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\hypertarget{rsa_8h}{\section{include/beecrypt/rsa.h File Reference}

R\-S\-A algorithm.  

{\ttfamily \#include \char`\"{}beecrypt/rsakp.\-h\char`\"{}}\\*
Include dependency graph for rsa.\-h\-:
int \hyperlink{rsa_8h_a56d0efcbcd2a35d462b32760529fc72f}{rsapub} (const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$n, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$e, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$m, \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$c)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function performs a raw R\-S\-A public key operation. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
int \hyperlink{rsa_8h_a98805e27f1b3f3d009547408b17c5dac}{rsapri} (const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$n, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$d, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$c, \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$m)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function performs a raw R\-S\-A private key operation. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
int \hyperlink{rsa_8h_a9b9fc03593383e25bc06d8acab0a276a}{rsapricrt} (const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$n, const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$p, const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$q, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$dp, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$dq, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$qi, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$c, \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$m)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function performs a raw R\-S\-A private key operation, with application of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. \end{DoxyCompactList}\item 
int \hyperlink{rsa_8h_aca849ebe0d68770764957907baf891b0}{rsavrfy} (const \hyperlink{structmpbarrett}{mpbarrett} $\ast$n, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$e, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$m, const \hyperlink{structmpnumber}{mpnumber} $\ast$c)
\begin{DoxyCompactList}\small\item\em This function performs a raw R\-S\-A verification. \end{DoxyCompactList}\end{DoxyCompactItemize}

\subsection{Detailed Description}
R\-S\-A algorithm. \begin{DoxyAuthor}{Author}
Bob Deblier \href{}{\tt bob.\-deblier@telenet.\-be} 

\subsection{Function Documentation}
\subsubsection[{rsapri}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int rsapri (
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{n, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{d, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{c, }
\item[{{\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{m}

This function performs a raw R\-S\-A private key operation. 

This function can be used for decryption and signing.

It performs the operation\-: \begin{DoxyItemize}
\item $m=c^{d}\ \textrm{mod}\ n$\end{DoxyItemize}

{\em n} & The modulus. \\
{\em d} & The private exponent. \\
{\em c} & The ciphertext. \\
{\em m} & The message. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 0} & on success. \\
{\em -\/1} & on failure. \\
\subsubsection[{rsapricrt}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int rsapricrt (
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{n, }
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{p, }
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{q, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{dp, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{dq, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{qi, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{c, }
\item[{{\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{m}

This function performs a raw R\-S\-A private key operation, with application of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. 

It performs the operation\-: \begin{DoxyItemize}
\item $j_1=c^{dp}\ \textrm{mod}\ p$ \item $j_2=c^{dq}\ \textrm{mod}\ q$ \item $h=qi \cdot (j_1-j_2)\ \textrm{mod}\ p$ \item $m=j_2+hq$\end{DoxyItemize}

{\em n} & The modulus. \\
{\em p} & The first prime factor. \\
{\em q} & The second prime factor. \\
{\em dp} & The private exponent d mod (p-\/1). \\
{\em dq} & The private exponent d (q-\/1). \\
{\em qi} & The inverse of q mod p. \\
{\em c} & The ciphertext. \\
{\em m} & The message. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 0} & on success. \\
{\em -\/1} & on failure. \\
\subsubsection[{rsapub}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int rsapub (
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{n, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{e, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{m, }
\item[{{\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{c}

This function performs a raw R\-S\-A public key operation. 

This function can be used for encryption and verifying.

It performs the following operation\-: \begin{DoxyItemize}
\item $c=m^{e}\ \textrm{mod}\ n$\end{DoxyItemize}

{\em n} & The R\-S\-A modulus. \\
{\em e} & The R\-S\-A public exponent. \\
{\em m} & The message. \\
{\em c} & The ciphertext. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 0} & on success. \\
{\em -\/1} & on failure. \\
\subsubsection[{rsavrfy}]{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 5cm}int rsavrfy (
\item[{const {\bf mpbarrett} $\ast$}]{n, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{e, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{m, }
\item[{const {\bf mpnumber} $\ast$}]{c}

This function performs a raw R\-S\-A verification. 

It verifies if ciphertext {\itshape c} was encrypted from cleartext {\itshape m} with the private key matching the given public key {\itshape }(n, e).

{\em n} & The modulus. \\
{\em e} & The public exponent. \\
{\em m} & The cleartext message. \\
{\em c} & The ciphertext message. \\

\begin{DoxyRetVals}{Return values}
{\em 1} & on success. \\
{\em 0} & on failure. \\