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.. _ref-geoip:

Geolocation with GeoIP

.. module:: django.contrib.gis.geoip
   :synopsis: High-level Python interface for MaxMind's GeoIP C library.

.. versionchanged:: 1.4

.. note::

    In Django 1.4, the :class:`GeoIP` object was moved out of
    :mod:`django.contrib.gis.utils` and into its own module, 
    :mod:`django.contrib.gis.geoip`. A shortcut is still provided
    in ``utils``, but will be removed in Django 1.6.

The :class:`GeoIP` object is a ctypes wrapper for the
`MaxMind GeoIP C API`__. [#]_

In order to perform IP-based geolocation, the :class:`GeoIP` object requires
the GeoIP C libary and either the GeoIP `Country`__ or `City`__ 
datasets in binary format (the CSV files will not work!).  These datasets may be 
`downloaded from MaxMind`__.  Grab the ``GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz`` and
``GeoLiteCity.dat.gz`` files and unzip them in a directory corresponding to what
you set :setting:`GEOIP_PATH` with in your settings.  See the example and
reference below for more details.



Assuming you have the GeoIP C library installed, here is an example of its

     >>> from django.contrib.gis.geoip import GeoIP
     >>> g = GeoIP()
     {'country_code': 'US', 'country_name': 'United States'}
     {'area_code': 650,
     'city': 'Mountain View',
     'country_code': 'US',
     'country_code3': 'USA',
     'country_name': 'United States',
     'dma_code': 807,
     'latitude': 37.419200897216797,
     'longitude': -122.05740356445312,
     'postal_code': '94043',
     'region': 'CA'}
     >>> g.lat_lon('')
     (37.789798736572266, -122.39420318603516)
     >>> g.lon_lat('')
     (-95.415199279785156, 29.77549934387207) 
     >>> g.geos('').wkt
     'POINT (-95.2087020874023438 39.0392990112304688)'

``GeoIP`` Settings

.. setting:: GEOIP_PATH


A string specifying the directory where the GeoIP data files are
located.  This setting is *required* unless manually specified
with ``path`` keyword when initializing the :class:`GeoIP` object.



A string specifying the location of the GeoIP C library.  Typically,
this setting is only used if the GeoIP C library is in a non-standard
location (e.g., ``/home/sue/lib/``).

.. setting:: GEOIP_COUNTRY


The basename to use for the GeoIP country data file.
Defaults to ``'GeoIP.dat'``.

.. setting:: GEOIP_CITY


The basename to use for the GeoIP city data file.
Defaults to ``'GeoLiteCity.dat'``.

``GeoIP`` API

.. class:: GeoIP([path=None, cache=0, country=None, city=None])

The ``GeoIP`` object does not require any parameters to use the default 
settings.  However, at the very least the :setting:`GEOIP_PATH` setting
should be set with the path of the location of your GeoIP data sets.  The 
following intialization keywords may be used to customize any of the 

===================  =======================================================
Keyword Arguments    Description
===================  =======================================================
``path``             Base directory to where GeoIP data is located or the 
                     full path to where the city or country data files 
                     (.dat) are located.  Assumes that both the city and 
                     country data sets are located in this directory; 
                     overrides the :setting:`GEOIP_PATH` settings attribute.

``cache``            The cache settings when opening up the GeoIP datasets,
                     and may be an integer in (0, 1, 2, 4) corresponding to
                     the ``GEOIP_STANDARD``, ``GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE``, 
                     ``GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE``, and ``GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE`` 
                     ``GeoIPOptions`` C API settings, respectively. 
                     Defaults to 0 (``GEOIP_STANDARD``).
``country``          The name of the GeoIP country data file.  Defaults
                     to ``GeoIP.dat``.  Setting this keyword overrides the 
                     :setting:`GEOIP_COUNTRY` settings attribute.

``city``             The name of the GeoIP city data file.  Defaults to
                     ``GeoLiteCity.dat``.  Setting this keyword overrides
                     the :setting:`GEOIP_CITY` settings attribute.
===================  =======================================================

``GeoIP`` Methods


All the following querying routines may take either a string IP address
or a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).  For example, both 
``''`` and ``''`` would be valid query 

.. method::

Returns a dictionary of city information for the given query.  Some
of the values in the dictionary may be undefined (``None``).

.. method::

Returns a dictionary with the country code and country for the given 

.. method:: GeoIP.country_code(query)

Returns only the country code corresponding to the query.

.. method:: GeoIP.country_name(query)

Returns only the country name corresponding to the query.

Coordinate Retrieval

.. method:: GeoIP.coords(query)

Returns a coordinate tuple of (longitude, latitude).

.. method:: GeoIP.lon_lat(query)

Returns a coordinate tuple of (longitude, latitude).

.. method:: GeoIP.lat_lon(query)

Returns a coordinate tuple of (latitude, longitude),

.. method:: GeoIP.geos(query)

Returns a :class:`django.contrib.gis.geos.Point` object corresponding to the query.

Database Information

.. attribute:: GeoIP.country_info

This property returns information about the GeoIP country database.

.. attribute:: GeoIP.city_info

This property returns information about the GeoIP city database.

.. attribute::

This property returns information about all GeoIP databases (both city
and country), and the version of the GeoIP C library (if supported).

GeoIP-Python API compatibility methods

These methods exist to ease compatibility with any code using MaxMind's 
existing Python API.

.. classmethod::, cache)

This classmethod instantiates the GeoIP object from the given database path
and given cache setting.

.. method:: GeoIP.region_by_addr(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.region_by_name(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.record_by_addr(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.record_by_name(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.country_code_by_addr(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.country_code_by_name(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.country_name_by_addr(query)

.. method:: GeoIP.country_name_by_name(query)

.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#] GeoIP(R) is a registered trademark of MaxMind, LLC of Boston, Massachusetts.