

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > e5dacb39141c2088e2c30e21fa0b2b06 > files > 41



# Ideen:
# - Header
# - Copyright drin?
# - Globale Variablen
#   - Zu viele?
#   - Check Namen in der Variable?

import os, sys, re, getopt, operator
import reindent

on_tty = sys.stdout.isatty()

if on_tty:
    tty_black     = '\033[30m'
    tty_red       = '\033[31m'
    tty_green     = '\033[32m'
    tty_yellow    = '\033[33m'
    tty_blue      = '\033[34m'
    tty_magenta   = '\033[35m'
    tty_cyan      = '\033[36m'
    tty_white     = '\033[37m'
    tty_bgred     = '\033[41m'
    tty_bggreen   = '\033[42m'
    tty_bgyellow  = '\033[43m'
    tty_bgblue    = '\033[44m'
    tty_bgmagenta = '\033[45m'
    tty_bgcyan    = '\033[46m'
    tty_bgwhite   = '\033[47m'
    tty_bold      = '\033[1m'
    tty_underline = '\033[4m'
    tty_normal    = '\033[0m'
    tty_ok        = tty_green + tty_bold + 'OK' + tty_normal
    tty_error     = tty_red + tty_bold + 'ERROR' + tty_normal
    tty_black     = ''
    tty_red       = ''
    tty_green     = ''
    tty_yellow    = ''
    tty_blue      = ''
    tty_magenta   = ''
    tty_cyan      = ''
    tty_white     = ''
    tty_bgred     = ''
    tty_bggreen   = ''
    tty_bgyellow  = ''
    tty_bgblue    = ''
    tty_bgmagenta = ''
    tty_bgcyan    = ''
    tty_bold      = ''
    tty_underline = ''
    tty_normal    = ''
    tty_ok        = 'OK'
    tty_error     = 'ERROR'

__name__ = 'asd'
if os.path.exists("validate_checks"):
defaults_path = 'defaults'
#autochecks = []
__name__ = '__main__'

def get_checks():
    files = os.listdir('checks')
    return [ f for f in files if f.endswith(".include") and not f.startswith('.') ] + \
       [ f for f in files if not f.endswith(".include") and not f.startswith('.') ]

def get_perfometer_files():
    files = os.listdir('web/plugins/perfometer')
    return [ f for f in files if f.endswith(".py") and not f.startswith('.') ]

def check_has_perfdata(check):
    return check_info[check].get("has_perfdata", False)

def get_all_checks():
    k = check_info.keys()
    return k

def is_snmp_check(check):
    return check in snmp_info

def all_nonfunction_vars():
    return set([ name for name,value in globals().items() if name[0] != '_' and type(value) != type(lambda:0) ])

def get_manpage(check):
    if not check in manpage:
            manpage[check] = open('checkman/%s' % check.split('.')[0]).read()
        except IOError, e:
            manpage[check] = ""
    return manpage[check]

def get_checkfile(check):
    if not check in checkfiles:
            checkfiles[check] = open('checks/%s' % check.split('.')[0]).read()
        except IOError, e:
            checkfiles[check] = ""
    return checkfiles[check]

def grep_manpage(check, match, section = None):
    manpage = get_manpage(check)
    if section is None:
        return not, manpage) is None
        sec_started = False
        for line in [ l.strip() for l in manpage.split("\n") ]:
            if line == '[%s]' % section:
                # Block starts with this line
                sec_started = True
            elif sec_started == True and (line == '' or line.startswith('[')):
                # Reached nex section. Didn't find a match ... so return false
                return False
            elif sec_started == True:
                if not, line) is None:
                    return True
        return False

def usage(msg = ''):
    if msg:
        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
    for s, l, t in _args:
        sys.stderr.write('  %3s, --%-15s    %s\n' % ('-'+s.rstrip(':'), l, t))

ignored_variables = [
  # Python Module
  'datetime', 'timedelta',
  # Misc vars

# Load all checks and record global var definitions
# Also read the man pages
global_vars = {}
invalid_global_vars = {}
for check in get_checks():
    vars_before_check = all_nonfunction_vars()
    execfile('checks/%s' % check)
    vars_after_check = all_nonfunction_vars()

    global_vars[check] = []
    for name in vars_after_check:
        if name not in ignored_variables and name not in vars_before_check:
            global_vars[check] += [ name ]

# Load all perfometers
perfometers = {}
for f in get_perfometer_files():
    execfile('web/plugins/perfometer/' + f)


C_OK        = 1
C_FAILED    = 2


    'manpage':     C_OK,
    'snmp_scan':   C_OK,
    'pnp_tmpl':    C_OK,
    'perfometer':  C_OK,
    'snmp_scan':   C_OK,
    'reindent':    C_OK,
    'global_vars': C_OK,
    'linelength':  C_OK,
    'wato':        C_OK,
    'debug':       C_OK,

    'manpage':      2,
    'global_vars':  2,
    'reindent':     2,
    'linelength':   2,
    'debug':       10,

manpage    = {}
checkfiles = {}

# #############################################################################
# Check definitions
# #############################################################################

# Verify global vars:
# - Are the global configuration vars mentioned in the manpage
# - Are the other (internal) helper vars namend correctly

def is_valid_global_vars(check):
    return True

def verify_global_vars(check):
    check_file = check.split('.')[0]

    # No global vars registered by this check
    if not check_file in global_vars:
        return True

    # Loop all global vars of this check and verify them
    for var in global_vars[check_file]:
        invalid = False
        if not var.islower():
            invalid = True

        # Documented configuration vars can be skipped
        if not invalid and grep_manpage(check, "^%s" % var, 'configuration'):

        # Check unknown vars for correct prefix
        if not var.startswith('%s_' % check_file):
            invalid = True

        if invalid:
            if not check_file in invalid_global_vars:
                invalid_global_vars[check_file] = [ var ]
                invalid_global_vars[check_file] += [ var ]

    return not check_file in invalid_global_vars

# Reindent code:
# - Is there some code to be reindented?

def is_valid_reindent(check):
    return True

def verify_reindent(check):
    f = open('checks/%s' % check.split('.')[0])
    r = reindent.Reindenter(f)
    return not

# Debug:
# - are there 'print' statements in the code?
# - are there 'sys.*.write' statements?

def is_valid_debug(check):
    return True

def verify_debug(check):
    f = open('checks/%s' % check.split('.')[0])
    for l in"\n"):
        l = l.strip()
        if l.startswith('print ') or l.startswith('print('):
            return False
        elif l.startswith('sys.stdout.write'):
            return False
        elif l.startswith('sys.stderr.write'):
            return False
    return True

# Toooo long lines:
# - Are there too long lines in the check?

def is_valid_linelength(check):
    return True

def verify_linelength(check):
    """ Read the checkfile and compare all lines with the maximum line length """
    for line in get_checkfile(check).split("\n"):
        if len(line) > LINELENGTH_LIMIT:
            return False
    return True

# Manpage:
# - Does the check have a manpage?

def is_valid_manpage(check):
    return True

def verify_manpage(check):
    return os.path.exists('checkman/%s' % check)

# SNMP scan function:
# - Does the snmp check have a scan function?

def is_valid_snmp_scan(check):
    return is_snmp_check(check)

def verify_snmp_scan(check):
    return check in snmp_scan_functions

# PNP-Template:
# Does the chekc which produces perfdata have a pnp template?

def is_valid_pnp_tmpl(check):
    return check_has_perfdata(check)

def verify_pnp_tmpl(check):
    return os.path.exists('pnp-templates/check_mk-%s.php' % check)

# Perfometer:
# Checks with perfdata should provide a perfometer

def is_valid_perfometer(check):
    return check_has_perfdata(check)

def verify_perfometer(check):
    return 'check_mk-' + check in perfometers

# Has this check a group assigned to?
def is_valid_wato(check):
    return True

def verify_wato(check):
    group = check_info[check]["group"]
    if group == "obsolete":
        return True

    now = False
    for line in file("web/plugins/wato/"):
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith("checkgroups.append(("):
            now = True
        elif now:
            this_group = line.strip(",").strip('"').strip("'")
            if group == this_group:
                return True
            now = False
            now = False
    return False

# #############################################################################
# #############################################################################

_args = [
    ('t:', 'tests=',       'Put one or more tests (comma separated) to limit the validations to perform'),
    ('c:', 'checks=',      'Put one or more checks (comma separated) to limit the checks to validate'),
    ('l:', 'score-limit=', 'Set an upper score limit. Only checks with a lower score will be shown'),
    ('a', 'alternative-output', 'Choose an alternative output format (only listing the problems)'),
    ('v',  'verbose',      'Enable verbose output'),
    ('h',  'help',         'Show help message'),

_verbose            = 0
_score_limit        = None
_checks             = []
_tests              = []
_alternative_output = False

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ''.join([ x[0] for x in _args ]), [ x[1] for x in _args ])
except getopt.error, msg:
for o, a in opts:
    if o in ('-v', '--verbose'):
        _verbose += 1
    elif o in ('-l', '--score-limit'):
        _score_limit = int(a)
    elif o in ('-a', '--alternative-output'):
        _alternative_output = True

    elif o in ('-c', '--checks'):
        _checks = a.split(',')
    elif o in ('-t', '--tests'):
        _tests = a.split(',')
        TESTS = dict([ (k, v) for k, v in TESTS.iteritems() if k in _tests ])
    elif o in ('-h', '--help'):
        usage('Unhandled parameter: %s' % str(o))


# 1) Perform checks
results = {}
for check in get_all_checks():
    if _checks and not check in _checks:

    score         = SCORE_START
    check_results = TESTS.copy()

    for test in TESTS.keys():
        if eval('is_valid_%s(\'%s\')' % (test, check)):
            if not eval('verify_%s(\'%s\')' % (test, check)):
                check_results[test] = C_FAILED
                score -= WEIGHT.get(test, 1)
            check_results[test] = C_INVALID

    if _score_limit is None or score < _score_limit:
        results[check] = (score, check_results)

# 2) Sort by score
results = sorted(results.iteritems(), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]))

# 3) Output the results
if not _alternative_output:
    sys.stdout.write('%-25s' % 'Check')
    for _f in TESTS.keys():
        sys.stdout.write('%-15s' % (_f+' (%d)' % WEIGHT.get(_f, 1)))
    sys.stdout.write('%-8s' % 'Score')

for check, (score, check_results) in results:
    if score == SCORE_START:
        color = tty_green
    elif score == 9:
        color = tty_yellow
        color = tty_red

    if not _alternative_output:
        sys.stdout.write('%s%-25s%s' % (color, check, tty_normal))

    first = True
    for _f in TESTS.keys():
        if _alternative_output:
            if check_results[_f] == C_FAILED:
                if first:
                    sys.stdout.write("%-25s" % check)
                    first = False
                sys.stdout.write("%s " % _f)
            if check_results[_f] == C_FAILED:
                sub_color = tty_red
                label = ':-('
            elif check_results[_f] == C_INVALID:
                sub_color = tty_normal
                label = ''
                sub_color = tty_green
                label = ':-)'

            sys.stdout.write('%s%-15s%s' % (sub_color, label, tty_normal))

    if not _alternative_output:
        sys.stdout.write('%s%-8s%s' % (color, score, tty_normal))
    if not _alternative_output or not first:

if _verbose > 0:
    sys.stdout.write("Invalid global vars by check:\n")
    # sort checks by name
    for check, vars in sorted(invalid_global_vars.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)):
        for var in vars:
            sys.stdout.write("%-25s: %s\n" % (check, var))