

distrib > Mageia > 5 > i586 > by-pkgid > a20348d2fa228c624acb4ae2d293be74 > files > 5


# This is the GTK style file for Ardour, originally by Paul Davis and others
# Color meta-ization originated by Sean Corbett (
# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2:

#@color fg #171717
#@color bg #cccccc
#@color text #171717
#@color light_text_on_dark #CFCFC1
#@color base #cccccc
#@color fg_selected #EEF
#@color bg_selected #58B
#@color fg_tooltip #1F1F1F
#@color bg_tooltip #FCF5B8

#@color lightest #ffffff
#@color darkest #000000
#@color bright_indicator #F11
#@color contrasting_indicator #9f3
#@color somewhat_bright_indicator #CEF
#@color not_so_bright_indicator #FC4
#@color bright_color #729FCF

#@color arm #F33
#@color solo #A8F730
#@color midi_channel_selector #005900
#@color mute #FFFA87
#@color mono #DEC
#@color monitor #7596DE
#@color control_text2 #8D2B1B
#@color control_base #ffffff
#@color control_text #D0D2D5
#@color audio_track #aaaaaa
#@color midi_track #aabbbb
#@color audio_bus #888899

#@color send_fg #30F7B0
#@color send_bg #C4C4B8

#@color processor_frame_selected #999999
#@color processor_fader_bg #666666
#@color processor_fader_frame #7F7F7F
#@color processor_prefader #ffffff
#@color processor_prefader_frame #7F0000
#@color processor_postfader #1A4D1A
#@color processor_postfader_frame #1B7F1B

# Tweak the color scheme in one place :

gtk_color_scheme = "ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg:#171717;ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg:#cccccc;ARDOUR_LIGHT_text:#171717;ARDOUR_LIGHT_light_text_on_dark:#CFCFC1;ARDOUR_LIGHT_base:#cccccc;ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected:#EEF;ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected:#58B;ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_tooltip:#1F1F1F;ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_tooltip:#FCF5B8;ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest:#ffffff;ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest:#000000;ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator:#F11;ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator:#9f3;ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator:#CEF;ARDOUR_LIGHT_not_so_bright_indicator:#FC4;ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color:#729FCF;ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm:#F33;ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo:#A8F730;ARDOUR_LIGHT_midi_channel_selector:#005900;ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute:#FFFA87;ARDOUR_LIGHT_mono:#DEC;ARDOUR_LIGHT_monitor:#7596DE;ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text2:#8D2B1B;ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_base:#ffffff;ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text:#D0D2D5;ARDOUR_LIGHT_audio_track:#aaaaaa;ARDOUR_LIGHT_midi_track:#aabbbb;ARDOUR_LIGHT_audio_bus:#888899;ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_fg:#30F7B0;ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_bg:#C4C4B8;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_frame_selected:#999999;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_fader_bg:#666666;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_fader_frame:#7F7F7F;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_prefader:#ffffff;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_prefader_frame:#7F0000;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_postfader:#1A4D1A;ARDOUR_LIGHT_processor_postfader_frame:#1B7F1B"

#alternate BG color: #5C5E61

style "default" = "medium_text"
  #Original values for reference
  GtkWidget::cursor_color =  @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest
  GtkButton::default_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  GtkButton::default_outside_border = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  GtkButton::button_relief = GTK_RELIEF_NONE
  GtkTreeView::vertical-padding = 0
  GtkTreeView::horizontal-padding = 0
  GtkTreeView::even-row-color = shade(0.75,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
  GtkTreeView::odd-row-color = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
  GtkWidget           :: focus-line-pattern               = "\001\001"        #                              Dash pattern used to draw the focus indicator.
  GtkWidget           :: focus-line-width                 = 1                 # [               1 ] ( >= 0 ) Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator line.
  GtkWidget           :: focus-padding                    = 1                 # [               1 ] ( >= 0 ) Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget box.
  GtkWidget           :: interior-focus                   = 1                 # [               1 ] ( bool ) Draw the focus indicator inside widgets.
  GtkWidget           :: scroll-arrow-hlength             = 16                # [              16 ] ( >= 1 ) Length of horizontal scroll arrows.
  GtkWidget           :: scroll-arrow-vlength             = 16                # [              16 ] ( >= 1 ) Length of vertical scroll arrows.

  GtkWidget           :: link-color                       = shade(1.25, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color)
  GtkWidget           :: visited-link-color               = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
#Window Properties
  GtkDialog           :: action-area-border               = 4                 # [               5 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of border around the button area at the bottom of the dialog.
  GtkDialog           :: button-spacing                   = 4                 # [               6 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing between buttons.
  GtkDialog           :: content-area-border              = 2                 # [               2 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of border around the main dialog area.
  GtkDialog           :: content-area-spacing             = 0                 # [               0 ] ( >= 0 ) The default spacing used between elements of the content area of the dialog.
#Control Properties
  GtkButton           :: child-displacement-x             = 1                 # [               0 ]          How far in x direction to move the button when its depressed.
  GtkButton           :: child-displacement-y             = 1                 # [               0 ]          ... y
  GtkButton           :: default-border                   = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }    #                              Extra space to add for CAN_DEFAULT buttons.
  GtkButton           :: displace-focus                   = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Whether the child_displacement_x/child_displacement_y properties should also affect the focus rectangle.
  GtkButton           :: image-spacing                    = 2                 # [               2 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing in pixels between the image and label.

  GtkCheckButton      :: indicator-size                   = 13                # [              13 ] ( >= 0 ) Size of check or radio indicator.
  GtkCheckButton      :: indicator-spacing                = 2                 # [               2 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing around check or radio indicator.
  GtkCheckMenuItem    :: indicator-size                   = 13                # [              13 ] ( >= 0 ) Size of check or radio indicator.

  GtkOptionMenu       :: indicator-size                   = { 6, 10 }         #                              Size of dropdown indicator.
  GtkOptionMenu       :: indicator-spacing                = {	6, 5, 0, 0 }    #                              Spacing around indicator.

  GtkComboBox         :: appears-as-list                  = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Whether dropdowns should look like lists rather than menus.
  GtkComboBox         :: arrow-size                       = 13                # [              15 ] ( >= 0 ) Sets the minimum size of the arrow in the combo box.
  GtkComboBox         :: shadow-type                      = GTK_SHADOW_NONE   # [ GTK_SHADOW_NONE ]          Which kind of shadow to draw around the combo box.

  GtkPaned            :: handle-size                      = 4                 # [               5 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of handle.

  GtkScale            :: activate-slider                  = 1                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) With this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are dragged.
  GtkScale            :: slider-length                    = 23                # [              31 ] ( >= 0 ) Length of scale's slider.	
  GtkScale            :: slider-width                     = 14                # [              14 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of scrollbar or scale thumb.
  GtkScale            :: trough-side-details              = 1                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) When TRUE, the parts of the trough on the two sides of the slider are drawn with different details.

  GtkScrollbar        :: activate-slider                  = 1                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) With this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are dragged.
  GtkScrollbar        :: arrow-scaling                    = 0.4               # [             0.5 ] ( 0.1  ) The arrow size proportion relative to the scroll button size.
  GtkScrollbar        :: fixed-slider-length              = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Don't change slider size, just lock it to the minimum length.
  GtkScrollbar        :: min-slider-length                = 50                # [              21 ] ( >= 0 ) Minimum length of scrollbar slider.
  GtkScrollbar        :: slider-width                     = 15                # [              14 ] ( >= 0 ) Width of scrollbar or scale thumb.    
  GtkScrollbar        :: stepper-spacing                  = 0                 # [               0 ] ( >= 0 ) The spacing between the stepper buttons and thumb. Note that setting this value to anything > 0 will automatically set the trough-under-steppers style property to TRUE as well. Also, stepper-spacing won't have any effect if there are no steppers.
  GtkScrollbar        :: trough-border                    = 0                 # [               1 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevel.
  GtkScrollbar        :: trough-side-details              = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) When TRUE, the parts of the trough on the two sides of the slider are drawn with different details.    
  GtkScrollbar        :: trough-under-steppers            = 1                 # [               1 ] ( bool ) Whether to draw the trough across the full length of the range or to exclude the steppers and their spacing. Note that setting the "stepper-spacing" style property to any value > 0 will automatically enable trough-under-steppers too.

  GtkScrollbar        :: has-backward-stepper             = 1                 # [               1 ] ( bool ) Display the standard backward arrow button.
  GtkScrollbar        :: has-forward-stepper              = 1                 # [               1 ] ( bool ) Display the standard forward arrow button.
  GtkScrollbar        :: has-secondary-backward-stepper   = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
  GtkScrollbar        :: has-secondary-forward-stepper    = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Display a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.

  GtkHScrollbar       :: has-secondary-backward-stepper   = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
  GtkHScrollbar       :: has-secondary-forward-stepper    = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Display a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
  GtkVScrollbar       :: has-secondary-backward-stepper   = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Display a second backward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.
  GtkVScrollbar       :: has-secondary-forward-stepper    = 0                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) Display a second forward arrow button on the opposite end of the scrollbar.

#Menu Properties
  GtkMenuBar          :: internal-padding                 = 1                 # [               1 ] ( >= 0 ) Amount of border space between the menubar shadow and the menu items.
  GtkMenuBar          :: shadow-type                      = GTK_SHADOW_OUT    # [  GTK_SHADOW_OUT ]          Style of bevel around the menubar. 

  GtkMenu             :: arrow-placement                  = GTK_ARROWS_BOTH   # [ GTK_ARROWS_BOTH ]          Indicates where scroll arrows should be placed.
  GtkMenu             :: arrow-scaling                    = 0.5               # [             0.7 ] ( 0.1  ) Arbitrary constant to scale down the size of the scroll arrow.
  GtkMenu             :: double-arrows                    = 1                 # [               1 ] ( bool ) When scrolling, always show both arrows.
  GtkMenu             :: horizontal-offset                = -2                # [              -2 ]          When the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset horizontally.
  GtkMenu             :: horizontal-padding               = 0                 # [               0 ] ( >= 0 ) Extra space at the left and right edges of the menu.
  GtkMenu             :: vertical-offset                  = 0                 # [               0 ]          When the menu is a submenu, position it this number of pixels offset vertically.
  GtkMenu             :: vertical-padding                 = 0                 # [               0 ] ( >= 0 ) Extra space at the top and bottom of the menu.

  GtkMenuItem         :: arrow-scaling                    = 0.5               # [             0.8 ] ( 0.2  ) Amount of space used up by arrow, relative to the menu item's font size.
  GtkMenuItem         :: arrow-spacing                    = 10                # [              10 ] ( >= 0 ) Space between label and arrow.
  GtkMenuItem         :: horizontal-padding               = 3                 # [               3 ] ( >= 0 ) Padding to left and right of the menu item.
  GtkMenuItem         :: selected-shadow-type             = GTK_SHADOW_NONE   # [ GTK_SHADOW_NONE ]          Shadow type when item is selected.
  #GtkMenuItem         :: toggle-spacing                   = 4                 # [               5 ] ( >= 0 ) Space between icon and label.
  GtkMenuItem         :: width-chars                      = 12                # [              12 ] ( >= 0 ) The minimum desired width of the menu item in characters.

#Other Properties
  GtkArrow            :: arrow-scaling                    = 0.5               # [             0.7 ] ( 0.1  ) Amount of space used up by arrow.

  GtkNotebook         :: arrow-spacing                    = 0                 # [               0 ] ( >= 0 ) Spacing between the scroll arrows and the tabs.
  GtkNotebook         :: tab-curvature                    = 1                 # [               1 ] ( >= 0 ) Size of tab curvature.
  GtkNotebook         :: tab-overlap                      = 1                 # [               2 ]          Size of tab overlap area.

  GtkTreeView         :: horizontal-separator             = 8                 # [               2 ] ( >= 0 ) Horizontal space between cells. Must be an even number.
  GtkTreeView         :: vertical-separator               = 2                 # [               2 ] ( >= 0 ) Vertical space between cells. Must be an even number.

  GtkEntry            :: honors-transparent-bg-hint       = 1                 # [               0 ] ( bool ) (Clearlooks) Without this, gecko will fill in the background of the entry.

  #GtkToolbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN

  #xthickness = 0
  #ythickness = 0

#Base Colors
  bg[NORMAL]          = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg
  bg[PRELIGHT]        = shade(1.1, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
  bg[ACTIVE]          = shade(0.9, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
  bg[SELECTED]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

  fg[NORMAL]          = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg
  fg[PRELIGHT]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg
  fg[ACTIVE]          = shade(0.9, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
  fg[INSENSITIVE]     = shade(0.7, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
  fg[SELECTED]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

  base[NORMAL]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
  base[PRELIGHT]      = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
  base[INSENSITIVE]   = shade(1.0, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
  base[ACTIVE]        = shade(0.9, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected)
  base[SELECTED]      = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

  text[NORMAL]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
  text[PRELIGHT]      = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
  text[ACTIVE]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected
  text[INSENSITIVE]   = darker(darker (@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))
  text[SELECTED]      = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

#engine specific tweaks

  engine "clearlooks" 
    #style              = GLOSSY
    #colorize_scrollbar = TRUE
    menubarstyle       = 2 # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
    #toolbarstyle       = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = enable effects

style "mixer_red_active_button" = "very_small_button"
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

 	base[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.16, 0.16, 0.21 }
 	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.16, 0.16, 0.21 }

style "track_controls_inactive" 
	bg[NORMAL] =      { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[ACTIVE] =      { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[SELECTED] =    { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] =    { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }

	fg[NORMAL] = { 0.7, 0.8, 0.2 }	

# Track edit groups. These styles define
# the colors that the "edit" button will
# use as a track is moved from
# track edit group to track edit group.
# There are 8 edit groups. Edit group 0
# is used for tracks that are not editable, 
# so we leave its style to the default.

style "edit_group_0"

	bg[ACTIVE] = { 1.0, 0.65, 0.13 }
	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.31, 0.31, 0.31 }
	fg[NORMAL] = { 0.82, 0.91, 0.99 }
	fg[ACTIVE] = { 0, 0, 0 }

style "edit_group_1" 
	fg[NORMAL] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	fg[PRELIGHT] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	fg[SELECTED] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }
	bg[SELECTED] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }

style "edit_group_2" 
	fg[NORMAL] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	fg[PRELIGHT] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	fg[SELECTED] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }
	bg[SELECTED] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }

style "edit_group_3" 
	fg[NORMAL] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	fg[PRELIGHT] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	fg[SELECTED] = { 0, 0, 0 }
	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }
	bg[SELECTED] = { 0.93, 0.34, 0.08 }

style "treeview_parent_node"
	# specifies *just* the color used for whole file rows when not selected
	fg[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.6, 0.85 }

style "treeview_display" = "small_bold_text"
	GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 0

	# expander arrow border and DnD "icon" text
	fg[NORMAL] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 } 

	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }

	# background with no rows or no selection, plus
	# expander arrow core and DnD "icon" background
	base[NORMAL] = { 0.20, 0.20, 0.25 }

	# selected row bg when window does not have focus (including during DnD)
	base[ACTIVE] = { 0.0, 0.75, 0.75 }    

	# selected row bg when window has focus
	base[SELECTED] = { 0, 0.75, 0.75 }

	# row text when in normal state and not a parent
	text[NORMAL] = { 0.20, 0.20, 0.20 }

	# selected row text with window focus
	text[SELECTED] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }  

	# selected row text without window focus (including during DnD)
	text[ACTIVE] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }  

style "main_canvas_area"
	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.30, 0.30, 0.34 }
	bg[ACTIVE] = { 0.30, 0.30, 0.34 }
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.30, 0.30, 0.34 }
	bg[SELECTED] = { 0.30, 0.30, 0.34 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.30, 0.30, 0.34 }

style "track_controls_inactive" = "larger_text"
	bg[NORMAL] =      { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[ACTIVE] =      { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[SELECTED] =    { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] =    { 0.60, 0.60, 0.66 }

	fg[NORMAL] = { 0.7, 0.8, 0.2 }	

style "edit_controls_base_selected"
 	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.32, 0.32, 0.54 }
	bg[ACTIVE] = { 0.32, 0.32, 0.54 }
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.32, 0.32, 0.54 }
	bg[SELECTED] = { 0.32, 0.32, 0.54 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.32, 0.32, 0.54 }

style "automation_track_controls_base"
	bg[NORMAL] = { 0.22, 0.22, 0.29 }
	bg[ACTIVE] = { 0.22, 0.22, 0.29 }
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.22, 0.22, 0.29 }
	bg[SELECTED] = { 0.22, 0.22, 0.29 }
	bg[PRELIGHT] = { 0.22, 0.22, 0.29 }

style "inspector_processor_list" = "processor_list"
 	base[SELECTED] = { 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 }

style "time_info_box" 
        bg[NORMAL] = { 0.149, 0.149, 0.149 }

style "status_bar_box" 
        bg[NORMAL] = { 0.149, 0.149, 0.149 }

style "very_small_text"
 	font_name = " 8"

style "small_text"
 	font_name = " 9"

style "small_mono_text"
	font_name = "ArdourMono  8"

style "small_italic_text"
	font_name = "italic  9"

style "small_bold_text"
 	font_name = "bold  9"

style "medium_bold_text"
 	font_name = "bold  10"

style "medium_text"
 	font_name = " 10"

style "medium_monospace_text"
        font_name = "ArdourMono 10"

style "red_medium_text" = "medium_text"
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "large_bold_text"
 	font_name = "bold  18"

style "big_text"
        font_name = " 14"

style "bigger_mono_text"
	font_name = "ArdourMono  17"

style "larger_text"
 	font_name = " 18"

style "monospace massive_text"
	font_name = "ArdourMono bold  60"

style "big_bold_text"
	font_name = "bold  24"

style "plugin_name_text" = "big_bold_text"

style "plugin_maker_text" = "large_bold_text"

style "verbose_canvas_cursor" = "big_bold_text"

style "marker_text" = "small text"

style "midi_tracer_textview" = "medium_monospace_text"

style "time_axis_view_item_name" = "very small text"
style "contrasting_popup" = "medium_monospace_text"
  bg[NORMAL]          = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest
  fg[NORMAL]          = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
  base[NORMAL]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest
  text[NORMAL]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
  text[ACTIVE]        = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
  text[SELECTED]      = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "base_frame"

style "transport_base" = "medium_bold_text"


style "default_button" = "small_text"

style "mouse_mode_button" = "default_button"
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
        fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "default_menu" = "medium_text"
  #bg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)

style "default_generic" = "medium_text"

style "text_cell_entry" = "medium_text"

style "very_small_button" = "default_button" 
	ythickness = 0
	xthickness = 0

style "small_button" = "default_button"

style "very_small_red_active_and_selected_button" = "very_small_button"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "small_red_active_and_selected_button" = "small_button"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "gain_fader"
        bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.7, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
	bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.705, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.705, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)

        fg[INSENSITIVE] = shade(1.4, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        fg[NORMAL] = shade(1.4, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
	fg[ACTIVE] = shade(1.4, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)

#MSR and related buttons

style "track_rec_enable_button" = "small_button"
	fg[ACTIVE] =   @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
        bg[NORMAL] =   mix(0.08,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1,mix(0.08,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))

style "track_rec_enable_button_active" = "small_button"
	#fg[ACTIVE] =   @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	#fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	#fg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	#fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

	bg[PRELIGHT] =   shade(1.1, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)

style "track_rec_enable_button_alternate" = "small_button"
	fg[ACTIVE] =   @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

	bg[NORMAL] =   lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[ACTIVE] =   lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[SELECTED] =   lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[PRELIGHT] =   shade(1.1, lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm))

style "track_rec_enable_button_alternate_two" = "small_button"
	fg[ACTIVE] =   @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

	bg[NORMAL] =   darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[ACTIVE] =   darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[SELECTED] =   darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[PRELIGHT] =   shade(1.1, darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm))

style "mixer_track_rec_enable_button" = "track_rec_enable_button"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_track_rec_enable_button_alternate" = "track_rec_enable_button_alternate"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_track_rec_enable_button_active" = "track_rec_enable_button_active"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "monitor" = "small_button"

style "meterbridge_label" = "small_text"

style "solo_isolate" = "very_small_text"

style "solo_safe" = "very_small_text"

style "solo_button" = "small_button"
  bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
  fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "solo_button_alternate" = "small_button"
        # this is the "solo-isolated" solo theme

	bg[ACTIVE] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo)

	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	fg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)

style "solo_button_alternate2" = "small_button"
        # this is the "half-bright" solo theme

	bg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo) 
	bg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo)
	bg[SELECTED] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo)
	bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo))

	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "solo_button_active" = "small_button"
        # this is the "full-bright" solo theme

	bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.1, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_solo)

	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "processor" = "small_text"

style "mixer_invert_button" = "small_button"
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_not_so_bright_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "mixer_solo_button" = "solo_button"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_solo_button_alternate" = "solo_button_alternate"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_solo_button_alternate2" = "solo_button_alternate2"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_solo_button_active" = "solo_button_active"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "monitor_opt_button" = "small_button"
        bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_not_so_bright_indicator,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_not_so_bright_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "monitor_mono_button" = "small_button"
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mono,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_mono
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "monitor_invert_button" = "small_button"
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_not_so_bright_indicator,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_not_so_bright_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "monitor_mute_button" = "small_button"
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "monitor_dim_button" = "small_button"
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute),@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[ACTIVE] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute)
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "monitor_iso_button" = "small_button"
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "mute_button" = "small_button"
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "mute_button_fullylit" = "small_button"
        # this is the normal "active" state for a mute button

	bg[PRELIGHT] = lighter (@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute)

	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "mute_button_halflit" = "small_button"
 	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.5,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute)
 	bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.5,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute)
 	bg[ACTIVE] = mix(0.5,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute)
 	bg[PRELIGHT] = mix(0.5,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_mute)

	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "mixer_mute_button" = "mute_button"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_mute_button_fullylit" = "mute_button_fullylit"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "mixer_mute_button_halflit" = "mute_button_halflit"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "multiline_combo" = "small_button"
	xthickness = 0
	ythickness = 0

style "track_loop_button" = "small_button"
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator
	bg[PRELIGHT] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator)


style "mixer_red_active_button" = "very_small_button"
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

 	base[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.16, 0.16, 0.21 }
 	bg[INSENSITIVE] = { 0.16, 0.16, 0.21 }

style "ruler_label" = "small_bold_text"
        fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_light_text_on_dark

style "transport_button"
  #bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.05,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)   #turns out this is kind of yucky looking, but it's there if you want to try it
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "transport_button_active"
	bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator

	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "transport_button_alternate_two"
	fg[ACTIVE] =   @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

	bg[NORMAL] =   shade(0.2,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)
	bg[ACTIVE] =   shade(0.2,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)
	bg[SELECTED] =   shade(0.2,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)
	bg[PRELIGHT] =   shade(0.2,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)

style "transport_rec_button"
        fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	bg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
        #the rest of these don't quite do what I expected
        #bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.05,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
	#bg[SELECTED] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	#bg[PRELIGHT] = lighter(mix(0.05,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))

style "transport_rec_button_active"
	bg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[SELECTED] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)
	bg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_arm)

style "transport_rec_button_alternate"

style "midi_channel_selector_button"
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_midi_channel_selector
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_light_text_on_dark

style "shuttle_control" = "very_small_text"
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text2
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text2
	fg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text2
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text2
	fg[INSENSITIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_control_text2

	bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color

style "ardour_adjusters" = "default_generic"
	bg[PRELIGHT] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "editor_hscrollbar" = "ardour_adjusters"
	# special case: we want this scrollbar to be as tall as the
	# zoom focus selector combobox. scrollbars don't expand to
        # fill the space available to them, so we have to explicitly
	# make it bigger.
	GtkRange::slider_width = 27
	GtkScrollbar::slider_width = 27

style "ardour_progressbars" = "default_generic"
  # Clearlooks always uses darkest for the advancing bar, sigh
  # so this is just a contrasting color for the trough
  bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color

style "preferences"  = "default"
	fg[PRELIGHT] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)

style "option_entry"  = "default"


style "very_small_bright_when_active" = "very_small_text"
        bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg

	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "bright_when_active" = "medium_text"
        bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg

	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "xrun_warn"  = "larger_bold_text"
	base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
style "menu_bar_base" = "default"

style "fatal_message" = "medium_text"
   fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
   fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
   bg[ACTIVE]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   bg[NORMAL]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base

style "error_message" = "medium_text"
   fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
   fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
   bg[ACTIVE]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   bg[NORMAL]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base

style "info_message" = "medium_text"
   fg[ACTIVE]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
   fg[NORMAL]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
   bg[ACTIVE]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   bg[NORMAL]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base

style "warning_message" = "medium_text"
   fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
   fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
   bg[ACTIVE]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   bg[NORMAL]   = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
   base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base

style "medium_entry" = "medium_text"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

	base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

style "medium_entry_noselection_fg" = "medium_entry"
        # this seems wrong to me, but the light theme uses it
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator

style "medium_entry_noselection_bg" = "medium_entry"
        # this seems wrong to me, but the light theme uses it

style "medium_bold_entry"  = "medium_bold_text"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected
	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

style "small_entry" = "small_text"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

	base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

style "red_active_small_entry" = "small_entry"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "small_bold_entry" = "small_bold_text"
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

	base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

style "small_red_on_black_entry"  = "small_bold_text"
       fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
       fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
       base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
       base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
       bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
       bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base

style "editor_time_ruler" = "small_text"
        ythickness = 0

style "audio_bus_base" = "very_small_text"
  bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_audio_bus

style "send_strip_base" = "default"
  font_name = " 8"
  # NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
  # ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
  fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_fg
  fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)

  bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_bg
  bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_bg
  bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_bg
  bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_bg

style "audio_track_base" = "default"
  font_name = " 8"
  # NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
  # ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
  fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)

  bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_audio_track

style "midi_track_base" = "default"
  font_name = " 8"
  # NORMAL is used for single-data type labels, or Audio
  # ACTIVE is used for MIDI in the presence of multiple data type
  fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)

  bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_midi_track

style "audio_track_fader" = "gain_fader"
  bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_audio_track
style "audio_bus_fader" = "gain_fader"
  bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_audio_bus
style "midi_track_fader" = "gain_fader"
  bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_midi_track

style "audio_track_metrics" = "audio_track_base"
	font_name = ""

style "midi_track_metrics" = "midi_track_base"
	font_name = ""

style "audiomidi_track_metrics" = "midi_track_base"
	font_name = ""

style "audio_bus_metrics" = "audio_bus_base"
	font_name = ""

style "audio_track_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
	font_name = ""

style "midi_track_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
	font_name = ""

style "audiomidi_track_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
	font_name = ""

style "audio_bus_metrics_inactive" = "track_controls_inactive"
	font_name = ""

style "track_name_display" = "medium_text"


	base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
	base[ACTIVE] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
        base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

	bg[NORMAL] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
	bg[ACTIVE] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
	bg[SELECTED] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)

style "track_separator"
	bg[NORMAL] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg)

# Plugin Editors
style "plugin_slider" 
	#font_name ="bold  14"

	# the slider itself. the inactive part is INSENSITIVE,
	# the active part is taken from some other state.

	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
	fg[INSENSITIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest # matches default
	fg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color
	fg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color

	# draws the outer rectangle around the slider

	bg[NORMAL] = shade (0.6, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest)
	bg[ACTIVE] = shade (0.6, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest)
	bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade (0.6, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest)
	bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.6, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_lightest)

	# outer round-corner-background (pixslider does its own hover prelight)

	# the numeric display

	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text

style "processor_control_button"  = "very_small_text"

style "processor_control_slider"  = "plugin_slider"

style "track_list_display" = "small_bold_text"
 	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
  text[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_text)
  text[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected

  base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_base
  base[ACTIVE] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
  base[INSENSITIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_base)
  base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_selected

style "inspector_track_list_display" = "track_list_display"


style "processor_list" = "very_small_text"
	bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
        bg[ACTIVE] = shade (1.8, @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_selected)
        fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

# Colour of a processor frame when it is a send whose level is being controller by the fader
style "processor_frame_active_send"
	bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_send_fg

# MixerPanZone:
# the NORMAL fg color is used for the pan puck
# the ACTIVE fg color is used for the speaker boxes

style "pan_zone" = "default"
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_color)

style "paler_bright_when_active" = "medium_text"

	bg[ACTIVE] = lighter(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)

style "peak_display_peaked_entry" = "small_text"
	text[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text
	text[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_text

        bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        bg[INSENSITIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        base[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        base[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        base[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        base[INSENSITIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
        base[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "selected_strip_frame"
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator
	bg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator)

style "flashing_alert" = "very_small_text"
	GtkButton::child-displacement-x = 0
        GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0
        fg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
        fg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
        bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator,darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))
        bg[PRELIGHT] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator,darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bright_indicator

style "green_flashing_alert" = "very_small_text"
	GtkButton::child-displacement-x = 0
        GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0

	fg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
        fg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator,darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))
        bg[PRELIGHT] = mix(0.1,@ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator,darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg))

	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator

style "sync_alert"
	# this is used when the sync button is indicating that sync is
	# active, and alternates with another style if sync is active
	# but we are not locked
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator
	bg[PRELIGHT] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator
	bg[SELECTED] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator
	bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_somewhat_bright_indicator
	fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "tearoff_arrow" = "medium_bold_entry"
	fg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
	fg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
	bg[NORMAL] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)
	bg[PRELIGHT] = darker(@ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg)

style "location_row_button" = "default_button"
	font_name = " 10"

style "ardour_button" ="default_button"
	xthickness = 1
	ythickness = 1

style "padded_button" = "default_button"
	xthickness = 8

style "tooltip" = "medium_text"
        fg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_fg_tooltip
        bg[NORMAL] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_bg_tooltip

style "default_toggle_button"
	bg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_contrasting_indicator
	fg[ACTIVE] = @ARDOUR_LIGHT_darkest

style "meter_strip_dpm" = "default"

style "meter_strip_ppm" = "default"
  bg[NORMAL] = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }
  fg[NORMAL] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }

style "meter_strip_vu" = "default"
  bg[NORMAL] = { .84, .77, .58 }
  fg[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }

style "meter_strip_sep" = "default"
  bg[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }

style "settings_notebook" = "big_text"

class "GtkWidget" style:highest "default"
class "GtkScrollbar" style:highest "ardour_adjusters"
class "GtkLabel" style:highest "default_generic"
class "GtkButton" style:highest "ardour_button"
class "GtkCheckButton" style:highest "ardour_button"
class "GtkArrow" style:highest "tearoff_arrow"
class "GtkProgressBar" style:highest "ardour_progressbars"

widget "gtk-tooltip*" style:highest "tooltip"

widget "*PaddedButton" style:highest "padded_button"
widget "*VerboseCanvasCursor" style:highest "verbose_canvas_cursor"
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