

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > afddd1505506aa74d7f48fc0f0651ca7 > files > 16


There are some additional compatibility settings available on:
Main Menu\Options\Setup\Doom Compatibility (on last page)

 All boss types can trigger Tag 666 at ExM8 ; Emulates the BossDeath behaviour of pre-Ultimate 
 Lost Souls don't bounce off flat surfaces  ; Emulates the lost soul behaviour of pre-Ultimate 
                                              versions (this includes Doom2.exe)
 2S Middle textures do not animate          ; Emulates the behaviour of Doom.exe version 1.2 with 
                                              respect to this.
 Retain quirks in Doom's sound code         ; This is for the comp_sound option, which was previously 
                                              missing from this menu; note that comp_oofsound has been 
                                              merged with comp_sound
                                              sound when landing from a significant height.
 Use Doom's buggy 'Ouch' face code          ; Restores the "vanilla" Doom for the displaying of the 
                                              "ouch" face - it is displayed when the player takes 
                                              damage but overall gains >20% health.
 Max Health in DEH applies only to potions  ; Corrects Boom's handling of the DeHackEd Misc option 
                                              "Max Health ="; it should apply only to health potions
 No predefined translucency for some things ; Disables the Boom feature of making 17 of the Things 
                                              translucent by default

Several additional key-bindings and settings are available on:
Main Menu\Options\Setup\Key Bindings (on last page)

  Speed Up                <PAD+> ; Increase speed of the game
  Speed Down              <PAD-> ; Decrease speed of the game
  Reset to Default        <PAD*> ; Sets speed of the game to the default
  Step of Change (0-auto)      0 ; The step of gamespeed change and smart mode if it is equal to zero
 DEMOS                           ; Keys for additional functions during demo playback
  Next Level              <PgDn> ; Fast forward to the next level (disabled for internal demos)
  End Level               <End>  ; Fast forward to the next stats screen (disabled for internal demos)
                                 ; Pressing Use ("Space" by default) during skipping shows the current frame.
  Camera Mode             <PAD0> ; Walkcam/Chasecam
  Join                    <q>    ; Take over the controls with resume recording feature (*1)

Additional HUD settings are available here:
Main Menu\Options\Setup\Status Bar / HUD (on last page)

  Secret Areas          ; Display on-screen message and play sound when a secret is registered
  Smart Totals          ; Advanced information about kills, items and secrets
  Show GameSpeed        ; Show speed of the game (100 by default)
  Show LevelTime        ; Total time and level time
  Show DemoTime         ; Displays the total time of the demo from first tic to last tic, 
                          including stats screens and intermissions
  Show Progress Bar During Demo Playback ; Displays a progress bar at the bottom of the HUD

Additional PrBoom-Plus settings are available here:
Main Menu\Options\General

  Anisotropic Filter    ; The setting can be changed from this menu option in-game.

  PC Speaker Emulation  ; Emulates the PC Speaker sound effects from vanilla Doom
  Preferred Midi Player ; Choose how you want music playback to happen.
                        ; SDL:         Use SDL_Mixer (same as and earlier)
                        ; FLUIDSYNTH:  Use fluidsynth to synthesize midi.  You will need a soundfont file (sf2), and
                        ;              you can specify its name with the cfg file option snd_soundfont.
                        ;              Many soundfonts suitable for doom music can be found at
                        ; OPL2:        Use an OPL2 chip emulator.  (Sounds like AdLib or classic SoundBlaster)
                        ; PORTMIDI:    Use the portmidi library for system output to the default midi device.
                        ;              If your sound card has hardware midi support or you want to use a software
                        ;              synthesizer that installs as a system device, like BassMidiDRV or Microsoft GS
                        ;              Wavetable Synth, use this.

  Uncapped Framerate    ; Removes 35 FPS restriction without loss of compatibility

 DEMOS                        ; Demos settings: file handling and viewing
  Overwrite Existing          ; When recording, overwrite an existing demo that has the same file-name
  Smooth Demo Playback        ; Make turns look smoother during demo playback
  Smooth Demo Playback Factor ; (1-min..16-max), default value is 6

 MOVEMENTS              ; Movement settings
  Permanent Strafe50    ; Turns on permanent strafe 50 (equivalent to using a strafe50 mousedriver)
  Strafe50 on Turns     ; Allow strafe50 while turning (impossible with original engine)

  Fast Exit             ; The program exits as soon as the user has asked it to do so, rather than 
                          waiting until the quit sound ends or showing the Endoom/Endboom screen.
  Use In-Game Launcher  ; A launcher will be activated whenever Prboom-plus is started up 
                          Without a wad specified in the command line.

 MOUSE                  ; Mouse settings
  Dbl-Click as Use      ; Option to disable "doubleclick as use" behaviour.

 MOUSE / OPENGL         ; Mouse settings available only with OpenGL rendering
  Always Mouselook      ; Mouselook toggle
  Invert Mouse          ; Invert mouse for mouselook
  Max View Pitch        ; Option for restriction of the maximal looking up/down angle. (0-90)

 COMMON RENDER             ; Settings that apply with either renderer
  Render Quality           ; Offers a choice between Speed or Quality - the latter reduces the chance of 
                             rendering imprecisions, particularly on some ATI cards
                             In software mode, 'Quality' can kill some "slime trails" and visplanes with 
                             the same texture match up far better 
  Change Palette on Pain   ; Red eyes on pain
  Change Palette on Bonus  ; Blinking on item pick-up
  Change Palette on Powers ; Various visual effects on taking power-ups
  Wipe Screen Effect       ; Option to turn off (or on) the "wipe" screen effect

 OPENGL RENDER           ; Settings that apply only with the OpenGL renderer
  Multisampling (0-none) ; Anti-aliasing setting
  Detailed Walls         ; Use detail texture for walls
  Detailed Flats         ; Use detail texture for floors and ceilings

  Field of View          ; Adjusts the field of view; default value is 90
  Paper Items            ; Option to turn off "Paper Sprites". It works only with mouselook, and 
                           is only for non-solid sprites.
  Adjust Sprite Clipping ; Options for correcting errors in OpenGL rendering in the positioning of 
                           items relative to floors and ceilings:
                           Constant  - gl_sprite_offset used;
                           Always - if the sprite is below the floor, and it's not a hanger/floater/missile;
                           Smart - if the sprite is below the floor, and it's not a hanger/floater/missile, 
                                   and it's not a fully dead corpse;
  Item out of Floor Offset ; Value for 'Constant' option in "Adjust Sprite Clipping".
  Allow Colormaps        ; Option to use a colormap (in iwad or pwad) for invulnerability effect, and to 
                           use Boom's colormap feature - this comes at some cost in performance; if not 
                           selected, Boom colormaps are not applied at all, and the invulnerability effect 
                           is defined by hard-coding (NB: no monochrome effect), rather than by the wad
  Allow Hi-Res Textures  ; Use hi-resolution textures and flats, if present
  Allow Hi-Res Patches   ; Use hi-resolution patches (e.g. menu items, title screen), if present
  Override Pwad's Graphics with Hi-Res ; If there is a hi-res texture (etc.) with the same name as a texture in 
                           a pwad that has been loaded, use the hi-res one. Note that this can lead to very odd 
                           results. This option is useful if loading plutonia.wad or tnt.wad *as a pwad*.
  Sector Light Mode      ; Choice between glboom, gzdoom and mixed; the 'mixed' lighting mode for opengl uses 
                           gamma ramps like in gzdoom mode, but applies new gamma to textures.

 SOFT RENDER                      ; Settings that apply only with the software renderer
  Screen Multiple Factor (1-none) ; Screen Multiple system for doubling up the screen 
                                    (size of pixel) by 2x, 3x or 4x.
  Interlaced Scanning             ; Interlaced Scanning mode for Screen Multiple system.

 EMULATION                      ; Emulation of Doom2.exe's behaviour in case of memory overflows
                                  Note that by default the warnings are turned off, and the 
                                  emulation turned on.
  Warn on Spechits Overflow     ; Provide an on-screen message if an overflow has occurred due to 
                                  more than 8 special lines being simultaneously crossed by a 
                                  player or a monster. The warning message includes a listing of 
                                  the lines responsible.
  Try to emulate it             ; Attempt to emulate Doom2.exe's behaviour in the case of a 
                                  Spechits Overflow. When using -complevel 5 or 6, Prboom-plus 
                                  instead attempts to emulate Dosdoom 0.47's behaviour.
  Warn on REJECT Overflow       ; Provide an on-screen message if a map's REJECT is too short. 
                                  The warning message includes an indication of the size of the 
                                  overflow and an indication of whether it can be reliably 
  Try to emulate it             ; Attempt to emulate Doom2.exe's behaviour in the case of a 
                                  REJECT Overflow.
  Warn on Intercepts Overflow   ; Provide an on-screen message if an overflow has occurred due to 
                                  MAXINTERCEPTS being exceeded, as in odd demos such as 
                                  blackbug.lmp, manorbug.lmp, hr27odd.lmp, av08-odd.lmp, etc.
  Try to emulate it             ; Attempt to emulate Doom2.exe's behaviour in the case of an 
                                  Intercepts Overflow. Note that this will tend to lead to 
                                  noclipping or allghosts behaviour.
  Warn on playeringame Overflow ; Provide an on-screen message if an overflow occurs due to a rare 
                                  multiplayer issue seen in demos such as vex6d.wad\bug_wald.lmp, 
                                  vex6d.wad\bug_toke.lmp, etc.
  Try to emulate it             ; Attempt to emulate Doom2.exe's behaviour in the case of a 
                                  playeringame Overflow. Note that this will result in the 
                                  creation of a zombie player.
 COMPATIBILITY WITH COMMON MAPPING ERRORS ; Options to make maps playable despite serious flaws
  Linedefs w/o tags apply locally   ; If a linedef type that normally requires a tag (e.g. a 
                                      remote door) has no tag, then if possible apply the 
                                      linedef's action to the local sector. (Not available 
                                      for recording, playback or with demo_compatibility.)
  Use passes thru all special lines ; Boom's passthru flag is applied to all special lines. 
                                      This makes it possible, for instance, to press switches 
                                      that have been placed behind special lines such as 
                                      scrolling textures. (Not available for recording, 
                                      playback or with demo_compatibility.)
  Walk under solid hanging bodies   ; Allows the player to pass under hanging objects in tall 
                                      sectors that would otherwise block movement. (Not available 
                                      for recording, playback or with demo_compatibility.)

Additional mouse options in:
Main Menu\Options\Mouse sensitivity

 MOUSE LOOK            ; Slider to set the sensitivity for mouselook (only applied with OpenGL rendering)
 ACCELERATION          ; Slider to set the level of mouse acceleration

Additional command-line parameters:
"-solo-net" - for play, recording or playback using "single-player coop" mode. Equivalent to using prboom_server with -N 1
"-window" - for temporarily using windowed mode without saving this in the cfg.
"-nowindow" - for temporarily using fullscreen mode without saving this in the cfg.
"-aspect NxM" - for using a different aspect ratio; e.g. -aspect 5x4, -aspect 8x5 or -aspect 2x1.
"-videodriver name" - for setting up the videodriver name that SDL will use. "windib" and "directx" are available for Windows. See SDL documentation for other platforms. "-videodriver default" can be used to force SDL behaviour by default.
"-shorttics" - forces the same mouse behaviour as when recording (i.e. the converse of "-longtics")
"-resetgamma" - restores the original gamma after a crash
"-exe chex" - causes the game to play like chex.exe (Chex Quest) - chex.wad and chex.deh required too
"-geom NxM" [basic syntax] - for temporarily using a particular resolution without saving this in the cfg; e.g. -geom 1280x1024.
"-geom WidthxHeight[w|f]" [advanced syntax] - w - windowed, f - fullscreen. Examples: -geom 320x200f, -geom 640x480w

Command-line parameters for playback of demos recorded with old versions that desynch due to recording bugs:
"-emulate [prboom_ver]" - for viewing old desynching Prboom demos with all recording bugs from a particular version emulated. For example, "-emulate 2.2.6" would be used to play back a desynching demo recorded with prboom 2.2.6. This would be instead of using the various command-line options for each recording bug (see below) from that version.
"-force_monster_avoid_hazards" - for viewing old desynching doom-compatible Prboom demos recorded with "monster_avoid_hazards 1" in config.
"-force_remove_slime_trails" - for viewing old desynching doom-compatible demos recorded with old versions of prboom (<2.4.6) or prboom-plus (< that are affected by the "remove slime trails" incompatibility.
"-reject_pad_with_ff" - for viewing old desynching doom-compatible demos recorded with old versions of prboom (including 2.2.5 and 2.2.6) that padded a short REJECT with ones instead of zeroes. incompatibility.
"-force_truncated_sector_specials" - for emulation of old buggy behaviour whereby Boom's generalized effects could work instead of failing in a compatibility mode in the case of a bad action number.
"-force_no_dropoff" - for emulation of MBF_compatibility behaviour in prboom 2.2.2 - 2.4.7, whereby things did not drop off ledges when they would have done in MBF.
"-force_prboom_friction" - for emulation of old buggy behaviour whereby Boom's friction and bobbing code were not faithfully replicated.
"-force_force_boom_brainawake" - for emulation of Boom's behaviour with respect to the Monster Spawner, which differed slightly from that of "vanilla" Doom.
"-force_lxdoom_demo_compatibility" - for emulation of all bugs in demo compatibility mode in lxdoom.

Additional and enhanced command-line parameters for demo playback:
"-warp x" - warps directly to the start of map x of a recording without rendering any of the play up to that point. Pressing Use (<Space> by default) during skipping shows the current frame.
"-avidemo fileprefix" - grabbing of the screenshots to frmXXXX.tga
"-skipsec x" - skip X secs during viewing of the demo
"-warp x -skipsec y" will skip y seconds on level x.
"-recordfromto n.lmp m" - play back the demo n.lmp, allowing the user to take over the controls at a point of his choosing, and save the resulting demo as m.lmp
"-levelstat" - outputs a text-file called levelstat.txt containing level-by-level information on times, kills, items and secrets
"-spechit XXX" - provides a spechits magic number, overriding the program's default value
"-nomonsters" - for playback of -nomonsters demos recorded with Doom.exe 1.2
"-respawn" - for playback of -respawn demos recorded with Doom.exe 1.2
"-auto" - enables the autoloading of wads according to the lmp file-name. See below for information.
"-exe chex" - to playback chex.exe (Chex Quest) demos

Additional command-line parameters for cheating/TAS functions:
"-trace_thingshealth ThingID [ThingID] [ThingID]" - displays the current health of the specified Things (in the HUD)
"-trace_thingspickup ThingID [ThingID] [ThingID]" - shows if the specified Things have been picked up (in the HUD)
"-trace_linescross   LineID  [LineID]  [LineID]" - shows if the specified Lines have been crossed (in the HUD)
"-trace_givendamage  ThingID [ThingID] [ThingID]" - shows the latest and total damage inflicted by any specific monsters or players (in the HUD)

  glboom-plus -iwad doom2.wad -solo-net -playdemo 30fanet1

  glboom-plus -iwad doom.wad -playdemo e1uv-405.lmp -warp 1 6
  glboom-plus -playdemo 30uv1441.lmp -warp 29

  glboom-plus -playdemo 30uv1441.lmp -skipsec 192
  glboom-plus -iwad doom.wad -playdemo e1uv-405.lmp -skipsec 12.5

  glboom-plus -timedemo e4uv-232.lmp -framescapture 1 frm

(*1) See "record.bat" to understand how "record append" feature (-recordfromto) works


Demo recorders should read this carefully. These complevels all work both for recording and playback.
If you use a complevel for playback, it will override the autodetection of the demo type. This is useful to handle cases in which autodetection does not correctly identify the demo-type. Autodetection will still work for the vast majority of demos.

Number	Name				 Description

0	doom_12_compatibility		 Partial (improved) emulation of Doom.exe v1.2
1	doom_1666_compatibility		 Partial emulation of Doom.exe/Doom2.exe v1.666
2	doom2_19_compatibility		 Emulates the original Doom.exe v1.9 & Doom2's doom2.exe v1.9
3	ultdoom_compatibility		 Emulates Ultimate Doom v1.9 and Doom95
4	finaldoom_compatibility		 Emulates Final Doom's doom2.exe
5	dosdoom_compatibility		 Emulates Dosdoom .47
6	tasdoom_compatibility		 Emulates Tasdoom.exe
7	boom_compatibility_compatibility Emulates Boom's compatibility mode
8	boom_201_compatibility		 Emulates Boom v2.01
9	boom_202_compatibility		 Emulates Boom v2.02
10	lxdoom_1_compatibility		 Emulates LxDoom v1.4.x
11	mbf_compatibility		 Emulates MBF
12	prboom_1_compatibility		 Emulates PrBoom v2.03beta
13	prboom_2_compatibility		 Emulates PrBoom v2.1.0
14	prboom_3_compatibility		 Emulates PrBoom v2.1.1-2.2.6
15	prboom_4_compatibility		 Emulates PrBoom v2.3.x
16	prboom_5_compatibility		 Emulates PrBoom v2.4.0
17	prboom_6_compatibility		 Latest PrBoom-plus
-1	default_compatibility_level	 Current Prboom-plus

Here's a quick summary of the most important ones for recording:

-complevel 2 - "vanilla" Doom2.exe
-complevel 3 - "vanilla" Ultimate Doom.exe
-complevel 9 - Boom
-complevel -1 - current Prboom+

Thus if you mostly want to record vanilla demos (and Boom when necessary), you can put 2 as your default compatibility for Doom2, 3 as the default compatibility for Ultimate Doom, and place -complevel 9 in the command line when recording on a Boom map.

Example command lines:

glboom-plus -complevel 2 -iwad doom.wad -file uac_dead.wad -playdemo uac_dead
This plays back a Doom 1.9 demo. It is necessary to force this complevel, as otherwise it would be autodetected as an Ultimate Doom demo (complevel 3), but this pwad doesn't function correctly with Ultimate Doom, and the demo would desync.

glboom-plus -complevel 2 -iwad doom2.wad -file ksutra.wad -warp 15 -skill 5 -record kn15-xxx
This records a vanilla Doom2.exe demo

glboom-plus -complevel 3 -iwad doom.wad -warp 1 9 -skill 5 -record n1m9-xxx
This records a vanilla Ultimate Doom.exe demo

glboom-plus -solo-net -complevel 4 -iwad plutonia.wad -warp 32 -skill 5 -record pn32net1
This records a single-player vanilla Final Doom demo using extra coop monsters & items, and with coop rules

glboom-plus -complevel 5 -iwad doom2.wad -file icarus.wad -playdemo ic25uv
This plays back a Dosdoom .47 demo. It is necessary to force this complevel, as otherwise it would be autodetected as a Doom2.exe demo (complevel 2), which in this case would lead to a desync.

glboom-plus -iwad doom2.wad -file nulspace.wad -playdemo nulnx415
This plays back an unconverted Tasdoom.exe demo. There is no need to force complevel 6, as Tasdoom demos are autodetected.

glboom-plus m223-005.lmp -auto
This plays back a demo and automatically loads the pwads that are required. Assuming the pattern-matching is correct and the wads are present, in this case it would load doom2.wad as the iwad, and mm2.wad and mm2mus.wad as pwads.


The overall purpose of this feature is to enable demos to be watched by simply clicking on the lmp file - the program will load the necessary wads based on the lmp's file-name. 
It does this by looking in a list of patterns in the cfg file. These patterns use Regular Expressions (RegExp).
While this cannot cater for all demos, a suitable list of patterns will enable a very large number of demos to be played back without the user needing to specify which wads are required.
Obviously, you need to have the wads unzipped and on your hard-disk in a place where the program will find them: the same directory as the exe, or in the %DOOMWADDIR%.

If the launcher is enabled, and you have chosen to "Associate the current EXE with DOOM demos" (one of the options in "Commands:" at the bottom of the launcher window), 
then clicking on the lmp file will bring up the launcher, with it displaying the files it believes are needed.

Alternatively you can use the -auto command-line option. If you make...
glboom-plus "%1" -auto
...the default action for the lmp file-type, then clicking on a lmp will automatically play it back with the files loading according to the pattern matching.

You may edit the list of patterns. The syntax is as in the following example:
demo_pattern24            "Memento Mori/((mm\d\d.\d\d\d)|(\d\dmm.\d\d\d)|(\d\d\\d\d)|(mm\d\d-uv)|(mm_...)|(mm[0-3]\d\D\D\D\D))\.lmp/doom2.wad|mm.wad|mmmus.wad"

First comes a label identifying the pattern. Note that the numbering is (re)done automatically each time the program writes the cfg file - if you insert a new pattern, you do not need to edit all the later numbers by hand. The number is shown in the console to identify the pattern that has been matched.
Then comes a text description of the pattern. This will be displayed if the launcher is used to show which pattern has been matched.
Next comes the list of patterns (using Regular Expressions) to be matched.
Finally there is the list of files to be loaded. First is the iwad, and then the list of any additional pwads or deh files.

Note that the program looks through the list of patterns sequentially. If a lmp's name matches pattern2 and also pattern20, then the wads for pattern2 will be the ones loaded. If the pattern is not matched at all, or any files are not found, a message is displayed.

If you do significant editing of the patterns, be sure to back up your work. If you make a serious error in the patterns, you can find that the program has effectively deleted many of them when it next writes the cfg file.

The cfg files in this package contain an up-to-date and very large set of patterns, which will suffice to play back almost all of the demos you will find online. These patterns will be updated over the course of time - see the Doomworld Demos Forum to get the very latest, or download the latest test version of prboom-plus, which will always include a recent set. For more information, see the documentation included in in this package.


If you wish to use hi-res textures and flats and/or patches, then you need to download a collection of them from somewhere. You need to extract the textures, flats and patches into suitably named subfolders of the folder where you have placed glboom-plus.exe, as follows:
Hopefully the package in which you have obtained the files will include the appropriate directory structure, so all you need to do is unzip it into the correct location with "Use folder names" (or an equivalent option) enabled.


This feature allows you to record movie files, suitable for viewing or upload to websites.
Prboom-plus uses external command line encoding tools to accomplish this.  You will need the following:
  oggenc2		    ;ogg vorbis audio encoder
  x264                      ;h264 video encoder
  mkvmerge		    ;mkv muxer         

These applications can be placed in the same folder as Prboom-plus.
Using the movie recording feature is simple.  The command line parameter is "-viddump filename", and is meant to be used with -timedemo.
  prboom-plus -timedemo 30uv1437 -viddump foo.mkv
This will create foo.mkv playing demo 30uv1437.lmp.  By default, foo.mkv will be an mkv container containing h264 video and vorbis audio, which most popular video sharing sites should understand.

The recording uses all of your normal video and sound options, so make sure things like video resolution, gamma correction, audio samplerate, and sound volume are how you want them beforehand.  Both OpenGL and software renderers are supported.  Music recording will happen as long as you are not using the SDL or Portmidi music options.  The video and sound are encoded as the demo is played, so the process can be slow even on a fast computer.  But, regardless of how fast the encoding goes, the resulting file can playback at full speed with perfect sound sync and no dropped frames.  Note that while you can watch the demo as it records, you will not be able to hear any sound.


Unless you thoroughly understand video encoding, it's recommended you just use the default settings.  However, if you are an encoding guru, you can control how Prboom-plus makes its videos through cfg options.  These are the defaults:

cap_soundcommand          "oggenc2 -r -R %s -q 5 - -o output.ogg"
cap_videocommand          "x264 -o output.mp4 --crf 22 --muxer mp4 --demuxer raw --input-csp rgb --input-depth 8 --input-res %wx%h --fps 35 -"
cap_muxcommand            "mkvmerge -o %f output.mp4 output.ogg"
cap_tempfile1             "output.ogg"
cap_tempfile2             "output.mp4"
cap_remove_tempfiles          1

You can use any command line encoders you want that can take the following input:
cap_soundcommand:  Receives raw 16 bit PCM audio on stdin
cap_videocommand:  Receives raw 24 bit RGB video frames on stdin

A few simple substitutions are available in writing the command invocations:
  %w   video width in pixels
  %h   video height in pixels
  %s   sound rate in hertz
  %f   filename passed to -viddump
  %%   a single percent sign '%'

cap_muxcommand is not given any special input and is run after the demo is complete.  Finally, cap_tempfile1 and cap_tempfile2 are removed once the mux command is complete only if cap_remove_tempfiles is 1.

For example, the following settings use FFmpeg at all steps to create an mp4 (quicktime) container with h264 video and mp3 audio in it:

cap_soundcommand          "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar %s -ac 2 -i pipe:0 -acodec libmp3lame -aq 5 temp.mp3"
cap_videocommand          "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s %wx%h -r 35 -i pipe:0 -vcodec libx264 -f mp4 -fpre ./libx264-baseline.ffpreset -crf 22 temp.mp4"
cap_muxcommand            "ffmpeg -i temp.mp3 -i temp.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy %f.mp4"
cap_tempfile1             "temp.mp3"
cap_tempfile2             "temp.mp4"
cap_remove_tempfiles          1

The console output from the various commands is redirected to file so you can see it for debugging purposes: