

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > f431c1ba345880727d1f84e7ba508075 > files > 15


#! /usr/bin/perl
#        This Perl script is Copyright (c) 2010, Peter J Billam         #
#                                               #
#                                                                       #
#     This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or      #
#            modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.             #
use Term::ReadKey;
use bytes;
#use Term::Size(); my ($Xmax, $Ymax) = Term::Size::chars;
my ($Xmax, $Ymax) = Term::ReadKey::GetTerminalSize;
# warn "Xmax=$Xmax Ymax=$Ymax\n";
eval 'require MIDI::ALSA'; if ($@) { die
	"you'll need to install the MIDI::ALSA module from\n";
eval 'require Term::Clui'; if ($@) { die
	"you'll need to install the Term::Clui module from\n";
my $CurrentX; my $CurrentY;
my $Version      = '5.4';   # -o 0 doesn't connect to anything
my $VersionDate  = '25feb2013';
my $Channel   = 0;
my $Volume    = 100;
my $Pan       = 64;
my $Transpose = 0;
my $Quiet     = 0;
my $PedalIsOn = 0;
my $KeyMap    = 'piano';
my %KeyMaps   = (   # 4.0
	a=>'augmented', d=>'drumkit', h=>'harmonic', p=>'piano', w=>'wholetone',
my %Cha2patch;
my %Cha2pan;
my $LastTra;   # the last (transposed) note that's been played.
my $OutputPort;
my @Synopsis; my %Keystrokes;
my $CursorRow = 6;
# vt100 globals
my $Irow = 1;
my $Icol = 1;
my $MidCol = 32;
# mouse-related stuff, version 3.6
my %Cha2Xcontroller = ();
my %Cha2Ycontroller = ();
# remember the Controllers that have been set
my @Cha2cc = ();   # list of hashes

# use bytes;
# print STDERR "\e[?1003h";   # sets  SET_ANY_EVENT_MOUSE  mode
# ^[[M#XY    where X is (chr(32+x)) and Y is (chr(32+y)), top-left is !!=1,1
# and LeftButtonPress = ^[[M XY  Mid = ^[[M!XY   Right = ^[[M"XY
# print STDERR "\e[?1003l";   # resets  SET_ANY_EVENT_MOUSE  mode

while ($ARGV[$[] =~ /^-([CPa-z])([adhpw]?)/) {
	my $opt = $1;
	if ($opt eq 'v')      { shift;
		my $n = $0; $n =~ s{^.*/([^/]+)$}{$1};
		print "$n version $Version $VersionDate\n";
		exit 0;
	} elsif ($opt eq 'd' or $opt eq 'o') { shift; $OutputPort = shift;
	} elsif ($opt eq 'p') { shift; $OutputPort = shift;
	} elsif ($opt eq 'C') { shift;
		warn "warning: -C option is now deprecated; see perldoc midikbd\n";
		while (my $next_arg = shift) { process_channel_spec($next_arg); }
	} elsif ($opt eq 'P') { shift; $Cha2patch{$Channel} = 0+shift;
	} elsif ($opt eq 'k') {
		if ($KeyMaps{$2}) { $KeyMap = $KeyMaps{$2};
		} else { $KeyMap  = shift;
	} elsif ($opt eq 'q') { shift; $Quiet   = 1;
	} else {  print "usage:\n";  my $synopsis = 0;
		while (<DATA>) {
			if (/^=head1 SYNOPSIS/) { push @Synopsis,$_; $synopsis=1; next; }
			if ($synopsis && /^=head1/) { last; }
			if ($synopsis)      { print $_; next; }
		exit 1;
foreach my $channel_spec (@ARGV) { process_channel_spec($channel_spec); }

my $in_syn; my $in_keys;
while (<DATA>) {
	if (/^ +Q = Quit/)     {
		if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') { push @Synopsis, " Q = Quit\n";
		} else { push @Synopsis, $_;
		$in_syn = 1; next;
	if ($in_syn && /^$/) { last; }
	if ($in_syn) {
		if (/octave|semitone/ && ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit')) { next; }
		push @Synopsis, $_;
while (<DATA>) {
	if (/^ the "$KeyMap" keymap/)     {
		$in_keys = 1; push @{$Keystrokes{$KeyMap}}, $_; next;
	if ($in_keys && /^$/) { last; }
	if ($in_keys) { push @{$Keystrokes{$KeyMap}}, $_; }
my %Char2note = char2note($KeyMap);

MIDI::ALSA::client( "midikbd pid=$$", 0, 1, 0 );

if ($OutputPort ne '0') {   # 5.4
	if (!$OutputPort) { $OutputPort = $ENV{'ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS'}; }
	if (!$OutputPort) {
		warn "OutputPort not specified and ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS not set\n";
	foreach my $cl_po (split /,/, $OutputPort) {  # 5.0
		if (! MIDI::ALSA::connectto( 0, $cl_po )) {
			die "can't connect to ALSA client $cl_po\n";

$SIG{'INT'} = sub { exit 0; };  # so that after ^C the END-blocks run

# In this ALSA version, we don't need to be able to write to stdout...

ReadMode(4, STDIN);
# should do this for all keys of %Cha2patch, e.g. for feeding into midiecho
# if (defined $Cha2patch{$Channel}) { new_patch($Cha2patch{$Channel}); }
foreach my $c (keys %Cha2patch) { set_patch($c, $Cha2patch{$c}); }
foreach my $c (keys %Cha2pan)   {  set_pan( $c,  $Cha2pan{$c}); }
if ($KeyMap ne 'drumkit') {
	display_channel(); display_patch(); display_transpose();
display_note(); display_volume(); display_pan();
display_midi_controllers();   # 4.9
if (!$Quiet) { display_keystrokes(); }

if (%Cha2Xcontroller or %Cha2Ycontroller) { set_mouse_mode(); }  # 3.6

while (1) {
	my $c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
	# reserve S=SustainPed B=Bank G=GeneralMidi M=Monophonic K=KeyMap
	if      ($c eq "Q")  { note_off();  last;
	} elsif ($c eq "P")  { new_patch();  next;
	} elsif ($c eq "C")  { new_channel(); next;
	} elsif ($c eq "U")  {  # 3.2
		if ($KeyMap ne 'drumkit') { $Transpose += 1; display_transpose(); }
	} elsif ($c eq "D")  {  # 3.2
		if ($KeyMap ne 'drumkit') { $Transpose -= 1; display_transpose(); }
	} elsif ($c eq 'M')  { new_midi_controller(); next;  # 4.2
	} elsif ($c eq 'X')  { new_Xcontroller(); next;  # 4.3
	} elsif ($c eq 'Y')  { new_Ycontroller(); next;  # 4.3
	} elsif ($c eq "\e") { escape_seq();  next;
	} elsif ($c eq "A")  { new_alsa();  next;   # 4.6
	my $note = $Char2note{$c};
	my $tra = $note + $Transpose ;
	if ($tra > 127 ) { $tra = 127;
	} elsif ($tra < 0) { $tra = 0;
	# my $b = chr($tra);
	if (defined $note) {
		$LastTra = $tra;
	display_note($note, $tra);
	# else { warn "c is ".ord($c)."\n"; }
if (!$Quiet) { clean_screen(); }
if ($PedalIsOn) {
	# my $b = chr(0xB0 + $Channel); print $OFH "$b\x40\x00";
close $OFH;
ReadMode(0, STDIN);

# ------------------- infrastructure -------------------
sub display_alsa {
	my @ConnectedTo = ();
	my $id = MIDI::ALSA::id();
	foreach (MIDI::ALSA::listconnectedto()) {
		my @cl = @$_;
		push @ConnectedTo, "$cl[1]:$cl[2]"
	my $s = "ALSA client $id, midikbd pid=$$";
	if (@ConnectedTo) {
		puts_clr("$s, connected to ".join(',',@ConnectedTo));
	} else {
		puts_clr("$s, not connected to anything");
sub display_channel {
	gotoxy(1,2); puts_30c("Channel is $Channel"); gotoxy(1,$CursorRow);
sub display_patch {
	if (defined $Cha2patch{$Channel}) {
		puts_clr("Patch is $Cha2patch{$Channel}");
	} else {
		puts_clr("Patch hasn't been reset yet");
sub display_transpose {
	if ($Transpose < -48) { $Transpose = -48;
	} elsif ($Transpose >48) { $Transpose = 48;
	if ($Transpose > 0) { puts_30c("Transpose is +$Transpose");
	} else {              puts_30c("Transpose is $Transpose");
sub display_note { my ($note, $transposed) = @_;
	if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') {gotoxy($MidCol,2);} else {gotoxy($MidCol,3);}
	if (! defined $note) { puts_clr("Note is off");
	} elsif ($transposed == $note) { puts_clr("Note is $note");
	} else { puts_clr("Note is $note transposed to $transposed");
sub display_volume {
	if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') { gotoxy(1,3); } else { gotoxy(1,4); }
	puts_30c("Volume is $Volume");
sub display_pan {
	if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') {gotoxy($MidCol,3);} else {gotoxy($MidCol,4);}
	# if ($AutoPan{$Channel}) { puts_clr("$AutoPan{$Channel} AutoPan");
	if ($Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel} == 10) {   # 4.9
		puts_clr("Pan is controlled by X-mouse");
	} elsif ($Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel} == 10) {  # 4.9
		puts_clr("Pan is controlled by Y-mouse");
	} elsif (defined $Cha2pan{$Channel}){
		puts_clr("Pan is $Cha2pan{$Channel}");
	} else { puts_clr("Pan hasn't been reset yet");
sub display_midi_controllers {
	my @items= ();
	foreach (sort keys %{$Cha2cc[$Channel]}) {
		my $v = $Cha2cc[$Channel]{$_};
		push @items, "cc$_=$v";
	#my $x = $Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel}; if ($x) { push @items, "X=$x"; }
	#my $y = $Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel}; if ($y) { push @items, "Y=$y"; }
	puts_clr(join(q{ }, @items));
sub display_keystrokes {
	my @s = (@{$Keystrokes{$KeyMap}},"\n",@Synopsis);
	gotoxy(1,$CursorRow+1); puts(@s); gotoxy(1,$CursorRow);
sub clean_screen {
	my @s = (@{$Keystrokes{$KeyMap}},"\n",@Synopsis);
	if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') {
		for my $y (2 .. ($CursorRow+1+@s)) {
			gotoxy(1,$y); print STDERR "\e[K";
	} else {
		for my $y ($CursorRow+1 .. ($CursorRow+1+@s)) {
			gotoxy(1,$y); print STDERR "\e[K";
sub set_mouse_mode {
	print STDERR "\e[?1003h";   # sets  SET_ANY_EVENT_MOUSE  mode
	eval 'sub END { print STDERR "\e[?1003l"; }';  # reset on exit
	if ($@) { warn "can't eval: $@\n"; }

sub set_pan { my ($c,$p) = @_;
	if ($p >112)  { $p = 112; } else { $p -= 16; }
	if ($p < 1)   { $p = 1; }
	# my $b = chr(0xB0 + $c);  $p = chr($p); print $OFH "$b\x0A$p";
sub set_patch { my ($c,$p) = @_;
	if (! defined $p) { return; }
	# my $b1 = chr(0xC0 + $c); my $b2 = chr(0+$p); print $OFH "$b1$b2";
sub new_patch { 
	if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') { return; }
	my $p;
	if (defined $_[$[]) { $p = $_[$[]; } else { $p = get_int('Patch'); }
	if (! defined $p) { display_patch(); return; }
	# my $b1 = chr(0xC0 + $Channel); my $b2 = chr($p); print $OFH "$b1$b2";
	$Cha2patch{$Channel} = $p;
sub new_channel {
	if ($KeyMap eq 'drumkit') { return; }
	my $c = get_int('Channel');
	if (! defined $c) { display_channel(); return; }
	$Channel = $c;
	display_channel(); display_note();
	display_patch(); display_pan(); display_midi_controllers();
sub new_midi_controller {
	my $c = get_int('MIDI-Controller');
	if (! defined $c) { display_midi_controllers(); return; }
	my $v = get_int("MIDI-Controller $c = ");
	if (! defined $v) { display_midi_controllers(); return; }
	$Cha2cc[$Channel]{$c} = $v;
	if ($Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel}==$c) { delete $Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel}; }
	if ($Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel}==$c) { delete $Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel}; }
	if ($c == 10) { $Cha2pan{$Channel} = $v; display_pan(); }
	# my $b=chr(0xB0+$Channel); $c=chr($c); $v=chr($v); print $OFH "$b$c$v";
sub new_alsa { 
	my %id2client = MIDI::ALSA::listclients();
	my %client2id = reverse %id2client;
	foreach my $cl1 (keys %client2id) {
		my $cl = $cl1;
		if ($cl =~ /^System/i or $cl =~ /^midikbd/) {
			delete $id2client{$client2id{$cl}};
			delete $client2id{$cl};
	# OK. clear the doc, use choose listclients, up 1,
	# dipslay_alsa(), display_keystrokes(),
	my @keystroke_rows = @{$Keystrokes{$KeyMap}};
	print STDERR "\e[J";
	my @new_to = Term::Clui::choose(
		'Connect to which ALSA clients ?', sort keys %client2id
	if (@new_to) {
		print STDERR "\e[A\e[K";  # up, clrtoeos
		my %new_ids = ();
		foreach my $cl (@new_to) {
			$new_ids{0+$client2id{$cl}} = 1;
		my @old_clients = MIDI::ALSA::listconnectedto();
		foreach my $old_client_ref (@old_clients) {
			my @old_client = @$old_client_ref;
			if ($new_ids{0+$old_client[1]}) {
				delete $new_ids{0+$old_client[1]};
			} else { 
				MIDI::ALSA::disconnectto(@old_client); #  or warn "FAIL\r\n";
		foreach my $new_id (keys %new_ids) {
	display_alsa(); display_keystrokes();
sub new_Xcontroller {
	my $cc = get_int('MIDI-Controller for X-mouse');
	if (! defined $cc) { display_midi_controllers(); return; }
	if (!%Cha2Xcontroller and !%Cha2Ycontroller) { set_mouse_mode(); }
	delete $Cha2cc[$Channel]{$Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel}};   # 5.2
	$Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel} = 0+$cc;
	$Cha2cc[$Channel]{$cc} = 'X';
	if ($cc == 10) { display_pan(); }
	#foreach (sort keys %Cha2Xcontroller) {
	#	warn "Cha2Xcontroller{$_} = $Cha2Xcontroller{$_}\n";
	display_midi_controllers(); return;
sub new_Ycontroller {
	my $cc = get_int('MIDI-Controller for Y-mouse');
	if (! defined $cc) { display_midi_controllers(); return; }
	if (!%Cha2Xcontroller and !%Cha2Ycontroller) { set_mouse_mode(); }
	delete $Cha2cc[$Channel]{$Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel}};   # 5.2
	$Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel} = 0+$cc;
	$Cha2cc[$Channel]{$cc} = 'Y';
	if ($cc == 10) { display_pan(); }
	#foreach (sort keys %Cha2Ycontroller) {
	#	warn "Cha2Ycontroller{$_} = $Cha2Ycontroller{$_}\n";
	display_midi_controllers(); return;

sub escape_seq {
	my $c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
	if ($c eq 'O') {  # a FunctionKey F1..F4
		$c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);  # P,Q,R,S
		# my $b = chr(0xB0 + $Channel);
		if ($c eq 'P' or $c eq 'Q') {  # take or renew pedal 3.5
			if ($PedalIsOn) {
				# print $OFH "$b\x40\x00";
			# print $OFH "$b\x40\x7F";
			$PedalIsOn = 1;
		} else {   # pedal off
			if ($PedalIsOn) { # print $OFH "$b\x40\x00";
				$PedalIsOn = 0;
	if ($c ne '[') { return; }
	$c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
	if      ($c eq '5') {  # PageUp,
		if ($KeyMap ne 'drumkit') {
			$Transpose += 12; display_transpose(); return;
	} elsif ($c eq '6') {  # PageDown
		if ($KeyMap ne 'drumkit') {
			$Transpose -= 12; display_transpose(); return;
	} elsif ($c eq 'A') {  # 3.2 ArrowUp, ArrowDown are now volume
		if ($Volume < 10)  { $Volume = 10; } else { $Volume += 10; }
		if ($Volume > 127) { $Volume = 127; }
	} elsif ($c eq 'B') {
		if ($Volume >120)  { $Volume = 120; } else { $Volume -= 10; }
		if ($Volume < 1)   { $Volume = 1; }
	} elsif ($c eq 'C') { # 3.2 ArrowRight is now Pan
		my $Pan = $Cha2pan{$Channel} || 64;
		if ($Pan < 16)  { $Pan = 16; } else { $Pan += 16; }
		if ($Pan > 127) { $Pan = 127; }
		$Cha2pan{$Channel} = $Pan;
		# my $b = chr(0xB0 + $Channel);  my $p = chr($Pan);
		# print $OFH "$b\x0A$p";
	} elsif ($c eq 'D') {  # 3.2 ArrowLeft is now Pan
		my $Pan = $Cha2pan{$Channel} || 64;
		if ($Pan >112)  { $Pan = 112; } else { $Pan -= 16; }
		if ($Pan < 1)   { $Pan = 1; }
		$Cha2pan{$Channel} = $Pan;
		# my $b = chr(0xB0 + $Channel);  my $p = chr($Pan);
		# print $OFH "$b\x0A$p";
	} elsif ($c eq 'F') { all_sounds_off();
	} elsif ($c eq 'H') { reset_all_controllers();
	} elsif ($c eq 'M') {   # 3.6
		# ^[[M#XY  where X is (chr(32+x)), Y is (chr(32+y)), top-left is !!=1,1
		# and LeftButtonPress = ^[[M XY  Mid = ^[[M!XY   Right = ^[[M"XY
		my $c = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
		my $x = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
		my $y = ReadKey(0, STDIN);
		next unless $c eq '#';
		$x = round ((ord($x)-32) * 127.8 / $Xmax);
        if ($x >127) { $x = 127; }
        $y = 126 - round ((ord($y)-33) * 127.8 / $Ymax);
        if ($y >127) { $y = 127; }   #warn "x=$x y=$y\n";
        if ($x != $CurrentX) { x_controllers($x); $CurrentX = $x; }
        if ($y != $CurrentY) { y_controllers($y); $CurrentY = $y; }
	} else { gotoxy(1,$CursorRow); return;
sub get_int { my $s = $_[$[];
	my $max_int = 127;
	my $row = 1;
	my $col = 1;
	if ($s =~ /channel/i) { $max_int = 15; $row = 2;
	} elsif ($s =~ /controller/i) { $row = 5;
	} elsif ($s =~ /patch/i) { $col = $MidCol; $row = 2;
	ReadMode(0, STDIN);
	my $int;
	while (1) {
		if ($s =~ /channel/i) {
			puts_30c("new $s (0..$max_int) ? ");
		} else {
			puts_clr("new $s (0..$max_int) ? ");
		$int = <STDIN>; print STDERR "\e[A";
		if ($int =~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $int <= $max_int) {
			ReadMode(4, STDIN); gotoxy(1,$row); return 0+$int;
		if ($int =~ /^\s*$/) {
			ReadMode(4, STDIN); gotoxy(1,$row); return undef;
sub note_off {  # 1.9
	if (defined $LastTra) {
		undef $LastTra; # XXX
sub all_sounds_off {
	foreach my $c (0..15) {
sub reset_all_controllers {
	foreach my $c (0..15) {
	@Cha2cc = ();  # a blunt instrument
	# must rescue the mouse-movement, which will still get generated..
	foreach (keys %Cha2Xcontroller) {
		$Cha2cc[$_]{$Cha2Xcontroller{$_}} = 'X';
	foreach (keys %Cha2Ycontroller) {
		$Cha2cc[$_]{$Cha2Ycontroller{$_}} = 'Y';

sub char2note {  my $keymap = $_[$[];
	if ($keymap eq 'piano' or !defined $keymap) { return (
	} elsif ($keymap eq 'wholetone') { return (
	} elsif ($keymap eq 'augmented') { return (
	} elsif ($keymap eq 'harmonic') { return (
	} elsif ($keymap eq 'drumkit') { $Channel = 9; $CursorRow = 4; return (
# 35 bassdrum, 40 snare, 44 hihat, 49 57 splash, 51 59 ride, 43 45 47 48 toms
	} else {
		die "unrecognised KeyMap: $keymap\n"
		 . " must be: piano, wholetone, harmonic or drumkit.\n";

# ---------------------- infrastructure for 3.6 ---------------------
sub process_channel_spec { my $arg = $_[$[];
	# warn "process_channel_spec arg=$arg\n";
	if ($arg !~ /^[-xy:,\d]+$/) { unshift @ARGV, $arg; last; }
	my ($cha,@a) = split(':', $arg);
	if (!length $cha) { next; }
	$Channel = 0+$cha;
	if ($Channel<0 or $Channel>15) {
		die "channel must be between 0 and 15, but was $Channel\n";
	my $i = 1; foreach my $a (@a) {
		if ($a =~ /^x(-?\d+)/) {   # 3.6
			my $con = $1;   # controller-number
			if($con<-127 or $con>127){
                  	die "-x channel $Channel controller must be "
				 . "between 0 and 127, but was $con\n";
			if     ($con eq '-0') { $Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel} = -1000;
			} elsif ($con eq '0') { $Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel} = 1000;
			} else {
				$Cha2Xcontroller{$Channel} = 0+$con;
				$Cha2cc[$Channel]{$con} = 'X';  # 4.9
		} elsif ($a =~ /^y(-?\d+)/) {   # 3.6
			my $con = $1;   # controller-number
			if($con<-127 or $con>127){
                  	die "-y channel $Channel controller must be "
				 . "between 0 and 127, but was $con\n";
			if     ($con eq '-0') { $Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel} = -1000;
			} elsif ($con eq '0') { $Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel} = 1000;
			} else {
				$Cha2Ycontroller{$Channel} = 0+$con;
				$Cha2cc[$Channel]{$con} = 'Y';  # 4.9
		} elsif ($i == 1 and length $a) { $Cha2patch{$Channel} = 0+$a;
		} elsif ($i == 2 and length $a) { $Cha2pan{$Channel} = 0+$a;
		$i += 1;
sub round { my $x = $_[$[];
	if ($x > 0.0) { return int ($x + 0.5); }
	if ($x < 0.0) { return int ($x - 0.5); }
	return 0;
sub x_controllers { my $x = $_[$[];
	if ($x > 127) { $x = 127; } elsif ($x < 0) { $x = 0; }
	while (my ($cha, $con) = each %Cha2Xcontroller) {
		if ($con < 0) { $con = 0-$con; $x = 127-$x; }
		# warn "x_controllers cha=$cha xc=$xc\n";
		$x = 128*$x + $x;   # two bytes full...
		if ($con == 1000) {  # special-cased for Pitch-Bend
			# my $b = chr(0xE0 + $cha); print $OFH "$b$xc$xc";
		} else {
			# my $b = chr(0xB0+$cha); my $c = chr($con); print $OFH "$b$c$xc";
sub y_controllers { my $y = $_[$[];
	if ($y > 127) { $y = 127; } elsif ($y < 0) { $y = 0; }
	while (my ($cha, $con) = each %Cha2Ycontroller) {
		if ($con < 0) { $con = 0-$con; $y = 127-$y; }
		$y = 128*$y + $y;   # two bytes full...
		if ($con == 1000) {  # special-cased for Pitch-Bend
			# my $b = chr(0xE0 + $cha); print $OFH "$b$yc$yc";
		} else {
			# my $b = chr(0xB0+$cha); my $c = chr($con); print $OFH "$b$c$yc";

# --------------- vt100 stuff, evolved from Term::Clui ---------------
sub puts   { my $s = join q{}, @_;
	$Irow += ($s =~ tr/\n/\n/);
	if ($s =~ /\r\n?$/) { $Icol = 0;
	} else { $Icol += length($s);   # BUG, wrong on multiline strings!
	# print STDERR "$s\e[K";   # and clear-to-eol
	# should be caller's responsibility ? or an option ? a different sub ?
	print STDERR $s;
sub puts_30c {  my $s = $_[$[];   # assumes no newlines
	my $rest = 30-length($s);
	print STDERR $s, " "x$rest, "\e[D"x$rest;
	$Icol += length($s);
sub puts_clr {  my $s = $_[$[];   # assumes no newlines
	my $rest = 30-length($s);
	print STDERR "$s\e[K";
	$Icol += length($s);
sub clrtoeol {
	print STDERR "\e[K";
sub up    {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { down(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\e[A" x $_[$[]; $Irow -= $_[$[];
sub down  {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { up(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\n" x $_[$[]; $Irow += $_[$[];
sub right {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { left(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\e[C" x $_[$[]; $Icol += $_[$[];
sub left  {
	# if ($_[$[] < 0) { right(0 - $_[$[]); return; }
	print STDERR "\e[D" x $_[$[]; $Icol -= $_[$[];
sub gotoxy { my $newcol = shift; my $newrow = shift;
	if ($newcol == 0) { print STDERR "\r" ; $Icol = 0;
	} elsif ($newcol > $Icol) { right($newcol-$Icol);
	} elsif ($newcol < $Icol) { left($Icol-$newcol);
	if ($newrow > $Irow)      { down($newrow-$Irow);
	} elsif ($newrow < $Irow) { up($Irow-$newrow);



=head1 NAME

midikbd - a simple monophonic ascii-midi-keyboard


 midikbd [-o output] [-ka|-kd|-kh|-kp|-kw] [-q] <ChannelSpec>...
 midikbd -o 128:0       # plays to ALSA-port 128:0
 midikbd 3              # plays to MIDI-Channel 3 (out of 0..15)
 midikbd 3:0:80 0:73:20 # sets Channel:Patch:Pan, and plays to 0
 midikbd 3:92:x10:y1 # mouse X-motion controls pan, Y modulation
 midikbd -ka                # selects the "augmented" keymapping
 midikbd -q         # Quiet mode: doesn't display keystroke help
 xterm -geometry 72x18-1-1 -exec 'midikbd -kd' &
 xterm -geometry 72x24-1-1 -exec 'midikbd -ka' &

 perldoc midikbd

 the "piano" keymap (bottom 2 rows round middleC, top 2 treble clef):
    1    2    3        5    6       8    9    0        =   Back
 F  F# G G# A Bb B   C C# D Eb E  F F# G G# A Bb B   c c# d eb e
 Tab   q    w    e   r    t    y  u    i    o    p   [    ]    \
              s    d        g    h    j       l    ; 
            C C# D Eb  E  F F# G G# A Bb B  C C# D Eb E
            z    x     c  v    b    n    m  ,    .    /

 Q = Quit        C = new Channel        P = new Patch        A = ALSA
 U/D = Up/Down a semitone      PageUp/Down  = Up/Down an octave
 UpArrow    = Volume +10       DownArrow = Volume -10
 RightArrow = Pan +16          LeftArrow = Pan -16  
 F1,F2  = take new pedal       F3,F4     = remove pedal
 M    = set a MIDI-Controller  X/Y = govern a Controller by mouse X/Y
 Home = reset all controllers  End = all sounds off


This script allows the use of the computer keyboard
as a simple monophonic MIDI keyboard.

Arguments are interpreted as ChannelSpecs, so the -C option has been removed.
In version 4.0 the command-line syntax has been made neater,
and more consistent with I<midiecho>,
and version 4.5 uses the MIDI::ALSA module to start its own ALSA client,
and therefore no longer needs to hijack a Virtual MIDI client.

I<Midikbd> is monophonic because of the impracticality
of detecting KeyUp and KeyDown events in an xterm.
If the <Space> bar is pressed
(or any other ascii-key which does not map to a note),
then the current note is stopped;
otherwise, each note lasts until the next note is played.

This also means that if you hold a key down (as you would on,
say, an organ keyboard) the key-repeat mechanism will start up;
this may sound, er, unexpected.

If the B<-o> option is not given then I<midikbd> writes to the
port specified by the I<ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS> environment variable.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 3

=item I<-o 128:0> or I<-o TiMidity>

This example plays into the ALSA B<p>ort I<128:0>,
or into the I<TiMidity> client..
It does this by using the I<MIDI::ALSA> Perl CPAN module.
When I<midikbd> exits the connection is automatically deleted.

This option allows I<midikbd> to use the same port-specification
as the other alsa-utils, e.g. I<aplaymidi> and I<aconnect>.
An ALSA-port is specified by its number; for port 0 of a client,
the ":0" part of the port specification can be omitted.
The output port is taken from the I<ALSA_OUTPUT_PORTS>
environment variable if none is given on the command line.

Since Version 5.0,
you may supply a comma-separated list of ports, e.g. I<-o 20,128:1>

Since Version 5.4,
the particular port value zero e.g. I<-o 0> is taken
as an instruction to not connect to anything at all.
This is useful if you want the output to go into another program like
I<midiecho> or I<midichord>;
you no longer have to go through a MIDI-Through client.
In separate I<xterm>s:
  midikbd -o 0

and then
  midiecho -i midikbd -c 0 -d 250,450 -s 45 -e 1,2

=item I<-ka> or I<-kd> or I<-kh> or I<-kp> or I<-kw>

=item I<-k augmented> or I<-k drumkit> etc.

Selects the B<k>eymap: possible keymaps are I<augmented>, I<drumkit>,
I<harmonic>, I<piano> (the default) and I<wholetone>.
All keymappings are aimed at the US-keyboard; this could be seen as a bug.
The I<augmented> keymap is particularly good for improvisation.
The I<drumkit> keymap preselects Channel 9; in this mode,
it is pointless to change the Patch or the Transposition.
The I<harmonic> keymap is sort of inspired by accordion buttons,
and makes it very easy to play major and minor triads;
this is unfortunately not very useful as I<midikbd> is only monophonic,
which could also be seen as a bug.
The I<piano> keymap is the default.

 the "piano" keymap (bottom 2 rows round middleC, top 2 treble clef):
    1    2    3        5    6       8    9    0        =   Back
 F  F# G G# A Bb B   C C# D Eb E  F F# G G# A Bb B   c c# d eb e
 Tab   q    w    e   r    t    y  u    i    o    p   [    ]    \
              s    d        g    h    j       l    ; 
            C C# D Eb  E  F F# G G# A Bb B  C C# D Eb E
            z    x     c  v    b    n    m  ,    .    /

 the "wholetone" keymap (bottom 2 rows bass, top 2 treble):
 `    1    2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    0    -    =   Back
 G G# A Bb B C C# D Eb E F F# G G# A Bb B c c# d  eb e f f# g g# a bb
   Tab  q    w    e    r   t    y    u    i    o     p   [    ]    \
          a    s    d    f    g    h    j   k    l    ;    '
          B_ C C# D Eb E F F# G G# A Bb B C C# D Eb E F F# G
             z    x    c   v    b    n    m    ,    .   /

 the "augmented" keymap (all 4 rows, starting from top left):
 `    1    2   3    4    5    6    7    8    9    0    -    =   Back
 Bb   C    E   G#   C    E    G#   c    e    g#   c    e    g    a
   Tab  q    w    e    r   t    y    u    i    o     p   [    ]    \
    B   C#   F    A    C#  F    A    c#   f    a     c#  f    g#   bb
          a    s    d    f    g    h    j   k    l    ;    '
          D    F#   Bb   D    F#   Bb   d   f#   bb   d    f#
             z    x    c   v    b    n    m    ,    .   /
             Eb   G    B   Eb   G    B    eb   g    b   eb

 the "harmonic" keymap (rightwards, alternate maj and min 3rds):
   1     2   3    4   5   6   7    8    9     0    -     =    Back
   Eb Bb G D Bb F D A F C A E C G  E B  G  D  B F# D  A  F# C# A
      q    w    e   r   t   y   u    i     o    p     [     ]
         a    s   d   f   g   h    j    k     l    ;     '
         F  C A E C G E B G D B F# D A  F# C# A E  C# G# E
            z   x   c   v   b   n    m     ,    .     /

 the "drumkit" keymap (for General-MIDI channel 9):
 Perc  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   -   =    Congas
 HiHat   q   w   e   r   t   y   u   i   o   p   [   ] Cymbals
 Snare     a   s   d   f   g   h   j   k   l   ;   '   TomToms
 Metronome   z   x   c   v   b   n   m   ,   .       BassDrums

=item I<-q>

B<q>uiet mode: doesn't display keystroke help

=item I<-h>

Prints B<h>elpful usage information.

=item I<-v>

Prints B<v>ersion number.



After the options, the remaining command-line arguments are ChannelSpecs,
which specify how the MIDI-Channels are to be set up. For example:

B< 5>

This first example preselects B<C>hannel number 5 (out of 0..15).

B< 5:91:120 4:14:120 3:91:8 2:14:8 1:91:64 0:14:64>

The second example sets up I<Channel:Patch:Pan> on a number of channels,
and leaves I<midikbd> playing on the last channel mentioned.
A list of General-MIDI Patch-numbers is at
in separate xterm's:

  midikbd -o 0 5:91:120 4:14:120 3:91:8 2:14:8 1:29:64 0:14:64 &


  midiecho -i midikbd -d 1,2200,2201,4400,4401 -q 5 -e 1,2,3,4,5

B< 3:91:y0 2:92:y-0 1:93:x-10 0:94:x10>

The third example uses mouse movement X,Y
within its window to drive MIDI-controllers, with an B<x> or a B<y>
followed by a Controller-number.
A list of MIDI-Controller numbers is at
and if the number is preceded by a minus sign then I<midikbd> reverses the
direction of drive, so that right- or up-motions decrease the parameter
rather than increase it as they do normally.

Controller number zero is re-interpreted by I<midikbd> to mean Pitch-Bend,
which is not technically a real MIDI-controller, but is very useful.
(The real MIDI-controller number zero is a Bank-Select, which is a
slow and discontinuous operation not useful under a mouse.)

B<midikbd -o 14 3:91:y0 2:92:y-0 1:93:x-11 0:94:x11 >

This fourth example leaves I<midikbd> transmitting
to patch 94 on channel 0, after having set patch 91 on channel 3, and 92 on 2,
and 93 on channel 1;
and the X-motions of the mouse cross-fade from patch 93 to 94,
and the Y-motions raise and lower patches 91 and 92 in opposite directions.

And then, in a different I<xterm>, you run:

 midiecho -i 14 -d 1,1,1 -s 1,1,1 -e 1,2,3

to duplicate channel 0 onto channels 1,2, and 3 (very wild :-).

I<Midikbd> detects mouse-motion events from the I<xterm>,
by using the DECSET SET_ANY_EVENT_MOUSE command: \e[?1003h
(An earlier version ran I<xev> and parsed its output).


=over 3

=item I<-p>

Specifies the output ALSA-port.  Just use B<-o> instead.

=item I<-C>

Preselect the MIDI-channel.Just specify the I<ChannelSpec>
arguments after the options on the command-line.

=item I<-P 32>

Preselects B<P>atch number 32 on whatever the current channel is.
This option is superseded by the I<ChannelSpec> arguments.


=head1 CHANGES

 20130225  5.4  -o 0 doesn't connect to anything
 20120407  5.3  the Y-controller works correctly
 20120401  5.2  changing the X- or Y-controller is displayed correctly
 20111103  5.1  use the new MIDI-ALSA 1.11 to handle portnames
 20111028  5.0  OutputPort can be a comma-separated list
 20110917  4.9  Pan controlled by mouse is not falsely displayed
 20110620  4.8  drumkit offers z,x = metronome
 20110509  4.7  quit from drumkit mode cleans up screen properly
 20110414  4.6  keystroke A changes ALSA connections
 20110321  4.5  now uses MIDI::ALSA, not writing to /dev/snd/midi*
 20101213  4.4  display more compact; Controllers now displayed
 20101117  4.3  keystrokes X and Y map X and Y mouse at run-time
 20101017  4.2  keystroke M sets MIDI-Controller
 20101017  4.2  AutoPan is cancelled by Pan, but still unimplemented
 20100819  4.1  CursorRow set correctly for drumkit keymap
 20100419  4.0  -C deprecated, -p and -d subsumed into -o
 20100417  3.6  X and Y mouse movements govern controllers 
 20100402  3.5  F1,F2 take new pedal; F3,F4 remove pedal
 20100326  3.4  -C accepts the Channel:Patch:Pan format
 20100325  3.3  handles multiple -C nn -P nn -C nn -P nn settings
 20100325  3.2  Left&Right pan; U&D transpose, Up&Down vol
 20100318  3.1  -d -  outputs to stdout, e.g. to pipe into midiecho -i -
 20100215  3.0  -C and -P, and -p now means ALSA-port
 20100206  2.9  augmented keymapping
 20100202  2.8  uses aconnect to show "connected to" info for virmidi
 20100202  2.7  -d option
 20100130  2.6  in drumkit mode, no Channel, Patch or Transpose
 20100130  2.5  fixed -h option
 20100130  2.4  drumkit keymapping
 20100129  2.3  piano, wholetone and harmonic keymappings; -k option
 20100128  2.2  Quiet mode: doesn't display keystroke help
 20100127  2.1  display_note()
 20100127  2.0  different key2note mapping, starting from z=C
 20100126  1.9  bug fixed with note-off for bass c
 20100126  1.8  End = sounds off,  Home = reset controllers
 20100126  1.7  looks through /dev/snd for midiC* files
 20100126  1.6  remembers Patch per Channel
 20100125  1.5  proper little Clui-style state display
 20100125  1.4  Left and Right arrows change volume
 20100125  1.3  the -p option works
 20100125  1.2  sub note_off; channel change stops last note
 20100125  1.1  PageUp,PageDown,Up,Down change transpose
 20100125       P changes patch, C changes channel
 20100124  1.0  first working version

=head1 AUTHOR

Peter J Billam


Uses the CPAN modules Term::ReadKey and MIDI::ASLA.

=head1 SEE ALSO

