

distrib > Mageia > 5 > i586 > by-pkgid > 82ac505190c212a37e5a9f824939c992 > files > 130


# This example demonstrate the use of VTK data arrays as attribute
# data as well as field data. It creates geometry (vtkPolyData) as
# well as attribute data explicitly.

package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction

# Create a float array which represents the points.
vtkFloatArray pcoords
# Note that by default, an array has 1 component.
# We have to change it to 3 for points
pcoords SetNumberOfComponents 3
# We ask pcoords to allocate room for at least 4 tuples
# and set the number of tuples to 4.
pcoords SetNumberOfTuples 4
# Assign each tuple. There are 5 specialized versions of SetTuple:
# SetTuple1 SetTuple2 SetTuple3 SetTuple4 SetTuple9
# These take 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9 components respectively.
pcoords SetTuple3 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
pcoords SetTuple3 1 0.0 1.0 0.0
pcoords SetTuple3 2 1.0 0.0 0.0
pcoords SetTuple3 3 1.0 1.0 0.0

# Create vtkPoints and assign pcoords as the internal data array.
vtkPoints points
points SetData pcoords

# Create the cells. In this case, a triangle strip with 2 triangles
# (which can be represented by 4 points)
vtkCellArray strips
strips InsertNextCell 4
strips InsertCellPoint 0
strips InsertCellPoint 1
strips InsertCellPoint 2
strips InsertCellPoint 3

# Create an integer array with 4 tuples. Note that when using
# InsertNextValue (or InsertNextTuple1 which is equivalent in
# this situation), the array will expand automatically
vtkIntArray temperature
temperature SetName "Temperature"
temperature InsertNextValue 10
temperature InsertNextValue 20
temperature InsertNextValue 30
temperature InsertNextValue 40

# Create a double array.
vtkDoubleArray vorticity
vorticity SetName "Vorticity"
vorticity InsertNextValue 2.7
vorticity InsertNextValue 4.1
vorticity InsertNextValue 5.3
vorticity InsertNextValue 3.4

# Create the dataset. In this case, we create a vtkPolyData
vtkPolyData polydata
# Assign points and cells
polydata SetPoints points
polydata SetStrips strips
# Assign scalars
[polydata GetPointData] SetScalars temperature
# Add the vorticity array. In this example, this field
# is not used.
[polydata GetPointData] AddArray   vorticity

# Create the mapper and set the appropriate scalar range
# (default is (0,1)
vtkPolyDataMapper mapper
mapper SetInputData polydata
mapper SetScalarRange 0 40

# Create an actor.
vtkActor actor
actor SetMapper mapper

# Create the rendering objects.
vtkRenderer ren
ren AddActor actor

vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren

vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize

wm withdraw .