

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > e14c39310d9d1b4af985332926836674 > files > 51


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY kappname "<application>Nepomuk-WebMiner</application>">
  <!ENTITY package "kcontrol">
  <!ENTITY kappversion "0.3"><!--Application version. Use this variable everywhere it's needed.-->
  <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
<book lang="&language;">
    <title>The &kappname; Handbook</title>

	<holder>Jörg Ehrichs</holder>


    <date>2012-10-19</date><!-- Date of (re)writing, or update.-->
    <releaseinfo>&kappversion;</releaseinfo><!-- Application version number. Use the variable definitions within header to change this value.-->

        <para>This is the documentation for the &kde; &systemsettings; module that configures the <application>Nepomuk</application> &kappname; service.</para>

	<keyword>KDE</keyword><!-- do not change this! -->
	<keyword>System Settings</keyword>


    <chapter id="introduction">
        The &kappname; finds additional metadata on the internet <emphasis>(via Python plugins)</emphasis> and adds them to Nepomuk.
        It can retrieve data for any document/movie/TV show or music file.

    <chapter id="dolphin-integration">
    <title>&dolphin; Integration</title>
        To start a manual extraction you can start the &kappname; from &dolphin; via the context menu.
        To do this right-click a file or a folder and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Action</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Desktop Search</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
        Here you have 4 different options to fetch the metadata:
                     This will show the extraction dialog but skip any file that already has some metadata attached to it.
                     This will run the extraction job in the background but skip any file that already has some metadata attached to it.
                <para><guilabel>Force Download</guilabel>:
                     Will show the extraction dialog and also include files that already have metadata attached to it.
                     This allows you to manually specify new search parameter and thus correct wrong metadata.
                <para><guilabel>Automatically, Force Download</guilabel>:
                     This will run the extraction job in the background and also replace already any data from a previous extraction job.

    <chapter id="extractor-dialog">
    <title>Extractor Dialog</title>
      <screeninfo>Screenshot of &kappname;</screeninfo>
                <imagedata fileref="dialog.png" format="PNG" />
                <phrase>Screenshot of &kappname;</phrase>
        The dialog allows to adjust the search parameter for each file. For each file the automatically extracted metadata can be seen in <command>1</command>.
        Depending on the file type different search options are available. For a movie it is the title, for a TV show it is the name, season and episode,
        for publications it is the author and title.
        Beside the search parameter it is possible to switch the used plugin for the lookup. By default the preferred plugin is selected.
        Additional settings are available via the configure buttons as seen in <command>2</command>.
        Once everything is setup correctly the lookup can be started via the <guibutton>Search</guibutton> button.
        All search results will be listed in the list view <command>3</command>.
        Select the right entry you want fetch here.
        Some more details about the currently selected entry is shown in <command>4</command>. The show online link will open the webbrowser with the website
        that will be used for the data extraction. To start the extraction click on the <guibutton>Fetch Metadata</guibutton> button.
        The results of the item extraction is shown in the list <command>5</command>. To save the metadata press the <guibutton>Save</guibutton> button.
        To select a different file in the list of files the <guibutton>Previous</guibutton> and <guibutton>Next</guibutton> buttons in <command>6</command> can be used.

    <chapter id="service">
        The background service is responsible for the metadata extraction for each new file on the disk.
        As soon as the <application>Nepomuk fileindexer</application> detects a new file the extractor is
        started and tries to fetch additional data from the internet.
            This will cause a lot of traffic especially when Nepomuk starts its initial indexing.

    <chapter id="settings">

    <sect1 id="fetcher-settings">
    The fetcher settings handle the general behavior of the &kappname;.
                <guilabel>Download Banner/Poster/Cover</guilabel>:
                 If enabled the extractor looks for the matching poster/banner or cover of the item to fetch.
                 The image will be saved into the application directory and added to the resource via <application>Nepomuk</application>.
                <guilabel>Save Banner in Resource Folder</guilabel>:
                 Instead of saving the image into the application directory the image is saved next to the file.
                         Might lead to duplicated images if the same image for two different resources will be saved in different folders.
                         This can happen for TV shows and the season posters, when the episodes are in two different folders.
                <guilabel>Download Publication References</guilabel>:
                 This option allows the publication search to download all cited references of the current publication resource.
                         As most publications tend to have many cited resources, this will take a lot of time.
                         If the information about the cited resources are not needed or just for a few resources, it is better to
                         disable this option. The cited references can be retrieved later on for a single resource if necessary.
            <guilabel>Preferred Plugin</guilabel>:
             Defines which plugin will be used first to fetch the metadata from. Only if the first search failed the other plugins are queried
             to get the information.

    <sect1 id="fetcher-plugins">
        In this list all available plugins are shown. For more information about the plugin press the <guibutton>Info</guibutton> button.
        Some plugins allow to specify additional settings which can be seen via the <guibutton>Configure</guibutton> button.

    <sect1 id="fetcher-service">
    The service settings allow to <command>enable/disable</command> the background service.
    If the service is enabled the extractor will be run on each newly indexed file created by the <application>Nepomuk fileindexerservice</application>.

    When the service is disabled the metadata will only be fetched if the user requests it via the &dolphin; context menu.

    The number of <guilabel>Simultaneous calls</guilabel> denotes the number of extractor processes that are executed at the same time.
            A large number of simultaneous running processes can lead to an unresponsive system.
            Good values for this entry are between 1 and 6.
        <para> <guilabel>Fetch document information</guilabel>:
	When this option is enabled the Service will automatically fetch additional information about any document that got indexed by Nepomuk.
             This could expose private data to the used plugin search engine. The search will use data from the filename, any given metadata attached to the file and some possible title string from the first page of any pdf file.
	  If you are not sure you want this, leave this option disabled and call the metadata extractor manually on any document that should be used.
        <para> <guilabel>Fetch music information</guilabel>:
	When this option is enabled the Service will automatically fetch additional information about any music file that got indexed by Nepomuk. If disabled you need to start the extractor manually for any music file.
        <para> <guilabel>Fetch video information</guilabel>:
	When this option is enabled the Service will automatically fetch additional information about any video file that got indexed by Nepomuk. If disabled you need to start the extractor manually for any video file.


    <chapter id="credits"><title>Credits and License</title> 

