

distrib > Mageia > 4 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > fe01bf8c54a0c11542cc9c0b45c51700 > files > 23


README.blocklists              Mon Jan  5 02:07:24 CET 2009


Table of contents:

Note about different blocklist formats
Lists from
Lists from The Blocklist Group (TBG)
Lists from
Lists from
Lists from
Local (custom) blocklists



WARNING: Using too many and/or inappropriate lists may seriously degrade your
internet service.

This text shall help you to decide what blocklists you use. Just add the URLs of
the blocklists that you want to use to "/etc/pgl/blocklists.list".
Afterwards do a "pglcmd reload" to add the new blocklists to your master
It is your decision what blocklists you want to use. There might be other (good
or even better) blocklists that I don't know. The blocklist descriptions in here
are by the blocklist authors, not me.
Only use the blocklists that you need. More is not always better! You may also
use "pglcmd search PATTERN" to examine the single blocklists.


Note about different blocklist formats:

pgld supports all known blocklist formats. You can use several formats at the
same time. pgld detects the format automatically. pgld has builtin
support for gz packed lists, if it was compiled with zlib support.

pglcmd only supports lists in text format, but not in binary format. pglcmd
unpacks gz, zip and 7z lists for pgld.

The following formats are supported:
- eMule ipfilter.dat
- peerguardian .p2p text format (guarding.p2p)
- LOWMEM format
- peerguardian .p2b v2 binary format (guarding.p2b)

eMule ipfilter.dat example: , , 100 , Some organization , , 100 , Another organization

peerguardian .p2p text format (guarding.p2p):
Some organization:
Another organization:

LOWMEM format was introduced in pgld to save memory usage. It is like
peerguardian .p2p text format, but without the description:


Lists from The Blocklist Group (TBG)

For up to date information see here:

Lists are in here:

Per default, pgl uses mirrored blocklists from, instead of the
original ones from Don't use both!

Lists from The Blocklist Group in peerguardian ’.p2p’ text format (guarding.p2p)

Primary Threats List
Companies or organizations who are clearly involved with trying to stop
filesharing (e.g. Baytsp, MediaDefender, MediaSentry).
Companies which anti-p2p activity has been seen from.
Companies that produce or have a strong financial interest in copyrighted
material(e.g. music, movie and software industries).
Government ranges or companies that have a strong financial interest in doing
work for governments.
Legal industry ranges.
IPs addresses or ranges of ISPs from which anti-p2p activity has been observed.
The contents of this list will be similar to what we included on the Level 1
list in our time at Bluetack.
Notable differences are things such as the inclusion of Microsoft on this list
as well as America Online Corporate ranges.
We feel that companies such as Microsoft and Time Warner are far too dangerous
to p2p users to consider the blocking of their ranges to be optional during p2p,
even at the expense of user convenience of their services.
Protection is, and always will be, our only concern when it comes to the content
of our lists.

General Corporate Ranges List
Ranges for any company or organization which does not meet the requirements for
the Primary Threats List.
Ranges used by labs or researchers.
The contents of this list will be similar to what we included on the Level 2
list in our time at Bluetack.
We decided to also include the contents of the Ad Trackers, Spyware Lists to
this list to simplify matters.

Business ISP List
Ranges for ISPs which serve corporate and governmental customers.
Ranges for residential users where anti-p2p activity has been observed.
The contents of this list will be similar to what was included on the Range
Testing and Level 3 lists in our time at Bluetack.
We intend to be much more aggressive in adding business ISPs to this list than
we were in adding things to testing and L3.
Additionally, we are no longer going to include certain types of ranges which we
had previously to the Level 3 list, such as America Online users, Sony
residential users and the residential users from municipal ISPs.

Search Engines List
Ranges for search engine companies and various other spiders which roam the net.
The contents of this list will be similar to what we included on the Spiders
list in our time at Bluetack.

Educational Institutions List
Ranges for Colleges, schools K-12, etc
One difference on how we intend on handling certain EDU Ranges differently, is
that we want to have ranges used only by bureaucrats, and not by students, on
the Primary Threats List and treat them like ranges used by any other government

Bogon List
This list contains ranges from which no traffic should be appearing on the
These ranges are either for internal use of some sort or are address space not
currently in use.
Be aware that If you have a router, you will need to make exclusions for it and
any other addresses on your LAN.
Our Bogon list differs from that of the one we offered at Bluetack in that the
ranges from the various IANA lists and the Non-Lan list are all included on a
single list.

Hijacked List
The ranges on this list have been hijacked by people who are spammers, generally
up to no good, and who may be involved with other activities which are a threat.

Filter (sum of other lists, don't use this additionally to the other lists)
What goes on the filters?
    * Primary Threats List
    * General Corporate Ranges List
    * Business ISP List
    * Search Engines List
    * Bogon List
    * Hijacked List
    * Bluetack's Proxy List
    * Bluetack's Dshield List
We have decided to offer only one version of each filter. We have also decided
to exclude the Educational Institutions list in order to encourage the use of a
filter which blocks business ISPs, which we all feel is very important to do. We
expect that many more people will be willing to use a filter which blocks hard
in that area if it excludes the blocking of students, such as Bluetack's
Paranoid filter does.


Lists from The Blocklist Group in eMule ’ipfilter.dat’ format:

Filter (sum of other lists, don't use this additionally to the other lists)
What goes on the filters?
    * Primary Threats List
    * General Corporate Ranges List
    * Business ISP List
    * Search Engines List
    * Bogon List
    * Hijacked List
    * Bluetack's Proxy List
    * Bluetack's Dshield List
We have decided to offer only one version of each filter. We have also decided
to exclude the Educational Institutions list in order to encourage the use of a
filter which blocks business ISPs, which we all feel is very important to do. We
expect that many more people will be willing to use a filter which blocks hard
in that area if it excludes the blocking of students, such as Bluetack's
Paranoid filter does.


Lists from

For up to date information see here:

Per default, pgl uses mirrored blocklists from, instead of the
original ones from Don't use both!

Lists in peerguardian ’.p2p’ text format (guarding.p2p)
Companies or organizations who are clearly involved with trying to stop
filesharing (e.g. Baytsp, MediaDefender, Mediasentry a.o.).
Companies which anti-p2p activity has been seen from.
Companies that produce or have a strong financial interest in copyrighted
material (e.g. music, movie, software industries a.o.).
Government ranges or companies that have a strong financial interest in doing
work for governments.
Legal industry ranges.
IPs or ranges of ISPs from which anti-p2p activity has been observed. Basically
this list will block all kinds of internet connections that most people would
rather not have during their internet travels.
For more information on this list check the Anti-P2P & Fake Files Research
Section on the forum.
PLEASE NOTE: The Level1 list is recommended for general P2P users, but it all
comes down to your personal choice.
General corporate ranges.
Ranges used by labs or researchers.
Many portal-type websites.
ISP ranges that may be dodgy for some reason.
Ranges that belong to an individual, but which have not been determined to be
used by a particular company.
Ranges for things that are unusual in some way. The L3 list is aka the
paranoid list.
This list is a compilation of known malicious SPYWARE and ADWARE IP Address
It is compiled from various sources, including other available Spyware
Blacklists, HOSTS files, from research found at many of the top Anti-Spyware
forums, logs of Spyware victims and also from the Malware Research Section
here at Bluetack.
For more information on this list check our Malware IP Research Section on the
This list contains known Hackers and such people in it.
More information can be found at the DShield Website
This list covers the known Microsoft Corp ranges that are not on Level1, as
well as their known associated IP ranges from around the world.
This list is constructed to block connections from advertising - marketing
research data tracking sites, bad pop-ups...
For more information check out the General IP Research Section on our forum.
This list contains known Educational Institutions - University IP ranges -
Educational Networks - School Districts a.o..
This list has been compiled from a list of Tor servers and various other proxy
Automated software programs also known as spiders or bots, survey the Web and
build their databases for search engines and some are used to track people down
to automatically serve them with copyright violation notices. This list is
intended to be used by webmasters to block hostile spiders from their web
For more information on this list check out the Webspiders and Bots Sticky
PLEASE NOTE: Google and other search engines are blocked by this list.
This list contains addresses of suspicious IP's that are under investigation.
If you see hits that looks suspicious, please report it to the Range Testing
Report Section of the forum please.
These are the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority lists. They are for reserved
listings and IP addresses that are supposedly not in use as of yet. This list
(IANA Private) and possibly the other IANA lists contain IP Ranges that will
conflict with your connection if you are one a home network or a company
network. You should add the IPs or Ranges that belong to your network to your
Exclusions list in the Blocklist Manager.
More information on IANA can be found in the Bluetack IANA FAQ
Another important post for additional information about common IP ranges you
may have trouble with and need to unblock to prevent internet connection issues
is our IANA Sticky
Contains known Bogon IP-Blocks.
What is a bogon and why should it be blocked?
Note: We do not use the completeWhois bogons list any longer we have switched
From CompleteWhois:
Bogons is the name used to describe IP blocks not allocated by IANA and RIRs to
ISPs and organizations plus all other IP blocks that are reserved for private
or special use by RFCs (the actual term bogons comes from word bogus, as in
bogus IP announcements). As these IP blocks are not allocated or specially
reserved, such IP blocks should not be routable and used on the internet,
however some of these IP blocks do appear on the net primarily used by those
individuals and organizations that are often specifically trying to avoid being
identified and are often involved in such activities as DoS attacks, email
abuse, hacking and other security problems. These activities obviously pose
great danger to everyone and ISPs should try to filter all these bad IP routes
and we are trying to help in that by working to create complete detailed list
of unassigned bogon ips based on whois data.
In other words, if you get hit by an IP address from this range, then they have
spoofed their IP address and they, most likely, are trying to do something
Contains hijacked IP-Blocks and known IP-Blocks that are used to deliver Spam.
This list is a combination of lists with hijacked IP-Blocks
What is a Hijacked IP Block and why would I want to block it?
From CompleteWhois:
Hijacked IP space are IP blocks that are being used without permission by
organizations that have no relation to original organization (or its legal
successor) that received the IP block. In essence it's stealing of somebody
else's IP resources
These ranges are being used illegally and are most likely being used for
illegal activities. They should not be being used and should therefore be
This list blocks LAN [Local Area Network] IP ranges. It is only recommended for
use by people that do not have home networks and want to block the IANA Private
address ranges which should not be used on the internet.
(previously known as
This is a list of people who have been reported for sending corrupt data on
p2p, having files that contain viruses and many other things.


Lists from in eMule ’ipfilter.dat’ format:

These lists are no more provided since December 2008.


Lists from

This list is only available on a subscription basis from

IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P companies and the organizations that support them,
Corporations, Military Ranges, Government Agencies, Law Firms, P2P spammers and
many more.
There's no need to block more than 1 billion of IPs to be protected, overloading
further to a certain value will result in banning innocent IP ranges which means
legitimate P2P sources, this paranoid setting will hog your machine. You won't
run into risks using IpfilterX and won't run into more risks than using an
overbloated ipfilter.


Lists from

I-Blocklist is a site dedicated to the creation and distribution of quality IP
lists for use with IP blockers. It offers mirrors of all/most other blocklists,
game allow lists, country lists and more. Some of these lists are available to
subscribers only. If you have a valid update URL, you can use any of these

Per default, pgl uses mirrored blocklists from, instead of the
original ones from e.g. and Please don't use
both at the same time!

Some iblocklist update URLs are mapped from a 20 character random list name to
human readable URLs in the format
LISTNAME. These mappings are also hardcoded in pglcmd for e.g. the naming of the
/var/spool/pgl/LISTNAME folders.


Lists from

Currently the lists at are php
redirects to copies of some lists from (This means they are 100%
identical). Do not use both sources at the same time, because this will only
cause unnecessary traffic.


Local (custom) blocklists:

Put a line starting with "locallist" and the pathname of your local blocklist
to /etc/pgl/blocklists.list.
Of course your local blocklist has to be in the same format as your other
blocklists and the corresponding option has to be given in pglcmd.conf.
