

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > d1145795126fce09e7da0ebe455df671 > files > 65


Goals for next minor release:
* Run pychecker on itself and clean up
* Add warning for duplicated elif conditions
* Check for "if s.find(str):" s/b "if s.find(str) >= 0:" where s is a string
* Add warning for: x % x is always 0
* Add warning when using listcomp variable (x) outside of [... for x in ...]
* Add warning for import overriding builtin (from os import *)
* Add warning if defining a module name that's also in the stdlib
* Add decorator so you can do:

   def myfunc():

* Support function attributes in addition to __pychecker__
* Add warning when iterating over a dict (keys, values, items) and mutating it
* Add warning for __special_ or __special or _special__ etc.
* Add warning about redefining a function/method with different signatures
* Add warning when base class has similar name and same signature:

  class Base:
    def foobar():
  class Sub(Base):
    def foobaz(): # damn, I wanted to override foobar

* If unknown name, suggest similar names

* Check for return from finally (disables exception, default off?)
* Add another boolean warning for:    if bool(xxx):
* Need way to configure broken (and non-broken) versions of evil C extensions
* Add estimated difficulty to research/fix error
* Shouldn't warn about using return value for generators
* Suppress argument (self) name warnings if func has no impl?
* Add warning for a variable that is constant 
    ie, initialized and used, but never changed

* Add warning for catching AttributeError when there is no attr access
	ZeroDivisionError w/no division?
	KeyError UnboundLocalError IndexError IndentationError ImportError
* Add warning for a import b & b import a (import loops)
* Check that classes with __slots__ don't get/set any other attributes
* Expectations of __methods__, constness (don't modify in __nonzero__)
* Add warning if dict has duplicate keys when creating from literals
* __new__ should use cls, not self???

* If arg has default value of None, check that arg is assigned some value

* check if returning self from __str__()
* check for str1 in str2 == otherValue
* Fix dependancy problem w/checkReturnValues & checkImplicitReturns
* check for use of self.attr before setting self.attr in __init__ method
* Handle sys.exit() as non-returnable condition
* Warn about non-escaping backslashes???
* vars() should use locals, like locals(), hmmm, it should already ...

Goals for next major release (0.9):
* Improve handling when importing packages (ie, don't import modules)
  - Make a base class to handle stack operations
  - Override base class with classes to handle module scope, functions, etc.
  - Process module and create Module/Class/Function objects w/o dir(), etc.
  - Finish tests: 44
* Add a config option to ignore certain cantankerous modules

* Add warning for global statement inside a conditional
* Fix spurious warnings for unreachable code checks
* Fix most of the FIXMEs
* Add check for import module (from within package p-should be import p.module)
  - don't use relative imports, should always use absolute paths
* If there is a warnings for unused varargs parameter (varArgumentsUsed), why
  not for kwargs ?

Longer Term goals:
* Add check for magic #s/consts
	(need dict of consts, count, max count, consts to ignore)
* Add check for unsupported operand type(s) for * + / etc
* Store types of globals, class attributes, function & method return values
* Output stats about pychecker's job, good, bad, otherwise...
	annotate code for problem areas, well checked areas, etc.
* Add original line warnings for those that refer to another place
	(e.g., overridden method doesn't match signature)
* Add capability to check features from a specified version of python
	which is different from runtime interpreter
* Security checks for known issues.  Adrian Likins @redhat recommends 
  looking at
* Make check for 'self' a list instead of a string
* Check function return values - partially complete
* Add check that private functions are used in module/class
* Add check for using object members outside of class
* Add portability checks for win32/unix
* Add check for except: pass
* Spell check doc strings

# need to read source code for these:
* Add warning for unnecessary global stmts
* Add check for implicit string concatentation
* Add check for creating tuple when don't want a tuple, like: 1,
            or not creating tuple when want one, like: (1)
* Warn when using () with statements (assert, print, del, if, while)
* Add check for <>, should use !=
* Find lines that end w/semi-colons (;)
* inconsistent camel-case

Fixing testsuite:
Tested on 2010-12-18, after 2.7 fixes:

  On Fedora 14, system Python 2.7:
7 TESTS FAILED:  test13 test34 test44 test70 test71 test77 test85
  On Fedora 14, source Python 2.6:
6 TESTS FAILED:  test13 test34 test44 test70 test71 test77
  On Fedora 14, source Python 2.5:
6 TESTS FAILED:  test13 test34 test44 test70 test71 test77
  On Fedora 14, source Python 2.4:
4 TESTS FAILED:  test13 test44 test70 test77
  On Fedora 14, source Python 2.3:
8 TESTS FAILED:  test103 test13 test44 test68 test70 test77 test78 test85
  On Fedora 14, source Python 2.2:
11 TESTS FAILED:  test101 test103 test13 test1 test34 test3 test44 test58 test77 test78 test85

Tested on 2009-06-27:

  On Fedora 9, system Python 2.5:
 TESTS FAILED:  test103 test13 test22 test44 test48 test53 test70 test71 test77 test78 test87
  On Fedora 9, Python 2.4 built by hand:
 TESTS FAILED:  test13 test44 test70 test78 test88
  On Fedora 9, Python 2.3 built by hand:
 TESTS FAILED:  test103 test13 test44 test68 test70 test77 test78 test85
  On Fedora 9, Python 2.2 built by hand:
  all tests fail due to a bug in this_mod.__filename__

  test76:  when adding the patch on 2011-01-07 to process nested functions
           in order, line numbers for warnings changed from 6 to 7.
           Not clear which should be correct; it seems like a should be 6
           and d should be 7 ?
  test103: a generator statement run twice should not generate a warning, but
           does in python 2.3 and 2.5, but not 2.4
  test22:  two constant warnings went away since python 2.5
  test26:  fails in 2.6
  test34:  fails in 2.5, 2.6
  added a currency method which uses digits as a local var;
           this shadows global defined in the test.  Not sure if this is
           a valid warning that should be flagged (due to from ... import *)
           I would argue no, since being good or bad shouldn't
           change based on where it's imported from.
           Formatter was added to, without docstring, so looks like
           a valid new warning.
  test36:  fails in 2.6
  test44: imports * from import44, which has a class Ccc named the
           same but whose init takes an extra argument.
  test48:  line 57 (the single character '5') no longer triggers statement
           has no effect warning since python 2.5
  test53:  the operator ~~ stopped generating a warning since python 2.5
  test59:  fails in 2.6
  test68:  only fails in python 2.3
  test70:  5 conditional warnings went away since python 2.5; but test fails in            all
  test71:  unreachable code moved from test a to test c; since 2.5
	   In the pre-2.5 warnings, the line numbers don't point at the
           unreachable code, but the statement before.
           In 2.5 and later, the right blocks don't even get found; it looks
           like this is because the implicit return None is gone from the byte
	   code; compare:

           2.6, py-dis test_input.test71.a
  9          25 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             28 PRINT_ITEM          
             29 PRINT_NEWLINE       

           2.4, py-dis test_input.test71.a
  9          25 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             28 PRINT_ITEM          
             29 PRINT_NEWLINE       
             30 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             33 RETURN_VALUE        

           So the implied return None is not found as a terminal

	   Aditionally, b disassembles differently too:
	   2.6, py-dis test_intput.test71.b
 13          13 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             16 RETURN_VALUE        
        >>   17 POP_TOP             

	   2.4, py-dis test_intput.test71.b
 13          13 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             16 RETURN_VALUE        
             17 JUMP_FORWARD             1 (to 21)
        >>   20 POP_TOP             

  index 9 is different
  test77:  doesn't get error formatting exception value; since 2.5
	   gets linenumber wrong (698 and not 704) in 2.3
  test78: generated output has, at offset 0x35, [?1034h.Warnings; expected
          output does not have this; since 2.3
  test85: 9: Using a conditional statement with a constant value (true)
          fails in 2.3, works in 2.4/2.5/2.6
  test87: the expected output is able to clearly identify the line number
         of a broken up statement; the current output is not and blames
          the first line of the broken up statement; since python 2.5
  test88: DeprecationWarning for whrandom pointing to the prefix path instead
          of expected /usr/lib

Test questions
test3: why does 'dict shadows builtin' trigger in 2.3 but not 2.4/2.5 ?

figure out why running pychecker on test/input/ fails in 2.6
while it doesn't when you copy it to ./ and run it on that
(Probably because there is also test/ and it is trying to import
 that instead ?)