

distrib > Mageia > 5 > i586 > by-pkgid > 82ac505190c212a37e5a9f824939c992 > files > 234


package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction

# This example demonstrates how to use the vtkImagePlaneWidget
# and a vtkSplineWidger to do profile probing of a 3D image
# dataset.  The use of vtkAnnotatedCubeActor, vtkAxesActor and
# vtkOrientationMarkerWidget is also demostrated.
# GUI controls are provided as follows:
# a) x,y,z buttons set the widgets to orthonormal
#    positioning, set the horizontal slider to move the
#    widgets along their common plane normal, and set the
#    camera to face the widgets
# b) right clicking on x,y,z buttons pops up a menu to set
#    the widget's reslice interpolation mode
# c) when in axes aligned, orthogonal orientation, the slider
#    will move the widget by slice index within the appropriate range

# Start by loading some data.
vtkVolume16Reader v16
  v16 SetDataDimensions 64 64
  v16 SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian
  v16 SetImageRange 1 93
  v16 SetDataSpacing 3.2 3.2 1.5
  v16 SetFilePrefix "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/headsq/quarter"
  v16 Update

scan [[v16 GetExecutive] GetWholeExtent [v16 GetOutputInformation 0]] "%d %d %d %d %d %d" \
        xMin xMax yMin yMax zMin zMax

set spacing [[v16 GetOutput] GetSpacing]
set sx [lindex $spacing 0]
set sy [lindex $spacing 1]
set sz [lindex $spacing 2]

set origin [[v16 GetOutput] GetOrigin]
set ox [lindex $origin 0]
set oy [lindex $origin 1]
set oz [lindex $origin 2]

# Create an outline of the 3D image data bounds.
vtkOutlineFilter outline
  outline SetInputConnection [ v16 GetOutputPort ]

vtkPolyDataMapper outlineMapper
  outlineMapper SetInputConnection [ outline GetOutputPort ]

vtkActor outlineActor
  outlineActor SetMapper outlineMapper

# Set up two renderers in one render window: one for the
# vtkImagePlaneWidget, vtkSplineWidget, and outline, and
# one for the profile plot.
vtkRenderer ren1
   ren1 SetBackground 0.4 0.4 0.5
vtkRenderer ren2
   ren2 SetBackground 0.8 0.8 0.8

vtkRenderWindow renWin
  renWin AddRenderer ren1
  renWin AddRenderer ren2
  renWin SetSize 800 400

ren1 SetViewport 0 0 0.5 1
ren2 SetViewport 0.5 0 1 1

# Create a vtkImagePlaneWidget to slice through the data.
vtkImagePlaneWidget ipw
  ipw DisplayTextOn
  ipw TextureInterpolateOff
  ipw UserControlledLookupTableOff
  ipw SetInputConnection [ v16 GetOutputPort ]
  ipw SetResliceInterpolateToNearestNeighbour
  ipw KeyPressActivationOff
  [ ipw GetPlaneProperty ] SetColor 1 0 0
  set xmode [ ipw GetResliceInterpolate ]
  set ymode [ ipw GetResliceInterpolate ]
  set zmode [ ipw GetResliceInterpolate ]
  ipw SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes
  ipw SetSliceIndex 32
  ipw AddObserver InteractionEvent UpdateIPW

# Create a vtkSplineWidget to interactively probe the data.
vtkSplineWidget spline
  spline SetInputConnection [ v16 GetOutputPort ]
  spline PlaceWidget
  spline SetPriority 1.0
  spline KeyPressActivationOff
  spline ProjectToPlaneOn
  spline SetProjectionNormal 0
  spline SetProjectionPosition 102.4
  spline SetNumberOfHandles 5
  spline SetResolution 500
  spline AddObserver InteractionEvent UpdateSW

# A vtkPolyData will be continuously updated from the spline
# during interaction.
vtkPolyData poly
  spline GetPolyData poly

# The filter to probe the image data.
vtkProbeFilter probe
  probe SetInputData poly
  probe SetSourceConnection [ v16 GetOutputPort ]

# The plot of the profile data.
vtkXYPlotActor profile
  profile AddDataSetInputConnection [ probe GetOutputPort ]
  [ profile GetPositionCoordinate ] SetValue 0.05 0.05 0
  [ profile GetPosition2Coordinate ] SetValue 0.95 0.95 0
  profile SetXValuesToNormalizedArcLength
  profile SetNumberOfXLabels 6
  profile SetTitle "Profile Data "
  profile SetXTitle "s"
  profile SetYTitle "I(s)"
  profile SetXRange 0 1
  set range [[v16 GetOutput] GetScalarRange]
  profile SetYRange [lindex $range 0] [lindex $range 1]
  [ profile GetProperty ] SetColor 0 0 0
  [ profile GetProperty ] SetLineWidth  2
  profile SetLabelFormat "%g"
  [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] SetColor 0.02 0.06 0.62
  [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ] SetFontFamilyToArial
  profile SetAxisTitleTextProperty [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ]
  profile SetAxisLabelTextProperty [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ]
  profile SetTitleTextProperty [ profile GetTitleTextProperty ]

# Create a composite orientation marker using
# vtkAnnotatedCubeActor and vtkAxesActor.
vtkAnnotatedCubeActor cube
  cube SetXPlusFaceText  "R"
  cube SetXMinusFaceText "L"
  cube SetYPlusFaceText  "A"
  cube SetYMinusFaceText "P"
  cube SetZPlusFaceText  "I"
  cube SetZMinusFaceText "S"
  cube SetXFaceTextRotation 180
  cube SetYFaceTextRotation 180
  cube SetZFaceTextRotation -90
  cube SetFaceTextScale 0.65
  set property [ cube GetCubeProperty ]
  $property SetColor 0.5 1 1
  set property [ cube GetTextEdgesProperty ]
  $property SetLineWidth 1
  $property SetDiffuse 0
  $property SetAmbient 1
  $property SetColor 0.18 0.28 0.23
  set property [ cube GetXPlusFaceProperty ]
  $property SetColor 0 0 1
  $property SetInterpolationToFlat
  set property [ cube GetXMinusFaceProperty ]
  $property SetColor 0 0 1
  $property SetInterpolationToFlat
  set property [ cube GetYPlusFaceProperty ]
  $property SetColor 0 1 0
  $property SetInterpolationToFlat
  set property [ cube GetYMinusFaceProperty ]
  $property SetColor 0 1 0
  $property SetInterpolationToFlat
  set property [ cube GetZPlusFaceProperty ]
  $property SetColor 1 0 0
  $property SetInterpolationToFlat
  set property [ cube GetZMinusFaceProperty ]
  $property SetColor 1 0 0
  $property SetInterpolationToFlat

vtkAxesActor axes
  axes SetShaftTypeToCylinder
  axes SetXAxisLabelText "x"
  axes SetYAxisLabelText "y"
  axes SetZAxisLabelText "z"
  axes SetTotalLength 1.5 1.5 1.5
  vtkTextProperty tprop
  tprop ItalicOn
  tprop ShadowOn
  tprop SetFontFamilyToTimes
  [ axes GetXAxisCaptionActor2D ] SetCaptionTextProperty tprop
  vtkTextProperty tprop2
  tprop2 ShallowCopy tprop
  [ axes GetYAxisCaptionActor2D ] SetCaptionTextProperty tprop2
  vtkTextProperty tprop3
  tprop3 ShallowCopy tprop
  [ axes GetZAxisCaptionActor2D ] SetCaptionTextProperty tprop3

# Combine the two actors into one with vtkPropAssembly ...
  vtkPropAssembly assembly
  assembly AddPart axes
  assembly AddPart cube

# Add the composite marker to the widget.  The widget
# should be kept in non-interactive mode and the aspect
# ratio of the render window taken into account explicitly,
# since the widget currently does not take this into
# account in a multi-renderer environment.
  vtkOrientationMarkerWidget marker
  marker SetOutlineColor 0.93 0.57 0.13
  marker SetOrientationMarker assembly
  marker SetViewport 0.0 0.0 0.15 0.3

# Add the actors.
  ren1 AddActor outlineActor
  ren2 AddActor2D profile

# Prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop.
  wm withdraw .

# Build a tcl GUI.

toplevel .top
wm title .top "Probe With vtkSplineWidget Example"
wm protocol .top WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit

set popm [menu -tearoff 0]
set interpmode 0
$popm add radiobutton -label "nearest" -variable interpmode -value 0  \
           -command SetInterpolation
$popm add radiobutton -label "linear" -variable interpmode -value 1  \
           -command SetInterpolation
$popm add radiobutton -label "cubic" -variable interpmode -value 2  \
           -command SetInterpolation

set display_frame [frame .top.f1]

set ctrl_buttons [frame .top.btns]

pack $display_frame $ctrl_buttons \
        -side top -anchor n \
        -fill both -expand f

set quit_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn1  \
        -text "Quit" \
        -command  ::vtk::cb_exit]

set x_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn2  \
        -text "x" \
        -command AlignXaxis]

set y_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn3  \
        -text "y" \
        -command AlignYaxis]

set z_button [button $ctrl_buttons.btn4  \
        -text "z" \
        -command AlignZaxis]

set last_btn -1
bind $x_button <Button-3> "set last_btn 0; ConfigMenu; $popm post %X %Y"
bind $y_button <Button-3> "set last_btn 1; ConfigMenu; $popm post %X %Y"
bind $z_button <Button-3> "set last_btn 2; ConfigMenu; $popm post %X %Y"

# Share the popup menu among buttons, keeping
# track of associated plane's interpolation mode
proc ConfigMenu { } {
  global last_btn popm interpmode xmode ymode zmode
  if { $last_btn == 0 } {
    set interpmode $xmode
   } elseif { $last_btn == 1 } {
    set interpmode $ymode
  } else {
    set interpmode $zmode
  $popm entryconfigure $last_btn -variable interpmode

pack $quit_button $x_button $y_button $z_button \
        -side left \
        -expand t -fill both

# Create the render widget
set renderer_frame [frame $display_frame.rFm]

pack $renderer_frame \
        -padx 3 -pady 3 \
        -side left -anchor n \
        -fill both -expand f

set render_widget [vtkTkRenderWidget $renderer_frame.r \
        -width 800 \
        -height 400 \
        -rw renWin]

pack $render_widget $display_frame  \
        -side top -anchor n \
        -fill both -expand f

# Add a slice scale to browse the current slice stack

set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex]

scale .top.slice \
        -from $xMin \
        -to $xMax \
        -orient horizontal \
        -command SetSlice \
        -variable slice_number \
        -label "Slice"

pack .top.slice \
        -fill x -expand f

proc SetSlice {slice} {
  ipw SetSliceIndex $slice
  renWin Render

::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget $render_widget
# Set the interactor for the widgets
set iact [[$render_widget GetRenderWindow] GetInteractor]
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera style
$iact SetInteractorStyle style

ipw SetInteractor $iact
ipw On

spline SetInteractor $iact
spline SetPlaneSource [ ipw GetPolyDataAlgorithm ]
spline SetProjectionNormal 3
spline On

marker SetInteractor $iact
marker SetEnabled 1
marker InteractiveOff

# Create an initial interesting view
set cam1 [ren1 GetActiveCamera]
$cam1 Elevation 110
$cam1 SetViewUp 0 0 -1
$cam1 Azimuth 45
ren1 ResetCamera

# Render it
$render_widget Render

# Supporting procedures

# Align the camera so that it faces the desired widget
proc AlignCamera { } {
  global ox oy oz sx sy sz xMax xMin yMax yMin zMax zMin slice_number
  set cx [expr $ox + (0.5*($xMax - $xMin))*$sx]
  set cy [expr $oy + (0.5*($yMax - $yMin))*$sy]
  set cz [expr $oy + (0.5*($zMax - $zMin))*$sz]
  set vx 0
  set vy 0
  set vz 0
  set nx 0
  set ny 0
  set nz 0
  set iaxis [ipw GetPlaneOrientation]
  if { $iaxis == 0 } {
    set vz -1
    set nx [expr $ox + $xMax*$sx]
    set cx [expr $ox + $slice_number*$sx]
  }  elseif  { $iaxis == 1 } {
    set vz -1
    set ny [expr $oy + $yMax*$sy]
    set cy [expr $oy + $slice_number*$sy]
  } else {
    set vy 1
    set nz [expr $oz + $zMax*$sz]
    set cz [expr $oz + $slice_number*$sz]
  set px [expr $cx + $nx*2]
  set py [expr $cy + $ny*2]
  set pz [expr $cz + $nz*3]

  set camera [ ren1 GetActiveCamera ]
  $camera SetViewUp $vx $vy $vz
  $camera SetFocalPoint $cx $cy $cz
  $camera SetPosition $px $py $pz
  $camera OrthogonalizeViewUp
  ren1 ResetCamera
  renWin Render

# Align the widget back into orthonormal position,
# set the slider to reflect the widget's position,
# call AlignCamera to set the camera facing the widget
proc AlignXaxis { } {
  global xMax xMin slice_number interpmode xmode
  set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ]
  if { $ori != 0 } {
    ipw SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes
    set slice_number [expr ($xMax - $xMin)/2]
    ipw SetSliceIndex $slice_number
  } else {
    set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex]
  .top.slice config -from $xMin -to $xMax
  .top.slice set $slice_number
  set interpmode $xmode

proc AlignYaxis { } {
  global yMin yMax slice_number interpmode ymode

  set po [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ]
  set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ]
  if { $ori != 1 } {
    ipw SetPlaneOrientationToYAxes
    set slice_number [expr ($yMax - $yMin)/2]
    ipw SetSliceIndex $slice_number
  } else {
    set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex]
  .top.slice config -from $yMin -to $yMax
  .top.slice set $slice_number
  set interpmode $ymode

proc AlignZaxis { } {
  global zMin zMax slice_number interpmode zmode
  set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ]
  if { $ori != 2 } {
    ipw SetPlaneOrientationToZAxes
    set slice_number [expr ($zMax - $zMin)/2]
    ipw SetSliceIndex $slice_number
  } else {
    set slice_number [ipw GetSliceIndex]
  .top.slice config -from $zMin -to $zMax
  .top.slice set $slice_number
  set interpmode $zmode

proc UpdateSplinePosition { } {
  set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ]
  spline ProjectToPlaneOff
  spline PlaceWidget
  spline ProjectToPlaneOn
  spline SetProjectionNormal $ori
  spline SetProjectionNormal 3

# Set the vtkImagePlaneWidget's reslice interpolation mode
# to the corresponding popup menu choice and store
# it for subsequent orientation changes.
proc SetInterpolation { } {
  global interpmode xmode ymode zmode
  if { $interpmode == 0 } {
    ipw TextureInterpolateOff
  } else {
    ipw TextureInterpolateOn
  ipw SetResliceInterpolate $interpmode
  set ori [ipw GetPlaneOrientation]
  if { $ori == 0 } {
    set xmode $interpmode
  }  elseif  { $ori == 1 } {
    set ymode $interpmode
  } else {
    set zmode $interpmode
  renWin Render

# Procedure to update the placement of the vtkSplineWidget on the
# plane defined by the vtkImagePlaneWidget.
proc UpdateIPW { } {
  set ori [ ipw GetPlaneOrientation ]

  if { $ori == 3 } {
    spline SetProjectionPosition 0
  } else {
    set pos [ ipw GetSlicePosition ]
    spline SetProjectionPosition $pos


# Procedure to update the spline geometry fed into the probe filter.
proc UpdateSW { } {
  spline GetPolyData poly