

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > f431c1ba345880727d1f84e7ba508075 > files > 10


#! /usr/bin/perl
#        This Perl script is Copyright (c) 2011, Peter J Billam         #
#                                               #
#                                                                       #
#     This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
#            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.             #
my $Version       = '1.2';
my $VersionDate   = '03nov2011';
use open ':locale';

my $InputPort = '';
while ($ARGV[$[] =~ /^-([a-z])/) {
	if ($1 eq 'v')      { shift;
		my $n = $0; $n =~ s{^.*/([^/]+)$}{$1};
		print "$n version $Version $VersionDate\n";
		exit 0;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'p' or $1 eq 'i') { shift; $InputPort = shift;
	} else {
		print "usage:\n";  my $synopsis = 0;
		while (<DATA>) {
			if (/^=head1 SYNOPSIS/)     { $synopsis = 1; next; }
			if ($synopsis && /^=head1/) { last; }
			if ($synopsis && /\S/)      { s/^\s*/   /; print $_; next; }
		exit 0;
if (!$InputPort) { $InputPort = $ENV{'ALSA_INPUT_PORTS'}; }
if (!$InputPort) { die "-p not specified and ALSA_INPUT_PORTS not set\n"; }

use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
eval 'require MIDI'; if ($@) {
	die "you'll need to install the MIDI-Perl module from\n";
eval 'require MIDI::ALSA'; if ($@) {
	die "you'll need to install the MIDI::ALSA module from\n";

MIDI::ALSA::client("$0 MIDI::ALSA client", 1, 0, 1) or die "client failed";
foreach my $cl_po (split /,/, $InputPort) {
    if (! MIDI::ALSA::connectfrom( 0, $cl_po )) {
        die "can't connect from ALSA client $cl_po\n";
MIDI::ALSA::start() or die "start failed";

my @score = (1000, [['set_tempo',0,1000000],]);
sub discon {
	warn " Writing to file $ARGV[$[]\n";
	score2file($ARGV[$[], @score);
	exit 0;
$SIG{INT} = \&discon;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&discon;

while (1) {
	# must exit the loop on SIGINT ...
	@alsaevent = MIDI::ALSA::input();
	if (!@alsaevent) { warn "interrupted\n"; last; }
		warn "unsubscribed\n"; last;
	my @scoreevent = MIDI::ALSA::alsa2scoreevent(@alsaevent);
	if (@scoreevent) { push @{$score[1]}, \@scoreevent; }
warn " Writing to file $ARGV[$[]\n";
score2file($ARGV[$[], @score);
exit 0;

#--------------------- Encoding stuff from midisox_pl -------------------

sub opus2file {
	my ($filename, @opus) = @_;
	# print "opus2file: filename=$filename opus = ", Dumper(@opus);
	my $format = 1;
	if (2 == @opus) { $format = 0; }
	my $cpan_opus = MIDI::Opus->new(
		{'format'=>$format, 'ticks'  => 1000, 'tracks' => []});
	# my $tracks_r = $cpan_opus->tracks_r();
	my @list_of_tracks = ();
	my $itrack = $[+1;
	while ($itrack <= $#opus) {
		push @list_of_tracks,
		 MIDI::Track->new({ 'type' => 'MTrk', 'events' => $opus[$itrack]});
		$itrack += 1;
	# print "opus2file: list_of_tracks = ", Dumper(@list_of_tracks);
	# $cpan_opus->dump({'dump_tracks'=>1});
	if ($filename eq '-') {
		$cpan_opus->write_to_file( '>-' );
		# $cpan_opus->write_to_handle({'to_handle' => *STDOUT{IO}});
	} elsif ($filename eq '-d') {
		$PID = fork;
		if (! $PID) {
			if (!open(P, '| aplaymidi -')) { die "can't run aplaymidi: $!\n"; }
			$cpan_opus->write_to_handle( *P{IO}, {} );
			close P;
			exit 0;
	} else {

sub score2opus {
	if (2 > @_) { return (1000, []); }
	my ($ticks, @tracks) = @_;
	# print "score2opus: tracks is ", Dumper(@tracks);
	my @opus = ($ticks,);
	my $itrack = $[;
	while ($itrack <= $#tracks) {
		# MIDI::Score::dump_score( $_[$itrack] );
		# push @opus, MIDI::Score::score_r_to_events_r($_[$itrack]);
		my %time2events = ();
		foreach my $scoreevent_ref (@{$tracks[$itrack]}) {
			my @scoreevent = @{$scoreevent_ref};
			# print "score2opus: scoreevent = @scoreevent\n";
			if ($scoreevent[0] eq 'note') {
				my @note_on_event = ('note_on',$scoreevent[1],
				my @note_off_event = ('note_off',$scoreevent[1]+$scoreevent[2],
				if ($time2events{$note_on_event[1]}) {
				   push @{$time2events{$note_on_event[1]}}, \@note_on_event;
				} else {
				   @{$time2events{$note_on_event[1]}} = (\@note_on_event,);
				if ($time2events{$note_off_event[1]}) {
				   push @{$time2events{$note_off_event[1]}}, \@note_off_event;
				} else {
				   @{$time2events{$note_off_event[1]}} = (\@note_off_event,);
			} elsif ($time2events{$scoreevent[1]}) {
			   push @{$time2events{$scoreevent[1]}}, \@scoreevent;
			} else {
			   @{$time2events{$scoreevent[1]}} = (\@scoreevent,);

		my @sorted_events = (); # list of event_refs sorted by time
		for my $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %time2events) {
			push @sorted_events, @{$time2events{$time}};

		my $abs_time = 0;
		for my $event_ref (@sorted_events) {  # convert abs times => delta times
			my $delta_time = ${$event_ref}[1] - $abs_time;
			$abs_time = ${$event_ref}[1];
			${$event_ref}[1] = $delta_time;
		push @opus, \@sorted_events;
		$itrack += 1;
	return (@opus);

sub score2file { my ($filename, @score) = @_;
	my @opus = score2opus(@score);
	return opus2file($filename, @opus);



=head1 NAME

armid - rough arecordmidi work-alike, to demonstrate MIDI::ALSA


 armid -p 28 out.mid


This script is a rough arecordmidi work-alike, to demonstrate MIDI::ALSA

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 3

=item I<-p 28:0,32:0>

Records from the ALSA clients 28 and 32;
the default is the envronment variable ALSA_INPUT_PORTS

=item I<-v>

Prints version number.


=head1 CHANGES

 20111103  1.2  use the new MIDI-ALSA 1.11 to handle portnames
 20111031  1.1  connects from multiple (comma-separated) ports
 20110310  1.0  first working version

=head1 AUTHOR

Peter J Billam

=head1 CREDITS

Based on

=head1 SEE ALSO
