

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > e036857fefb7508607a67d09615c55c8 > files > 19


; The general section of this config
; is not currently used, but reserved
; for future use.

; --- Default Information ---
; The default_user and default_bridge sections are applied
; automatically to all ConfBridge instances invoked without
; a user, or bridge argument.  No menu is applied by default.
; Note that while properties of the default_user or default_bridge
; profile can be overridden, if removed, they will be automatically
; added and made available to the dialplan upon module load.

; --- ConfBridge User Profile Options ---
;admin=yes     ; Sets if the user is an admin or not. Off by default.
;marked=yes    ; Sets if this is a marked user or not. Off by default.
;startmuted=yes; Sets if all users should start out muted. Off by default
;music_on_hold_when_empty=yes  ; Sets whether MOH should be played when only
                               ; one person is in the conference or when the
                               ; the user is waiting on a marked user to enter
                               ; the conference. Off by default.
;music_on_hold_class=default   ; The MOH class to use for this user.
;quiet=yes     ; When enabled enter/leave prompts and user intros are not played.
               ; There are some prompts, such as the prompt to enter a PIN number,
               ; that must be played regardless of what this option is set to.
               ; Off by default
;announce_user_count=yes  ; Sets if the number of users should be announced to the
                          ; caller.  Off by default.
;announce_user_count_all=yes ; Sets if the number of users should be announced to
                             ; all the other users in the conference when someone joins.
                             ; This option can be either set to 'yes' or a number.
                             ; When set to a number, the announcement will only occur
                             ; once the user count is above the specified number.
;announce_only_user=yes   ; Sets if the only user announcement should be played
                          ; when a channel enters a empty conference.  On by default.
;wait_marked=yes   ; Sets if the user must wait for a marked user to enter before
                   ; joining the conference. Off by default.
;end_marked=yes ; This option will kick every user with this option set in their
                ; user profile after the last Marked user exists the conference.

;dsp_drop_silence=yes  ; This option drops what Asterisk detects as silence from
                       ; entering into the bridge.  Enabling this option will drastically
                       ; improve performance and help remove the buildup of background
                       ; noise from the conference. Highly recommended for large conferences
                       ; due to its performance enhancements.

;dsp_talking_threshold=128  ; The time in milliseconds of sound above what the dsp has
                            ; established as base line silence for a user before a user
                            ; is considered to be talking.  This value affects several
                            ; operations and should not be changed unless the impact on
                            ; call quality is fully understood.
                            ; What this value affects internally:
                            ; 1. Audio is only mixed out of a user's incoming audio stream
                            ;    if talking is detected.  If this value is set too
                            ;    loose the user will hear themselves briefly each
                            ;    time they begin talking until the dsp has time to
                            ;    establish that they are in fact talking.
                            ; 2. When talk detection AMI events are enabled, this value
                            ;    determines when talking has begun which results in
                            ;    an AMI event to fire.  If this value is set too tight
                            ;    AMI events may be falsely triggered by variants in
                            ;    room noise.
                            ; 3. The drop_silence option depends on this value to determine
                            ;    when the user's audio should be mixed into the bridge
                            ;    after periods of silence.  If this value is too loose
                            ;    the beginning of a user's speech will get cut off as they
                            ;    transition from silence to talking.
                            ; By default this value is 160 ms. Valid values are 1 through 2^31

;dsp_silence_threshold=2000 ; The time in milliseconds of sound falling within the what
                            ; the dsp has established as baseline silence before a user
                            ; is considered be silent.  This value affects several
                            ; operations and should not be changed unless the impact
                            ; on call quality is fully understood.
                            ; What this value affects internally:
                            ; 1. When talk detection AMI events are enabled, this value
                            ;    determines when the user has stopped talking after a
                            ;    period of talking.  If this value is set too low
                            ;    AMI events indicating the user has stopped talking
                            ;    may get falsely sent out when the user briefly pauses
                            ;    during mid sentence.
                            ; 2. The drop_silence option depends on this value to
                            ;    determine when the user's audio should begin to be
                            ;    dropped from the conference bridge after the user
                            ;    stops talking.  If this value is set too low the user's
                            ;    audio stream may sound choppy to the other participants.
                            ;    This is caused by the user transitioning constantly from
                            ;    silence to talking during mid sentence.
                            ; The best way to approach this option is to set it slightly above
                            ; the maximum amount of ms of silence a user may generate during
                            ; natural speech.
                            ; By default this value is 2500ms. Valid values are 1 through 2^31

;talk_detection_events=yes ; This option sets whether or not notifications of when a user
                           ; begins and ends talking should be sent out as events over AMI.
                           ; By default this option is off.

;denoise=yes ; Sets whether or not a denoise filter should be applied
             ; to the audio before mixing or not.  Off by default. Requires
             ; func_speex to be built and installed.  Do not confuse this option
             ; with drop_silence.  Denoise is useful if there is a lot of background
             ; noise for a user as it attempts to remove the noise while preserving
             ; the speech.  This option does NOT remove silence from being mixed into
             ; the conference and does come at the cost of a slight performance hit.

;jitterbuffer=yes  ; Enabling this option places a jitterbuffer on the user's audio stream
                   ; before audio mixing is performed.  This is highly recommended but will
                   ; add a slight delay to the audio.  This option is using the JITTERBUFFER
                   ; dialplan function's default adaptive jitterbuffer.  For a more fine tuned
                   ; jitterbuffer, disable this option and use the JITTERBUFFER dialplan function
                   ; on the user before entering the ConfBridge application.

;pin=1234  ; Sets if this user must enter a PIN number before entering
           ; the conference.  The PIN will be prompted for.
;announce_join_leave=yes ; When enabled, this option will prompt the user for a
                         ; name when entering the conference.  After the name is
                         ; recorded, it will be played as the user enters and exists
                         ; the conference. This option is off by default.
;dtmf_passthrough=yes  ; Sets whether or not DTMF should pass through the conference.
                       ; This option is off by default.
;announcement=</path/to/file> ; Play a sound file to the user when they join the conference.

; --- ConfBridge Bridge Profile Options ---
;max_members=50                ; This option limits the number of participants for a single
                               ; conference to a specific number.  By default conferences
                               ; have no participant limit. After the limit is reached, the
                               ; conference will be locked until someone leaves.  Note however
                               ; that an Admin user will always be alowed to join the conference
                               ; regardless if this limit is reached or not.

;record_conference=yes         ; Records the conference call starting when the first user
                               ; enters the room, and ending when the last user exits the room.
                               ; The default recorded filename is
                               ; 'confbridge-<name of conference bridge>-<start time>.wav
                               ; and the default format is 8khz slinear.  This file will be
                               ; located in the configured monitoring directory in asterisk.conf.

;record_file=</path/to/file>   ; When record_conference is set to yes, the specific name of the
                               ; record file can be set using this option.  Note that since multiple
                               ; conferences may use the same bridge profile, this may cause issues
                               ; depending on the configuration.  It is recommended to only use this
                               ; option dynamically with the CONFBRIDGE() dialplan function. This
                               ; allows the record name to be specified and a unique name to be chosen.
                               ; By default, the record_file is stored in Asterisk's spool/monitor directory
                               ; with a unique filename starting with the 'confbridge' prefix.

;internal_sample_rate=auto     ; Sets the internal native sample rate the
                               ; conference is mixed at.  This is set to automatically
                               ; adjust the sample rate to the best quality by default.
                               ; Other values can be anything from 8000-192000.  If a
                               ; sample rate is set that Asterisk does not support, the
                               ; closest sample rate Asterisk does support to the one requested
                               ; will be used.

;mixing_interval=40     ; Sets the internal mixing interval in milliseconds for the bridge.  This
                        ; number reflects how tight or loose the mixing will be for the conference.
                        ; In order to improve performance a larger mixing interval such as 40ms may
                        ; be chosen.  Using a larger mixing interval comes at the cost of introducing
                        ; larger amounts of delay into the bridge.  Valid values here are 10, 20, 40,
                        ; or 80.  By default 20ms is used.

;video_mode = follow_talker; Sets how confbridge handles video distribution to the conference participants.
                           ; Note that participants wanting to view and be the source of a video feed
                           ; _MUST_ be sharing the same video codec.  Also, using video in conjunction with
                           ; with the jitterbuffer currently results in the audio being slightly out of sync
                           ; with the video.  This is a result of the jitterbuffer only working on the audio
                           ; stream.  It is recommended to disable the jitterbuffer when video is used.
                           ; --- MODES ---
                           ; none: No video sources are set by default in the conference. It is still
                           ;       possible for a user to be set as a video source via AMI or DTMF action
                           ;       at any time.
                           ; follow_talker: The video feed will follow whoever is talking and providing video.
                           ; last_marked: The last marked user to join the conference with video capabilities
                           ;              will be the single source of video distributed to all participants.
                           ;              If multiple marked users are capable of video, the last one to join
                           ;              is always the source, when that user leaves it goes to the one who
                           ;              joined before them.
                           ; first_marked: The first marked user to join the conference with video capabilities
                           ;               is the single source of video distribution among all participants. If
                           ;               that user leaves, the marked user to join after them becomes the source.

;language=en               ; Set the language used for announcements to the conference.
                           ; Default is en (English).

; All sounds in the conference are customizable using the bridge profile options below.
; Simply state the option followed by the filename or full path of the filename after
; the option.  Example: sound_had_joined=conf-hasjoin  This will play the conf-hasjoin
; sound file found in the sounds directory when announcing someone's name is joining the
; conference.

;sound_join  ; The sound played to everyone when someone enters the conference.
;sound_leave ; The sound played to everyone when someone leaves the conference.
;sound_has_joined ; The sound played before announcing someone's name has
                  ; joined the conference. This is used for user intros.
                  ; Example "_____ has joined the conference"
;sound_has_left ; The sound played when announcing someone's name has
                ; left the conference. This is used for user intros.
                ; Example "_____ has left the conference"
;sound_kicked ; The sound played to a user who has been kicked from the conference.
;sound_muted  ; The sound played when the mute option it toggled on.
;sound_unmuted  ; The sound played when the mute option it toggled off.
;sound_only_person ; The sound played when the user is the only person in the conference.
;sound_only_one ; The sound played to a user when there is only one other
                ; person is in the conference.
;sound_there_are  ; The sound played when announcing how many users there
                  ; are in a conference.
;sound_other_in_party; ; This file is used in conjunction with 'sound_there_are"
                       ; when announcing how many users there are in the conference.
                       ; The sounds are stringed together like this.
                       ; "sound_there_are" <number of participants> "sound_other_in_party"
;sound_place_into_conference ; The sound played when someone is placed into the conference
                             ; after waiting for a marked user. This sound is now deprecated
                             ; since it was only ever used improperly and correcting that bug
                             ; made it completely unused.
;sound_wait_for_leader  ; The sound played when a user is placed into a conference that
                        ; can not start until a marked user enters.
;sound_leader_has_left  ; The sound played when the last marked user leaves the conference.
;sound_get_pin ; The sound played when prompting for a conference pin number.
;sound_invalid_pin ; The sound played when an invalid pin is entered too many times.
;sound_locked ; The sound played to a user trying to join a locked conference.
;sound_locked_now ; The sound played to an admin after toggling the conference to locked mode.
;sound_unlocked_now; The sound played to an admin after toggling the conference to unlocked mode.
;sound_error_menu ; The sound played when an invalid menu option is entered.
;sound_begin ; The sound played to the conference when the first marked user enters the conference.

; --- ConfBridge Menu Options ---
; The ConfBridge application also has the ability to
; apply custom DTMF menus to each channel using the
; application.  Like the User and Bridge profiles
; a menu is passed in to ConfBridge as an argument in
; the dialplan.
; Below is a list of menu actions that can be assigned
; to a DTMF sequence.
; To have the first DTMF digit in a sequence be the '#' character, you need to
; escape it.  If it is not escaped then normal config file processing will
; think it is a directive like #include.  For example:
; \#1=toggle_mute                      ; Pressing #1 will toggle the mute setting.
; A single DTMF sequence can have multiple actions associated with it. This is
; accomplished by stringing the actions together and using a ',' as the delimiter.
; Example:  Both listening and talking volume is reset when '5' is pressed.
; 5=reset_talking_volume, reset_listening_volume
; playback(<name of audio file>&<name of audio file>)
                                       ; Playback will play back an audio file to a channel
                                       ; and then immediately return to the conference.
                                       ; This file can not be interupted by DTMF.
                                       ; Mutliple files can be chained together using the
                                       ; '&' character.
; playback_and_continue(<name of playback prompt>&<name of playback prompt>)
                                       ; playback_and_continue will
                                       ; play back a prompt while continuing to
                                       ; collect the dtmf sequence.  This is useful
                                       ; when using a menu prompt that describes all
                                       ; the menu options.  Note however that any DTMF
                                       ; during this action will terminate the prompts
                                       ; playback.  Prompt files can be chained together
                                       ; using the '&' character as a delimiter.
; toggle_mute      ; Toggle turning on and off mute.  Mute will make the user silent
                   ; to everyone else, but the user will still be able to listen in.

; no_op ; This action does nothing (No Operation). Its only real purpose exists for
        ; being able to reserve a sequence in the config as a menu exit sequence.
; decrease_listening_volume ; Decreases the channel's listening volume.
; increase_listening_volume ; Increases the channel's listening volume.
; reset_listening_volume    ; Reset channel's listening volume to default level.

; decrease_talking_volume ; Decreases the channel's talking volume.
; increase_talking_volume ; Icreases the channel's talking volume.
; reset_talking_volume    ; Reset channel's talking volume to default level.
; dialplan_exec(context,exten,priority)  ; The dialplan_exec action allows a user
                                         ; to escape from the conference and execute
                                         ; commands in the dialplan.  Once the dialplan
                                         ; exits the user will be put back into the
                                         ; conference.  The possibilities are endless!
; leave_conference ; This action allows a user to exit the conference and continue
                   ; execution in the dialplan.
; admin_kick_last  ; This action allows an Admin to kick the last participant from the
                   ; conference. This action will only work for admins which allows
                   ; a single menu to be used for both users and admins.
; admin_toggle_conference_lock ; This action allows an Admin to toggle locking and
                               ; unlocking the conference.  Non admins can not use
                               ; this action even if it is in their menu.

; set_as_single_video_src   ; This action allows any user to set themselves as the
                            ; single video source distributed to all participants.
                            ; This will make the video feed stick to them regardless
                            ; of what the video_mode is set to.

; release_as_single_video_src ; This action allows a user to release themselves as
                              ; the video source.  If video_mode is not set to "none"
                              ; this action will result in the conference returning to
                              ; whatever video mode the bridge profile is using.
                              ; Note that this action will have no effect if the user
                              ; is not currently the video source.  Also, the user is
                              ; not guaranteed by using this action that they will not
                              ; become the video source again.  The bridge will return
                              ; to whatever operation the video_mode option is set to
                              ; upon release of the video src.

; admin_toggle_mute_participants ; This action allows an administrator to toggle the mute
                                 ; state for all non-admins within a conference.  All
                                 ; admin users are unaffected by this option.  Note that all
                                 ; users, regardless of their admin status, are notified
                                 ; that the conference is muted.

; participant_count        ; This action plays back the number of participants currently
                           ; in a conference


*2=admin_toggle_conference_lock ; only applied to admin users
2=admin_toggle_conference_lock  ; only applied to admin users
*3=admin_kick_last       ; only applied to admin users
3=admin_kick_last        ; only applied to admin users