

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > c16cf2cd0371ec0db860b8da2da293ab > files > 33




   {html_title}{Aephea base definitions}
   {author}{Stijn van Dongen}
   {css_append}{ .debug { border: solid; border-width: 1px; } }



\: iref#2, lref#2, enref#2, aref#2.
\: evn{spacing}
\: bf#1 it#1 v#1 tt#1
\: ftinc#2 ftdec#2
\: httpref#1 sibref#2
\: par car cpar#1 ccar#1
\: par#1 car#1 cpar#2 ccar#2

\NAME{aephea-base}{a description of Aephea base definitions}

   The macros in this package have been ported to both \html and

   \it{aephea-base} \- A description of Aephea base definitions.
   The macros in this package have been ported to both \html and troff.

   This package is  used by the Aephea \v{simpledocument} class
   and by the Portable Unix Documentation (\pud) mini-languages for
   authoring manual pages (\sibref{pud-man}) and the \pud language
   for \faq authoring (\sibref{pud-faq}).}

   There is a small list of known issues in the \secref{issues} section,
   mostly concerning the troff device. These should generally be of no
   concern at all, but if you run into trouble look there first.  A quick
   glance through the list \it{before} you run into trouble may be the
   wisest thing to do.}


   The \it{itemize} environemnt is the Aephea workhorse for lists,
   enumerations, itemizations, and other tailed creatures. A simple and
   valid use is for example

\set{tmp}{\!{  \begin{itemize}
         For I am foo.
         For we are bar and zut.

   This source result in the following output:


   This is not impressive at all, but it gives an idea of how itemize works.
   The following example is a single itemize environment providing a
   rollercoasterride through most of the features of the itemize environment.
   As shown below, it is possible to change all the itemize settings and styles
   at will even within a single itemize instance.  Of course this is not useful
   at all except for demonstrating the \it{itemize} capabilities, but it goes
   to show that the itemize macros are quite robust (by virtue of modularity).

   The entire listing below was put in Aephea's \it{spacing} environment,
   described further below. The environment was used to create
   extra margins on the two sides.


   Spacing modes \it{compact} and \it{cascade} are determined by the key \it{flow}.
   The current mode is \it{compact}, meaning that the itemize token and the ensuing text are on the same line.
   Below, compact mode is switched off (approximately) halfway.
   The \it{interitem} key determines the amount skipped between an item description
   and the next item.

   Several item modes (custom, mark, enumeration).

   Several enumeration modes (roman, arabic, alphabetic).

   The style of a list can be changed while in the middle of it.

   Nuther item.

   The list can be 'interupted' and resumed (by means of
   the \mc{intermezzo#1} macro).

   Perhaps you wonder what good is THAT for, and justly so.
   The \mc{intermezzo#1} macro should only be used inbetween different
   items,  i.e. it should \it{not} split content belonging to a single item.

   Items can be optionally and automatically
   right and/or left delimited. The current
   item is delimited with square brackets.

   Items can be left or right aligned.

   Items can be stacked, which is supported only when \it{flow} is set to \it{cascade}.

   Beginning with this item, \it{flow} is set to \it{cascade}.

   is now possible.

   (back to right-align) The itemcounter just keeps running by the way.

   (back to compact) But the counter can be manipulated at will.

   A bullet item.

   Now \it{interitem} is set to 0 (affecting the current list), and a new list
   is started contiguous to the present text (by having its margintop set to 0).

\car{Are the three virtues of programming.}

   This concludes a listing showing most of the itemize capabilities.



   You steer the itemize environment by providing it with tag-value pairs like so:


   This is the list of tags that you may use.

   {Top of table, anomalous unit (ems), default 0.}

   {Paragraph skip in \it{ems} inbetween items, default 0.}

   {Set to compact or cascade}

   {Width of text indent in ems.}

   {Width of item margin in ems (for right-aligned items).}

   {E.g. \v{\\*{itembullet}} (if type=mark), affects \mc{item}.}

   {One of left or right (item alignment), default left.}

   {class name assigned to all block-level elements}

   {What's printed immediately to the left of an item.}

   {What's printed immediately to the right of an item.}

   {One of mark, roman, abc, arabic, affects \mc{item}.}

                     \: hum ho, being clever we need \!$itemcount
                     \: rather than \$itemcount.
                     \: that's the downside of macro cleverness.
   {The count of items seen so far, e.g. \!$itemcount right now.}

   You need to know that the itemize environment internally maps these tags
   to dollar keys simply by prepending a dollar.
   Thus, if you want to reset one of the values associated with such a tag,
   you need to do e.g.


   A more robust to do this is to ensure that the modified key is retrieved
   from the right dictionary, i.e. the top-level \it{itemize} dictionary,
   as follows.


   Its syntax is identical to that of the \it{itemize} environment.
   It accepts tags \it{left}, \it{right}, \it{top}, and \it{bottom}.
   These should receive numeric values. The associated
   unit is \it{em}.

   The troff device does not yet support the \it{top} and \it{bottom}



   \mc{enref#2} \it{creates} a link for which the first argument is the anchor
   and for which the second argument is the content (which can be left empty).
   \mc{iref#2} takes such an anchor as the first argument and it takes content
   that carries the link as the second argument.  \mc{lref#2} takes a file name
   (possibly including a relative or absolute path) as the first argument and
   content as the second argument.  \mc{aref#2} takes a URL (later possibly a
   URI) as the first argument and content as the second argument.  \mc{sibref#2}
   takes a label as argument which presumably is the name of some application.
   It may append an extension depending on the current device, and it assumes
   that \v{label + extension} is the name of a file in the current directory.
   The second argument is displayed in the text. For \mc{sibref#1} the
   displayed text is the same as the label. For \mc{sibref#3} the second
   argument is an additional anchor within the file being linked to, and
   the third argument is the displayed text.
   \mc{httpref#1} simply prints a URL which will be active when html is output.}

   These are all paragraph macros that carry the paragraph content as
   the last argument. The first argument of \mc{cpar#2} and \mc{ccar#2}
   is the caption.  These macros will ensure well-formedness for devices
   that support it, such as \html.
   Use \v{\\car#1} where you don't need a paragraph skip, but just need to
   indicate that you are in text mode again. You can simply always use
   \v{\\par#1} and never use \v{\\car#1}.  If you care about the details of spacing
   though, or if you have particular trouble for example in creating an itemize
   environment where you do not want top and bottom margins, then it could be
   worthwile to turn to \v{\\car#1}.  Examples for using \v{\\car#1} are:

\car{After an environment that always carries a bottom margin.}

\""{ I do not follow this advice myself, actually.
   After a caption that always carries a bottom margin, such
   as most sectioning commands (e.g. \v{\\sec} in the manual macros).

   After an environment that does \it{not} carry a bottom margin,
   and where you specifically want the environment to be contiguous to the
   enclosing text. The listing you are currently reading is an
   example of this.

   As promised. The \v{\\car} macro may feel a little unusual.  If you don't mind
   standing the chance of a little spurious vertical white-space just use
   \v{\\par} all the time.  If you really need it, such as in an 'inline' listing
   as above, the \v{\\car} macro is ready to do the job.

   The first four items set their argument in the \bf{font} \it{specified}.
   \mc{tt#1} and \mc{v#1} both denote a typewriter font. \it{These macros should
   not be nested if troff is to be among the output devices}.  Support for the
   last two items is not yet very robust.  They temporarily \ftinc{1}{increment}
   respectively \ftdec{1}{decrement} the font by the amount of the first argument and
   apply the resulting setting to the second argument.

   Make the device output the contents verbatim in a mono-spaced font,
   obeying spaces and newlines.  This does not prohibit expansion of
   macros, use \mc{protect#1} for that.  The macro \mc{verbatim#1} will
   create a non-breaking environment.




   Do not nest \mc{bf#1}, \mc{it#1}, \mc{tt#1}, or \mc{v#1} macros if troff is
   among the output devices. It will yield unexpected results.

\intermezzo{The rest of this list pertains to the \it{itemize} environment.}

   There is currently not a way to get bold (Roman) numerals using
   the automatic enumeration mode within \it{itemize}, or to change
   the appearance of any of the other enumeration types.
should be possible now using CSS on the item class.

   Do not use fractional values for \v{textindent} and \v{itemmargin} in the itemize
   environment, if troff is among the output devices.
   The reason is that the Aephea macros use the difference between these two values
   and pass them on to the output devices. Troff rounds all values it gets
   and thus the additive relationship between the values may be lost.

