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   Original source code in SML from:

     Purely Functional Data Structures
     Chris Okasaki
     Cambridge University Press, 1998
     Copyright (c) 1998 Cambridge University Press

   Translation from SML to OCAML (this file):

     Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001  Markus Mottl

   Unless this violates copyrights of the original sources, the following
   licence applies to this file:

   This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it without any restrictions. It is distributed in the hope
   that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

(*                              Chapter 5                              *)

exception Empty

module type QUEUE = sig
  type 'a queue

  val empty : 'a queue
  val is_empty : 'a queue -> bool

  val snoc : 'a queue -> 'a -> 'a queue
  val head : 'a queue -> 'a        (* raises Empty if queue is empty *)
  val tail : 'a queue -> 'a queue  (* raises Empty if queue is empty *)

module BatchedQueue : QUEUE = struct
  type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list

  let empty = [], []
  let is_empty (f, r) = f = []

  let checkf (f, r as q) = if f = [] then List.rev r, f else q

  let snoc (f, r) x = checkf (f, x :: r)
  let head = function [], _ -> raise Empty | x :: _, _ -> x
  let tail = function [], _ -> raise Empty | _ :: f, r -> checkf (f, r)

module type DEQUE = sig
  type 'a queue

  val empty : 'a queue
  val is_empty : 'a queue -> bool

  (* insert, inspect, and remove the front element *)
  val cons : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue
  val head : 'a queue -> 'a        (* raises Empty if queue is empty *)
  val tail : 'a queue -> 'a queue  (* raises Empty if queue is empty *)

  (* insert, inspect, and remove the rear element *)
  val snoc : 'a queue -> 'a -> 'a queue
  val last : 'a queue -> 'a        (* raises Empty if queue is empty *)
  val init : 'a queue -> 'a queue  (* raises Empty if queue is empty *)

(* A totally ordered type and its comparison functions *)
module type ORDERED = sig
  type t

  val eq : t -> t -> bool
  val lt : t -> t -> bool
  val leq : t -> t -> bool

module type HEAP = sig
  module Elem : ORDERED

  type heap

  val empty : heap
  val is_empty : heap -> bool

  val insert : Elem.t -> heap -> heap
  val merge : heap -> heap -> heap

  val find_min : heap -> Elem.t  (* raises Empty if heap is empty *)
  val delete_min : heap -> heap  (* raises Empty if heap is empty *)

module SplayHeap (Element : ORDERED) : (HEAP with module Elem = Element) =
  module Elem = Element

  type heap = E | T of heap * Elem.t * heap

  let empty = E
  let is_empty h = h = E

  let rec partition pivot = function
    | E -> E, E
    | T (a, x, b) as t ->
        if Elem.leq x pivot then
          match b with
          | E -> t, E
          | T (b1, y, b2) ->
              if Elem.leq y pivot then
                let small, big = partition pivot b2 in
                T (T (a, x, b1), y, small), big
                let small, big = partition pivot b1 in
                T (a, x, small), T (big, y, b2)
          match a with
          | E -> E, t
          | T (a1, y, a2) ->
              if Elem.leq y pivot then
                let small, big = partition pivot a2 in
                T (a1, y, small), T (big, x, b)
                let small, big = partition pivot a1 in
                small, T (big, y, T (a2, x, b))

  let insert x t = let a, b = partition x t in T (a, x, b)

  let rec merge s t = match s, t with
    | E, _ -> t
    | T (a, x, b), _ ->
        let ta, tb = partition x t in
        T (merge ta a, x, merge tb b)

  let rec find_min = function
    | E -> raise Empty
    | T (E, x, _) -> x
    | T (a, x, _) -> find_min a

  let rec delete_min = function
    | E -> raise Empty
    | T (E, _, b) -> b
    | T (T (E, _, b), y, c) -> T (b, y, c)
    | T (T (a, x, b), y, c) -> T (delete_min a, x, T (b, y, c))

module PairingHeap (Element : ORDERED) : (HEAP with module Elem = Element) =
  module Elem = Element

  type heap = E | T of Elem.t * heap list

  let empty = E
  let is_empty h = h = E

  let merge h1 h2 = match h1, h2 with
    | _, E -> h1
    | E, _ -> h2
    | T (x, hs1), T (y, hs2) ->
        if Elem.leq x y then T (x, h2 :: hs1)
        else T (y, h1 :: hs2)

  let insert x h = merge (T (x, [])) h

  let rec merge_pairs = function
    | [] -> E
    | [h] -> h
    | h1 :: h2 :: hs -> merge (merge h1 h2) (merge_pairs hs)

  let find_min = function
    | E -> raise Empty
    | T (x, hs) -> x

  let delete_min = function
    | E -> raise Empty
    | T (x, hs) -> merge_pairs hs