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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
<a name="gnet-developers"></a>GNet for developers</h2></div></div></div>
<div class="toc"><dl>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gnet-developers.html#gnet-developers-compiling">Compiling programs with GNet</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gnet-developers-tips.html">Tips and tricks</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gnet-developers-async.html">Hiding blocking</a></span></dt>
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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="gnet-developers-compiling"></a>Compiling programs with GNet</h2></div></div></div>
	If you are a developer and you want to use GNet in your
	program, you can use the pkg-config script to figure out
	which flags need to set when compiling.  For example, type
	<strong class="userinput"><code>gcc main.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gnet-2.0`</code></strong>
	to compile the program main.c with GNet and link it to GNet. Note that
	those are backticks, not apostrophes. 
	If you use autoconf and automake, you can the pkg-config
	macros to set the appropriate variables.  Just add this to
<pre class="programlisting">
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GNET, gnet-2.0 &gt; 2.0.0,
  AC_MSG_ERROR(Cannot find GNet: do you have the GNet development packages installed?))
