

distrib > Mageia > 5 > i586 > media > core-release > by-pkgid > 51b54f1d04b816d7590cedc65f17e167 > files > 61


comment -*- mode: text -*-
comment $Id$

Memo about WIN32 native GUI.

* Tested environments.
  Windows 7 + MinGW 5.1.4 or MSYS 1.0.10(MSYS-DTK 1.0.1) or Cygwin 1.7.26
            + libssh2 1.4.3(win32 native)
            + GTK+ 2.12.9(win32 native)
            + Fribidi 0.19.2(win32 native)

* Build
  (CC="i686-pc-mingw32-gcc") ./configure (--enable-ssh2) (--with-gui=win32) (--config-cache) \
			(--with-libintl-prefix=[GTK+(win32) installed directory]) \
			(--with-libiconv-prefix=[GTK+(win32) installed directory])

* Install
  Copy these files to a directory where you want to install mlterm.

  o (Built with MinGW)
    If you build mlterm without libssh2 (--enable-ssh2 configure option),
    copy win32/plink/plink.exe which mlterm uses to connect remote host.
  o (Built with MSYS or cygwin)
    Copy tool/mlclient/mlclient.exe and contrib/tool/mlcc/mlcc.exe.
  o If you can build mlconfig and mlterm-menu which require GTK+ >= 2.0,
    copy tool/mlconfig/.libs/mlconfig.exe and
    contrib/tool/mlterm-menu/.libs/mlterm-menu.exe, too.
  o 'make install' is available for installation in MSYS-DTK or Cygwin, but
    remove 'relink_command' line in in advance because relinking
    libmkf in 'make install' can be failed.

* Configuration
  (Built with MSYS-DTK or Cygwin)
  Place configuration files in SYSCONFDIR/mlterm and each user's $HOME/.mlterm/
  (Built with MinGW or Cygwin(-mno-cygwin))
  Place configuration files in [Mlterm installed directory]\mlterm\ and
  each user's %HOMEPATH%\mlterm\ or %HOME%\.mlterm\ directory.

  (Font Configuration)
  Format of font,vfont,tfont is as follows.
  [font family]( Bold Italic [font size]:[percentage])
  aafont, vaafont, taafont files are not used.

  If -E/--km/encoding option is "AUTO" or not specified, encoding of mlterm
  is set as follows.
  Built with MSYS-DTK or Cygwin           => UTF-8
  Built with MinGW or Cygwin(-mno-cygwin) => Conforming with windows codepage.
* Start
  (Built with MSYS-DTK or Cygwin)
  set HOME=c:\msys\...\home\...
  set CYGWIN=tty
  mlterm.exe (options...) -e /bin/sh --login -i

  (Built with MinGW or Cygwin(-mno-cygwin))
  set HOMEPATH=...
  mlterm.exe (options...) (-e plink.exe [-telnet/-ssh/-rlogin/-raw] [host])

  If -e option is not specified, a dialog window which decides server to connect
  is shown. (Note that if you don't input password to the dialog, mlterm tries
  agent authentication.)
  You can specify following options which customize a dialog in ~/.mlterm/main file.
  o default_server(--serv) = (<protocol>://)(<user>@)<server>(:<port>)(:<encoding>)
  o server_list(--servlist) = (<protocol>://)(<user>@)<server>(:<port>)(:<encoding>),(<protocol>://)(<user>@)<server>(:<port>)(:<encoding>),...
  o always_show_dialog(--dialog) = true/false

* Caution
  o -I/--icon, --iconpath, -Y/--decsp, -&/--borderless, -d/--display and
    -t/--transbg options are not available.
  o 'genuine' of daemon mode is not supported in MSYS-DTK or Cygwin version.
    Daemon mode itself is not supported in MinGW version. Instead,
    "\x1b]5379;mlclient <prefix opitions> <options>\x07" sequence (which
    mlclient or mlclientx command supports) is avaiable. (see doc/en/PROTOCOL).
  o Supported scrollbars are "simple" and "sample" alone.
  o Only "mlclient" command is available for "exesel:..." operation in
    ~/.mlterm/key in MinGW.
  o In order to show DEC SPECIAL characters, it is necessary to install
    "Tera Special" font (TSPECIAL1.TTF) which is a part of Tera Term

* Executable binaries