

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > e7a80ff77b746c3435d5ab9ab3668031 > files > 31


 Authentication and Freeciv database support (fcdb)

The Freeciv server allows the authentication of users, although by default
it is not enabled, and anyone can connect with any name.

In order to support authentication, the Freeciv server needs access to a
database backend in which to store the credentials. To support different
database backends, the database access code is written in Lua using luasql.
In principle, luasql supports SQLite3, MySQL, and Postgres backends, and
the Freeciv server can be built with any or all of these; however, the
supplied scripts currently do not support Postgres out of the box.

As well as storing and retrieving usernames and passwords, the supplied
database access script logs the time and IP address of each attempted
login, although this information is not used by the Freeciv server itself.

To use the Freeciv database and authentication, the server has to be built
with the '--enable-fcdb' and '--enable-auth' options to 'configure'. It
must also be installed properly, as it searches for database.lua in the
install location; the server cannot simply be run from a build directory if
authentication is required.

 Quick setup: SQLite

The simplest setup is to use the SQLite backend, and this is probably the
best option for new deployments. In this setup, the authentication data is
stored in a simple file accessed directly by the Freeciv server; there is
no need for a separate database server process.

In order to use this, the server must have been built with

To set this up, first create a database configuration file called something
like fc_auth.conf, with the 'database' key specifying where the database
file is to live (of course it must be readable and writable by the Freeciv


(For more information on the format of this file, see below. There are more
settings available, but this file is entirely sufficient for a SQLite

Now start the server with
  freeciv-server --Database fc_auth.conf --auth --Newusers

The first time you do this, you need to create the database file and its
tables with the following server command:
  /fcdb lua sqlite_createdb()

Now you can create some users by connecting with the client; due to the
--Newusers flag, when you connect with the client with a previously unknown
username, the server will prompt for a password and save the new account to
the database.

You may want to prepopulate the users table this way and then restart the
server without --Newusers for the actual game, or you can run the game with

 Advanced SQLite usage

SQLite supports working with a temporary database in memory which is never
written to disk. To do this, specify 'database=":memory:"' in the
configuration file. The database will last only for the lifetime of the
freeciv-server process; its contents will be lost if the server quits or
crashes (it is not saved in the saved game file). You'll probably need the
--Newusers option :)


This setup uses a network connection to a separate MySQL database server.
MySQL was the only backend supported before Freeciv version 2.4, so is
supported for backward compatibility, but SQLite is probably a better
option for new deployments unless you have special requirements.

In order to use this, the server must have been built with

You can still use an existing pre-2.4 MySQL authentication database with
Freeciv 2.4 or later. Note however that the format of the configuration
file has changed slightly from that which used to be supplied to the --auth
 - Section header is now '[fcdb]' instead of '[auth]'
 - You should add 'backend="mysql"'
 - the 'table' directive is now called 'table_user', and the default table
   name is now 'fcdb_auth'; if your setup relied on the old default, you'll
   need 'table_user="auth"'
 - the 'login_table' directive is now called 'table_log', and the default
   table name is now 'fcdb_log'; if your setup relied on the old default,
   you'll need 'table_log="loginlog"'

If you want to use MySQL for a fresh userbase, the supplied
scripts/ can be used to create database tables in an
existing MySQL database, and a suitable config file describing that
database, which can be passed to the server's '--Database' option.

Before running this script, you will need to have a MySQL database server
running, with a user account for the Freeciv server and a database to
contain the data (ideally empty). (The space required for a Freeciv user
database is very small.)

Having created the tables and config file, you should be able to invoke the
server in a similar way to SQLite.

 Command-line options

The following server command-line options are relevant to authentication:

  -D, --Database <conffile>
      Specifies a configuration file describing how to connect to the
      database. Without this, all authentication will fail.
  -a, --auth
      Enable authentication. Without this, anyone will be able to connect
      without authentication, and --Database has no effect.
  -G, --Guests
      Allow guests. These are usernames with names starting "guest". If
      enabled, any number of guests may connect without accounts in the
      database; if a guest name is already in use by a connection, a new
      guest name is generated.
      Once connected, guests have the same privileges as any other account.
      If this option is not specified, accounts are required to connect,
      and guest account names are forbidden.
  -N, --Newusers
      Allow Freeciv clients to create new user accounts through the Freeciv
      Without this, only accounts which already exist in the database can
      connect (which might be desirable if you wants users to register via
      a web front end, for instance).

 Lua script database.lua

This script is responsible for checking usernames, fetching passwords, and
saving new users (if --Newusers is enabled). It encapsulates access to the
database backend, and hence the details of the table layout.

The script lives in data/database.lua in the source tree, and is installed
to 'sysconfdir'; depending on the options given to 'configure' at build
time, this may be a location like /usr/local/etc/freeciv/database.lua.

The supplied version supports basic authentication against a SQLite or
MySQL database; if that's sufficient for you, it's not necessary to
read on.

Freeciv expects the following lua functions to be defined in database.lua:

  -- try to load data for an existing user
  -- return TRUE if user exists, FALSE otherwise
  function user_load(conn)
  -- save a new user to the database
  function user_save(conn)
  -- log the connection attempt (success is boolean)
  function user_log(conn, success)

  -- test and initialise the database connection
  function database_init()
  -- free the database connection
  function database_free()

Where 'conn' is on object representing the connection to the client which
requests access.

The return status of all of these functions should be one of


indicating an error, a positive or a negative result.

The following lua functions are provided by Freeciv:

  -- return the client-specified username
  -- return the client IP address (string)
  -- tell the server (the MD5 hash of) the correct password to check against
  -- for this connection (usually to be called by user_load())
  -- returns whether this succeeded
  auth.set_password(conn, password)
  -- return (the MD5 hash of) the password for this connection (as specified
  -- by the client in user_save(), or as previously set by set_password()).

  -- return a value from the --Database configuration file

'type' selects one of the entries in the configuration file. An example
configuration file is shown on the right:

  fcdb.param.BACKEND            backend="mysql"
  fcdb.param.HOST               host="localhost"
  fcdb.param.USER               user="Freeciv"
  fcdb.param.PORT               port="3306"
  fcdb.param.PASSWORD           password="s3krit"
  fcdb.param.DATABASE           database="Freeciv"
  fcdb.param.TABLE_USER         table_user="auth"
  fcdb.param.TABLE_LOG          table_log="loginlog"

Freeciv also provides some of the same Lua functions that ruleset scripts
get -- log.*(), _(), etc -- but the script is executing in a separate
context from ruleset scripts, and does not have access to signals, game
data, etc.


* Move password comparison / policy to Lua script
* Give database.lua access to do more stuff <>
* Allow setting cmdlevel per-user, etc <>
* Give database.lua access to game signals and events
* Allow arbitrary config keys in config file to be read by database.lua
* Lua script for postgres <>
* Improve this README