

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > c35693cb7af8e6b44f35dd16ea7e285b > files > 23


For JOE-3.6

	auto reload of modified files?  a mode for this?

	tab completion should escape file names for joe

          mode where wordwrap wraps rest of paragraph?

          mode where all editing wraps rest of paragraph?

	handling of bullets could be better, but conflicts with C comments

	a common operation is search&replace within a selected block. 
	possibly cursor should go to start of block after each operation.

	a common operation is macro execution to end of selected block.	
	abort macro when it reaches ^K K? EMACS has "narrow to region"
	concept to deal with this.

	a common operation is clearing a shell buffer: make a key for this?

	document ` in 'txt' (format test as status line)
	additional formatting things in status line
		`%n		filename
		`%dd		day
		`%dm		month
		`%dY		year
		`%Ename%	environment variable


 full path needs to go in line number restore code?

 ^C breaks in Cygwin when piping into joe

 empty syntax file crashes?

startup log should pop up whenever syntax files are loaded.

joerc file messages are funny because of the :include

autodetect xterm?  it doesn't give enough information.

did shell window in joe-3.2 3.2 create a new window?


    grep ... | joe     missing lots sometime

    pipe into joe is broken.   If it's a regular file, we should just load it.

  Make joerc merge program and run it on


should force -Wall if compiler is gcc


- rc file format needs revamping:  You can not put comments on lines with string


option for compile window size (or make mfit prompt for the size)

multi-file search & replace: check for deleted 'B *'.


- We need regexp for error parsing.


- better grep-find (trigger in ^KE)

- need current directory for grep-find.


Key to bring up help on word under cursor:
  like pop up window with man page, or google search
  for the function.

    man -P cat -S 2:3 printf

work with cscope?  hit F1 to look up man entry for function?

Tags file search should auto-run ctags if there is no tags file.
It should update it if any files have changed...

gdb inteface?
  run  (when segfault, jump to given source location)
  eval  (to look at variables)
  peek up stack frame

allow options after string and istring? -just note it for now. and need to be the same as Makefile.

622978   use last column

1218708  ? for unknown characters is not informative (at least highlight the ?)

1218701  report character offset in ^K-<space> (not just byte offset).

1304794  X at end of line is changed to space when character above 128 in utf-8

1323285  joe does not repeatedly wrap searches (add an option for this?)

1218686  syntax hightlight in hex mode (sheesh!)

1211243  long $HOME causes joe to crash

531899   joe +23 is weird: cursor on startup line

1413863  sigwinch breaks tcsetsw which messes up keyboard?  I haven't seen this

Garbage collect line attribute databases.

Parse xterm version number.

we should store location of menu. menu_above could change while menu is
open (but menu could be deleted, so this raises other problems).

 getcontext causes huge cpu usage for very large functions (xp_useq.v for

Short (infinite) list for 3.4:

-smart bs/tab is driving me up the wall:

       if (sdfjklhsdfkjhsdfjkh
           sdflks dfkjshdf sd
           . <- thinks this is indentation point.

-tab should default to tab?

- improve mnew/mold etc so we can gzip/gunzip files being
  edited (maybe recursive call to file recognizer with .gz removed).

- when lock is stolen under us, we don't tell anyone.

- reformat/reindent function on ^KJ
- insert last word (last word typed/copied/etc.).
- orthogonal jump
- safer hex edit mode
- win32? DOS?
- man page

- cygwin- make sure we put files in the right place.
- dynamic spell checking with highlighter- there should be a way
- smart-end key

Mouse issues:

- autoscroll: keep track of selection type (double-click or triple-click)
- just scroll window with right button down?

  help screen mouse commands?
  double-click at prompts hits enter?
  double-click empty prompt, hits tab?
  right-click pops directory?
  right-click is cancel?
  double-click is yes?

- i18n issues:

   hex is screwed up.  utf-8 file encoding needs to be off for hex mode.
   also crlf mode.

- - - -

Dangerous situations:
  assume maint->curwin->object is a BW *
  call interactive functions (like doedit) and expect them
  to leave maint a buffer window (it could start a prompt).

  should check plain file checking.

  vs, zstring, cstring, there are too many, each with its own
  memory management.

- - - - - - - -

- backspace in picture mode
  (it jumps to end of line - should it be like left-arrow?)

- - - - - - - -

- name keyboard macro and append it to .joerc file

- - - - - - - -

- update man page

- - - - - - - -

- hex edit mode
    - force switch to overtype mode?

- - - - - - - -

- security hole with spell checker: abs path to checker needed.

- - - - - - - -

- commands should be as deterministic as possible for
  easier macro writing.
     (some prompts give defaults sometime... this is bad)
     (psh should save all possible state information)

- merge math with macro language
- tab at math prompt should go through variables, functions.
- eliminate need for : separator
- add loops, user defined functions with local variables
- add comments
- user should be able to bring up a program and hit 'eval'.
- use ivy?

- - - - - - - -

- better editing in shell windows: use for calculator mode too?

- - - - - - - -

- highlight all words which match during search?

- - - - - - - -

    (a user asked: can it periodically reload log file like tail -f)?
    (just run tail -f in shell window)

- - - - - - - -

Make joerc file so we load system and local customizations.

- - - - - - - -

can we highlight backup files? files ending in .in?

- - - - - - - -

  define characters which make up words
    There are some A-Zs in tomatch (should use i18n).

- - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - -
  exemac for first change: it should be run with cursor in window.

  -orphan will break -mnew, -mold macros (because macros are run without a
window on the screen).

- - - - - - - -

- .joe_state file:
 - try for previous screen configuration?
 - multiple joes: the last one who exits wins: merge them

- - - - - - - -

Completion list build could take a long time
in general we should be able to abort long operations...

- - - - - - - -


- completion list of internal commands brings up documentation

- rectangular blocks: make this a local file option?

- shell window intercept should be smarter.  hit ^K ^H- the ^H is going to the
  shell window.

- do not use ^[^[ for anything.  it prevents Alt-arrow
  from being useful.  It's usually bound to options, so at least
  make options pass unknown characters back to keysequence parser.

- save all files without asking thing for quick compile

options are screwed up: we copy window to buffer (to get buffer options
to the buffer).  But if we have multiple windows, buffer options will have
stale data.

we are missing many query and prompt window abort handlers, which cause
small memory leaks.

regex: character classes? a-z matches any letter?

can't load terminfo- should switch to termcap or provide compiled
ANSI terminfo built in.

Perl compatible regex search.

Improvements for programming
Jump to definition (tags does this)

Show list of references

Diff mode (need vertical window)

Tie in with CVS


Support for more languages:

 Reformat paragraph should reformat C function if we're editing C.

File loading/storing:

 Unnamed buffers should be in bufed list (was fixed in the lost joe 2.9)


 search and replace 'fred' to 'foo':
    find 'Fred', gets 'Foo'.

 Rectangle mode for emacs yank system

 Overtype mode works for yank

 exiting options and i-search with ESC is not pretty
 (it isn't in emacs either)

jmacs glitches:
    history for incremental search
    ^S return supposed to be normal search
    ^[ 0 ^K  delete line bkwd (arg set)
    ^[ @   set mark arg words away
    ^X ^P  mark page

    ^X .  set left margin (fill prefix)
           (better off not setting this: JOE automatically sets
	    the fill prefix).

Shell windows:

 Better environment settings for shell windows.


 Include documentation for joe hackers.  I wrote a lot of this
 some time, I need to find it.

 joe should open tty earlier in startup sequence because ^Y
 is suspend character on sun.


byte to byte conversions?
UTF-8 decoder right at input instead of in qw and utype?

UTF-8 syntax files?

- right-left mode for Hebrew/Arabic?

  There is no good way to do this.  For all rtol, you could use a reversed
xterm.  For mixed, you need tags to indicate direction.

Use memory mapped files to fast load large files.  Have to not
count no. lines in each buffer on startup.

Emulate other editors?  Brief, EDT?  CUA?


 HTML-style thing for option selection?

Terminal handling:

 Emit ESC c to reset terminal on startup?

 Look into clearing right-most column.

Major new display modes:

 Fixed record length mode

Major code improvements:

 Vertical windows (optionally lock-stepped).

Major new features:



 Fix it so all options appear in ^T.  Maybe make hook function
 to handle major changes.

Other requests:

 -cleanup (delete extra lines and extra spaces at ends of lines).

Do something with these keys:

ssh 3.2
Home: [2~ (uhg!)
End: [4~
Pgup: [5~
Pgdn: [6~
Ins: [2~
F1: [11~
F2: [12~
F3: [13~
F4: [14~
F5: [15~
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-arrow: -
Alt-arrow: - (can set Alt=ESC mode, but doesn't work with arrow keys)
Shift-arrow: -


Home: [1~
End: [4~
Pgup: [5~
Pgdn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~
F1: [11~
F2: [12~
F3: [13~
F4: [14~
F5: [15~
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-arrow: OC OD OA OB
Ctrl-home: -
Ctrl-end: -
Ctrl-pgup: putty scroll back
Ctrl-pgdn: putty scroll fwrd
Ctrl-ins: -
Ctrl-del: -

Alt-pgup: [5~
Alt-pgdn: [6~
Alt-home: [1~
Alt-end: [4~
Alt-ins: [2~
Alt-del: [3~

Shift-home: [1~
Shift-end: [4~
Shift-pgup: putty scroll back
Shift-pgdn: putty scroll fwrd
Shift-del: [3~


PgUp: [5~
PgDn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~
F1: OP
F2: OQ
F3: OR
F4: OS
F5: [15~
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-pgup: [5;5~
Ctrl-pgdn: [6;5~
Ctrl-ins: [2;5~
Ctrl-del: [3;5~

Shift-pgup: -
Shift-pgdn: -
Shift-ins: ttp://
Shift-del: [3;2~





Alt-pgup: [5;3~
Alt-pgdn: [6;3~
Alt-ins: [2;3~
Alt-del: [3;3~

Home: [7~
End: [8~
Pgup: [5~
Pgdn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~

F1: [11~
F2: [12~
F3: [13~
F4: [14~
F5: [15~
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-arrow: Oc Od Oa Ob
Ctrl-home: [7^
Ctrl-end: [8^
Ctrl-pgup: [5^
Ctrl-pgdn: [6^
Ctrl-ins: [2^
Ctrl-del: [3^



Alt-ctrl-arrow: Oc Od Oa Ob




Home: OH
End: OF
PgUp: [5~
PgDn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~
F1: -
F2: OQ
F3: OR
F4: OS
F5: [15~~
F6: [17~~
F7: [18~~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: -
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-home: OH
Ctrl-end: OF
Ctrl-pgup: -
Ctrl-pgdn: -
Ctrl-ins: [2;5~
Ctrl-del: [3;5~

Shift-home: -
Shift-end: -
Shift-pgup: -
Shift-pgdn: -
Shift-ins: -
Shift-del: [3;2~

Alt-home: OH
Alt-end: OF
Alt-PgUp: [5;3~
Alt-PgDn: [6;3~
Alt-Insert: [2;3~
Alt-Delete: [3;3~

Ctrl-Alt-arrows: - (window manager takes)
PgUp: [5~
PgDn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~
F1: OP
F2: OQ
F3: OR
F4: OS
F5: [15~
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-PgUp: [5~
Ctrl-PgDn: [6~
Ctrl-ins: [2~
Ctrl-del: [3~

Shift-arrows: -
Shift-PgUp: -
Shift-PgDn: -
Shift-Ins: -
Shift-Del: [3;2~

Alt-PgUp: [5~
Alt-PgDn: [6~
Alt-Ins: [2~
Alt-Del: [3~

linux console
Home: [1~
End: [4~
PgUp: [5~
PgDn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~
F1: [[A
F2: [[B
F3: [[C
F4: [[D
F5: [[E
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-home: [1~
Ctrl-end: [4~
Ctrl-pgup: [5~
Ctrl-pgdn: [6~
Ctrl-ins: [2~
Ctrl-del: [3~

Shift-home: [1~

Alt-arrows: - (switches console)
Alt-home: [1~

cygwin console
Home: [1~
End: [4~
PgUp: [5~
PgDn: [6~
Ins: [2~
Del: [3~
F1: [[A
F2: [[B
F3: [[C
F4: [[D
F5: [[E
F6: [17~
F7: [18~
F8: [19~
F9: [20~
F10: [21~
F11: [23~
F12: [24~

Ctrl-arrows: -
Shift-arrows: -

Alt-enything: prefixed with ESC

jstar missing sequences
^O options (supposed to be set tab width)
^P print
^U undo (supossed to be unerase)
^^ autoindent on/off
^\ meta (supposed to be refresh screen)
ESC =  insert math result
ESC $  insert math result money formatted
ESC #  insert math equation
ESC m  Memorandum
ESC s  isearch fwrd (supposed to be Sincerely)
ESC c  compile (supposed to be center line)
^Q U   align paragraph (don't know what this does)
^Q ^Q  repeat next command once every second
^Q O   spell check entered word
^Q W   scroll up- repeat once every second
^Q Z   scroll down- repeat once every second
^Q Ins  it does something...
^Q Home  scroll up repeating
^Q End   scroll down repeating
^K M     math
^K F     run dos comment
^K N     column mode on
^K I     column replace mode on
^K O     copy file
^K E     rename file
^K J     erase file
^K L     change drive
^K uparw  rename file
^K dnarw  save and exit
^K ltarw  save
^K rtarw  ^K D save
^K Ins    move
^K Home   quit
^K End    quit
^K '      to markk

notepad/cua mode?
- ^A	select all
- ^F	find
- ^G	goto line
X ^H	replace
X ^J	return
- ^N	new blank file
- ^O	edit file (asks to save current)
^P	print
- ^S	save
- ^V	paste
- ^Z	undo
- ^X	cut
- ^C	copy
- F3	find next
- F5	date/time