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Reference Counting

Reference Counting





In Jacl, a handle is considered active as long as one
<B>TclObject</B> holds a reference. When a Tcl variable is
set to the handle for a Java object, the reference count of
the <B>TclObject</B> that holds the Java object is incremented.
When this variable is unset, the reference count is decremented.

# Ref count incremented to 1
set obj [java::new Object]

# Ref count incremented to 2
set copy $obj

# Ref count decremented to 1
unset copy

# Ref count decremented to 0, Java object freed
unset obj

A Java object handle can also be freed when the internal
representation for a <B>TclObject</B> that holds a Java
handle is changed. A Java object handle is created with an
internal representation of type
<A HREF="../TclJavaLib/ReflectObject.htm">tcl.lang.ReflectObject</A>.

# Ref count incremented to 1, ReflectObject internal rep
set obj [java::new Object]

# Ref count stays 1, converted to TclList internal rep, Java object freed
llength $obj

The attentive reader will deduce that there is actually
another ref count managed by the <B>ReflectObject</B>,
since in the first example the ref count of the <B>TclObject</B>
was changed while in the second example it was not. This is
in fact the case, although this implementation detail will
likely not matter to most programmers. A <B>ReflectObject</B>
has its own ref count to deal with the above case and to
account for the fact that a single <B>ReflectObject</B>
can be set as the internal representation for two
different <B>TclObject</B> instances. The following
example shows how this can happen.

# Ref count incremented to 1, ReflectObject internal rep
set obj [java::new Object]

# Copy just the string value of variable, ref count not changed
set copy [format %s $obj]

# Convert string to ReflectObject internal rep.
# Ref count for both TclObjects is 1.
java::isnull $copy

# Ref count decremented to 0
unset copy

# Ref count decremented to 0, Java object freed
unset obj



Tcl Blend:


In Tcl Blend, a handle is considered active as long as one <B>TclObject</B>
holds a reference. The complication is that a C <B>Tcl_Obj</B> can have its
internal rep set to point to a <B>TclObject</B>. When this happens, the
ref count for the <B>TclObject</B> is incremented by 1. The important thing
to note here is that there are actually 2 ref counts, one in the
C <B>Tcl_Obj</B>, and another in the <B>TclObject</B>.

# TclObject created with ref count of 0.
# Tcl_Obj created to point at TclObject, increments TclObject.refCount to 1.
# Variable obj set to new Tcl_Obj, increments Tcl_Obj.refCOunt to 1.
set obj [java::new Object]

# Tcl_Obj.refCount incremented to 2.
# TclObject.refCount is not changed.
set copy $obj

# Tcl_Obj.refCount decremented to 1.
# TclObject.refCount is not changed.
unset copy

# Tcl_Obj.refCount decremented to 0, Tcl_Obj freed
# TclObject.refCount decremented to 0, Java object freed
unset obj

While the Tcl Blend implementation of ref counting is
significantly more complex that Jacl, the end user
should not see any differences between the two
implementations at the script or Java code level.


One implementation detail worth mentioning is how
native Tcl values are passed to a Java method.
Two special internal reps, <B>tcl.lang.CObject</B>
and <B>tcl.lang.TclList</B>, are used to implement
this feature. The following Tcl command implemented
in Java provides a simple example.

import tcl.lang.*;
public class JS implements Command {
    public void cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
        throws TclException
        TclObject obj = objv[1];
        System.out.println("Java string is " + obj.toString());

# Create new command in the Tcl interp
[java::getinterp] createCommand js [java::new JS]

set tstr "a Tcl string"

# Wrap existing Tcl_Obj in a TclObject with a CObject internal rep.
js $tstr
Java string is a Tcl string


This next example shows how an existing Tcl list object can
be passed into Java. The important thing to note in this
example is that the Java code operates directly on the
native list from C.

import tcl.lang.*;
public class JL implements Command {
    public void cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
        throws TclException
        TclObject obj = objv[1];
        interp.setResult( TclList.getLength(interp, obj) );

# Create new command in the Tcl interp
[java::getinterp] createCommand jl [java::new JL]

set tlist [list 1 2 3 4]

# Wrap existing Tcl_Obj in a TclObject with a TclList internal rep.
jl $tlist


It is critically important to note that when a 
<B>Tcl_Obj</B> is wrapped in a <B>TclObject</B>, the
reference count for the <B>Tcl_Obj</B> is not incremented.
This is important because it must be possible for the
Java garbage collector to cleanup a <B>TclObject</B>
without having to invoke C code to decrement the
ref count for a <B>Tcl_Obj</B>. The Java garbage
collector is typically run in a separate native thread
and it is not legal to operate on a <B>Tcl_Obj</B>
from a thread other than the one it was created in.


The simple rule to remember when dealing with a
<B>TclObject</B> in Java is that you must
<B>preserve()</B> a reference you want to hold
onto, and <B>release()</B> it when finished.
The reference will keep Java from garbage collecting
the <B>TclObject</B>, and incrementing the ref count
will keep Tcl from releasing the <B>Tcl_Obj</B>.

import tcl.lang.*;
public class Hold implements Command {
    TclObject held = null;
    public void cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
        throws TclException
        if (held != null) {
            held = null;
        } else {
            held = objv[1];

# Create new command in the Tcl interp
[java::getinterp] createCommand hold [java::new Hold]

set hstr "valuable data"

# Wrap existing Tcl_Obj in a TclObject with a CObject internal rep.
# Increment ref count of Tcl_Obj to 2 by calling preserve().
hold $hstr

# Decrement ref count of Tcl_Obj to 1
unset hstr

# Set interp result to string value of held object
# and decrement the ref count of the Tcl_Obj to 0.
valuable data


The above examples show how one can pass a <B>Tcl_Obj</B> into a
Java method. The next example demonstrates how a <B>Tcl_Obj</B>
can be created in Java code and returned to Tcl.

import tcl.lang.*;
public class RL implements Command {
    public void cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
        throws TclException
        TclObject alist = TclList.newInstance();
        TclList.append(interp, alist, TclString.newInstance("ONE"));
        TclList.append(interp, alist, TclString.newInstance("TWO"));
        TclList.append(interp, alist, TclString.newInstance("THREE"));

# Create new command in the Tcl interp
[java::getinterp] createCommand rl [java::new RL]

# Tcl_Obj allocated in Java set as the value of tlist.
# Ref count incremented to 1 by this set command.
set tlist [rl]


The examples above demonstrate the most simple and
straightforward uses of a <B>TclObject</B> that
acts as a wrapper around a native <B>Tcl_Obj</B>.
In real code, there are additional complexities
that could lead to a memory leak of the
native <B>Tcl_Obj</B>. This next example shows
how that could happen and how Tcl Blend fixes
the problem.

import tcl.lang.*;
public class Leak implements Command {
    public void cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
        throws TclException
        TclObject obj = objv[1];
        double dval = TclDouble.get(interp, obj);
        int len = TclList.getLength(interp, obj);
        interp.setResult("Double -> " + dval + " llength -> " + len);

# Create new command in the Tcl interp
[java::getinterp] createCommand leak [java::new Leak]

set v 1.0

leak $v
Double -> 1.0 llength -> 1

At first glance, it looks as though all is well in the <B>leak</B>
command above. What actually happens is that the <B>TclList.getLength()</B>
call creates a new <B>Tcl_Obj</B> that would not be deallocated.
This leak could happen because the <B>TclDouble.get()</B> call converts
the passed in <B>TclObject</B> from a <B>tcl.lang.CObject</B> internal rep
to a <B>tcl.lang.TclDouble</B> internal rep. When that happens, the
<B>Tcl_Obj</B> stored in the <B>tcl.lang.CObject</B> is discarded.
When the object is converted back to a list type via the
<B>TclList.getLength()</B> call, there is no existing <B>Tcl_Obj</B>
to operate on, so a new one is allocated with a ref count of 0.
The <B>TclObject</B> with a newly allocated <B>Tcl_Obj</B> inside
of it is not used again, which could lead to a memory leak.


Tcl Blend includes a feature that automatically deals with this sort
of memory leak. When a Tcl command implemented in Java returns,
Tcl Blend will check to make sure that a native <B>Tcl_Obj</B>
allocated in the Java method is deallocated. Such a <B>Tcl_Obj</B>
will only be deallocated if it has a ref count of 0, meaning
its ref count was never incremented or decremented in the
Java method. This feature will cleanup those <B>Tcl_Obj</B>
pointers that would have been leaked, without effecting
a <B>TclObject</B> that had its ref count changed by
<B>preseve()</B> or <B>release()</B>.


<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1997-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.