

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > f431c1ba345880727d1f84e7ba508075 > files > 13


#! /usr/bin/perl
#        This Perl script is Copyright (c) 2006, Peter J Billam         #
#     c/o P J B Computing, GPO Box 669, Hobart TAS 7001, Australia      #
#                                                                       #
#     This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
#            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.             #
# Could do:
# Option  -R = ReadOnly ?
# If there are NEW SECTION markers, we should offer save-in-sections
# When editing a note-pitch, midi-keyboard input could be accepted, perhaps
#  even without a  p=pitch  first.  Should it also edit the v=velocity ?
# u=undo seems to mess up deltatimes ? :-(
# eschew $Now= in favour of time_travel() !

# Not so convincing:
# It should be possible to choose, when moving times (arrows,page):
#  terminate on-notes, or not terminate on-notes.
#  Perhaps HJKL could mean do-not-terminate,
#  and the Page keys could follow the previous u/l case of the hjkl keys ?

# 20120910
# File/Fork (suggests *a(_[a-z][a-z])?.mid),
# File/New ("save $filename first ? y/n"),
# File/Save (="w"),
# File/Quit (="q")

use Time::HiRes;  # 5.3

my $Version = '6.0'; # display_events remembers the Ped/* state by channel
my $VersionDate = '20130404';
my $UseCurses = 1;
my $TopKeystrokesLine;   # set by display_keystrokes
my $OutputPort = $ENV{'ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS'};

while ($ARGV[$[] =~ /^-(\w)/) {
	if ($1 eq 'd')      { $UseCurses = 0; shift;
	} elsif ($1 eq 'o') { shift; $OutputPort = shift;
	} else {
my $n = $0; $n =~ s#^.*/([^/]+)$#$1#;
print <<EOT; exit 0;
    $n filename.mid       # new specialised Curses and ALSA mode
    $n -d filename.mid    # older dump and text-editor mode
    perldoc $n            # read the real Documentation !
Version $Version   $VersionDate

eval 'require MIDI'; if ($@) {
   die "you need to install the MIDI::Perl module from\n";
import MIDI;
if ($UseCurses) {
	eval 'require Curses'; if ($@) {
		die "you need to install the Curses module from\n";
	import Curses;
	eval 'require MIDI::ALSA'; if ($@) {
		die "you need to install the MIDI::ALSA module from\n";
	import MIDI::ALSA;
} else {
	eval 'require Term::Clui'; if ($@) {
		die "you need to install the Term::Clui module from\n";
	import Term::Clui;

my @note2letter=split / /,'C C D E E F F G G A B B c c d e e f f g g a b b';
my @note2acc = ('','#','','b','','','#','','#','','b','');
my %sysex2str = (   # 3.6
	"\x7E\x7F\x09\x01\xF7" => 'gm 1',
	"\x7E\x7F\x09\x01\xF7" => 'gm on',
	"\x7E\x7F\x09\x02\xF7" => 'gm off',
	"\x7E\x7F\x09\x03\xF7" => 'gm 2',

if (! $UseCurses) {
	my $opus = MIDI::Opus->new({ 'from_file' => $ARGV[$[]});
	open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT") || die "couldn't dup STDOUT: $!";
	close STDOUT;
	my $text;
	if (!open(STDOUT,'>',\$text)) { die "can't open STDOUT in-memory: $!\n"; }
	print "# see   perldoc MIDI::Event\n\$newopus = ";
	close STDOUT;
	open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT") || die "couldn't dup SAVEOUT: $!";
	my @text = split(/\n/, $text);
	my $tmp = "/tmp/midiedit.$$";
	if (! open(T, '>', $tmp)) { die "can't open $tmp: $!\n"; }
	local $ticks = 0;
	foreach my $line (@text) { print T $line.line2comment($line)."\n"; }
	close T;
	while (1) {
		unless ($return = do $tmp) {
			warn "couldn't parse $tmp: $@\n" if $@;
			warn "couldn't do $tmp: $!\n"    unless defined $return;
			warn "couldn't run $tmp\n"       unless $return;
		last if $newopus;
		if (!Term::Clui::confirm("MIDI::Opus syntax error. OK to re-edit ?")) {
			unlink $tmp; exit 1;
	unlink $tmp;
	$Debug=0;  if ($Debug) { $newopus->dump({'dump_tracks'=>1}); exit; }
	$newopus->write_to_file( $ARGV[$[] );
	exit 0;

# ----- the Curses app...
my $File  = $ARGV[$[];
my @score = file2ms_score($File);   # 1.7
my @Track = sort {$$a[$[+1] <=> $$b[$[+1]} @{$score[1]};
my $Now   = 0;   # ticks? secs?
my $Ievent = $[; # perhaps $[-1 should mean before_the_first_event ?
my $Paused = 1;
my $Editing = 0;  # 1.4
my @EditEvent = ();  # 2.9 if event-type matches then '.' imposes the rest
my @FindEvent = ();
my $FindForwards = 1;
my $Message = '';
my @History = ();  # (\@score,$ievent,$now, \@score,$ievent,$now, ...);
my $Ihistory = -1;
my $IncrementalTimes = 1;
my $RangeSettingState = 0;     # 4.5
my $RangeStart        = $[;    # 4.5
my $RangeEnd          = $[-1;  # 4.5
my $ReplaySpeed = 1.0;   # 3.1 varied by [ and ]
my $RS = '1.0';   # 3.1 3-char sprintf of $ReplaySpeed
initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); clear();
#  BUT:
$SIG{'INT'} = sub {exit 0;};   $SIG{'TERM'} = sub {exit 0;};
my $FileIsChanged = 0;
if (! MIDI::ALSA::client( "midiedit pid=$$", 0, 1, 1 )) {
	die "can't start up the ALSA client\n";
my $ID = MIDI::ALSA::id().":0";
display_screen($Now, $Ievent, @Track);

# 2.0 shouldn't attempt to connect if $OutputPort is undefined or "0"
if (! defined $OutputPort) {
	  "no -o option, and no ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS environment variable");
} elsif ($OutputPort eq '0') {
	display_message("not connecting to any ALSA client");
} else {
	foreach my $cl_po (split /,/, $OutputPort) {  # 2.4
		#$cl_po =~ /^(\d+):?(\d*)$/;
		#my $cl = $1; my $po = $2 or 0;
		#if ($cl == MIDI::ALSA::id()) {
		#	display_message("can't connect to $cl_po, which is myself");
		if (! MIDI::ALSA::connectto( 1, $cl_po )) {   # 
			display_message("can't connect to ALSA client $cl_po");
if (! MIDI::ALSA::start()) {
	die "can't start the ALSA client queue\n";
# mustn't create call to endwin in nonCurses mode
eval 'sub END {all_sounds_off(); endwin();}';
while (1) {  # the loop
	my $c = getch();
	if ($c == ERR())   {
		if ($Paused) {
			# see man ncurses ==> man inopts
			timeout(-1);  # Shouldn't happen. Anyway, block next read
			# but could use this for a Message which vanishes after 2 sec
		} else {
			if ($Ievent < $#Track) {  # output next event
				$Ievent += 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
				display_screen(); play_current_event();
	} elsif ($c eq 'w')    {
		score2file($File, 1000,\@Track);
		display_message("Saved to $File");
		$FileIsChanged = 0;
	} elsif ($c eq 'Q' or $c eq 'q')  {
		if ($Paused) { quit(); }
		$Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'D' or $c == KEY_DL() or $c == KEY_DC())    {
		if ($IncrementalTimes) {
			my $dt = delta_t($Ievent);
			foreach my $ie ($Ievent+1..$#Track) { $Track[$ie][$[+1] -= $dt; }
		splice @Track, $Ievent, 1;
		if ($Ievent > $#Track) { $Ievent = $#Track; }
		if ($RangeStart >= $Ievent) { $RangeStart -= 1; }   # 4.5
		if ($RangeEnd   >= $Ievent) { $RangeEnd   -= 1; }
		add_to_history(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'e')  {
		$Paused = 1;  edit_event();  play_current_event();  display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq '.')  { edit_again();  display_screen();  # 2.9
	} elsif ($c eq 'i')  { insert_event();  display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq ']' or $c eq '}')  {
		$ReplaySpeed *= 1.41421356; $RS = sprintf('%.1f',$ReplaySpeed);
		display_screen(); #3.1
	} elsif ($c eq '[' or $c eq '{')  {
		$ReplaySpeed *= 0.70710678; $RS = sprintf('%.1f',$ReplaySpeed);
		display_screen(); #3.1
	} elsif ($c eq 'R')    { set_range(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'f')    { file_menu(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'r')    { range(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'u')    { un_do(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq "\cR")  { re_do(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq '+')    { $IncrementalTimes = 1; display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq '-' or $c eq '=') { $IncrementalTimes = 0; display_screen();
	#} elsif ($c eq 'B' or $c eq 'b') {  # 20120916 this is deprecated.
	#	metronome_event($c); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq '/') {  # f added 4.1, removed again 4.7
		if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_screen(); }
		$FindForwards = 1; find(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq '?')    {
		if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_screen(); }
		$FindForwards = 0; find(); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'n')    {
		if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_screen(); }
		find_next($FindForwards); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq 'N')    {
		if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_screen(); }
		find_next(! $FindForwards); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c eq ' ')         {
		if ($Paused) { $Paused = 0; set_timeout_for_next_note();
		} else       { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1);
	} elsif ($c eq 'z')         { all_sounds_off();
	} elsif ($c == KEY_UP() or $c eq 'k')    {
		if ($Ievent > $[) {
			event_travel(-1); display_screen();   # 5.2
	} elsif ($c == KEY_DOWN() or $c eq 'j')  {
		if ($Ievent < $#Track) {
			event_travel(1); display_screen();   # 5.2
	} elsif ($c == KEY_LEFT() or $c eq 'K')  {
		time_travel(-1000);  display_screen();
	} elsif ($c == KEY_RIGHT() or $c eq 'J') {
		time_travel(1000);   display_screen();
	} elsif ($c == KEY_PPAGE()) { time_travel(-10000); display_screen();
	} elsif ($c == KEY_NPAGE()) { time_travel(10000);  display_screen();
	} elsif ($c == KEY_HOME())  {
		$Ievent = $[; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1];
		$Paused = 1; display_screen(); timeout(-1);
	} elsif ($c == KEY_END())   {
		$Ievent = $#Track; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1];
		$Paused = 1; display_screen(); timeout(-1);

#-------------- Infrastructure for the Curses version -------------
sub addl { my ($lin,$col,$str) = @_;
	if ($col < 2) { $col = 2;  $str = substr($str, $[, $[+$COLS-4); }  # 4.8
	move($lin,$col); addstr($str); clrtoeol();
sub add_to_history {
	#debug("add_to_h1: Ihistory=$Ihistory #History=$#History History=@History");
	my @copy_track = deepcopy(@Track);
	# should check that 1+Ihistory is a multiple of 3
	if ((1+$Ihistory) % 3) {
	  _warn("add_to_history: Ihistory should be 3*n - 1, not $Ihistory");
		#debug("add_to_history: Ihistory should be 3*n - 1, not $Ihistory");
		$Ihistory -= ((1+$Ihistory)%3);
		if ($Ihistory < 0) { $Ihistory = -1; }
	if ((scalar @History) % 3) {
		_warn("add_to_history: History should be multiple of 3, not "
		  .scalar @History);
		#debug("add_to_history: History should be multiple of 3, not ".scalar @History);
		# $#History -= ($#History%3);
		# if ($Ihistory < 0) { $Ihistory = 0; }
	if ($#History > $Ihistory) {
		$#History = $Ihistory;  # truncate History here
	push @History, \@copy_track, $Ievent, $Now;  # hardly space-efficient :-(
	$Ihistory = $#History;
	$FileIsChanged = 1;
	#debug("add_to_h2: Ihistory=$Ihistory History=$#History History=@History");
sub all_sounds_off {   # 2.2
	# we could keep track of the channels which have been sent notes so far...
	foreach my $c (0..15) {

sub cc2str { my $m = $_[$[];
	if (! %c2s) { %c2s = (
		0, 'Bank Select (MSB)',
		32, 'Bank Select (LSB)',
		64, 'Sustain Pedal',
		96, 'Data Increment',
		1, 'Modulation (MSB)',
		33, 'Modulation (LSB)',
		65, 'Portamento on/off',
		97, 'Data Decrement',
		2, 'Breath Control (MSB)',
		34, 'Breath Control (LSB)',
		66, 'Sostenuto Pedal',
		98, 'non-reg param lsb',
		67, 'Soft Pedal',
		99, 'non-reg param msb',
		4, 'Foot Control (MSB)',
		36, 'Foot Control (LSB)',
		68, 'Legato Pedal',
		100, 'Reg Param (LSB)',
		5, 'Portamento Time (MSB)',
		37, 'Portamento Time (LSB)',
		69, 'Hold 2',
		101, 'Reg Param (MSB)',
		6, 'Data Entry (MSB)',
		38, 'Data Entry (LSB)',
		70, 'Sound Variation',
		7, 'Channel Volume (MSB)',
		39, 'Channel Volume (LSB)',
		71, 'Resonance, Q',
		8, 'Balance (MSB)',
		40, 'Balance (LSB)',
		72, 'Release Time',
		73, 'Attack Time',
		10, 'Pan (MSB)',
		42, 'Pan (LSB)',
		74, 'Cut-off Frequency',
		11, 'Expression (MSB)',
		43, 'Expression (LSB)',
		75, 'Decay Time',
		12, 'Effects Controller 1',
		76, 'Vibrato Rate',
		13, 'Effects Controller 2',
		77, 'Vibrato Depth',
		78, 'Vibrato Delay',
		84, 'Portamento Control',
		120, 'All Sound Off',
		121, 'Reset All Controllers',
		122, 'Local Control',
		91, 'Reverb Depth',
		123, 'All Notes Off',
		92, 'Tremolo Depth',
		124, 'Omni Off',
		93, 'Chorus Depth',
		125, 'Omni On',
		94, 'Celeste (De-tune)',
		126, 'Mono On (Poly off)',
		95, 'Phaser Depth', # 1.9
		127, 'Poly On (Mono off)', # 1.9, 5.1
	return $c2s{$_[$[]} || '';

sub debug {
	open (T, '>>', '/tmp/debug');
	print T $_[$[],"\n";
	close T;

sub delta_t { my $ie = $_[$[];
	my $dt;
	if ($ie == $[) { $dt = $Track[$ie][$[+1];
	} else { $dt = $Track[$ie][$[+1] - $Track[$ie-1][$[+1];
	return $dt;

sub display_events {
	my ($i_top, $i_now, $i_bot) = row_nums();
	my %seen_a_ped = ();  # 6.0 remember by channel
	my %seen_a_endped = ();
	my $note_str = '';
	my $iline=$i_now-1; while ($iline >= $i_top) {
		# go upwards to show the most recent Ped and * only; more elegant
		my $now = $Ievent-$i_now+$iline;
		my $note_str = note2str(@{$Track[$now]});
		addl($iline, 0, event2str($now));
		if ($Track[$now][$[] =~ /note/) {
			if (($Track[$now][$[+1] + $Track[$now][$[+2]) > $Now) {
				addl($iline, 57, note2str(@{$Track[$now]}));
				if ($note_str) {  # 4.1
					move($iline,31);  # "31" depends on event2str  # 4.8
					addstr(sprintf('%5d %5d',
		} elsif ($Track[$now][$[] =~ /control_change/) {
			my $cha = $Track[$now][$[+2];
			if ($Track[$now][$[+3] == 64) {
				if ($Track[$now][$[+4] >= 64) {
			 		if (! $seen_a_ped{$cha}) { addl($iline, 57, 'Ped'); } # 6.0
					$seen_a_ped{$cha} = 1;
				} else {
			 		if (! $seen_a_endped{$cha}) { addl($iline, 57, '*'); } # 6.0
					$seen_a_endped{$cha} = 1;
		} elsif ($Track[$now][$[] =~ /^sysex/) {
			if ($sysex2str{$Track[$now][$[+2]}) {   # 3.6
				addl($iline, 57, $sysex2str{$Track[$now][$[+2]});
		$iline -= 1;
	foreach my $iline (($i_now+1)..$i_bot) {
		my $iev = $Ievent-$i_now+$iline;
		addl($iline, 0, event2str($iev));   # 4.7
	addl($i_now, 0, event2str($Ievent));
	my $notestr = '';  # 2.1
	if ($Track[$Ievent][$[] eq 'note') {
		$notestr = note2str(@{$Track[$Ievent]});
	if ($Editing)     { addl($i_now,49, "EDITING $notestr ");  # 1.4
	} elsif ($Paused) { addl($i_now,49, "PAUSED  $notestr ");  # 2.1
	} else            { addl($i_now,49, "PLAYING $notestr ");  # 2.1

sub display_keystrokes {
	$TopKeystrokesLine = $LINES-4;
	# addstr("Ievent=$Ievent KEY_UP=".KEY_UP()." stdscr=$stdscr");
	if ($Message) {
		move($LINES-4,2); clrtoeol();
		addl($LINES-4, round(0.4*($COLS - length $Message)) ,$Message);
		move($LINES-3,2); clrtoeol();
		$Message = '';
	} else {
		my $dot = '';
		if ((@EditEvent>1) and $EditEvent[$[] eq $Track[$Ievent][$[]) {
			$dot = ' .=again';
		my $ran = 'f=file R=set_range';
		if ($RangeStart < $RangeEnd) { $ran .= ' r=range'; }
		my $tim = '+=incrementaltimes';
		if ($IncrementalTimes) { $tim = '-=absolutetimes'; }
		addl($LINES-4,2, "$tim  $ran m=mark  i=insert e=edit$dot");
		addl($LINES-3,2, 'k/Up/j/Down=+-1event  '
		  . 'Right/Left=+-1sec  PageDown/PageUp=+-10sec');  # 4.3
	# p=paste y=yank ? dd ? 4dd ? 4j etc ?
	'D=Delete u=undo ^R=redo  /=find ?=reversefind n=findnext N=findprevious ');
	if ($Paused) { # if event is editable, then t,d,c,n,v  and Space=play
'Space=play  ]/[=speed Home=start End=end  z=allsoundsoff w=write q=quit');
	} else {
'Space=pause ]/[=speed Home=start End=end  z=allsoundsoff w=write q=quit');

sub display_fields {   # 4.4
	my $event_type = $Track[$Ievent][$[];
	if ($RangeSettingState == 1) {  # 4.5
		addl(0,5,'   move to other end of range and press R');
	} elsif ($NewFileState == 1) {  # 4.9
		my $f = $File; # if filename too long use basename; 41=24+12+5; 5.0
		if (length($f) > ($COLS-length($ID)-41)) { $f =~ s/^.*\///; }
		addl(0,5,"now editing $f");
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'note') {
		addl(0,5,'       Event  Ticks  Dura  Chan  Pitch  Vol');
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'control_change') {
		addl(0,5,'       Event  Ticks  Chan  Contrlr Value');
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'patch_change') {
		addl(0,5,'       Event  Ticks  Chan  Patch');
	} else {
		addl(0,5,'       Event  Ticks  Data');
	move(0,$COLS-length($ID)-24); addstr("ReplaySpeed=$RS");  # 3.1
	move(0,$COLS-length($ID)-8);  addstr("Output=$ID");

sub display_screen {
	move(1,1); hline($ACS_HLINE,$COLS-2);
	my $last = $Track[$#Track][$[+1];
	move(1,$COLS-length($ID)-25); addstr(" Now at $Now / $last mS ");  # 3.1
	move($LINES-5,1); hline($ACS_HLINE,$COLS-2);
	if ($Ievent == $#Track) { $Paused = 1; }   # 4.1

sub display_message {
	my ($y,$x); getyx($y,$x);
	$Message = $_[$[]; display_keystrokes();

sub edit_event {  my $initial_ch = $_[$[];
	# 2.9 must keep @EditEvent updated...
	$Editing = 1;
	my $prompt_y;
	my $prompt_x;
	sub time_prompt_to { my ($y, $x, $clr) = @_;
		if ($IncrementalTimes) { addstr($y,$x-6,'time=+'.delta_t($Ievent));
		} else { addstr($y,$x-5,'time='.$Track[$Ievent][$[+1]);
		if ($clr) { clrtoeol(); }
	sub keystroke_prompt { my $k = $_[$[];
		if ($IncrementalTimes) { $k .= " -=absolutetimes";
		} else { $k .= " +=incrementaltimes";
		if ($Ievent == $[) { $k .= ' Down ';
		} elsif ($Ievent == $#Track) { $k .= ' Up ';
		} else { $k .= ' Up/Down ';
		$k .= ' Space=Paused ';
		getyx($prompt_y,$prompt_x);  # why ?
	sub display_this_event { my @event = @_;  # 1.4
		my $k;
		move($LINES-4,1); clrtobot();
		if ($event[$[] eq 'note') {
			addl($LINES-3,35,'pitch='.$event[$[+4]);   # 5.0
			$k = 't=time d=duration c=chan p=pitch v=vol';
		} elsif ($event[$[] eq 'control_change') {
			$k = 't=time c=chan m=midicontroller v=value';
		} elsif ($event[$[] eq 'patch_change') {
			$k = 't=time c=channel p=patch';
		} elsif ($event[$[] =~ /^marker|^text|^sysex_f0/) {
			$k = 't=time m=message';
		# 3.8 offer edit_again if applicable
		# (perhaps if Ievent != LastEditedIevent)
		if ((@EditEvent>1) and $EditEvent[$[] eq $Track[$Ievent][$[]) {
			$k .= ' .=again';
		keystroke_prompt($k); move($prompt_y,$prompt_x); refresh();

	my @event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
	@EditEvent = ($event[$[]);   # 2.9 remember the event_type
	my $changed = 0;
	while (1) {
		if ($event[$[] eq 'note') {
			while (1) {
				my $c = getch();
				if      ($c eq 't') { get_n($LINES-4,13,6,1); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'd') { get_n($LINES-3,24,6,2); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'c') { get_n($LINES-4,34,3,3); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'p') { get_n($LINES-3,41,5,4); $changed=1; #5.0
				} elsif ($c eq 'v') { get_n($LINES-4,50,6,5); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq '+' and !$IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 1; display_this_event(@event);
				} elsif (($c eq '-' || $c eq '=') and $IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 0; display_this_event(@event);
				} elsif ($c == KEY_UP() or $c eq 'k')   {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent > $[) {
						event_travel(-1);   # 5.2
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						display_fields();   # 4.4
						last;  # 1.5
				} elsif ($c == KEY_DOWN() or $c eq 'j') {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent < $#Track) {
						event_travel(1);   # 5.2
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						display_fields();   # 4.4
						last;  # 1.5
				} elsif ($c eq 'e') { next;  # 1.4
				} elsif ($c eq '.') { edit_again(); # 3.8 display_screen();
				} else {
					if ($changed) { add_to_history(); }
					$Editing = 0;
# press / ? n N during Editing should Pause, call find_event and exit
				# display_events(); move($prompt_y,$prompt_x); refresh();
				@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};   # 2.7
		} elsif ($event[$[] eq 'control_change') {
			while (1) {
				my $c = getch();
				if      ($c eq 't') { get_n($LINES-4,14,6,1); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'c') { get_n($LINES-3,27,2,2); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'm') { get_n($LINES-4,45,3,3); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'v') { get_n($LINES-3,47,3,4); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq '+' and !$IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 1; display_this_event(@event);
				} elsif (($c eq '-' || $c eq '=') and $IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 0; display_this_event(@event);
				} elsif ($c == KEY_UP() or $c eq 'k')   {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent > $[) {
						if ($Now - $Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1] < 2) { # 4.8
							$Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1] -= 1;
						time_travel($Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1] + 1 - $Now);
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						play_current_event(); last;  # 1.5
				} elsif ($c == KEY_DOWN() or $c eq 'j') {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent < $#Track) {
						$Ievent += 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						play_current_event(); last;  # 1.5
				} elsif ($c eq 'e') { next;  # 1.4
				} elsif ($c eq '.') { edit_again(); # 3.8 display_screen();
				} else {
					if ($changed) { add_to_history(); } $Editing = 0; return;
				# display_events(); move($prompt_y,$prompt_x); refresh();
				@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};   # 1.6
		} elsif ($event[$[] eq 'patch_change') {
			while (1) {
				#get_n($LINES-4,50,3,3); $changed=1;   # XXX
				my $c;
				if ($initial_ch) { $c = $initial_ch; $initial_ch = undef;
				} else { $c = getch();
				if      ($c eq 't') { get_n($LINES-4,14,6,1); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'c') { get_n($LINES-4,33,3,2); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'p') { get_n($LINES-4,50,3,3); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq '+' and !$IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 1; display_this_event(@event);
				} elsif (($c eq '-' || $c eq '=') and $IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 0; display_this_event(@event);
				} elsif ($c == KEY_UP() or $c eq 'k')   {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent > $[) {
						if ($Now - $Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1] < 2) { # 4.8
							$Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1] -= 1;
						time_travel($Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1] + 1 - $Now); # 4.8
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						play_current_event(); last;  # 1.5
				} elsif ($c == KEY_DOWN() or $c eq 'j') {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent < $#Track) {
						$Ievent += 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						play_current_event(); last;  # 1.5
				} elsif ($c eq 'e') { next;  # 1.4
				} elsif ($c eq '.') { edit_again(); # 3.8 display_screen();
				} else {
					if ($changed) { add_to_history(); } $Editing = 0; return;
				@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};   # 2.7
		} elsif ($event[$[] =~ /^marker|^text|^sysex_f0/) {
			while (1) {
				my $c;
				if ($initial_ch) { $c = $initial_ch; $initial_ch = undef;
				} else { $c = getch();
				if      ($c eq 't') { get_n($LINES-4,14,6,1); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq 'm') {
					my $s='';
					move($LINES-4,33); clrtoeol();
					echo(); getnstr($s,52); noecho();
					$changed=1;   $Track[$Ievent][$[+2] = $s;
				} elsif ($c eq '+' and !$IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 1; display_events();
					time_prompt_to($LINES-4,14,0); keystroke_prompt($k);
				} elsif (($c eq '-' || $c eq '=') and $IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 0; display_events();
					time_prompt_to($LINES-4,14,0); keystroke_prompt($k);
				} elsif ($c == KEY_UP() or $c eq 'k')   {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent > $[) {
						$Ievent -= 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						display_this_event(@event); last;
				} elsif ($c == KEY_DOWN() or $c eq 'j') {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent < $#Track) {
						$Ievent += 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						display_this_event(@event); last;
				} elsif ($c eq 'e') { next;  # 1.4
				} elsif ($c eq '.') { edit_again(); # 3.8 display_screen();
				} else {
					if ($changed) { add_to_history(); } $Editing = 0; return;
				# display_events(); move($prompt_y,$prompt_x); refresh();
				@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};   # 2.7
		} else {
			my $k = 't=time,  ';
			keystroke_prompt($k); refresh();
			while (1) {
				my $c = getch();
				if      ($c eq 't') { get_n($LINES-4,14,6,1); $changed=1;
				} elsif ($c eq '+' and !$IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 1; display_events();
					time_prompt_to($LINES-4,14,0); keystroke_prompt($k);
				} elsif (($c eq '-' || $c eq '=') and $IncrementalTimes) {
					$IncrementalTimes = 0; display_events();
					time_prompt_to($LINES-4,14,0); keystroke_prompt($k);
				} elsif ($c == KEY_UP() or $c eq 'k')   {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent > $[) {
						$Ievent -= 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						display_this_event(@event); last;
				} elsif ($c == KEY_DOWN() or $c eq 'j') {  # 1.4, 4.0
					if ($Ievent < $#Track) {
						$Ievent += 1; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] + 1;
						@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
						display_this_event(@event); last;
				} elsif ($c eq 'e') { next;  # 1.4
				} elsif ($c eq '.') { edit_again(); # 3.8 display_screen();
				} else {
					if ($changed or $called_from_insert_event) {   # 4.3
						play_current_event();   # 4.4
					$Editing = 0; return;
				# display_events(); move($prompt_y,$prompt_x); refresh();
				@event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};   # 2.7
# !!! should play the event !!!

sub event2str { my ($ie) = @_;
	if ($ie > $#Track) { return ''; }   # 4.7 needed after a big range_delete
	my @event = @{$Track[$ie]};
	my $str = ' ';
	if ($IncrementalTimes) {
		if ($ie > $[) { $event[$[+1] -= $Track[$ie-1][$[+1]; }
		$event[$[+1] = "+".$event[$[+1];
		if ($event[$[] =~ /marker|sysex|text/) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6s %s', @event);
		} elsif (6 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6s %5d %5d %5d %5d', @event);
		} elsif (5 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6s %5d %5d %5d', @event);
		} elsif ($event[$[] eq 'pitch_wheel_change') {
			$str = sprintf('%s %5s %4d %6d', @event);
		} elsif (4 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6s %5d %5d', @event);
		} elsif (3 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6s %5d', @event);
	} else {
		if ($event[$[] =~ /marker|sysex|text/) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6d %s', @event);
		} elsif (6 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6d %5d %5d %5d %5d', @event);
		} elsif (5 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6d %5d %5d %5d', @event);
		} elsif (4 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6d %5d %5d', @event);
		} elsif (3 == scalar @event) {
			$str = sprintf(' %14s %6d %5d', @event);
	if (($ie == $RangeStart) || ($ie == $RangeEnd)) {
		$str =~ s/^./-/;  # 4.5
		# $str =~ s/^./\e[31m-/;  # Nope, this just gets displayed in ascii
		# $str .= "\e[39m";  # and perl Curses doesn't support any color
		# man color; perldoc Curses | grep color
	} elsif (($ie > $RangeStart) && ($ie < $RangeEnd)) {
		$str =~ s/^./|/;
		# $str =~ s/^./\e[31m|/;  # Nope, this just gets displayed in ascii
		# $str .= "\e[39m";  # and perl Curses doesn't support any color
	return $str;

sub event_type { # this dialogue is used by insert_event();
	if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_events(); }
	move($LINES-4,2); clrtobot(); addstr('Insert event type ? ');
	my $s
	  = 'n=note, c=control_change, p=patch_change, m=marker, b=bank_change ';
	addl($LINES-2, round(0.4*($COLS - length $s)) ,$s);
	my %c2event_type = qw{
	 b bank_change n note c control_change p patch_change m marker
	return $c2event_type{getch()};

sub file_menu {   # 4.8
	if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_events(); }
	move($LINES-4,0); clrtobot();
	my $x=19;
	addl($LINES-2,$x,'f=fork    n=new    s=save w=write    q=quit');
	addl($LINES-3,4,'which file operation ? ');  my $x=27;
	my $c = getch(); clrtobot(); echo();
	if ($c eq 'f') {
		if ($FileIsChanged) {
			addl($LINES-2,4,"save $File first (y/n) ? ");
			my $c = getch();
			if ($c eq 'y' or $c eq 'w') { score2file($File, 1000,\@Track); }
		my $new_filename = $File;
		foreach $s ('a'..'z') {
			$new_filename = $File;
			$new_filename =~ s/(_[a-z][a-z])?\.mid$/$s$1.mid/i;
			if (! -e $new_filename) { last ; }
		$File = $new_filename;
		$NewFileState = 1;
		$FileIsChanged = 0;
	} elsif ($c eq 'n') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'new filename ? ');
		my $filename = ask_filename();
		# check for existence ?
		if (! $filename) { next; }
		$File    = $filename;
		@score   = file2ms_score($File);   # 1.7
		@Track   = sort {$$a[$[+1] <=> $$b[$[+1]} @{$score[1]};
		$Now     = 0;
		$Ievent  = $[;
		$Paused  = 1;
		$Editing = 0;
		$NewFileState = 1;
	} elsif ($c eq 's' or $c eq 'w') {
		addl($LINES-3,$x,'save file');   # same as 'w' = write
		score2file($File, 1000,\@Track);
		_warn("Saved to $File");
		$FileIsChanged = 0;
	} elsif ($c eq 'q') {   # same as 'q' = quit
		if ($Paused) { quit(); }
		$Paused = 1; timeout(-1); # display_screen();

sub find_type { # used by find();  since 3.7 different from event_type
	if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_events(); }
	move($LINES-4,2); clrtobot(); addstr('Find event type ? ');
	my $s
	  = 'n=note, c=control_change, p=patch_change, m=marker, b=bank_change ';
	addl($LINES-2, round(0.4*($COLS - length $s)) ,$s);
	$s = 'l=long_gap,  s=short_gap,  t=time';
	if ($RangeStart < $RangeEnd) { $s .= ',  r=range_start  R=range_end'; }
	addl($LINES-1, round(0.4*($COLS - length $s)) ,$s);
	my %c2event_type = qw{
	 b bank_change n note c control_change p patch_change m marker
	 l long_gap s short_gap t time r range_start R range_end
	return $c2event_type{getch()};

sub find {
	my $event_type = find_type();
	if (! $event_type) { return; }
	if ($event_type eq 'time')  { go_to(); return; }  # 3.7
	if ($event_type =~ /_gap$/) { find_gap($event_type); return; }  # 4.2
	if ($event_type ne 'marker') {
		my $help = 'e.g. 64, >63, <65, !=93, >47&<73';   # 3.1
	if ($event_type eq 'range_start') {   # 4.5
		time_travel($Track[$RangeStart][$[+1]-$Track[$Ievent][$[+1]); return;
	if ($event_type eq 'range_end') {     # 4.5
		time_travel($Track[$RangeEnd][$[+1]-$Track[$Ievent][$[+1]); return;
	@FindEvent = ($event_type);
	if ($event_type eq 'note') {
		addl($LINES-3,2,'  Duration          ?');
		addl($LINES-2,2,'   Channel (0..15)  ?');
		addl($LINES-1,2,'     Pitch (0..127) ?');
		# shame about Volume not fitting on the screen...
		my $iline = 3;
		while ($iline > 0) {
			my $str; my $n;
			echo(); getnstr($str,20); noecho();
			if (length $str) { $FindEvent[$[+5-$iline] = $str; }  # 2.8, 3.0
			$iline -= 1;
		#warn "FindEvent = ".join(', ',@FindEvent)."\r\n";
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'control_change') {
		addl($LINES-3,2,'   Channel (0..15)  ?');
		addl($LINES-2,2,'Controller (0..127) ?');
		addl($LINES-1,2,'     Value (0..127) ?');
		my $iline = 3;
		while ($iline > 0) {
			my $str; my $n;
			echo(); getnstr($str,20); noecho();
			if (length $str) { $FindEvent[$[+5-$iline] = $str; }  # 2.8
			$iline -= 1;
		# warn "FindEvent = ".join(', ',@FindEvent)."\r\n"; sleep 5;
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'patch_change') {
		addl($LINES-3,2,'   Channel (0..15)  ?');
		addl($LINES-2,2,'     Patch (0..127) ?');
		clrtobot(); refresh();
		my $iline = 3;
		while ($iline > 1) {
			my $str; my $n;
			echo(); getnstr($str,20); noecho();
			if (length $str) { $FindEvent[$[+5-$iline] = $str; }  # 2.8
			$iline -= 1;
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'marker') {
		addl($LINES-3,2,'      Text ? ');
		clrtobot(); refresh();
		my $str; my $n;
		echo(); $n = getnstr($str,50); noecho();
		if ($str) { $FindEvent[$[+2] = $str; }   # 5.9
	} else {

sub find_gap { my $event_type = $_[$[];   # 4.2
	# we roll the search into find_next(), so that 'n' or 'N' work
	if ($event_type eq 'long_gap') {
		addl($LINES-3,2,'gap longer than (mS) ? ');
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'short_gap') {
		addl($LINES-3,2,'gap shorter than (mS) ? ');
	} else {
	clrtobot(); refresh(); echo(); $n = getnstr($str,50); noecho();
	if (! defined $str) { return; }
	@FindEvent = ($event_type,0+$str);

sub find_match { my ($search_str, $num) = @_;  # 3.0
	if (! defined $search_str) { return 1; }
	if ($str =~ /^\d+$/) {
		if ((0+$num)==(0+$search_str)) { return 1; } else { return 0; }
	foreach my $str (split /&/, $search_str) {
		if ($str =~ /^>(\d+)$/)       { if (!((0+$num)> (0+$1))) { return 0; }
		} elsif ($str =~ /^<(\d+)$/)  { if (!((0+$num)< (0+$1))) { return 0; }
		} elsif ($str =~ /^>=(\d+)$/) { if (!((0+$num)>=(0+$1))) { return 0; }
		} elsif ($str =~ /^<=(\d+)$/) { if (!((0+$num)<=(0+$1))) { return 0; }
		} elsif ($str =~ /^!=(\d+)$/) { if (!((0+$num)!=(0+$1))) { return 0; }
		} else                        { if (!($num eq $str))     { return 0; }
	return 1;

sub find_next { my $find_forwards = $_[$[];
	#warn "FindEvent=@FindEvent\n"; sleep 3;
	my $iev = $Ievent;
	my $found = 0;
	if ($find_forwards) {
		while ($iev < $#Track) {
			$iev += 1;
			my @event = @{$Track[$iev]};
			if ($FindEvent[$[] eq $event[$[]) {
				my $this_event = 1;
				foreach my $i ($[+1 .. $#FindEvent) {
					if (defined $FindEvent[$i]
					  and ! find_match($FindEvent[$i], $event[$i])) {  # 3.0
						$this_event = 0; last;
				if ($this_event) { $found = 1; last; }
			} elsif ($FindEvent[$[] eq 'long_gap') {
				if (delta_t($iev) > $FindEvent[$[+1]) { $found = 1; last; }
			} elsif ($FindEvent[$[] eq 'short_gap') {
				if (delta_t($iev) < $FindEvent[$[+1]) { $found = 1; last; }
	} else {
		while ($iev > $[) {
			$iev -= 1;
			my @event = @{$Track[$iev]};
			if ($FindEvent[$[] eq $event[$[]) {
				my $this_event = 1;
				foreach my $i ($[+1 .. $#FindEvent) {
					if (defined $FindEvent[$i]
					  and ! find_match($FindEvent[$i], $event[$i])) {  # 3.0
						$this_event = 0; last;
				if ($this_event) { $found = 1; last; }
			} elsif ($FindEvent[$[] eq 'long_gap') {
				if (delta_t($iev) > $FindEvent[$[+1]) { $found = 1; last; }
			} elsif ($FindEvent[$[] eq 'short_gap') {
				if (delta_t($iev) < $FindEvent[$[+1]) { $found = 1; last; }
	if ($found) {
		time_travel($Track[$iev][$[+1] - $Now);   # 4.3
		$Ievent = $iev;  # in case there are following events with zero dt
	} else {
		$Message = "Event (".join(', ',@FindEvent).") not found";

sub get_n { my ($y, $x, $l, $i) = @_;
	move($y,$x); addstr(' 'x$l); move($y,$x); refresh();
	my $t; echo(); getnstr($t, $l); noecho();
	if ($t =~ /^\d+$/) {
		if ($i == 1 and $IncrementalTimes and $Ievent>$[) {
			my $dt = $t - delta_t($Ievent);
			$Track[$Ievent][$[+1] = $Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1]+$t;
			foreach my $ie ($Ievent+1..$#Track) { $Track[$ie][$[+1] += $dt; }
			$EditEvent[$[+$i] = $t;  # 3.7 BUG if IncrementalTimes has changed
		} elsif ($i == 1 and ! $IncrementalTimes) {
			$Track[$Ievent][$[+1] = 0+$t;  # it might have changed order :-(
			@Track = sort {$$a[$[+1] <=> $$b[$[+1]} @Track;
		} else {
			$Track[$Ievent][$[+$i] = 0+$t;
			$EditEvent[$[+$i] = $t;  # 2.9
	} elsif ($t =~ /^[-+]\d+$/) {   # 3.0 increments, e.g +10 or -15
		if ($i > 1) {
			$Track[$Ievent][$[+$i] += 0+$t;
			$EditEvent[$[+$i] = $t;  # it's still a string

sub go_to {
	if (! $Paused) { $Paused = 1; timeout(-1); display_events(); }
	my $q = ' Go to time (ms) ? ';
	addl($LINES-3,2,$q); clrtobot(); refresh();
	my $str; my $n; echo(); $n = getnstr($str,10); noecho();
	time_travel($str-$Now); play_current_event();

sub insert_event {
	my $event_type = event_type();
	if (! $event_type) { return; }
	# 4.8 patch_change must be earlier than just 1 tick before
	my $gap_to_previous_event = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1]-$Track[$Ievent-1][$[+1];
	my $gap_to_inserted_event = round(0.5 * $gap_to_previous_event);
	if ($gap_to_inserted_event < 1) { $gap_to_inserted_event = 1; }
	my $t = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1] - $gap_to_inserted_event;   # 4.8
	if ($t < 0) { $t = 0; }
	my @InsertEvent = ($event_type, $t);
	if ($event_type eq 'note') { push @InsertEvent, 200,0,60,100;  # 5.4
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'patch_change') { push @InsertEvent, 0, 0;
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'control_change') { push @InsertEvent, 0, 10, 64;
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'marker') { push @InsertEvent, 'NEW SECTION';
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'bank_change') {
		$InsertEvent[$[] = 'control_change';
		my @msb = (@InsertEvent, 0, 0, 5);
		splice @Track, $Ievent, 0, \@msb;
		$Ievent += 1;
		push @InsertEvent, 0, 32, 5;
	splice @Track, $Ievent, 0, \@InsertEvent;
	$FileIsChanged = 1; # could add_to_history, but normally it will be edited
	if ($RangeStart >= $Ievent) { $RangeStart += 1; }   # 4.5
	if ($RangeEnd   >= $Ievent) { $RangeEnd   += 1; }
	local $called_from_insert_event = 1;   # 4.3
	# after ip we could often go straight to the patch number 'p',
	# (so ip4 not ipp4) but it's a drag if you only want to edit the channel.
	# should play_current_event perhaps here, perhaps in edit_event ...
	# in edit_event there are many returns, and there are only two calls

sub metronome_event { my $c = $_[$[];   # must work in Play mode
	# how do we set whether to insert a click or insert a marker or both ?
	# Is this really necessary anyway ?
	# it was just part of a crazy scheme to make midi2muscript easier...
	my $pitch = 33;
	my $text  = 'NEW BEAT';
	if ($c eq 'B') { $pitch = 34; $text = 'NEW BAR'; }
	# In Play mode, we want to insert just before the note currently playing.
	# But Ievent doesn't necessarily point there; it might be pointing
	# to a control_change event that has been output subsequently.
	my $ievent = $Ievent;
	my $time = $Track[$ievent][$[+1] - 1;  # just before the current event
	if ($time < 0) { $time = 0; }
	# my @event = ('note',$time, 500,9,$pitch,80);
	my @event = ('marker',$time, $text);
	splice @Track, $ievent, 0, \@event;
	$Ievent += 1; $FileIsChanged = 1;

sub note2str { my ($s,$t,$dt,$cha,$note,$vol) = @_;
	if ($s eq "control_change") {
		if ($dt==64) { # cc=
			if ($note > 63) { return "Ped"; } else { return "*"; }
		return '';
	if (0+$cha == 9) { return $MIDI::notenum2percussion{$note}; }
	my $clef = 'bass'; if ($note >= 60) { $clef = 'treble'; $note -= 24; }
	my $octave = '';
	if ($note < 36) {
		my $o = int((47-$note)/12);
		$octave = '_' x $o;
		$note  +=  12 * $o; # 1.8
	} elsif ($note >= 60) {
		my $o = int(($note-48)/12);
		$octave = '~' x $o;
		$note  -=  12 * $o; # 1.8
	$note -= 36;
	return "$clef $note2letter[$note%24]$octave$note2acc[$note%12]";

sub play_current_event {
	my @event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
	if ($event[$[] eq 'note') { # 3.1 and 5.1 adjust the duration
		$event[$[+2] = round($event[$[+2] / $ReplaySpeed);  # millisec
	my @alsaevent = MIDI::ALSA::scoreevent2alsa(@event);
	my ($status, $time,$events) = MIDI::ALSA::status();
	$alsaevent[$[+4] = $time+0.005;

sub edit_again {
	if (@EditEvent < 2) { return; }
	my @event = @{$Track[$Ievent]};
	# if only ticks is involved, .=again should work even on different-types
	if (($EditEvent[$[] ne $event[$[]) and (2 < @EditEvent)) {
		$Message = "can't apply a (" . join(',',@EditEvent)
		  . ") edit to a $event[$[] event";   # 4.3
	my $i = $[+1;  if (defined $EditEvent[$i]) {   # 3.7
		my $t = $EditEvent[$i];
		if ($IncrementalTimes and $Ievent>$[) { # similar to sub get_n above
			my $dt = $t - delta_t($Ievent);
			$event[$i] = $Track[$Ievent-1][$i] + $t;
			foreach my $ie ($Ievent+1..$#Track) { $Track[$ie][$i] += $dt; }
	for $i ($[+2 .. $#EditEvent) {
		if (defined $EditEvent[$i]) {
			if ($EditEvent[$i] =~ /^\d+$/) {
				$event[$i] = 0+$EditEvent[$i];
			} elsif ($EditEvent[$i] =~ /^[-+]\d+$/) {
				$event[$i] += 0+$EditEvent[$i];
	$Track[$Ievent] = \@event;

sub new_file {
	$Paused = 1;
	if (! $FileIsChanged) { return; }
	move($LINES-4,2); clrtobot();
	  "y = yes, save           n = no, don't save");
	my $s = "Save $File first (y/n) ? ";
	my $c = getch();
	if ($c eq 'y' or $c eq 'w') { score2file($File, 1000,\@Track); }
	#	move($LINES-4,0); clrtobot();

sub quit {
	$Paused = 1;
	if (! $FileIsChanged) { exit 0; }
	move($LINES-4,2); clrtobot();
	addl($LINES-2,10,"y = save file,  n=just quit,  anything else cancels.");
	my $s = "Save $File first (y/n) ? ";
	my $c = getch();
	if ($c eq 'y' or $c eq 'w') { score2file($File, 1000,\@Track); exit 0;
	} elsif ($c eq 'n') { exit 0;

sub replay_setup { my ($from, $to) = @_;
	# The arguments are _times_ in millisec.
	# If going forwards, we seek patches and ccs from $from to $to;
	# else we seek patches and ccs from $[ to $to.
	my $ievent = $[;
	if ($to > $from) {  # 5.3
		while ($ievent < $#Track) {  # skip from beginning to $from
			if ($Track[$ievent][$[+1] >= $from) { last; }
			$ievent = $ievent + 1;
	my %cha2latest_patch = ();
	my %cha_cc2latest_val = ();
	while ($ievent < $#Track) {  # scan to $to, looking for patch and cc
		if ($Track[$ievent][$[+1] >= $to) { last; }
		if ($Track[$ievent][$[] eq 'patch_change') {
			$cha2latest_patch{$Track[$ievent][$[+2]} = $Track[$ievent][$[+3];
		} elsif ($Track[$ievent][$[] eq 'control_change') {
			 = $Track[$ievent][$[+4];
		$ievent = $ievent + 1;
	# output the latest of each
	my ($cha,$pat);
	while (($cha,$pat) = each %cha2latest_patch) {
		my ($status, $time,$events) = MIDI::ALSA::status();
		my @alsaevent = MIDI::ALSA::pgmchangeevent($cha,$pat,$time+0.001);
	# 20121018
	while (my ($cha_cc,$val) = each %cha_cc2latest_val) {
		my ($cha,$cc) = split /,/, $cha_cc, 2;
		my ($status, $time,$events) = MIDI::ALSA::status();
		# the bank-change events must come _before_ the patch-change !
		# the other controller-events must come after the patch-change ...
		if (($cc != 0) and ($cc != 32)) { $time = $time + 0.002; }  # 5.4
		my @alsaevent = MIDI::ALSA::controllerevent($cha,$cc,$val,$time);
	if (%cha2latest_patch) {
		Time::HiRes::usleep(5000);  # wait for the synth to load the patches

sub range {
	$Paused = 1;
	# the effect (or write-to-file, or global edit, or delete etc)
	# there will typically be one set_range then several operations on it
	# forget pan (ic), pad (+et)
	if ($RangeStart >= $RangeEnd) {
		$Message = "sorry, no range is set; try R"; return;
	move($LINES-4,0); clrtobot();
	addl($LINES-4,4,"range is ".range_string());   # 4.6
	my $x=19;
	addl($LINES-2,$x,'c=compand d=delete f=fade m=mixer p=pitch');
	addl($LINES-1,$x,'q=quantise r=repeat t=tempo v=vol w=write_to_file');
	addl($LINES-3,4,'apply effect ? ');  my $x=19;
	my $c = getch(); clrtobot(); echo();
	if ($c eq 'c') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'compand gradient ? ');
		# should display help about the 0.7 3:0.2 per-channel possibility
		$n = getnstr(my $params,6);
		range_compand(split(' ',$params));
	} elsif ($c eq 'd') {
	} elsif ($c eq 'p') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'pitch-change (cents) ? ');
		$n = getnstr(my $cents,20);
		range_pitch(split(' ',$cents));
	} elsif ($c eq 'q') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'quantise interval (mS) ? ');
		$n = getnstr(my $quan,6);
	} elsif ($c eq 'r') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'how many times altogether ? ');
		$n = getnstr(my $times,6);
	} elsif ($c eq 't') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'tempo speed-ratio ? ');
		$n = getnstr(my $tempo,6);
	} elsif ($c eq 'v') {
		addl($LINES-2,4,'volume increment ? ');
		$n = getnstr(my $volume,6);
		range_volume(split(' ',$volume));
	} elsif ($c eq 'w') {   # 4.6
		addl($LINES-3,4,'write to which filename ? ');
		my $filename = ask_filename();
		return unless $filename;
		if ($filename !~ /\./) { $filename .= '.mid'; }

sub ask_filename {
	my $filename;
	eval 'require Term::ReadLine'; if ($@) {
		_warn("you should install Term::ReadLine::Gnu from");
		echo(); getnstr($filename,52); noecho();
	} else {
		system 'stty echo';  # Rough :-(
		$term = new Term::ReadLine 'midiedit';
		$filename = $term->readline('');
		system 'stty -echo'; # must be a better way than this...
		print STDERR "\e[A";
		if ($filename) { $term->addhistory($filename); }
	return $filename;

# 20120616
# in Edit mode, / should go PAUSED and then propose the find dialogue
# after Inserting, the field labels at the top should get updated

sub range_delete {   # 4.5  should defend against $RangeEnd == $#Track
	my $delta = $Track[$RangeEnd+1][$[+1] - $Track[$RangeStart][$[+1];
	my $n_deleted = $RangeEnd-$RangeStart+1;
	splice @Track, $RangeStart, $n_deleted;
	$Message = "$n_deleted events deleted";
	my $k = $RangeStart;
	while ($k <= $#Track) { $Track[$k][$[+1] -= $delta; $k += 1; }
	if      ($Ievent > $#Track)     { $Ievent = $#Track;   # 4.7
	} elsif ($Ievent > $RangeEnd)   { $Ievent -= $n_deleted;  # 5.6
	} elsif ($Ievent > $RangeStart) { $Ievent = $RangeStart;  # 5.6
	time_travel($Track[$Ievent][$[+1] - $Now);   # 5.6
	$RangeEnd = $[-1;

sub range_pitch { my @params = @_;  # 4.5; borrowed from midisox_pl
	my $h = ', see midisox --help-effect=pitch';
	if (! @params) { return; }
	my $default_incr;
	my %channel_incr = ();
	foreach my $param (@params) {
		if ($param =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/) {
			$default_incr = round($param/100);
		} else {
			if ($param =~ /^(\d+):([-+]?\d+)$/) {
				$channel_incr{0+$1} = round($2/100);
			} else {
				$Message = "pitch: strange parameter $param$h\n";
	if (not $default_incr) {
		if (%channel_incr) { $default_incr = 0; } else { return; }
	my $k = $RangeStart; while ($k <= $RangeEnd) {
		if ($Track[$k][$[] eq 'note' and $Track[$k][$[+3] != 9) {
			my $incr = $default_incr; # don't shift drumkit
			if ($channel_incr{$Track[$k][$[+3]}) { 
				$incr = $channel_incr{$Track[$k][$[+3]};
			$Track[$k][4] += $incr;
			if    ($Track[$k][$[+4] > 127) { $Track[$k][$[+4] = 127;
			} elsif ($Track[$k][$[+4] < 0) { $Track[$k][$[+4] = 0;
		$k += 1;

sub range_compand { my @params = @_;  # 4.5; borrowed from midisox_pl
	if (@params < 1) { $params[$[] = '0.5' }
	my $default_gradient;
	my %channel_gradient = ();
	my $iparam = $[;
	while ($iparam <= $#params) {
		my $param = $params[$iparam];
		if ($param =~ /^-?\.?\d+$|^-?\d+\.\d*$/) {
			$default_gradient = 0 + $param;
		} elsif ($param =~ '^(\d+):(-?[.\d]+)$') {
			$channel_gradient{0+$1} = 0+$2;
		} else {
			_warn("compand: strange parameter $param$h");  return;
		$iparam = $iparam + 1;
	if (! defined $default_gradient) {
		if (%channel_gradient) {  # test for empty table
			$default_gradient = 1.0;
		} else {
			$default_gradient = 0.5;
	# warn("channel_gradient=".Dumper(\%channel_gradient));
	my $previous_note_time = 0;
	my $k = $RangeStart; while ($k <= $RangeEnd) {
		my $event_ref = $Track[$k];
		if ($$event_ref[$[] eq 'note') {
			my $gradient = $default_gradient;
			if ($channel_gradient{$$event_ref[$[+3]}) {
				$gradient = $channel_gradient{$$event_ref[$[+3]};
			if ($$event_ref[$[+5] > 127) {
				$$event_ref[$[+5] = 127;
			} elsif ($$event_ref[$[+5] < 1) {
				$$event_ref[$[+5] = 1; # v=0 sometimes means v=default
		$k += 1;

sub range_quantise { my $quantum = $_[$[];  # 4.5; borrowed from midisox_pl
	if ($quantum <= 0) {
		$Message = "the quantise interval must be positive"; return;
	my $old_previous_note_time = $Track[$RangeStart][$[+1];
	my $new_previous_note_time = $Track[$RangeStart][$[+1];
	my $k = $RangeStart+1; while ($k <= $RangeEnd) {
		if ($Track[$k][$[] eq 'note') {
			my $old_this_note_time = $Track[$k][$[+1];
			my $dt = $old_this_note_time - $old_previous_note_time;
			my $dn = round($dt/$quantum);   # quantum must not be zero
			$Track[$k][$[+1] = $new_previous_note_time + $quantum*$dn;
			my $new_this_note_time = $Track[$k][$[+1];
			# readjust non-note events to lie between the adjusted times
			# in the same proportion as they lay between the old times
			my $k2 = $k - 1;
			while ($k2 >= $[ and $Track[$k2][$[] ne 'note') {
				my $old_non_note_time = $Track[$k2][$[+1];
				if ($old_this_note_time > $old_previous_note_time) {
					$Track[$k2][$[+1] = round($new_previous_note_time +
					  ($old_non_note_time - $old_previous_note_time) *
					  ($new_this_note_time - $new_previous_note_time) /
					  ($old_this_note_time - $old_previous_note_time) );
				} else {
					$Track[$k2][$[+1] = $new_previous_note_time;
				$k2 = $k2 - 1;
			if ($dn > 0) {   # 5.8, see midisox* versions 5.4
				$old_previous_note_time = $old_this_note_time;
				$new_previous_note_time = $new_this_note_time;
		$k += 1;
	# now timeshift from $RangeEnd to $#Track ...
	my $delta = $new_previous_note_time - $old_previous_note_time;
	while ($k <= $#Track) { $Track[$k][$[+1] += $delta; $k += 1; }

sub range_repeat {  my $times = round($_[$[]);
	if ($times == 0) {
		$Message = "to repeat zero times, just use delete"; return;
	if ($times == 1) {
		$Message = "repeat once leaves the file unchanged"; return;
	my $r_end = $RangeEnd; if ($RangeEnd == $#Track) { $r_end = $RangeEnd-1; }
	my $delta = $Track[$r_end+1][$[+1] - $Track[$RangeStart][$[+1];
	my $n_in_range = $r_end-$RangeStart+1;
debug("r_end=$r_end delta=$delta n_in_range=$n_in_range");
	my $k = $r_end;
	foreach my $time (2 .. $times) {
		splice @Track, $k+1, 0, deepcopy(@Track[$RangeStart..$r_end]);
		foreach my $i (1 .. $n_in_range) {
			$k += 1;
			$Track[$k][$[+1] += $delta*($time-1);
	$k += 1;
	while ($k <= $#Track) {
		$Track[$k][$[+1] += $delta*($times-1);
		$k += 1;
	# 5.7 move cursor, if it lay after RangeEnd (see range_delete 5.6)
	if ($Ievent > $RangeEnd)   {   # 5.7
		my $t = ($times-1)*$delta;
		# debug("times=$times delta=$delta t=$t");
	$Message = sprintf("%d new events", $n_in_range*($times-1));

sub range_tempo { my $tempo = $_[$[];  # 4.5
	if ($tempo == 1.0) { return; }
	if ($tempo <= 0) { $tempo = 0.1; }  # following midisox_pl usage
	my $range_start_time   = $Track[$RangeStart][$[+1];
	my $old_range_end_time = $Track[$RangeEnd][$[+1];
	my $k = $RangeStart+1; while ($k <= $RangeEnd) {
		$Track[$k][$[+1] = $range_start_time
		  + round(($Track[$k][$[+1]-$range_start_time)/$tempo);
		if ($Track[$k][$[] eq 'note') {  # fix the duration
			$Track[$k][$[+2] = round($Track[$k][$[+2]/$tempo);
		$k += 1;
	my $new_range_end_time = $Track[$RangeEnd][$[+1];
	# now timeshift from $RangeEnd to $#Track ...
	my $delta = $new_range_end_time - $old_range_end_time;
	while ($k <= $#Track) { $Track[$k][$[+1] += $delta; $k += 1; }

sub range_volume { my @params = @_;  # 4.5
	my $h = ', see midisox --help-effect=vol';
	if (! @params) { return; }
	my $default_incr;
	my %channel_incr = ();
	foreach my $param (@params) {
		if ($param =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/) {
			$default_incr = 0 + $param;
		} else {
			if ($param =~ /^(\d+):([-+]?\d+)$/) {
				$channel_incr{0+$1} = 0+$2;
			} else {
				die "vol: strange parameter $param$h\n";
	if (not $default_incr) {
		if (%channel_incr) { $default_incr = 0; } else { return; }
	my $k = $RangeStart; while ($k <= $RangeEnd) {
		if ($Track[$k][$[] eq 'note') {
			my $incr = $default_incr;
			if ($channel_incr{$Track[$k][$[+3]}) { 
				$incr = $channel_incr{$Track[$k][$[+3]};
			$Track[$k][5] += $incr;
			if    ($Track[$k][$[+5] > 127) { $Track[$k][$[+5] = 127;
			} elsif ($Track[$k][$[+5] < 0) { $Track[$k][$[+5] = 0;
		$k += 1;

sub range_write {   my $filename = $_[$[];   # 4.6
	return unless $filename;
	# create a new score containing just the range
	my @range_score = ( 1000, [ ['set_tempo', 50, 1000000], ] );
	my $k = $RangeStart; while ($k <= $RangeEnd) {
		my @event = @{$Track[$k]};
		push @{$range_score[$[+1]}, \@event;
		$k += 1;
	score2file($filename, @range_score);
	_warn("range written to $filename");

sub re_do {
	#debug("re_do1: Ihistory=$Ihistory #History=$#History History=@History");
	if ($Ihistory > ($#History-3)) {
		$Message="Already at newest change"; return;
	$Ihistory += 1; my $r = $History[$Ihistory];
	if (ref $r ne ARRAY) { $Message="ref r was ".ref $r; }
	@Track = deepcopy(@$r);
	$Ihistory += 1; $Ievent = $History[$Ihistory];
	$Ihistory += 1; $Now    = $History[$Ihistory];
	#debug("re_do2: Ihistory=$Ihistory #History=$#History History=@History");

sub row_nums {
	my $i_top = 2;   # row-number
	if (!$TopKeystrokesLine) { display_keystrokes(); }
	my $i_bot = $TopKeystrokesLine - 2;   # row-number
	if ($i_top > ($i_bot-4)) { die "not enough rows on screen\n"; }
	my $i_now;   # row-number
	if ((scalar @Track) <= ($i_bot-$i_top+1)) {
		$i_now = $i_top + $Ievent -$[;
	} elsif ($Ievent < 0.5*($i_bot-$i_top+1)) {
		$i_now = $i_top + $Ievent -$[;
	} elsif (($#Track-$Ievent) < 0.5*($i_bot-$i_top+1)) {
		$i_now = $i_bot + $Ievent - $#Track;
	} else {
		$i_now = round(0.5*($i_top+$i_bot));
	return ($i_top, $i_now, $i_bot);

sub set_range {   # 4.5
	if ($RangeSettingState == 0) {
		$RangeStart = $Ievent;
		$RangeEnd   = $[-1;
		$RangeSettingState = 1;
	} elsif ($RangeStart == $Ievent) {
		$RangeEnd = $[-1;
		$Message = "empty range";
		$RangeSettingState = 0;
	} else {
		$RangeEnd = $Ievent;
		if ($RangeEnd < $RangeStart) {
			my $t=$RangeStart; $RangeStart=$RangeEnd; $RangeEnd=$t;
		_warn("new range ".range_string());
		$RangeSettingState = 0;

sub range_string {
	my $start_ms = $Track[$RangeStart][$[+1];
	my $end_ms   = $Track[$RangeEnd][$[+1];
	return "from $start_ms to $end_ms mS";

sub set_timeout_for_next_note {
	if ($Ievent < $#Track) {  # set the timeout for the one after
		my $delay_ms = $Track[$Ievent+1][$[+1] - $Now;
		$delay_ms = round($delay_ms / $ReplaySpeed);  # 3.1
		if ($delay_ms < 1) { $delay_ms = 1; }

sub time_travel { my $dt = $_[$[];
	if (! $dt) { return; }
	my $then = $Now;
	$Now = $Now + $dt;
	if ($dt > 0) {
		my $found = 0;
		while ($Ievent < $#Track) {
			if ($Track[$Ievent+1][$[+1] > $Now) { $found = 1; last; }
			$Ievent = $Ievent + 1;
		if (! $found) { $Ievent = $#Track; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1]; }
		replay_setup($then, $Now);
	} else {
		my $found = 0;
		while ($Ievent >= $[) {
			if ($Track[$Ievent][$[+1] < $Now) { $found = 1; last; }
			$Ievent = $Ievent - 1;
		if (! $found) { $Ievent = $[; $Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1]; }
		replay_setup(0, $Now);
	if (! $Paused) { set_timeout_for_next_note(); }

sub event_travel { my $di = $_[$[];   # 5.2
	# 20120930 stripped down from time_travel, for use by UP and DOWN
	if (! $di) { return; }
	my $then = $Now;
	$Ievent = $Ievent + $di;
	if ($Ievent > $#Track) { $Ievent = $#Track
	} elsif ($Ievent < $[) { $Ievent = $[;
	$Now = $Track[$Ievent][$[+1];
	replay_setup($then, $Now);
	if (! $Paused) { set_timeout_for_next_note(); }

sub un_do {
	#debug("un_do1: Ihistory=$Ihistory #History=$#History History=@History");
	if ($Ihistory < $[+3) { $Message = "Already at oldest change"; return; }
	$Ihistory -= 3;
	$Now    = $History[$Ihistory];
	$Ievent = $History[$Ihistory-1];
	my $r   = $History[$Ihistory-2];
	@Track = deepcopy(@$r);
	#debug("un_do2: Now=$Now Ieven=$Ievent Ihistory=$Ihistory #History=$#History History=@History");

#------------ MIDI infrastructure from midisox_pl ------------

# ----------------------- infrastructure --------------------
sub _print  { print ($_[$[]."\n"); }
sub _warn   { $Message = $_[$[]; } # wiped by display_keystrokes()
sub warning { _warn('warning: '.$_[$[]); }
sub _die    { die($_[$[]."\n"); }
sub round   { my $x = $_[$[];
	if ($x > 0.0) { return int ($x + 0.5); }
	if ($x < 0.0) { return int ($x - 0.5); }
	return 0;
sub deepcopy {
	use Storable;
	if (1 == @_ and ref($_[$[])) { return Storable::dclone($_[$[]);
	} else { my $b_ref = Storable::dclone(\@_); return @$b_ref;
sub vol_mul {
	my $vol = $_[$[] || 100;
	my $mul = $_[$[+1] || 1.0;
	my $new_vol = round($vol*$mul);
	if ($new_vol < 0) { $new_vol = 0 - $new_vol; }
	if ($new_vol > 127) { $new_vol = 127;
	} elsif ($new_vol < 1) { $new_vol = 1; # some synths see vol=0 as default
	return $new_vol;

#---------------------- Encoding stuff -----------------------

sub opus2file {
	my ($filename, @opus) = @_;
	my $format = 1;
	if (2 == @opus) { $format = 0; }
	my $cpan_opus = MIDI::Opus->new(
		{'format'=>$format, 'ticks'  => 1000, 'tracks' => []});
	my @list_of_tracks = ();
	my $itrack = $[+1;
	while ($itrack <= $#opus) {
		push @list_of_tracks,
		 MIDI::Track->new({ 'type' => 'MTrk', 'events' => $opus[$itrack]});
		$itrack += 1;
	if ($filename eq '-') {
		$cpan_opus->write_to_file( '>-' );
	} elsif ($filename eq '-d') {
		$PID = fork;
		if (! $PID) {
			if (!open(P, '| aplaymidi -')) { die "can't run aplaymidi: $!\n"; }
			$cpan_opus->write_to_handle( *P{IO}, {} );
			close P;
			exit 0;
	} else {

sub score2opus {
	if (2 > @_) { return (1000, []); }
	my ($ticks, @tracks) = @_;
	my @opus = ($ticks,);
	my $itrack = $[;
	while ($itrack <= $#tracks) {
		my %time2events = ();
		foreach my $scoreevent_ref (@{$tracks[$itrack]}) {
			my @scoreevent = @{$scoreevent_ref};
			if ($scoreevent[0] eq 'note') {
				my @note_on_event = ('note_on',$scoreevent[1],
				my @note_off_event = ('note_off',$scoreevent[1]+$scoreevent[2],
				if ($time2events{$note_on_event[1]}) {
				   push @{$time2events{$note_on_event[1]}}, \@note_on_event;
				} else {
				   @{$time2events{$note_on_event[1]}} = (\@note_on_event,);
				if ($time2events{$note_off_event[1]}) {
				   push @{$time2events{$note_off_event[1]}}, \@note_off_event;
				} else {
				   @{$time2events{$note_off_event[1]}} = (\@note_off_event,);
			} elsif ($time2events{$scoreevent[1]}) {
			   push @{$time2events{$scoreevent[1]}}, \@scoreevent;
			} else {
			   @{$time2events{$scoreevent[1]}} = (\@scoreevent,);

		my @sorted_events = (); # list of event_refs sorted by time
		for my $time (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %time2events) {
			push @sorted_events, @{$time2events{$time}};

		my $abs_time = 0;
		for my $event_ref (@sorted_events) {  # convert abs times => delta times
			my $delta_time = ${$event_ref}[1] - $abs_time;
			$abs_time = ${$event_ref}[1];
			${$event_ref}[1] = $delta_time;
		push @opus, \@sorted_events;
		$itrack += 1;
	return (@opus);

sub score2file { my ($filename, @score) = @_;
	my @opus = score2opus(@score);
	return opus2file($filename, @opus);

#--------------------------- Decoding stuff ------------------------

sub file2opus {
	my $opus_ref;
	if ($_[$[] eq '-') {
		$opus_ref = MIDI::Opus->new({'from_handle' => *STDIN{IO}});
	} elsif ($_[$[] =~ /^[a-z]+:\//) {
		eval 'require LWP::Simple'; if ($@) {
			_die "you need to install libwww-perl from";
		$midi = LWP::Simple::get($_[$[]);
		if (! defined $midi) { _die("can't fetch $_[$[]"); }
		open(P, '<', \$midi) or _die("can't open FileHandle, need Perl5.8");
		$opus_ref = MIDI::Opus->new({'from_handle' => *P{IO}});
		close P;
	} else {
		$opus_ref = MIDI::Opus->new({'from_file' => $_[$[]});
	# $opus_ref->dump({'dump_tracks'=>1});
	my @my_opus = (${$opus_ref}{'ticks'},);
	foreach my $track ($opus_ref->tracks) {
		push @my_opus, $track->events_r;
	# print "3:\n", Dumper(\@my_opus);
	return @my_opus;

sub opus2score {  my ($ticks, @opus_tracks) = @_;
	# print "opus2score: ticks=$ticks opus_tracks=@opus_tracks\n";
	if (!@opus_tracks) {
		return (1000,[],);
	my @score = ($ticks,);
	#foreach my $i ($[+1 .. $#_) {
	#    push @score, MIDI::Score::events_r_to_score_r($score[$i]);
	my @tracks = deepcopy(@opus_tracks); # couple of slices probably quicker...
	# print "opus2score: tracks is ", Dumper(@tracks);
	foreach my $opus_track_ref (@tracks) {
		my $ticks_so_far = 0;
		my @score_track = ();
		my %chapitch2note_on_events = ();    # 4.4 XXX!!! Must be by Channel !!
		foreach $opus_event_ref (@{$opus_track_ref}) {
			my @opus_event = @{$opus_event_ref};
			$ticks_so_far += $opus_event[1];
			if ($opus_event[0] eq 'note_off'
			 or ($opus_event[0] eq 'note_on' and $opus_event[4]==0)) { # YY
				my $cha = $opus_event[2];
				my $pitch = $opus_event[3];
				my $key = $cha*128 + $pitch;
				if ($chapitch2note_on_events{$key}) {
					my $new_event_ref = shift @{$chapitch2note_on_events{$key}};
					${$new_event_ref}[2] = $ticks_so_far - ${$new_event_ref}[1];
					push @score_track, $new_event_ref;
				} else {
					_warn("note_off without a note_on, cha=$cha pitch=$pitch")
			} elsif ($opus_event[0] eq 'note_on') {
				my $cha = $opus_event[2];  # 4.4
				my $pitch = $opus_event[3];
				my $new_event_ref = ['note', $ticks_so_far, 0,
				 $cha, $pitch, $opus_event[4]];
				my $key = $cha*128 + $pitch;
				push @{$chapitch2note_on_events{$key}}, $new_event_ref;
			} else {
				$opus_event[1] = $ticks_so_far;
				push @score_track, \@opus_event;
		# 4.7 check for unterminated notes, see: ~/lua/lib/MIDI.lua
		while (my ($k1,$v1) = each %chapitch2note_on_events) {
			foreach my $new_e_ref (@{$v1}) {
				${$new_e_ref}[2] = $ticks_so_far - ${$new_e_ref}[1];
				push @score_track, $new_e_ref;
				warn("opus2score: note_on with no note_off cha="
				 . ${$new_e_ref}[3] . ' pitch='
				 . ${$new_e_ref}[4] . "; adding note_off at end\n");
		push @score, \@score_track;
	# print "opus2score: score is ", Dumper(@score);
	return @score;

sub file2score {
	return opus2score(file2opus($_[$[]));

sub file2ms_score {
	#print "file2ms_score(@_)\n";
	# return opus2score(to_millisecs(file2opus($_[$[])));
	my @opus = file2opus($_[$[]);
	my @ms = to_millisecs(@opus);
	my @score = opus2score(@ms);
	# must merge the tracks of a format-2 file; could perhaps even
	# extend the @event to indicate which Track it originated in...
	my $itrack = $#score; while ($itrack > ($[+1.5)) {
		foreach my $event_ref (@{$score[$itrack]}) {
			push @{$score[$[+1]}, $event_ref; # push them onto track 1
		$itrack -= 1;
		$#score = $itrack;  # and jettison the last track
	return @score;

#------------------------ Other Transformations ---------------------

sub to_millisecs {
	my @old_opus = @_;
	if (!@old_opus) {
		return (1000,[],);
	my $old_tpq  = $_[$[];
	my @new_opus = (1000,);
	my $millisec_per_old_tick = 1000.0 / $old_tpq;  # float: will round later
	$itrack = $[+1;
	while ($itrack <= $#old_opus) {
		my $millisec_so_far = 0.0;
		my $previous_millisec_so_far = 0.0;
		my @new_track = (['set_tempo',0,1000000],);  # new "crochet" is 1 sec
		foreach my $old_event_ref (@{$old_opus[$itrack]}) {
			my @old_event = @{$old_event_ref};
			# print "to_millisecs: old_event = @old_event\n";
			if ($old_event[0] eq 'note') {
				_die 'to_millisecs needs an opus, not a score';
			my @new_event = deepcopy(@old_event);  # copy.deepcopy ?
			$millisec_so_far += ($millisec_per_old_tick * $old_event[1]);
			$new_event[1] = round($millisec_so_far-$previous_millisec_so_far);
			if ($old_event[0] eq 'set_tempo') {
				$millisec_per_old_tick = $old_event[2] / (1000.0 * $old_tpq);
			} else {
				$previous_millisec_so_far = $millisec_so_far;
				push @new_track, \@new_event;
		push @new_opus, \@new_track;
		$itrack += 1;
	# print "to_millisecs new_opus = ", Dumper(\@new_opus);
	return @new_opus;

#----------------- non-Curses infrastructure -----------------
sub line2comment { my $line = $_[$[];
	if ($line =~ /[a-z]', (\d+), /) {
		$ticks += $1;
	} else {
		return q{};
	my $len = length $line;
	my $spaces = " ";
	if ($len < 37) { $spaces = " " x (38-$len); }
	my $event_type;  my $remainder;
	if ($line =~ /\['([a-z_]+)', (.+)\]/) {
		$event_type = $1; $remainder = $2;
	if ($event_type =~ /^note_/) {
		my ($dt,$cha,$note,$vol) = split(/,\s*/, $remainder);
		my $str = note2str('',0,0,$cha,$note,$vol);
		if ($event_type eq 'note_off' or $vol eq '0') {
			return "$spaces# ticks=$ticks cha=$cha $str off";
		} else {
			return "$spaces# ticks=$ticks cha=$cha $str";
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'control_change') {
		my ($dt,$cha,$cc,$val) = split(/,\s*/, $remainder);
		return "$spaces# ticks=$ticks cha=$cha cc$cc=$val";
	} elsif ($event_type eq 'patch_change') {
		my ($dt,$cha,$patch) = split(/,\s*/, $remainder);
		return "$spaces# ticks=$ticks cha=$cha patch=$patch";
	} else {
		return "$spaces# ticks=$ticks";


=head1 NAME

midiedit - Edits a MIDI file


 midiedit filename.mid       # uses the new Curses app, with sound
 midiedit -o 128:0 filename.mid    # uses ALSA port 128:0 as synth
 midiedit -d filename.mid  # uses your EDITOR on a MIDI::Perl dump
 midiedit -v               # prints the Version number


B<Midiedit> is a MIDI-file editor which now (since version 1.3)
has a choice of two user-interface modes.

In the new default mode,
it uses I<Curses> to offer a purpose-designed user-interface
and I<MIDI::ALSA> to play the notes to your synth.

In the older lower-tech mode,
it uses your favourite text-editor to edit the human-readable text-format
provided by I<MIDI::Perl>'s $opus->dump function.


In the Curses mode, which is the default, I<midiedit>
edits a MIDI file with a purpose-designed user-interface
which re-uses some keystrokes inspired by B<vi>:
for example, B<i>=insert B<m>=mark B<k/Up/j/Down>=+-1event
B<u>=undo B<^R>=redo B</>=find B<?>=reversefind B<n>=findnext B<N>=findprevious
B<w>=write B<q>=quit
plus a few others, e.g.:
B<e>=edit_event, B<D>=delete_event,
B<R>=define_a_range, B<r>=operate_on_that_range,
B<f>=file_operations, and B<z>=all_sounds_off

As in I<mplayer>, the spacebar toggles between Play and Pause,
the Left and Right arrow keys move by 1 second,
the Up and Down arrow keys move by 10 seconds,
and the Home and End keys move to the start and end of the file,
and B<[> and B<]> or B<{> and B<}> change the Replay-speed.

The available keystrokes are displayed in the bottom four lines of the screen.

The events are displayed in B<note>-form, i.e. with a start-time
and a duration. There are no separate note_on and note_off events,
which solves the matching-ons-and-offs problem.
All times are displayed in milliseconds.

The start-times can be displayed
either as incremental times (since the previous event),
or as absolute times (since the beginning).
The B<+> and B<-> keys switch between these modes;
the default mode is incremental.
The behaviour of Edit, Insert and Delete adapts to the display-mode;
for example with incremental times, deleting a note shortens the
whole file by the deleted millisecond increment,
but with absolute times deleting a note just removes that note
and leaves the duration of the whole file unchanged.

Since version 3.0, B</>=find allows search criteria such as
>62 or <25 or >=60 or <=72 or !=9 or >59&<73
which, when combined with B<.>=last_edit_again
make it easier to do things like
"move that high bit of the piano solo into a different channel".

Since version 4.5, a I<Range> can be defined by pressing upper-case B<R>
once at each end of the desired range.
Once defined, the I<Range> can be operated on, using a lower-case B<r>,
in various ways
( B<c>=compand B<d>=delete B<f>=fade B<m>=mixer B<p>=pitch
B<q>=quantise B<r>=repeat B<t>=tempo B<v>=vol B<w>=write_to_file )
largely modelled on the corresponding I<midisox> effects.
For details of what the I<compand> effect does, see:
 midisox --help-effect=compand

B<f>=fade is currently unimplemented.

This user-interface is likely to evolve over the next months,
as I use it more.

You can specify your choice of synth
at the command line with a B<-o 128:0> option,
or else with the I<ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS> environment variable.
The special value B<-o 0> silences the output
(e.g. you might want to edit something while listening to something else).
Since Version 2.4, you may supply a comma-separated list of ports, e.g.
B<-o 20,128:1>

As well as the B<MIDI-Perl> CPAN module,
this mode also uses the B<Curses> module for the user-interface,
and the B<MIDI::ALSA> module to play the file to your synth.

=head1 DUMP MODE

In the older, low-tech B<-d> mode, I<midiedit>
edits a MIDI file in the human-readable text-format
provided by I<MIDI::Perl>'s $opus->dump function.

The text format representing the MIDI is executable Perl source,
so as you edit, you should preserve valid Perl syntax.
If the edited file has syntax errors,
you will be asked if you want to re-edit it,
and if you reply No then the original file will not get over-written.

If you've changed the text, and then decide you want to quit without
overwriting the MIDI file, then you have to deliberately mess up
the Perl syntax (e.g. make sure the brackets are unbalanced).

Assuming you've installed MIDI::Perl, then C<perldoc MIDI::Event>
should document the format in which the various MIDI-events are represented.
They are represented with incremental times (in ticks) and
with separate note_on and note_off events,
so you have to keep track of matching note_ons and note_offs.

=head1 CHANGES

 6.0, 20130404, display_events remembers the Ped/* state by channel
 5.9, 20130323, find_marker with null text finds the next marker
 5.8, 20130321, bug fixed in range_quantise effect
 5.7, 20130302, range_repeat moves cursor down if it lay after RangeEnd
 5.6, 20130301, range_delete moves cursor up if it lay after RangeEnd
 5.5, 20130218, u=undo and ^R=redo seem to work
 5.4, 20121028, replay_setup outputs bankchange before the patchchange
 5.3, 20121001, replay_setup (hence time_travel) works for- and backward
 5.2, 20120930, KEY_UP uses event_travel() to cope with dt=0
 5.1, 20120930, works with MIDI::ALSA 1.15; PolyOn=127 fixed
 5.0, 20120916, edit_event uses p=pitch not n=note
 4.9, 20120910, f=file_menu: f=fork n=new s=save q=quit
 4.8, 20120908, KEY_UP uses time_travel(), so as to get the right patch
 4.7, 20120903, display_events clears lines after EOF, range_delete
 4.6, 20120628, rw = range_write now works
 4.5, 20120624, R and r range-operations largely work
 4.4, 20120613, event-fields correctly displayed also in edit-mode
 4.3, 20120612, consistent redo and undo; find_event uses time_travel
 4.2, 20120609, can search for long gaps or short gaps
 4.1, 20120608, becomes Paused at EOF; channel,note in bold if note-on
 4.0, 20120604, j,k keys also available in Edit Mode
 3.9, 20120604, '.'=repeat also offered in Edit Mode, if applicable
 3.8, 20120604, find offers s=short_gap, l=long_gap and t=time (==go_to)
 3.7, 20120604, '.' repeats also edit of dt if IncrementalTimes
 3.6, 20120529, tracks shorter than screen-height don't get extended
 3.5, 20120527, add g = go_to()
 3.4, 20120525, displays most recent Ped and *
 3.3, 20120510, displays currently on notes
 3.2, 20120502, can now insert bank_change (= 2 control_changes)
 3.1, 20120326,  # ] and [ or } and { change the ReplaySpeed
 3.0, 20120110, find_match gives find >5&<15&!=9 searches
 2.9, 20120108, '.' repeats last edit (if event-types match)
 2.8, 20111126, find works if cha=0 or value=0
 2.7, 20111107, edit_event dialogue updated as changes are made
 2.6, 20111103, use the new MIDI-ALSA 1.11 to handle portnames
 2.5, 20111029, column-titles better reflect the event-types
 2.4, 20111028, OutputPort can be a comma-separated list
 2.3, 20111027, merges multiple tracks; z=all_sounds_off
 2.2, 20111027, entering PAUSED mode causes all_sounds_off
 2.1, 20111027, displays note-string in main window
 2.0, 20111027, doesn't try to connect if $OutputPort undefined or "0"
 1.9, 20111022, Phaser Depth and Poly On displayed correctly
 1.8, 20111021, displays notes with ~ and _ correctly
 1.7, 20110926, handles non-millisec-tick files correctly
 1.6, 20110917, display_this_event shows changes as they are made
 1.5, 20110910, Up/Down in edit-mode play the new note
 1.4, 20110909, in edit mode, Up and Down don't leave edit-mode
 1.3, 20110820, the new Curses app is the default
 1.2, 20110708, displays helpful comments
 1.1, 20060728, first working version

=head1 AUTHOR

Peter J Billam

=head1 CREDITS

Based on the I<MIDI::Perl> and I<Curses> and  I<MIDI::ALSA> CPAN modules.
The non-Curses mode also uses Peter Billam's I<Term::Clui> CPAN module.

=head1 SEE ALSO
