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<page title="Predefined functions"
<p class="alert alert-warning">This level also applies the <elt href="#level0">base rules</elt>.</p>
Some rules are pre-defined and can be used in your elements and templates.
They are gouped in different levels (see <elt href="getting_started#templates"/>).
We give here the list of pre-defined rules applied at each pre-defined level.
<p>For most of the rules, you should look at the generated XML to modify
your CSS stylesheet according to the classes used. You can start from
the <icode>.less</icode> files in the <icode>doc</icode> directory
of the stog sources.
In the following descriptions, the current element refers to the element
whose hid is retrieved by the <icode>&lt;elt-hid/&gt;</icode> function.
<prepare-toc depth="1">

<section id="others" title="Rules always applied">
<p>These rules are applied in each level:</p>

<subsection id="contents" title="contents">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;contents/&gt;</icode> is the generic function to insert some
contents in an included file or template. It may be available or not depending
on the context.

<subsection id="env_" title="env_">
<p>The special tag <icode>env_</icode> can be used to modify the environment
before analysing children. For example, here we add an association
between "login" and "zoggy". This will add to the environment
an association between the key "login" and
the function returning the one-element list ["zoggy"], which is used
later in the "login" attribute:
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<env_ login="zoggy">
  <user login="&lt;login/&gt;">...</user>
<p>Such a function cannot be created in plugins, since functions only return
XML trees, not a new environment. But your functions can return XML trees
containing <icode>env_</icode> tags to modify the environment used to
evaluate the returned XML trees.

<subsection id="langswitch" title="langswitch">
If <icode>stog</icode> is launched with option <icode>--lang language</icode>, the
<icode lang="xml">&lt;langswitch&gt;</icode> function returns some code to access
to pages in other languages than <icode>language</icode>.


<section id="level0" title="Level 0: Base rules">
The following rules are called base rules: they are applied on level 0
but also in some other levels. They are used for simple formatting
and to use information about the current element.
The base rules defined by plugins are also added to this list, possibly
redefining pre-defined rules with the same names.
<li><elt href="#archive-tree"/></li>
<li><elt href="#block"/></li>
<li><elt href="#command-line"/></li>
<li><elt href="#counter"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elements"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-bodyx"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-date"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-hid"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-intro"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-keywordsx"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-src"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-title"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-type"/></li>
<li><elt href="#elt-url"/></li>
<li><elt href="#ext-a"/></li>
<li><elt href="#graphx"/></li>
<li><elt href="#hcode"/></li>
<li><elt href="#icode"/></li>
<li><elt href="#if"/></li>
<li><elt href="#image"/></li>
<li><elt href="#include"/></li>
<li><elt href="#latex"/></li>
<li><elt href="#list"/></li>
<li><elt href="#ocaml"/></li>
<li><elt href="#ocaml-eval"/></li>
<li><elt href="#previous"/></li>
<li><elt href="#sep_"/></li>
<li><elt href="#site-descriptionx"/></li>
<li><elt href="#site-email"/></li>
<li><elt href="#site-titlex"/></li>
<li><elt href="#site-url"/></li>
<li><elt href="#two-columns"/></li>

<subsection id="archive-tree" title="archive-tree">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;archive-tree/&gt;</icode> inserts the articles archive tree.

<subsection id="block" title="block">
<p>Not documented yet.</p>

<subsection id="command-line" title="command-line">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;command-line&gt;</icode> works like
<a href="#hcode"><icode lang="xml">&lt;hcode&gt;</icode></a>
with the <icode>lang</icode>
attribute already set to "sh".

<subsection id="counter" title="counter">
<hcode lang="xml"><counter counter-name="..."/></hcode>
<p>is reduced to the current value of the counter associated to the given name.</p>

<subsection id="elements" title="elements">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elements .../&gt;</icode> inserts the list of
published elements.
<p>The following optional attributes can be specified:</p>
<li><icode>max="n"</icode> can be used to list only the <icode>n</icode> most recent
<li><icode>rss="filename"</icode> triggers the creation of a RSS file corresponding
to the selected elements. The given filename is appended to the stog output directory.
A link to the RSS file is also added before the list.</li>
<li><icode>set="name"</icode> can be used to select only the elements belonging to
the given set.</li>
<li><icode>type="type1,type2,..."</icode> filters the elements to keep only the ones with one
of the given types.</li>
<li><icode>title="title"</icode> specifies the title of the RSS channel, if a RSS
file is created. If no title is given, the site title is used.</li>
<li>By default, items are sorted according to the date of each element. Specifying
<icode>sort="rule1,rule2,..."</icode> make elements sorted according to the given rules,
expanded for each element.</li>
<li>By default, items are listed in descending order; <icode>reverse="false"</icode>
make the elements listed in ascending order.</li>
<li><icode>tmpl="..."</icode> specifies a template file to use for each element of
the list. Default is <icode>.stog/templates/elt-in-list.tmpl</icode>.</li>
<li><icode>filter="p"</icode> specifies to keep only elements verifying
the given predicate <icode>p</icode>. The predicate can be an expression such as
  The attribute refers to a field defined in the element header, or defined in the main
  element for the whole site if it has the form "id:id".
  The expressions accepted as filters follow this grammar:
  <hcode lang="ocaml"><![CDATA[
attribute ::= id
            | id ":" id
    value ::= "'" string "'"
     expr ::= "(" expr ")"
            | attribute "=" value
            | expr "|" expr       # or
            | expr "&" expr       # and
            | "!" expr            # negation]]></hcode>
<p>Example: <icode lang="xml">&lt;elements type="post" max="10" rss="index.rss"/&gt;</icode></p>

<subsection id="elt-bodyx" title="elt-body">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-body/&gt;</icode> returns the body of the current element,
or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute.

<subsection id="elt-date" title="elt-date">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-date/&gt;</icode> returns the date of the current element,
or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute,
or an empty string if no date were specified.

<subsection id="elt-hid" title="elt-hid">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-hid/&gt;</icode> returns the hid of the current element
or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute.

<subsection id="elt-intro" title="elt-intro">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-intro/&gt;</icode> returns the introduction of the current
element (or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute),
that is the body code before the <icode>&lt;sep_/&gt;</icode> marker.

<subsection id="elt-path" title="elt-path">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-path/&gt;</icode> builds a navigation bar in the form
of a list of links showing the hierarchy to the current element (or the element
referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute).
Suppose we're handling the element whose source file is
<icode>STOGDIR/foo/bar/gee.html</icode>. Its <icode>elt-hid</icode> is
<icode>/foo/bar/gee</icode>. The path will contain two parts, one for
<icode>foo</icode> and one for <icode>bar</icode>.
If an element <icode>/foo</icode> exists, then a link to this element is
added. Else, if an element /foo/index exists, then a link to this
element is added. Else no link is added and the directory name is used,
with no link. The same is done for the <icode>/foo/bar</icode> element.
The separator of path parts is the code given under the
<ixml>&lt;elt-path&gt;</ixml> node.
<p>To illustrate, the code</p>
<hxml>&lt;elt-path elt-hid="/foo/bar/gee"&gt; / &lt;/elt-path&gt;</hxml>
<p>will produce the following code:</p>
<hxml defer_="1"><elt-path elt-hid="/foo/bar/gee"> / </elt-path></hxml>
<p>which results in:</p>
<elt-path elt-hid="/foo/bar/gee"> / </elt-path>
The <icode>with-root="..."</icode> attribute can be used to specify the
hid of an element used as root. For example:
<hxml>&lt;elt-path elt-hid="/foo/bar/gee" with-root="/index"&gt; / &lt;/elt-path&gt;</hxml>
<p>will produce the following path:</p>
<elt-path elt-hid="/foo/bar/gee" with-root="/index"> / </elt-path>

<subsection id="elt-src" title="elt-src">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-src/&gt;</icode> returns the source filename
of the element or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute.

<subsection id="elt-title" title="elt-title">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-title/&gt;</icode> returns the title of the current element
or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute.

<subsection id="elt-type" title="elt-type">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-type/&gt;</icode> returns the type of the current element
or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute.

<subsection id="elt-url" title="elt-url">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-url/&gt;</icode> returns the final url of the current element
or of the element referenced by the <icode>elt-hid</icode> attribute:
<hxml><![CDATA[<elt-url elt-hid="/getting_started"/>]]></hxml>
<p> is reduced to <elt-url elt-hid="/getting_started"/></p>

<subsection id="ext-a" title="ext-a">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;ext-a attributes&gt;...&lt;/ext-a&gt;</icode> is reduced
to <icode lang="xml">&lt;span class="ext-a"&gt;&lt;a attributes&gt;...&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/ext-a&gt;</icode>.
This can be used to add specific style for links to external sites.

<subsection id="graphx" title="graph">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;graph/&gt;</icode> computes the graph of elements in SVG format, and returns
a link to this graph displayed as a small graph. One can click on an element in the generated SVG
graph to jump to the element.

<subsection id="hcode" title="hcode">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<hcode lang="...">your code</hcode>]]></include>
This function inserts the given pre-formatted code. It uses the
<ext-a href=""><icode>highlight</icode></ext-a>
tool to add syntax highlighting. For example, the code examples of this page are
inserted using
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<hcode lang="xml">...</hcode>]]></hcode>


<subsection id="icode" title="icode">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;icode&gt;</icode> works like
<a href="#hcode"><icode lang="xml">&lt;hcode&gt;</icode></a> but is used to
generate inline highlighted code instead of using a box.

<subsection id="if" title="if">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[
<if attr1="value1" attr2="value2" ...>
<XML tree used when all conditions are verified>
<optional XML tree used when at least one condition is not verified>
The <icode>if</icode> function tests whether each condition expressed as <icode>attr="value"</icode>
is verified. If so, the first XML child is returned, else the second one is returned.
To test the value of <icode>attr</icode>, <icode>attr</icode> is looked up in the current
environment. If its value is the same as the given value, the condition is verified.
For  this evaluation, a tag <icode>t</icode> not found in the environment in not
reduced to itself but to the empty string, so that the condition in
<icode lang="xml">&lt;if foo=""&gt;...&lt;/if&gt;</icode>
will be verified if <icode>foo</icode> is not in the environment.
The <icode>"value"</icode> part of the condition must be valid XML, and can contain
calls to functions, as in:
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<if elt-title="&lt;site-title&gt;">....</if>]]></hcode>
<p>Other example: Testing whether a variable is empty to known whether to output
a block or not:
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<if list="">
<div>The list is not empty, let's print it:<ul><list/></ul></div>

<subsection id="inc" title="inc">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<inc href="foo#id/>]]></include>
This function includes the XML node referenced by the <icode>href</icode>
attribute. An error is raised if this node does not exist. If an
<icode>id</icode> attribute is provided, the included node has this new
id, else the original node id is kept.
This function is useful to avoid code duplication. It is used in this
site to show changes of a release both in the <elt href="install"/>
page and in blog post such as <elt href="release-0.9.0"/>.
<p>For example, the following code will include the paragraph with
id "optiondef" of element "getting_started":
<hxml><inc href="getting_started#optiondef"/></hxml>
<p>This is the result:</p>
<inc href="getting_started#optiondef"/>

<subsection id="include" title="include">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<include file="template">...</include>]]></include>
This function will load the file <icode>template</icode> from the template directory
(or fail if the file does not exist). The contents of the file will then be evaluated.
The code between <icode>&lt;include ...&gt;</icode> and <icode>&lt;/include&gt;</icode>
is added to the environment used to evaluate the contents of the file, associated to
the name <icode>contents</icode>.
With the additional attribute <icode>raw="true"</icode>, the contents of the loaded file
is considered as PCData. This is useful for example to insert code.
If the file attribute begins with "." or "..", that is the filename is explicitely relative,
the file path is concatenated to the current element source file path.
If the file attribute is an absolute filename, then this absolute filename is used.
By default, using <icode>&lt;include&gt;</icode> adds a dependency of the current
element on the given file. Use <icode>depend="false"</icode> to prevent adding this
<p>At last, all additional attributes to <icode>&lt;include ...&gt;</icode> will
be added to the environment used to evaluate the contents of the file.
<p>Here is an example. If we have the <icode>foo.tmpl</icode> file
in the template directory, with the following contents:
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<p> key=<key/> value=<contents/> </p> ]]></hcode>
<p>The following code</p>
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<include file="foo.tmpl" key="bar">the value of bar</include>]]></hcode>
<p>will be reduced to</p>
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<p> key=bar value=the value of bar </p>]]></hcode>

<subsection id="image" title="image">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<image float="[left|right]" src="..." ...>legend</image>]]></include>
This inserts an image using an <icode lang="xml">&lt;img .../&gt;</icode> node.
The legend is optional.
The <icode>float</icode> attribute can be used to change a class in the generated code,
so you can set the style of the image to be left or right floating.
Additional attributes are passed to the generated <icode>img</icode> node.

<subsection id="keyword" title="keyword">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;keyword/&gt;</icode> inserts the name of the current keyword,
when computing keyword list (in template <icode>keyword.tmpl</icode>).

<subsection id="elt-keywordsx" title="elt-keywords / elt-topics">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-keywords sep="..."/&gt;</icode> and
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt-topics sep="..."/&gt;</icode> respectively return
the keyword and topic list of
the current element, as defined in the element. The optional <icode>sep</icode> attribute
can be used to specify a separator between each keyword or topic.
<p>Each keyword will be displayed using a <icode>keyword.tmpl</icode> template file.
Each topic will be displayed using a <icode>topic.tmpl</icode> template file.
In these templates, <icode lang="xml">&lt;keyword/&gt;</icode>
(resp. <icode lang="xml">&lt;topic/&gt;</icode>) inserts the name of the current keyword
(resp. topic), when computing keyword (resp. topic) list.

<subsection id="latex" title="latex">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;latex&gt;...&lt;/latex&gt;</icode> is used to compile
latex code and display it as SVG in the page. Read
<post href="latex-in-stog">this post</post> for details.

<subsection id="list" title="list">
<hcode lang="xml"><list sep="..."><node1>...</node1><node2>...</node2>...</list></hcode>
<p>will is reduced to the list of subnodes, separated by the given <icode>sep</icode> attribute.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
<hcode lang="xml"><list sep=", "><b>apple</b><b>banana</b><b>orange</b></list></hcode>
<p>will be reduced to</p>
<hcode defer_="1" lang="xml"><list sep=", "><b>apple</b><b>banana</b><b>orange</b></list></hcode>

<subsection id="previous" title="previous / next">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;previous/&gt;</icode> and
<icode lang="xml">&lt;next/&gt;</icode> respectively return a link to the previous and next
element according to the chronological order of element dates.

<subsection id="ocaml" title="ocaml">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;ocaml&gt;</icode> works like
<a href="#hcode"><icode lang="xml">&lt;hcode&gt;</icode></a>
with the <icode>lang</icode>
attribute already set to "ocaml".

<subsection id="ocaml-eval" title="ocaml-eval">
<p>This rule evaluates OCaml code. See the following
blog posts: <post href="displaying-evaluated-ocaml-code"/> and <post href="ocaml-sessions"/>.

<subsection id="sep_" title="sep_">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;sep_/&gt;</icode> is the tag used to indicate the end of the introduction
of an element. It is reduced to an empty string.

<subsection id="site-descriptionx" title="site-description">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;site-description/&gt;</icode> returns the site description
as specified in the main element.

<subsection id="site-email" title="site-email">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;site-email/&gt;</icode> returns the site contact email
as specified in the main element.

<subsection id="site-titlex" title="site-title">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;site-title/&gt;</icode> returns the site title as specified in the
main element.

<subsection id="site-url" title="site-url">
<icode lang="xml">&lt;site-url/&gt;</icode> returns the site url as specified in the
main element.

<subsection id="two-columns" title="two-columns / n-columns">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<two-columns>
<XML for left column/>
<XML for right column/>
This will put the two given XML nodes in a two-columns layout. Note that the tag used to
enclose the left and right contents is not kept, so you may use any tag you want, for example:
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[
<two-columns><left>bla bla bla</left><right>bla bla bla</right></two-columns>
<icode>&lt;n-columns&gt;</icode> works the same way but produces as many columns as there are
children in the node.


<section id="level50" title="Level 50: Computing tables of contents">
This level only contains two rules: <icode>toc</icode> and <icode>prepare-toc</icode>.
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<prepare-toc depth="[1|2|...]">
<section ...>
  <subsection ...>

The <icode lang="xml">&lt;toc&gt;</icode> node is used to insert a table of contents.
If a text is given, it is added ahead of the table of contents.
Since the <icode>toc</icode> node does not include the sections and subsections, it is
not sufficient to build the table of contents. So it will use what is returned by
the function associated to "toc-contents" in its environment.
<p>This function is added to the environment by the <icode>prepare-toc</icode> node,
which includes all the sections and subsections. The <icode>depth</icode> attribute
is used to specify the depth of the table of contents.
<p>The nodes used for sectionning can be changed, see <elt href="#level100"/>.</p>

<section id="level100" title="Level 100: Sectionning">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<section id="..." title="...">...</section>
<subsection id="..." title="...">...</subsection>
<p>This is used to insert sections and subsections, with a given title. The id,
if given, will be associated to the section title node.
<p>"section" and "subsection" are the default sectionning nodes.
You can specify other nodes:
<li>for one element, using the "sectionning" attribute in the element, for example:
  <hcode lang="xml"><page title="..." sectionning="section,subsection,paragraph">...</page></hcode>
  will define "section", "subsection" and "paragraph" as sectionning nodes.
<li>for all the site elements, using the "stog:sectionning" attribute in the main element
  (see <elt href="getting_started#mainelement"/>):
  <hcode lang="xml"><page title="..." stog:sectionning="section,subsection,paragraph">...</page></hcode>
When a sectionning node is reduced, a <elt href="#block"/> is created, so that
refering to the section (or subsection, or ...), will use the title of the section
(or subsection, or ...) for the produced link default text.
<p>To prevent a sectionning node having a counter associated, you can use
<icode lang="xml">section-counter="false"</icode> in the element attribute, or
<icode lang="xml">stog:section-counter="false"</icode> in the main element. "section" can be replaced
by "subsection" or any other node to prevent this node having a counter.

<section id="level120" title="Level 120: Gathering existing ids">
<p>This level does not contain any additional rule. The only function
pre-defined in this level gathers all ids of all element, so that
cross-links in next levels can be verified.
<p>This function will issue a warning when an id is defined twice in the same element.</p>

<section id="level150" title="Level 150: Cross linking">
The default rules defined in this level are the following:
<icode>elt</icode>, <icode>post</icode>, <icode>page</icode> and <icode>block</icode>.
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<elt href=hid[#id]>text</elt>]]></include>
This will return a link to the element specified by its hid. The hid of an element
is its absolute name from the root directoty of your project. You are not forced
to give the full path, but can also give only one or more of the last parts
of the path, as long as it uniquely identifies an existing element.
For example, suppose you want to refer to the element defined in file
<icode>&lt;root dir&gt;/foo/bar/hello.html</icode>. The hid of this element
is "/foo/bar/hello". You can refer to it in various ways:
<li>with its absolute hid, providing the heading '/': <icode>/foo/bar/hello</icode>,</li>
<li>with only the last part of its hid: <icode>hello</icode>,</li>
<li>with an ending subpart of its hid: <icode>bar/hello</icode>.</li>
<p>In the last two cases, an error will be raised if more than one elements
match the incomplete hid. You can provide an additional attribute <icode>type</icode>
to prevent ambiguities, for example:
<hcode lang="xml"><![CDATA[<elt href="bar/hello" type="post"/>]]></hcode>
Refering to an unknown element will raise an error. If no hid is given,
<icode>&lt;elt-hid/&gt;</icode> is used instead, i.e. the string associated to
<icode>elt-hid</icode> in the environment, to retrieve the current element hid.
A node id can also be specified, like <icode>thisblock</icode> in
<icode>href="blabla#thisblock"</icode>. Refering to an unknown block id
will raise an error.
If no text is given for the link, the title of the element
will be used instead (or, if a node id is given, the title associated to
the node id, if any). Specifying in attributes <icode>quotes="true"</icode>
indicates to add quotes around the element title.
<icode lang="xml">&lt;page ...&gt;</icode> and <icode lang="xml">&lt;post ... &gt;</icode>
are equivalent respectively to
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt type="page" ...&gt;</icode> and
<icode lang="xml">&lt;elt type="post" ...&gt;</icode>.
<p>The <icode>block</icode> rule in this level hides the <elt href="#block"/> base rule.
In this level,
<hcode lang="xml"><block href="...">text</block></hcode>
<p>is used to refer to a block using the given <icode>href</icode> attribute. Here the
href only contains an id, it is not of the form "hid[#id]". This will
be reduced to a link to the corresponding element, using the given text.
<p>If the node matching the <icode>href</icode> was defined with the
<elt href="#block"/> base rule (i.e. without <icode>href</icode> attribute),
then the title associated to this node is used as text for the procuded link, if no
text was given (<icode lang="xml"><block href="..."/></icode>).
<hcode lang="xml"><block href="fig1"/></hcode>
<p>is equivalent to</p>
<hcode lang="xml"><elt href="#fig1"/></hcode>
<hcode lang="xml"><elt id="&lt;elt-hid/&gt;#fig1"/></hcode>
But the purpose of <icode>block</icode> rule is not to be used directly, but rather
by defining other rules reducing to <icode>block</icode>, like environments in
latex for figures, proofs, propositions, ...
<p>Here is an example of definition of a function in an element definition:</p>
<hcode lang="xml">
<article title="..." with-contents="true">
<theorem id="" title="" href=""><block
  counter-name="theorem" class="theorem"
  label="Theorem" href="&lt;href/&gt;"
  id="&lt;id/&gt;" title="&lt;title/&gt;"
<div class="&lt;class/&gt;" id="&lt;id/&gt;">
  <div class="title"><title/></div>
  <div class="contents"><contents/></div>
<p>This defines a new rule <icode>theorem</icode> used this way to define a new theorem:</p>
<hcode lang="xml"><theorem id="thmain" title="Main result">...</theorem></hcode>
<p>Elsewhere, this theorem can be referred to using</p>
<hcode lang="xml"><theorem href="thmain"/></hcode>
<p>which will be reduced to a link with "Theorem 1" as text, if this theorem was the
first defined in the article.

<section id="level160" title="Level 160: Including blocks">
<include file="syntax.tmpl"><![CDATA[<inc href="..."/>]]></include>
This rule is used to insert the XML node specified by the <icode>href</icode> attribute.
See <elt href="#level150"/> for details about how to specify an element. The id of the
node if mandatory for this command.