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   <title>Armagetron Advanced: Documentation</title>
   <meta name="description" content="Armagetron Advanced: Documentation">

<table width="90%" align=center>



<td align=center width="15%">
<strong>First Start</strong> 

 <td align=center width="15%">
<a href="install_linux.html" target="_top"> Installation</a>
<td align=center width="15%">
<a href="network.html" target="_top">Network Play</a>

<td align=center width="15%">
<a href="config.html" target="_top">Configuration</a>

<td align=center width="10%">
<a href="faq.html" target="_top">FAQ</a>

<td align=center width="15%">
<a href="compile.html" target="_top">Redistribution</a>


<a name=><h1 align=center>First Start</h1></a>

<a name=><h3 align=left>WARNING: (READ IT! it's NOT legalese, I mean it!)</h3></a>

<p align=justify>
Some people react on flashing lights in a very unpleasant manner:
they experience epileptic seizures. Even if you did never have such
a seizure, you may still be affected by those induced seizures. 
Since Armagetron Advanced contains rhythmic flashing lights (the grid you race
over...), there is a higher risk of induced seizures than in normal
computer games. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, do NOT play Armagetron Advanced on a wide TV
screen or in a dark room and always keep a good eye distance to
your monitor. WE DO NOT FEEL RESPONSIBLE for anything that might happen
to you while playing Armagetron Advanced, even if you do respect these advises
(See legal stuff below). 

<a name=><h3 align=left>How to play</h3></a>

<p align=justify>
The rules are simple: you ride a lightcycle, a kind of motorbike that
can only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a wall behind and cannot be
stopped. Avoid running into a wall while trying to make your opponent run into a wall.
Just in case you do not know: this idea is best known from the Disney
movie "Tron" from 1982. However, that's not the origin of the game idea:
The earliest arcade game of that type was 
<a href="" target=_top><strong>Blockade</strong></a> from 1976, the first known home versions
<a href="" target=_top><strong>SNAFU</strong></a> on the Intellivision from 1981 and
<a href="" target=_top><strong>Surround</strong></a> for the Atari 2600.

<p align=justify>
Acceleration is possible by driving close to player walls, be it your own wall or the
wall of your enemy. Every time you make a turn, you lose a little bit of your speed, so don't be 
too nervous; speed is your only resource against other players!

<a name=><h3 align=left>Quick start</h3></a>
<p align=justify>
First, you'll be confronted with the selection of your favourite language. 
Use CURSOR LEFT/RIGHT to select, then CURSOR_DOWN to move
to the "Accept" menu item. Then, press ENTER/RETURN three times. 
You'll immediately be set to fight against one weak AI opponent.

<a name=><h4 align=left>Initial keyboard layout</h4></a>

<p align=justify>
<tr><td>turn left      </td><td>: y,z,w</td></tr>
<tr><td>turn right     </td><td>: x</td></tr>
<tr><td>brake 	       </td><td>: v</td></tr>
<tr><td>switch camera  </td><td>: c</td></tr>
<tr><td>glance         </td><td>: cursor left/right/down</td></tr>
<tr><td>show scores            </td><td>: TAB</td></tr>
<tr><td>scroll message console </td><td>: page up/down</td></tr>
<tr><td>toggle fullscreen	   </td><td>: f</td></tr>
<tr><td width = 200 >pauses/unpauses the game</td><td>: p</td></tr> 
<tr><td>quit to the game menu</td><td>: q/ESC</td></tr>

<p align=justify>
SHIFT-ESC is the "boss key" and quits Armagetron Advanced as fast as possible.

<a name=><h4 align=left>Menu navigation:</h4></a>

<p align=justify>
<tr><td>Move up one item</td><td>cursor up</td></tr>
<tr><td>Move down one item</td><td>cursor down</td></tr>
<tr><td>Change item</td><td>cursor left/right</td></tr>
<tr><td width = 200>Enter Submenu/Activate item</td><td>return/enter/space</td></tr>
<tr><td>Leave Menu</td><td>ESC</td></tr>

<a name=><h4 align=left>change controls (in "Player Menu"/"Player x"/"(Camera) Input Configuration" and "System Setup"/"Misc Stuff"/"Global Keyboard Configuration"):</h4></a>

<p align=justify>
Press <strong>enter</strong> or <strong>space</strong> on the control you wish to change, then press
the key/mousebutton you want to assign to that control. Moving the
mouse also works. 
Press <strong>delete</strong> or <strong>backspace</strong> to reset the control binds for the selected

<p align=justify>
After your first matches, you should  go into the "Player Menu", set your name,
your keyboard and mouse configuration. Then, get some friends together and try
the multiplayer modes!

<a name=><h3 align=left>Feedback, support, keeping up to date:</h3></a>
<p align=justify>
Visit the <a href="" target=_top><strong>main webpage</strong></a> for up to date information
about Armagetron Advanced and the latest stable builds. Check out the 
<a href="" target=_top><strong>Forums</strong></a> for keeping in touch with
current development and venting your anger that we broke your favorite feature
in the current release. Visit the 
<a href="" target=_top><strong>SourceForge project page</strong></a> to get
informed by email or RSS when a new release is out. Get the latest
alpha and beta builds on <a href="" target=_top><strong>AABeta</strong></a>.

<a name=><h2 align=left>Credits:</h2></a>

Directly from the AUTHORS file:
The AA-DevTeam currently consists of (alphabetic username order):

Real name           SF username     Forum name (empty if identical to SF name)

Dave Fancella       davidfancella   Lucifer
epsy                epsy
Fred                guru3           Tank Program
Jochen Darley       jarrt 
Peter               klaxnek         klax
Kurt Johnson        k_at_work       K
Luke-Jr             luke-jr         
Daniel Harple       nemostultae
Philippe Villeneuve philippeqc
Mathias Plichta     wrtlprnft
Manuel Moos         z-man

E-Mail addresses can be generated by taking the SF username and appending
"". The forum is at

guru3, z-man and davidfancella are the Administrators, any spam goes to them.

Honored former members:
Alex E. Kelly : former Project Administrator
? ? subby     : where and when did he go?

Additional contributions from:
Ben Hines                : first working Mac OS X port
Fabrice Holbe            : original Moviepack and font
Tomas Birraux            : french accents in font
Christian Reitwiessner   : contributed name rendering above cycles
Edd Keefe                : contributed Mac OS X icon and the title screen
hang3r                   : skeleton for more accurate timer on Windows
Jonathan                 : Headlight (needs activation) and overhead map (will be in 0.3.X)
Meriton                  : Replacement for the old buggy Lag-O-Meter
Oscilloscope             : Most default instant chats
Belenus                  : OpenBSD support sniplets
hoop                     : Zone rendering settings

Translators who aren't already cited above:
Rafal Cieslak            : Polish
mygal                    : French
tang322                  : French

External code merged in from:
ID Software         : first version of the low level networking code
David McAllister    : particle system API
Aladdin Enterprises : MD5 Hashsum implementation


Additional thanks go out to:

<li>Chaz Guarino (<b> </b> <script language="JavaScript"> var b = "com"; var c = "Clockwiser"; var a="aol"; document.write(c); document.write("@") ; document.write(a) ; document.write(".") ; document.write(b); </script> ) for extracting the sounds from
the movie in high quality.</li>

(Both the moviepack and the movie sounds are available for download
separately on the old <a href="" target=_top><strong>Addons page</strong></a>
because of their size and copyright issues)

<li>Max Rudberg(<b> </b> <script language="JavaScript"> var b = "com"; var c = "max_08"; var a="mac"; document.write(c); document.write("@") ; document.write(a) ; document.write(".") ; document.write(b); </script> ) for the Mac icon</li>
<li>All the other fans that sent their suggestions and comments, especially eRVee and Andrew Macks!

<a name=><h3 align=left>Legal stuff: license and warranty</h3></a>

<p align=justify>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the 
<a href="COPYING.txt" target=_top>GNU General Public License</a>
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

<p align=justify>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

<p align=justify>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


<p align=center>This document was created by
<a href="" target=_top><strong>Manuel Moos</strong></a>

<p align=center>
Last modification: Sep 11 2011
<p align=center><!--#spaceportsbanner--></p>

<table width="90%" align=center>



<td align=center width="15%">
<strong>First Start</strong> 

 <td align=center width="15%">
<a href="install_linux.html" target="_top"> Installation</a>
<td align=center width="15%">
<a href="network.html" target="_top">Network Play</a>

<td align=center width="15%">
<a href="config.html" target="_top">Configuration</a>

<td align=center width="10%">
<a href="faq.html" target="_top">FAQ</a>

<td align=center width="15%">
<a href="compile.html" target="_top">Redistribution</a>

