestLabel ("suite_c", TestList [test_case; labeled_test_case])
let suite_d = TestLabel ("suite_d", TestList [suite_a; suite_c])

let rec string_of_paths = function
    [] -> ""
  | h::t -> (string_of_path h) ^ "\n" ^ (string_of_paths t)

let test_case_filter ctxt =
  let assert_test_case_count exp tst_opt =
    match tst_opt with
      | Some tst ->
          assert_equal exp (test_case_count tst)
      | None ->
          assert_failure "Unexpected empty filter result"
  assert_equal None (test_filter [] suite_a);
  assert_equal None (test_filter [] suite_b);
  assert_equal None (test_filter [] suite_c);
  assert_equal None (test_filter [] suite_d);
  assert_test_case_count 1 (test_filter ["suite_a"] suite_a);
  assert_test_case_count 1 (test_filter ["suite_a:0"] suite_a);
  assert_test_case_count 1 (test_filter ["suite_b:0:label"] suite_b);
  assert_test_case_count 1 (test_filter ["suite_c:0"] suite_c);
  assert_test_case_count 2 (test_filter ["suite_c:0";"suite_c:1:label"]

let test_case_decorate ctxt =
        [Label "label"; ListItem 1; Label "suite_c"],

        [ListItem 0; Label "suite_c"],
      (perform_test suite_c);
        [Label "label"; ListItem 1; Label "suite_c"],
        RFailure("fail", None, None),

        [ListItem 0; Label "suite_c"],
        RFailure("fail", None, None),
            (fun _ -> (fun ctxt -> assert_failure "fail"))

(* Test which checks if the test case count function works correctly *)
let test_case_count ctxt =
  let assert_equal ?msg = assert_equal ?msg ~printer:string_of_int in
  assert_equal 0 (test_case_count (TestList []));
  assert_equal 0 (test_case_count (TestLabel("label", TestList [])));
  assert_equal 0
       (TestList [TestList [];
                  TestList [TestList []]]));

  assert_equal 1 (test_case_count test_case);
  assert_equal 1 (test_case_count labeled_test_case);
  assert_equal 1 (test_case_count suite_a);
  assert_equal 1 (test_case_count suite_b);

  assert_equal 1 (test_case_count (TestList [suite_a; TestList []]));
  assert_equal 1
       (TestList [TestList [];
                  TestList [suite_b]]));
  assert_equal 2 (test_case_count suite_c);
  assert_equal 3 (test_case_count suite_d)

(* Test which checks if the paths are correctly constructed *)
let test_case_paths _ =
      (* A single testcase results in a list countaining an empty list *)
  let assert_equal ?msg = assert_equal ?msg ~printer:string_of_paths in
  assert_equal [[]] (test_case_paths test_case);
  assert_equal [[Label "label"]]
    (test_case_paths labeled_test_case);
  assert_equal [[ListItem 0; Label "suite_a"]]
    (test_case_paths suite_a);
  assert_equal [[Label "label"; ListItem 0; Label "suite_b"]]
    (test_case_paths suite_b);
  assert_equal [[ListItem 0; Label "suite_c"];
                [Label "label"; ListItem 1; Label "suite_c"]]
    (test_case_paths suite_c);
  assert_equal [[ListItem 0; Label "suite_a"; ListItem 0; Label "suite_d"];
                [ListItem 0; Label "suite_c"; ListItem 1; Label "suite_d"];
                [Label "label"; ListItem 1; Label "suite_c"; ListItem 1;
                 Label "suite_d"]]
    (test_case_paths suite_d)

let test_non_fatal _ =
        [ListItem 0],

        [ListItem 1],
        RFailure("fail", None, None),

        [ListItem 2],
        RError("Failure(\"error\")", None),

        [ListItem 2],
        RFailure("fail", None, None),

        [ListItem 3],
        RError("Failure(\"error\")", None),

        [ListItem 3],
        RFailure("fail", None, None),
              (* success *)
              TestCase (Short, ignore);
              (* failure *)
              TestCase (Short, fun _ -> assert_failure "fail");
              (* error + failure *)
                 fun ctxt ->
                   OUnitTest.non_fatal ctxt
                     (fun _ ->
                        failwith "error");
                     assert_failure "fail");
              (* failure + error *)
                 fun ctxt ->
                   OUnitTest.non_fatal ctxt
                     (fun _ ->
                        assert_failure "fail");
                     failwith "error");

let tests =
  "OUnitTest" >:::
  [ "test_case_count" >:: test_case_count;
    "test_case_paths" >:: test_case_paths;
    "test_case_filter" >:: test_case_filter;
    "test_case_decorate" >:: test_case_decorate;
    "test_non_fatal" >:: test_non_fatal;