

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a9861aac0977a468c7b077c3f480368d > files > 30


<IfModule mod_mirrorbrain.c>

    # configure libGeoIP
    MirrorBrainGeoIPFile /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat

    # Name and URL for publisher data in Metalinks
    MirrorBrainMetalinkPublisher "Oranges, Inc."

    # Sets a CSS stylesheet to add to mirror lists
    MirrorBrainMirrorlistStyleSheet "/mirrorbrain.css"

    # Absolute path to header to be included at the top of the mirror
    # lists/details page, instead of the built-in header
    MirrorBrainMirrorlistHeader /srv/www/htdocs/mb-header.html

    # Absolute path to footer to be appended to the mirror
    # lists/details pages, instead of the built-in footer
    MirrorBrainMirrorlistFooter /srv/www/htdocs/mb-footer.html

    # Set to On to suppress the filename included when hashes are sent.
    # Normally, they come as "99eaed37390ba0571f8d285829ff63fc  foobar", 
    # as in the format well-known from the md5sum/sha1sum tools.
    # Default: Off
    MirrorBrainHashesSuppressFilenames Off

    # Available details for logging with the CustomLog directive:
    # %{Location}o                the full redirection URL
    # %{X-MirrorBrain-Chose-Mirror}o  the mirror identifier
    # %{MB_FILESIZE}e        the size of the file
    # %{MB_REDIRECTED}e      '1' if the request was redirected
    # %{MB_NOMIRROR}e        '1' if no mirror was found
    # %{MB_CONTINENT_CODE}e  the client's continent code
    # %{MB_COUNTRY_CODE}e    the client's country code

    # Example of a good, detailed access log:
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \
want:%{WANT}e give:%{GIVE}e r:%{MB_REALM}e %{X-MirrorBrain-Mirror}o \
%I %O size:%{MB_FILESIZE}e %{Range}i" combined_redirect

    # Same example, but also uses mod_logio to log actual sent bytes):
    <IfModule mod_logio.c>
        LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \
want:%{WANT}e give:%{GIVE}e r:%{MB_REALM}e %{X-MirrorBrain-Mirror}o \
%I %O size:%{MB_FILESIZE}e %{Range}i" combinedio_redirect

    # Simpler log that just includes where we redirected to, through the the %{Location}o logging variable
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \"%{Location}o\"" mirrorbrain
    CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs2 /var/log/apache2/redirects_%Y-%m-%d-%H 3600 -0" mirrorbrain

    # Example #1 for conditional logging:
    # Whenever no mirror is found for a file, mod_mirrorbrain sets the enviroment
    # variable MB_NOMIRROR. This can be used to write an additional file
    # logging all unmirrored files, including the bytes we served ourselves:
    LogFormat "%h %t %U %B \"%{Referer}i\"" nomirror
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/unmirrored_log nomirror env=MB_NOMIRROR

    # Example #2 for conditional logging:
    # Or, write an extra file logging _only_ redirections. mod_mirrorbrain sets the
    # environment variable MB_REDIRECTED to 1 whenever it redirects a client.
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" \"%{Location}o\"" redirected
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/redirected_log redirected env=MB_REDIRECTED

    # The SQL query string, should you need to change the compiled in default.
    # Normally, you shouldn't need to set this.
    # Caveat: the fields are accessed by index. Thus, the order here must not change.
    # MirrorBrainDBDQuery "\
    # SELECT id, identifier, region, country, asn, prefix, score, \
    #        baseurl, region_only, country_only, as_only, prefix_only, \
    #        other_countries, file_maxsize \
    # FROM server \
    # WHERE id::smallint = any( \
    #     (SELECT mirrors FROM filearr WHERE path = %s)::smallint[] \
    # ) \
    # AND enabled AND status_baseurl AND score > 0"

    # the following two directives are only available if mod_mirrorbrain is
    # compiled with memcache support. Normally, memcache support is not used.
    # enable / disable memcache usage
    #MirrorBrainMemcached On
    # lifetime of objects in memcache daemon
    #MirrorBrainMemcachedLifetime 600

    <Directory /srv/www/htdocs/base_dir>
        # create directory listings
        Options +Indexes

        # redirector is enabled for this subtree
        # the directory where this is done matters, because it will be the basedir.
        MirrorBrainEngine On

        # enable debug mode -- warning, on a busy server this should be done for subtrees
        # only, because it creates a lot of output
        MirrorBrainDebug Off

        # If FormGET is "On", the module understands optional query arguments
        # (appended to the URL) for diagnostic or other uses. 
        # Appending the query string with '?' or '.' triggers the same behaviour.
        #   metadata parameters:
        # md5                       return the MD5 hash of the file
        # sha1                      return the SHA-1 hash of the file
        # sha256                    return the SHA-256 hash of the file
        # asc                       return a PGP signature (if existent)
        # mirrorlist                return an XHTML list of all metadata and all mirrors
        # meta4                     return an IETF metalink (RFC5854)
        # metalink                  return a v3 metalink
        # torrent                   return a torrent
        # btih                      return the BitTorrent infohash
        # magnet                    return a magnet link
        # zsync                     return zsync metadata
        #   diagnostic parameters:
        # country=xy                pretend that the request comes from this country 
        #                           (ISO 3166 country code)
        # as=123                    pretend that the request comes from the autonomous 
        #                           system with this number
        # newmirror                 don't stick to memcached mirror, make a new choice
        #                              NOTE: newmirror has an effect ONLY when
        #                                    compiling with memcache support
        # fakefile                  pretend that the requested file exists
        #                           (useful ONLY for testing)
        FormGET On

        #Set to On to handle HEAD requests locally, instead of redirecting them 
        MirrorBrainHandleHEADRequestLocally Off

        # Don't redirect for files smaller than 4096 bytes
        # A redirect would only cost resources (database lookup, mirrorlist generation,
        # additional roundtrip for the client), but not save anything; it's
        # cheaper to deliver small content directly.
        # This doesn't affect requests on a hash of such a file, or a mirror list.
        MirrorBrainMinSize 4096

        # Regexp which determines which files will be excluded from redirecting. 
        # Perfect for signatures -- small files that you rather want to deliver
        # yourself for security reasons.
        # The directive is not additive. Use it once.
        # Note, this type of file is typically quite small and would be delivered 
        # directly also when you have MirrorBrainMinSize 4096 configured, for instance.
        # But even though the files would be covered by that rule, it is better
        # to make the rule explicit.
        # Note, A very similar effect can be achieved with the
        # MirrorBrainExcludeMimeType directive; or it might be even easier.
        MirrorBrainExcludeFileMask "\.(md5|sha1|asc)"
        # User-Agent to always exclude from redirecting (wildcards allowed)
        MirrorBrainExcludeUserAgent w3m/0.5.1

        # Networks or IP addresses to always exclude from redirecting. This
        # directive is additive and can be repeated. Note that for networks, a
        # simple string prefix comparison is used to match on them, and not
        # prefix matching.
        MirrorBrainExcludeNetwork 192.168.

        # Mimetype to always exclude from redirecting (wildcards allowed)
        # The directive is additive and can be repeated.
        MirrorBrainExcludeMimeType text/xml

        # If a request is to be redirected to a mirror, but no mirror is found
        # in the database, MirrorBrain will normally deliver the file itself.
        # However, those requests can alternatively be sent to a fixed list of
        # mirrors, if one or more are configured as shown below.
        # The format is: <region code> <country code> <url>
        # Notes:
        # 1) Those mirrors _must_ have the files, because no checking is done
        #    on them. (The directives can be set per directory to achieve
        #    needed granularity.)
        # 2) mirrors are prioritized for selection by the clients' country and
        #    region and randomly choosen according to those priorities.
        MirrorBrainFallback na us
        MirrorBrainFallback eu de
        MirrorBrainFallback as jp


    # NOTE: This directive is relevant only for old-style (v3) Metalinks. It has
    #       no meaning regarding IETF (RFC5854) metalinks. MirrorBrain can generate
    #       its own torrents meanwhile, and the directive will be phased out
    # For files matching the following file mask (regular expression), 
    # check if a file with ending in .torrent does exist, and if yes, add a
    # link to it into generated metalinks.
    # This is limited to .iso and .dmg files in this example, because then Apache
    # doesn't need to do this additional check for each request.
    MirrorBrainMetalinkTorrentAddMask "\.(iso|dmg)$"

    # Define the URL a BitTorrent Tracker to be included in Torrents and in
    # Magnet links. Directive can be repeated to specify multiple URLs.
    MirrorBrainTorrentTrackerURL ""
    MirrorBrainTorrentTrackerURL "udp://"
    # Define a DHT node to be included in Torrents links. Directive can be
    # repeated to specify multiple nodes, and takes two arguments (hostname, port).
    MirrorBrainDHTNode 554
    MirrorBrainDHTNode 6881

    <Directory /srv/www/htdocs/base_dir/some_other_dir>
        Options +Indexes
        MirrorBrainEngine Off

    <Directory /srv/www/htdocs/base_dir/some_subdir>
        MirrorBrainDebug On


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