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<h5 class="subsubsection"> Axes Properties</h5>

<p><a name="index-axes-properties-1521"></a>
The <code>axes</code> properties are:
<br><dt><code>box</code><dd>Box surrounding axes. 
&mdash; Values: "on," "off"

<br><dt><code>clim</code><dd>Two-element vector defining the limits for the c axis of
an image.  See <code>pcolor</code> property. 
Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>climmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

<br><dt><code>currentpoint</code><dd>Holds the coordinates of the point over which the mouse pointer was when
the mouse button was pressed.  If a mouse callback function is defined,
<code>"currentpoint"</code> holds the coordinates of the point over which the
mouse pointer is when the function gets called.

     <br><dt><code>dataaspectratio</code><dd>A two-element vector specifying the relative height and width of the
data displayed in the axes.  Setting <code>dataaspectratio</code> to &lsquo;<samp><span class="samp">1,
2]</span></samp>&rsquo; causes the length of one unit as displayed on the y-axis to be the
same as the length of 2 units on the x-axis.  Setting
<code>dataaspectratio</code> also forces the <code>dataaspectratiomode</code>
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>dataaspectratiomode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

<br><dt><code>key</code><dd>Toggle display of the legend.  &mdash; Values: "on," "off"
Note that this property is not compatible with <span class="sc">matlab</span> and may be
removed in a future version of Octave.

     <br><dt><code>keybox</code><dd>Toggle display of a box around the
legend.  &mdash; Values: "on," "off"
Note that this property is not compatible with <span class="sc">matlab</span> and
may be removed in a future version of Octave.

     <br><dt><code>keypos</code><dd>An integer from 1 to 4 specifying the position of the legend.  1
indicates upper right corner, 2 indicates upper left, 3 indicates lower
left, and 4 indicates lower right.  Note that this property is not
compatible with <span class="sc">matlab</span> and may be removed in a future version of

<br><dt><code>nextplot</code><dd>May be one of

     <br><dt><code>outerposition</code><dd>A vector specifying the position of the plot, including titles, axes and
legend.  The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the
lower left corner and width and height of the plot, in units normalized
to the width and height of the plot window.  For example, <code>[0.2,
0.3, 0.4, 0.5]</code> sets the lower left corner of the axes at (0.2,
0.3) and the width and height to be 0.4 and 0.5 respectively.  See also
the <code>position</code> property.

<br><dt><code>position</code><dd>A vector specifying the position of the plot, excluding titles, axes and
legend.  The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the
lower left corner and width and height of the plot, in units normalized
to the width and height of the plot window.  For example, <code>[0.2,
0.3, 0.4, 0.5]</code> sets the lower left corner of the axes at (0.2,
0.3) and the width and height to be 0.4 and 0.5 respectively.  See also
the <code>outerposition</code> property.

<br><dt><code>title</code><dd>Index of text object for the axes title.

<br><dt><code>view</code><dd>A three element vector specifying the view point for three-dimensional plots.

     <br><dt><code>visible</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of the axes.

<br><dt><code>xaxislocation</code><dd>Either <code>"top"</code> or <code>"bottom"</code>.

<br><dt><code>xdir</code><dd>Either <code>"forward"</code> or <code>"reverse"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xgrid</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of grid lines.

     <br><dt><code>xlabel</code><dd>Indices to text objects for the axes labels.

     <br><dt><code>xlim</code><dd>Two-element vector defining the limits for the x-axis. 
Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xlimmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xminorgrid</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of minor grid lines.

<br><dt><code>xscale</code><dd>Either <code>"linear"</code> or <code>"log"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xtick</code><dd>Set position of tick marks. 
Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xticklabel</code><dd>Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xticklabelmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>xtickmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>yaxislocation</code><dd>Either <code>"left"</code> or <code>"right"</code>

<br><dt><code>ydir</code><dd>Either <code>"forward"</code> or <code>"reverse"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>ygrid</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of grid lines.

     <br><dt><code>ylabel</code><dd>Indices to text objects for the axes labels.

     <br><dt><code>ylim</code><dd>Two-element vectors defining the limits for the x, y, and z axes and the
Setting one of these properties also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>ylimmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>yminorgrid</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of minor grid lines.

<br><dt><code>yscale</code><dd>Either <code>"linear"</code> or <code>"log"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>ytick</code><dd>Set position of tick marks. 
Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>yticklabel</code><dd>Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>yticklabelmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>ytickmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

<br><dt><code>zdir</code><dd>Either <code>"forward"</code> or <code>"reverse"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>zgrid</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of grid lines.

     <br><dt><code>zlabel</code><dd>Indices to text objects for the axes labels.

     <br><dt><code>zlim</code><dd>Two-element vector defining the limits for z-axis. 
Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>zlimmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>zminorgrid</code><dd>Either <code>"on"</code> or <code>"off"</code> to toggle display of minor grid lines.

<br><dt><code>zscale</code><dd>Either <code>"linear"</code> or <code>"log"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>ztick</code><dd>Set position of tick marks. 
Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>zticklabel</code><dd>Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
property to be set to <code>"manual"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>zticklabelmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

     <br><dt><code>ztickmode</code><dd>Either <code>"manual"</code> or <code>"auto"</code>.

