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  Program:   Visualization Toolkit
  Module:    vtkBridgeAttribute.h

  Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
  All rights reserved.
  See Copyright.txt or for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.

// .NAME vtkBridgeAttribute - Implementation of vtkGenericAttribute.
// .SECTION Description
// It is just an example that show how to implement the Generic. It is also
// used for testing and evaluating the Generic.
// .SECTION See Also
// vtkGenericAttribute, vtkBridgeDataSet

#ifndef __vtkBridgeAttribute_h
#define __vtkBridgeAttribute_h

#include "vtkBridgeExport.h" //for module export macro
#include "vtkGenericAttribute.h"

class vtkPointData;
class vtkCellData;
class vtkDataSetAttributes;

class VTKTESTINGGENERICBRIDGE_EXPORT vtkBridgeAttribute : public vtkGenericAttribute
  static vtkBridgeAttribute *New();
  void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);

  // Description:
  // Name of the attribute. (e.g. "velocity")
  // \post result_may_not_exist: result!=0 || result==0
  const char *GetName();

  // Description:
  // Dimension of the attribute. (1 for scalar, 3 for velocity)
  // \post positive_result: result>=0
  int GetNumberOfComponents();

  // Description:
  // Is the attribute centered either on points, cells or boundaries?
  // \post valid_result: (result==vtkCenteringPoints) ||
  //            (result==vtkCenteringCells) || (result==vtkCenteringBoundaries)
  int GetCentering();

  // Description:
  // Type of the attribute: scalar, vector, normal, texture coordinate, tensor
  // \post valid_result: (result==vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS)
  //                   ||(result==vtkDataSetAttributes::VECTORS)
  //                   ||(result==vtkDataSetAttributes::NORMALS)
  //                   ||(result==vtkDataSetAttributes::TCOORDS)
  //                   ||(result==vtkDataSetAttributes::TENSORS)
  int GetType();

  // Description:
  // Type of the components of the attribute: int, float, double
  // \post valid_result: (result==VTK_BIT)           ||(result==VTK_CHAR)
  //                   ||(result==VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) ||(result==VTK_SHORT)
  //                   ||(result==VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT)||(result==VTK_INT)
  //                   ||(result==VTK_UNSIGNED_INT)  ||(result==VTK_LONG)
  //                   ||(result==VTK_UNSIGNED_LONG) ||(result==VTK_FLOAT)
  //                   ||(result==VTK_DOUBLE)        ||(result==VTK_ID_TYPE)
  int GetComponentType();

  // Description:
  // Number of tuples.
  // \post valid_result: result>=0
  vtkIdType GetSize();

  // Description:
  // Size in kilobytes taken by the attribute.
  unsigned long GetActualMemorySize();

  // Description:
  // Range of the attribute component `component'. It returns double, even if
  // GetType()==VTK_INT.
  // \pre valid_component: (component>=0)&&(component<GetNumberOfComponents())
  // \post result_exists: result!=0
  double *GetRange(int component);

  // Description:
  // Range of the attribute component `component'.
  // \pre valid_component: (component>=0)&&(component<GetNumberOfComponents())
  void GetRange(int component,
                double range[2]);

  // Description:
  // Return the maximum euclidean norm for the tuples.
  // \post positive_result: result>=0
  double GetMaxNorm();

  // Description:
  // Attribute at all points of cell `c'.
  // \pre c_exists: c!=0
  // \pre c_valid: !c->IsAtEnd()
  // \post result_exists: result!=0
  // \post valid_result: sizeof(result)==GetNumberOfComponents()*c->GetCell()->GetNumberOfPoints()
  virtual double *GetTuple(vtkGenericAdaptorCell *c);

  // Description:
  // Put attribute at all points of cell `c' in `tuple'.
  // \pre c_exists: c!=0
  // \pre c_valid: !c->IsAtEnd()
  // \pre tuple_exists: tuple!=0
  // \pre valid_tuple: sizeof(tuple)>=GetNumberOfComponents()*c->GetCell()->GetNumberOfPoints()
  virtual void GetTuple(vtkGenericAdaptorCell *c, double *tuple);

  // Description:
  // Attribute at all points of cell `c'.
  // \pre c_exists: c!=0
  // \pre c_valid: !c->IsAtEnd()
  // \post result_exists: result!=0
  // \post valid_result: sizeof(result)==GetNumberOfComponents()*c->GetCell()->GetNumberOfPoints()
  double *GetTuple(vtkGenericCellIterator *c);

  // Description:
  // Put attribute at all points of cell `c' in `tuple'.
  // \pre c_exists: c!=0
  // \pre c_valid: !c->IsAtEnd()
  // \pre tuple_exists: tuple!=0
  // \pre valid_tuple: sizeof(tuple)>=GetNumberOfComponents()*c->GetCell()->GetNumberOfPoints()
  void GetTuple(vtkGenericCellIterator *c, double *tuple);

  // Description:
  // Value of the attribute at position `p'.
  // \pre p_exists: p!=0
  // \pre p_valid: !p->IsAtEnd()
  // \post result_exists: result!=0
  // \post valid_result_size: sizeof(result)==GetNumberOfComponents()
  double *GetTuple(vtkGenericPointIterator *p);

  // Description:
  // Put the value of the attribute at position `p' into `tuple'.
  // \pre p_exists: p!=0
  // \pre p_valid: !p->IsAtEnd()
  // \pre tuple_exists: tuple!=0
  // \pre valid_tuple_size: sizeof(tuple)>=GetNumberOfComponents()
  void GetTuple(vtkGenericPointIterator *p, double *tuple);

  // Description:
  // Put component `i' of the attribute at all points of cell `c' in `values'.
  // \pre valid_component: (i>=0) && (i<GetNumberOfComponents())
  // \pre c_exists: c!=0
  // \pre c_valid: !c->IsAtEnd()
  // \pre values_exist: values!=0
  // \pre valid_values: sizeof(values)>=c->GetCell()->GetNumberOfPoints()
  void GetComponent(int i,vtkGenericCellIterator *c, double *values);

  // Description:
  // Value of the component `i' of the attribute at position `p'.
  // \pre valid_component: (i>=0) && (i<GetNumberOfComponents())
  // \pre p_exists: p!=0
  // \pre p_valid: !p->IsAtEnd()
  double GetComponent(int i,vtkGenericPointIterator *p);

  // Description:
  // Recursive duplication of `other' in `this'.
  // \pre other_exists: other!=0
  // \pre not_self: other!=this
  void DeepCopy(vtkGenericAttribute *other);

  // Description:
  // Update `this' using fields of `other'.
  // \pre other_exists: other!=0
  // \pre not_self: other!=this
  void ShallowCopy(vtkGenericAttribute *other);

  // Description:
  // Set the current attribute to be centered on points with attribute `i' of
  // `d'.
  // \pre d_exists: d!=0
  // \pre valid_range: (i>=0) && (i<d->GetNumberOfArrays())
  void InitWithPointData(vtkPointData *d,
                         int i);

  // Description:
  // Set the current attribute to be centered on cells with attribute `i' of
  // `d'.
  // \pre d_exists: d!=0
  // \pre valid_range: (i>=0) && (i<d->GetNumberOfArrays())
  void InitWithCellData(vtkCellData *d,
                        int i);

  // Description:
  // Default constructor: empty attribute, not valid
  // Description:
  // Destructor.
  virtual ~vtkBridgeAttribute();

  // Description:
  // If size>InternalTupleCapacity, allocate enough memory.
  // \pre positive_size: size>0
  void AllocateInternalTuple(int size);

  friend class vtkBridgeCell;

  // only one of them is non-null at a time.
  vtkPointData *Pd;
  vtkCellData *Cd;
  vtkDataSetAttributes *Data; // always not-null, equal to either on Pd or Cd
  int AttributeNumber;

  double *InternalTuple; // used by vtkBridgeCell
  int InternalTupleCapacity;

  vtkBridgeAttribute(const vtkBridgeAttribute&); // Not implemented
  void operator=(const vtkBridgeAttribute&); // Not implemented
