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\hypertarget{dsa_8h}{\section{include/beecrypt/dsa.h File Reference}

Digital Signature Algorithm, as specified by N\-I\-S\-T F\-I\-P\-S 186.  

{\ttfamily \#include \char`\"{}beecrypt/dlkp.\-h\char`\"{}}\\*
Include dependency graph for dsa.\-h\-:
typedef \hyperlink{structdldp__p}{dldp\-\_\-p} \hyperlink{dsa_8h_a101dc535937173652cd69c04f5f0383f}{dsaparam}
typedef \hyperlink{structdlpk__p}{dlpk\-\_\-p} \hyperlink{dsa_8h_a42e7021ed621afc5269b827dbc2d5677}{dsapub}
typedef \hyperlink{structdlkp__p}{dlkp\-\_\-p} \hyperlink{dsa_8h_ae83b8c80466cb3c71c77b3f01207cae2}{dsakp}
int \hyperlink{dsa_8h_a8233bc3b4467867e0256e97688808d58}{dsasign} (const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$p, const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$q, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$g, \hyperlink{structrandomGeneratorContext}{random\-Generator\-Context} $\ast$, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$hm, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$x, \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$r, \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$s)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function performs a raw D\-S\-A signature. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
int \hyperlink{dsa_8h_a072071da4da5af51d7a23805cf4ef3a7}{dsavrfy} (const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$p, const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$q, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$g, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$hm, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$y, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$r, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$s)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function performs a raw D\-S\-A verification. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
int \hyperlink{dsa_8h_ad7479bccc344d29a8402a95998342e9a}{dsaparam\-Make} (\hyperlink{dsa_8h_a101dc535937173652cd69c04f5f0383f}{dsaparam} $\ast$, \hyperlink{structrandomGeneratorContext}{random\-Generator\-Context} $\ast$, size\-\_\-t)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function generates a set of D\-S\-A parameters. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}

\subsection{Detailed Description}
Digital Signature Algorithm, as specified by N\-I\-S\-T F\-I\-P\-S 186. F\-I\-P\-S 186 specifies the D\-S\-A algorithm as having a large prime $p$, a cofactor $q$ and a generator $g$ of a subgroup of $\mathds{Z}^{*}_p$ with order $q$. The private and public key values are $x$ and $y$ respectively.

Bob Deblier \href{}{\tt bob.\-deblier@telenet.\-be} 

\subsection{Typedef Documentation}
\subsubsection[{dsakp}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}typedef {\bf dlkp\-\_\-p} {\bf dsakp}}}\label{dsa_8h_ae83b8c80466cb3c71c77b3f01207cae2}
\subsubsection[{dsaparam}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}typedef {\bf dldp\-\_\-p} {\bf dsaparam}}}\label{dsa_8h_a101dc535937173652cd69c04f5f0383f}
\subsubsection[{dsapub}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}typedef {\bf dlpk\-\_\-p} {\bf dsapub}}}\label{dsa_8h_a42e7021ed621afc5269b827dbc2d5677}

\subsection{Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[{dsaparam\-Make}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int dsaparam\-Make (
\item[{{\bf dsaparam} $\ast$}]{dp, }
\item[{{\bf random\-Generator\-Context} $\ast$}]{rgc, }

This function generates a set of D\-S\-A parameters. 

This function calls dldp\-\_\-pgoq\-Make with appropriate parameters, i.\-e. qsize = 160 bits and cofactor = 1.

{\em dp} & The parameters to be generated. \\
{\em rgc} & The random generator context. \\
{\em psize} & The size of prime parameter p; psize must be $>$= 512 and $<$= 1024, and be a multiple of 64. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 0} & on success. \\
{\em -\/1} & on failure. \\
\subsubsection[{dsasign}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int dsasign (
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{p, }
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{q, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{g, }
\item[{{\bf random\-Generator\-Context} $\ast$}]{rgc, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{hm, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{x, }
\item[{{\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{r, }
\item[{{\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{s}

This function performs a raw D\-S\-A signature. 

Signing equations\-:

\item $r=(g^{k}\ \textrm{mod}\ p)\ \textrm{mod}\ q$ \item $s=k^{-1}(h(m)+xr)\ \textrm{mod}\ q$\end{DoxyItemize}

{\em p} & The prime. \\
{\em q} & The cofactor. \\
{\em g} & The generator. \\
{\em rgc} & The pseudo-\/random generator context. \\
{\em hm} & The hash to be signed. \\
{\em x} & The private key value. \\
{\em r} & The signature's {\itshape r} value. \\
{\em s} & The signature's {\itshape s} value. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 0} & on success. \\
{\em -\/1} & on failure. \\
\subsubsection[{dsavrfy}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int dsavrfy (
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{p, }
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{q, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{g, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{hm, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{y, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{r, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{s}

This function performs a raw D\-S\-A verification. 

Verifying equations\-: \begin{DoxyItemize}
\item Check $0<r<q$ and $0<s<q$ \item $w=s^{-1}\ \textrm{mod}\ q$ \item $u_1=w \cdot h(m)\ \textrm{mod}\ q$ \item $u_2=rw\ \textrm{mod}\ q$ \item $v=(g^{u_1}y^{u_2}\ \textrm{mod}\ p)\ \textrm{mod}\ q$ \item Check $v=r$\end{DoxyItemize}

{\em p} & The prime. \\
{\em q} & The cofactor. \\
{\em g} & The generator. \\
{\em hm} & The digest to be verified. \\
{\em y} & The public key value. \\
{\em r} & The signature's {\itshape r} value. \\
{\em s} & The signature's {\itshape s} value. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 1} & on success. \\
{\em 0} & on failure. \\